EN 12044:2005/prA1

Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Cutting and punching machines - Safety requirements

EN 12044:2005/prA1

Name:EN 12044:2005/prA1   Standard name:Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Cutting and punching machines - Safety requirements
Standard number:EN 12044:2005/prA1   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:CEN/TC 201 - Leather and imitation leather goods and footwear manufacturing machinery - Safety
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 201/WG 1 - Cutting and punching machines   ICS number:59.140.40 - Machines and equipment for leather and fur production
SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
Stroji za izdelavo obutve ter izdelkov iz usnja in njegovih imitacij - Rezalni in
izsekovalni stroji - Varnostne zahteve
Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines - Cutting and
punching machines - Safety requirements
Maschinen zur Herstellung von Schuhen, Leder- und Kunstlederwaren - Stanzmaschinen
- Sicherheitsanforderungen
Machines de fabrication de chaussures et d'articles en cuir et en matériaux similaires -
Machines de coupe et de poinçonnage - Prescriptions de sécurité
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 12044:2005/prA1
59.140.40 Stroji in oprema za Machines and equipment for
proizvodnjo usnja in krzna leather and fur production
61.060 Obuvala Footwear
SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005
January 2009
ICS 59.140.40; 61.060

English Version
Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing
machines - Cutting and punching machines - Safety
Machines de fabrication de chaussures et d'articles en cuir Maschinen zur Herstellung von Schuhen, Leder- und
et en matériaux similaires - Machines de coupe et de Kunstlederwaren - Stanzmaschinen -
poinçonnage - Prescriptions de sécurité Sicherheitsanforderungen
This draft amendment is submitted to CEN members for unique acceptance procedure. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 201.
This draft amendment A1, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 12044:2005. If this draft becomes an amendment, CEN
members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for inclusion of this amendment
into the relevant national standard without any alteration.
This draft amendment was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made
by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2009 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
This document (EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 201
“Leather and imitation leather goods and footwear manufacturing machinery - Safety”, the secretariat of which
is held by UNI.
This document is currently submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure.
The first reason for amending the published standard EN 12044:2005 is the revision of the EU-Machinery
Directive 98/37/EC into 2006/42/EC, requiring the adaptation of published European Standards cited in the
Official Journal of the European Communities under that Directive.
Additionally at this occasion the normative references have been updated, while also some other limited rather
editorial improvements and corrections have been made.

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)

1 Modification to the Foreword
Replace the existing 4 paragraph with the following: "For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative
Annexes ZA and ZB, which are integral parts of this document."

2 Modification to the Scope
In 1.1, 1 sentence add "the" before "design".
In the 2 sentence replace the comma before "component" with "and".
In 1.4, add "defined in 1.2" after "manufacturing machinery".
In 1.6 delete "the" before "machines".

3 Modification to Clause 2, Normative references
Replace "EN 349:1993" with "EN 349".
Replace reference to EN 418 with the following: "EN ISO 13850:2008, Safety of machinery - Emergency stop
- Principles for design (ISO 13850:2006)".
Replace "EN 547-1:1996" with "EN 547-1".
Replace "EN 547-2:1996" with "EN 547-2"
Replace "EN 894-1:1997" with "EN 894-1", "EN 894-2:1997" with "EN 894-2" and "EN 894-3:2000" with "EN
Replace EN 954-1 with the following: "EN ISO 13849-1:2008, Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of
control systems - Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2006)".
Replace "EN 999" with "EN 999:1998".
Replace "EN 1005-3:2002" with "EN 1005-3".
Replace "EN 1837:1999" with "EN 1837".
Replace "EN ISO 11688-1:1998" with "EN ISO 11688-1".
Add "EN ISO 13849-1:2008, Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General
principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2006)".
Replace "EN ISO 14122-2:2001" with "EN ISO 14122-2".
Update EN 60204-1:1997 to EN 60204-1:2006. In the title replace "(IEC 60204-1:1997)" with "(IEC 60204-
1:2005 (modified))".

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
Replace prEN 61496-2:2004 with the following: "CLC/TS 61496-2:2006, Safety of machinery - Electro-
sensitive protective equipment - Particular requirements for equipment using active optoelectronic protective
devices (AOPDs) (IEC 61496-2:2006)".

4 Modification to 4.2
In the 2 sentence replace "EN 1050" with "EN ISO 14121-1".

5 Modification to 5.1
In the 3r paragraph replace "EN 418" with "EN ISO 13850".

6 Modification to
In the 1 paragraph replace "EN 1050" with "EN ISO 14121-1".
Add at the end of the 1 indent the following: "The fixing systems of these guards shall remain attached to
these parts or to the machine when the parts are removed.".

7 Modification to
nd st
Add a new paragraph after the 2 indent of the 1 paragraph with the following text: "The fixing systems of
these guards shall remain attached to these parts or to the machine when the parts are removed.".
Replace in the 2 paragraph "affect" with "cause".
nd rd
In the 2 indent of the 3 paragraph replace "prEN 61496-2" with "CLC/TS 61496-2".

8 Modification to
In the introductory paragraph replace "EN 60204-1:1997" with "EN 60204-1".
In the 5 indent replace "12.3" with "11.3".

9 Modification to
Replace "(7.2)" with "(7.4)".


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EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
10 Modification to
Replace the 2 paragraph with the following: "The protective device shall be of type 4 in accordance with EN
61496-1 and the related parts of the control system shall comply with performance level "e" as defined in EN
ISO 13849-1.".

11 Modification to
Replace the text of the 1 indent with the following: "the parts of the control system related to start and restart
shall comply with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "the pneumatic or hydraulic controls are designed in such
a manner that failure of a component cannot initiate unintended hazardous motion in accordance with Annex
D and with the safety related parts complying with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

12 Modification to
Replace the text of the 1 paragraph with the following: "On machines where recurring access is not required
for normal operation, the parts of the control system relevant for start or restart shall as a minimum comply
with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

13 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "be in accordance with Annex D and comply with
performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

14 Modification to
Replace the text at the end of the 1 paragraph: "in accordance with category 3 of EN 954-1:1996" with
"complying as a minimum with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

15 Modification to 5.2.6
Replace the text in brackets with "see 10.7.4 of EN 60204-1:2006".

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EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
16 Modification to
Replace the text with the following; "A two-hand control device of type IIIA as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided, positioned on the swing arm in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control system
in accordance with Annex D and complying with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

17 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIA as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided, positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control
system in accordance with Annex D and complying with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-

18 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "If at the front of the machine the width of the opening between the
elements of the fixed guards referred to in, exceeds 800 mm, an electro-sensitive protective device of
type 2 in accordance with EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided, safeguarding the front of the
working area and positioned in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control system in
accordance with Annex D and complying with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

19 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIA as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided for cutting and punching operation, positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999,
with the related parts of the control system in accordance with Annex D and complying with performance level
"c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. ".

20 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIA as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided for the horizontal head movement, positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999,
with the related parts of the control system in accordance with Annex D and complying with performance level
"c" as defined in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. ".

21 Modification to
nd nd
Replace the 2 sentence of the 2 indent with the following: "The related parts of the control system shall be
in accordance with Annex D and comply with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1; ".

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
22 Modification to
Replace the 1st sentence with the following: "Where applicable in accordance with the relevant column of
Table 2, an electro-sensitive protective device of type 2 in accordance with EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2
shall be provided for the horizontal head movement and the cutting plate down-stroke movement, with the
related parts of the control system complying with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. ".

23 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where applicable in accordance with the relevant column of Table 2, an
electro-sensitive protective device of type 4 in accordance with EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be
provided at the operator's access position to zones T, S1, S2 and L (see Figure 4) and positioned in
accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system shall comply with performance level "e" as
defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall be connected to the machine control to stop the horizontal head
movement, with for the related part of the control system a performance level "e", and the cutting plate down
stroke control movement with a minimum performance level "c" (because die and material movements have to
be down when the cutting plate is removed from the working area and the operator is not directly exposed to
the dangerous vertical movement of the cutting plate).".

24 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where interlocking guards of type A2 of this standard are provided in
accordance with the relevant column of Table 2, the related parts of the control system shall comply with
performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. They shall be positioned at the operator access position
to zones T, S1, S2 and L. The safety distances shall satisfy (Table 2) of EN 294:1992, EN 953 and
EN 1088.".

25 Modification to
nd rd
Replace the text of the 2 sub-indent of the 3 indent of a) with the following: "by means of movable
interlocking guards in accordance with EN 1088, type A1 of this standard, with the related parts of the control
system in compliance with Annex D and with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".
Replace the text of the 1 indent of b) with the following: "interlocking guards in accordance with EN 1088,
type A1 of this standard are closed. The related parts of the control system shall be in compliance with Annex
D and with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".
Replace the text of the 2nd indent of b) with the following: "electro-sensitive protective devices are not
detecting any object inside the surveyed area. They shall be of type 2 in accordance with CLC/TS 61496-2,
positioned in accordance with EN 999 while the related parts of the control system shall comply with
performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".
Replace the text of the 3rd indent of b) with the following: "a two-hand control device of type I in accordance
with EN 574 is used. The related parts of the control system shall be in compliance with Annex D and with
performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
26 Modification to
Replace the text of with the following: "A two-hand control device type III C in accordance with EN 574 shall
be provided, located outside the danger zone and positioned in accordance with EN 999, with the related
parts of the control system complying with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

27 Modification to
Replace the text of with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 2, which satisfies the
criteria of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided. It shall be located at the operator access
position to the cutting area and shall be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the
control system shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all
movements except the striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any
object inside the surveyed area.".

28 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards which satisfy (Table
1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088, sub-clause A.1 of this standard, with the related parts of the control system in
compliance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

29 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where an electro-sensitive protective device of type 4 is provided, it shall
satisfy the criteria of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system shall
comply with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all movements, except the
striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any object inside the
surveyed area.".

30 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where interlocking guards of type A3 of this standard are provided safety
distances shall satisfy (Table 2) of EN 294:1992, EN 953 and EN 1088. They shall be positioned at the
operator access position to zone T. The related parts of the control system shall comply with performance
level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

31 Modification to
nd rd
Replace the text of the 2 sub-indent of the 3 indent of a) with the following: "movable interlocking guards in
accordance with EN 1088, type A1 of this European Standard, with the related parts of the control system in
compliance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
Replace the text of the 1 indent of b) with the following: "interlocking guards in accordance with EN 1088,
type A1 of this standard are closed. The related parts of the control system shall be in compliance with Annex
D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".
Replace the text of the 2nd indent of b) with the following: "electro-sensitive protective devices are not
detecting any object inside the surveyed area. They shall be of type 2 in accordance with CLC/TS 61496-2,
positioned in accordance with EN 999 with clear protected area, while the related parts of the control system
shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".
Replace the text of the 3rd indent of b) with the following: "a two-hand control device of type II in accordance
with EN 574 is used. The related parts of the control system shall be in compliance with Annex D and
performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

32 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIB as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided, positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control
system complying with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1".

33 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 2, which satisfies the criteria
of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and shall be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system
shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all movements except the
striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any object inside the
surveyed area.".

34 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards in accordance with
(Table 1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.2 of this standard. The related parts of the control
system shall comply with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

35 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where an electro-sensitive protective device of type 4 is provided, it shall
satisfy the criteria of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system shall
comply with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all movements, except the
striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any object inside the
surveyed area.".

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EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
36 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where interlocking guards are provided they shall satisfy (Table 1)
of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.3 of this standard. They shall be located at the operator access
position to zones T, S 1, and S 2. The related parts of the control system shall comply with performance level
"e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

37 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIA as defined in EN 574 shall be
positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control system in
accordance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1".

38 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 2, which satisfies the criteria
of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and shall be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system
shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all movements except the
striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any object inside the
surveyed area.".

39 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards in accordance with
(Table 1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.1 of this standard. The related parts of the control
system shall be in accordance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

40 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Where interlocking guards are provided they shall satisfy (Table 1)
of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.2 of this standard. They shall be located at the operator access
position to zones T and L. The related parts of the control system shall be in accordance with Annex D and
performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

41 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIB as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided, positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control
system complying with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1".

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
42 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 2, which satisfies the criteria
of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and positioned in accordance with EN 999, forming a safety barrier for the operator's head
and preventing movement when the die is outside the cutting area to be discharged. The related parts of the
control system shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all
movements except the striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any
object inside the surveyed area.".

43 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards in accordance with
(Table 1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.2 of this standard. The related parts of the control
system shall comply with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

44 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIA as defined in EN 574 shall be
positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control system in
accordance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1".

45 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 2, which satisfies the criteria
of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and shall be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system
shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all movements except the
striking movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any object inside the
surveyed area.".

46 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards in accordance with
(Table 1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.2 of this standard. The related parts of the control
system shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

47 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Interlocking guards which shall satisfy (Table 1) of EN 294:1992,
EN 1088, sub-clause A.2 of this standard, be located at the operator access position to the punching and
perforating area, and be combined with a hold-to-run control device in accordance with sub-clause B.2,

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EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
located outside the danger zone. The related parts of the control system shall be in accordance with Annex D
and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

48 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 4, satisfying the criteria of
EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2. It shall be located at the operator access position to the cutting area and
be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system shall comply with
performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1. It shall stop all movements, except the striking
movement return that can be actuated even if the protection is detecting any object inside the surveyed area.".

49 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "A two-hand control device of type IIIC as defined in EN 574 shall be
provided, positioned outside the danger zone in accordance with EN 999, with the related parts of the control
system complying with performance level "e" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

50 Modification to
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards in accordance with
(Table 1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.2 of this standard. The related parts of the control
system shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

51 Modification to 5.3.10
In the 1 paragraph replace "EN 418" with "EN ISO 13850".
Replace the last sentence of the 1 paragraph with the following: "The related parts of the control system shall
comply with performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".
In the 2 paragraph, replace "EN 60204-1:1997" with "EN 60204-1:2006".

52 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "Interlocking guards which satisfy (Table 2) of EN 294:1992, EN
1088, sub-clause A.1 of this standard, be located at the operator access position to the cutting area. The
related parts of the control system shall be in accordance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined
in EN ISO 13849-1.".

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SIST EN 12044:2005/kprA1:2009
EN 12044:2005/prA1:2009 (E)
53 Modification to
In the 1 indent replace "EN 349:1993" with "EN 349".
Replace the text of the 2 indent with the following: "movable interlocking guards in accordance with
(Table 1) of EN 294:1992, EN 1088 and sub-clause A.1 of this standard. The related parts of the control
system shall be in accordance with Annex D and performance level "c" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1;".

54 Modification to
Replace the text with the following: "An electro-sensitive protective device of type 2, which satisfies the criteria
of EN 61496-1 and CLC/TS 61496-2 shall be provided. It shall be located at the operator access position to
the cutting area and shall be positioned in accordance with EN 999. The related parts of the control system
shall comply with performance level "d" as defined in EN ISO 13849-1.".

55 Modification to Clause 6, Verification
nd st
In the 2 indent of the 1 paragraph replace the existing text with the following: "the performance level of all
safety related parts of the control system is correct;".
Replace Table 8 with the following new one:
Table 8 — Methods of verification
Subject Relevant Standards Check
5.2 Common requirements for all footwear cutting and punching machines
Transmission machinery
- fixed enclosing guards fastening type, measurement of distances, visual
in accordance with
 EN ISO 12100-2:2003 5.1
 EN 294:1992 Tables 1, 3, 4
 EN 349 minimum distances
 EN 953:1997 Clause 8.
  The guard shall at least withstand a force of 800 N
in an area of 0,01 m in the middle of the guard.
- interlocking guard EN 1088:1995 in accordance with Clause 7
 This European Standard Annex A
examination of function, check of circuit diagram,

visual inspection
 EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Clause 8
examination of performance level

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SIST EN 12044:200

  • Relates Information
  • IEC 60300-3-7:1999

    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
  • HD 571 S1:1990

    HD 571 S1:1998
  • ISO 8130-4:1992

    ISO 8130-4:1992 - Coating powders
  • HD 478.2.7 S1:1990

    HD 478.2.7 S1:2003
  • ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992

    ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992 - Information processing systems — Data communications — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:12/10/1992
  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

    EN ISO 9013:2017/oprA1:2024
  • IEC 60118-6:1999

    IEC 60118-6:1999 - Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids Released:6/9/1999 Isbn:2831848075
  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

    HD 280.3 S1:1999
  • ISO 9832:1992

    ISO 9832:1992 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of residual technical hexane content
  • EN 60188:1988/A1:1990

    EN 60188:1999/A1:1999