prEN 15682-1

Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description

prEN 15682-1

Name:prEN 15682-1   Standard name:Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description
Standard number:prEN 15682-1   language:English language
Release Date:07-Apr-2014   technical committee:CEN/TC 129 - Glass in building
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 129/WG 2 - Toughened, heat strengthened and enamelled glass   ICS number:81.040.20 - Glass in building
oSIST prEN 15682-1:2012
Steklo v gradbeništvu - HS-preskus kaljenega zemljoalkalijskega silikatnega
varnostnega stekla - 1. del: Definicija in opis
Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass -
Part 1: Definition and description
Glas im Bauwesen - Heißgelagertes thermisch vorgespanntes Erdalkali-Silicat-
Einscheibensicherheitsglas - Teil 1: Definition und Beschreibung
Verre dans la construction - Verre de silicate alcalinoterreux de sécurité trempé et traité
Heat Soak - Partie 1: Définition et description
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 15682-1
81.040.20 Steklo v gradbeništvu Glass in building
oSIST prEN 15682-1:2012 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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prEN 15682-1


June 2012
ICS 81.040.20
English Version
Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline
earth silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description
Verre dans la construction - Verre de silicate alcalinoterreux Glas im Bauwesen - Heißgelagertes thermisch
de sécurité trempé et traité Heat Soak - Partie 1: Définition vorgespanntes Erdalkali-Silicat-Einscheibensicherheitsglas
et description - Teil 1: Definition und Beschreibung
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 129.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
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Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 15682-1:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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Contents Page
Foreword .4
Introduction .5
1 Scope .6
2 Normative references .6
3 Terms and definitions .6
4 Glass products .7
5 Manufacturing processes .7
5.1 General .7
5.2 Toughening process .7
5.3 Heat soak process cycle .8
5.3.1 General .8
5.3.2 Heating phase .8
5.3.3 Holding phase .8
5.3.4 Cooling phase .9
6 Heat soak process system .9
6.1 General .9
6.2 Oven .9
6.3 Glass support .9
6.4 Glass separation .9
6.5 Calibration . 11
7 Fracture characteristics . 11
8 Dimensions and tolerances . 11
8.1 Nominal thickness and thickness tolerances . 11
8.2 Width and length (sizes) . 11
8.2.1 General . 11
8.2.2 Maximum and minimum sizes . 12
8.2.3 Tolerances and squareness . 12
8.2.4 Edge deformation produced by vertical toughening . 13
8.3 Flatness . 14
8.3.1 General . 14
8.3.2 Measurement of overall bow . 14
8.3.3 Measurement of local bow . 16
8.3.4 Limitation on overall and local bow . 16
9 Edge work, holes, notches and cut-outs . 17
9.1 Warning . 17
9.2 Edge working of glass for toughening . 17
9.3 Profiled edges . 17
9.4 Round holes . 18
9.4.1 General . 18
9.4.2 Diameter of holes . 18
9.4.3 Limitations on position of holes . 18
9.4.4 Tolerances on hole diameters . 19
9.4.5 Tolerances on position of holes . 20
9.5 Notches and cut-outs . 21
9.6 Shaped panes . 21

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10 Fragmentation test . 21
10.1 General . 21
10.2 Dimensions and number of test specimens . 21
10.3 Test procedure . 21
10.4 Assessment of fragmentation . 22
10.5 Minimum values from the particle count . 23
10.6 Selection of the longest particle . 23
10.7 Maximum length of longest particle . 24
11 Other physical characteristics . 24
11.1 Optical distortion . 24
11.1.1 Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass produced by vertical
toughening . 24
11.1.2 Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass produced by
horizontal toughening . 24
11.2 Anisotropy (iridescence) . 24
11.3 Thermal durability . 24
11.4 Mechanical strength . 24
11.5 Classification of performance under accidental human impact. 25
12 Marking . 25
Annex A (normative) Heat soak process system calibration test . 26
A.1 Calibration criteria . 26
A.2 Loading of oven and position for glass surface temperature measurement . 26
A.3 Procedure . 27
A.4 Records . 27
A.5 Interpretation of the calibration test . 28
Annex B (informative) Curved heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety
glass . 37
Annex C (informative) Examples of particle count . 38
Bibliography . 41


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This document (prEN 15682-1:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 129 “Glass in
building”, the secretariat of which is held by NBN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
EN 15682, Glass in building – Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass, consists
of the following parts:
 Part 1: Definition and description;
 Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard.


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Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass has a safer breakage behaviour when
compared with annealed glass. It also has a known level of residual risk of spontaneous breakage arising from
the possible presence of critical nickel sulphide (NiS) inclusions in the thermally toughened alkaline earth
silicate glass.
NOTE 1 In this case, it is about a statistical mean out of a big quantity of glass. It is impossible to determine separated
subjects from it for a building where definitely no "break" produced by NiS occurs. The breaking of glass caused by other
influences is not included herewith.
When used to offer protection under accidental human impact, heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline
earth silicate safety glass also should be classified according to EN 12600.
NOTE 2 CEN/TC 129/WG 8 is producing standards for the determination of the design strength of glass and is
preparing a design method.

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1 Scope
This part of EN 15682 specifies the heat soak process system together with tolerances flatness, edgework,
fragmentation and physical and mechanical characteristics of monolithic flat heat soaked thermally toughened
alkaline earth silicate safety glass for use in buildings. Information on curved heat soak thermally toughened
alkaline earth silicate safety glass is given in Annex B, but this product does not form part of this document.
Other requirements, not specified in this document, can apply to heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline
earth silicate safety glass which is incorporated into assemblies, e.g. laminated glass or insulating units, or
undergo an additional treatment, e.g. coating. The additional requirements are specified in the appropriate
product standard prEN 15682-2:2012. Heat soak thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass, in
this case, does not lose its mechanical or thermal characteristics.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1096-1, Glass in building — Coated glass — Part 1: Definitions and classification
EN 14178-1, Glass in building — Basic alkaline earth silicate glass products — Part 1: Float glass
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass
glass within which a permanent surface compressive stress has been induced in order to give it greatly
increased resistance to mechanical and thermal stress and prescribed fragmentation characteristics and
which has a known level of residual risk of spontaneous breakage due to the presence of critical nickel
sulphide (NiS) inclusions
Note 1 to entry The mechanical properties, i.e. thermal durability and mechanical strength, and safety properties, i.e.
fragmentation characteristics, are generated by the level of surface compression. These properties are not size
residual risk
statistical risk of spontaneous breakage of heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety
glass due to the presence of critical nickel sulphide inclusions
flat heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass
heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass that has not been given a previously
determined profile during manufacture
heat soaked enamelled thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass
heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass which has a ceramic frit fired into the
surface during the toughening process becoming an integral part of the glass after toughening

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horizontal toughening
process in which the glass is supported on horizontal rollers
[SOURCE: EN 12150-1:2000, 3.4]
vertical toughening
process in which the glass is suspended by tongs
[SOURCE: EN 12150-1:2000, 3.5]
heat soaked process
consists of a heating phase, a holding phase and a cooling phase, which in average should result in no more
than one NiS related breakage per 400 tonnes of heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate
safety glass
4 Glass products
Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass is made from a monolithic alkaline earth
silicate glass product generally corresponding to one of the following standards:
 coated glass according to EN 1096-1;
 basic alkaline earth silicate glass according to EN 14178-1.
5 Manufacturing processes
5.1 General
Heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass is manufactured as follows:
Basic alkaline earth silicate glass products (see Clause 4) are cut to size, shaped and edge worked (see
Clause 9).
The prepared glass panes are then thermally toughened (see 5.2).
The thermally toughened panes are then subjected to the heat soak process cycle.
After manufacture the heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate glass shall comply with the
fragmentation test (see Clause 10) and mechanical strength requirement (see 11.4).
5.2 Toughening process
The cut, shaped and edge worked glasses are toughened. The horizontal or vertical toughened glass shall
comply with the flatness criteria (see 8.3).
The thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate glass shall have a level of fragmentation that will ensure that
after the glass has been through the heat soak process, and subsequently tested to the fragmentation test
(see Clause 10), it shall comply with 10.5.

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5.3 Heat soak process cycle
5.3.1 General
The heat soak process cycle consists of a heating phase, a holding phase and a cooling phase (see Figure 1).


T glass temperature at any point, °C a heating phase
t time, h
b holding phase
1 first glass to reach 280 °C c cooling phase
2 last glass to reach 280 °C d ambient temperature
Figure 1 — Heat soak process cycle
5.3.2 Heating phase
The heating phase commences with all the glasses at ambient temperature and concludes when the surface
temperature of the last glass reaches 280 °C. The time to reach this temperature is defined in the calibration
process. This time will be dependent on the size of the oven, the amount of glass to be treated, the separation
between glasses and the heating system capacity.
NOTE 1 The glass separation and rate of heating should be controlled to minimise the risk of glass breakage as a
result of thermal stress.
To facilitate economic heating, the air temperature within the oven may exceed 320 °C. However, the glass
surface temperature shall not be allowed to exceed 320 °C. The period of glass surface temperature in excess
of 300 °C shall be minimised.
NOTE 2 When the temperature of the glass exceeds 300 °C, care should be taken to ensure that the properties of the
heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass are not significantly altered i.e. they continue to meet
Clause 10.
5.3.3 Holding phase
The holding phase commences when the surface temperature of all the glasses has reached a temperature of
280 °C. The duration of the holding phase is minimum 2 h.
Precise oven control is necessary in order to ensure that the glass surface temperature shall be maintained in
the range of 290 °C ± 10 °C during the holding phase.

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5.3.4 Cooling phase
The cooling phase commences when the last glass to reach 280 °C has completed its holding phase, i.e.
been held for two hours at 290 °C ± 10 °C. During this phase, the glass temperature shall be brought down to
ambient temperature.
The cooling phase can be concluded when the air temperature in the oven reaches 70 °C.
NOTE The rate of cooling should be controlled to minimise the risk of glass breakage as a result of thermal stress.
6 Heat soak process system
6.1 General
The heat soak process system consists of
 the oven (see 6.2),
 the glass support (see 6.3),
 separation system (see 6.4).
The oven shall be calibrated, see 6.5 and Annex A, and this determines the method of operation of the heat
soak process system during manufacture of heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety
6.2 Oven
The oven shall be heated by convection and shall allow an unhindered air circulation around each glass pane.
In the event of glass breakage, the airflow shall not be hindered. The airflow in the oven shall be led parallel to
the glass surfaces.
NOTE The openings for the air ingress/egress should be designed to ensure that fragments of broken glass do not
cause blockages.
6.3 Glass support
Glasses may be supported vertically or horizontally. The glasses shall not be fixed or clamped, they shall be
supported to allow free movement.
NOTE Vertically means true vertical or up to 15° either side of true vertical.
The distance between glasses affects the airflow, heat exchange and the heating time. Glass to glass contact
shall not be allowed.
6.4 Glass separation
The glasses shall be separated in a manner that does not hinder the airflow. The separators shall also not
hinder the airflow e.g. see Figure 2.

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Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 2 — Example of a vertical glass support
The minimum separation of the glasses shall be determined during the calibration of the oven, see 6.5 and
Annex A.
NOTE 1 Generally, a minimum separation of 20 mm is recommended. (See Figure 3.)
NOTE 2 If glasses of very different size are put on the same stillage, they will require greater separation in order to
prevent glass breakage when the furnace is opened after the heat soak process. The same applies to glasses with holes,
notches and cut-outs.
Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 3 — Recommend separation between glasses
The positioning of the separators, material of the manufacture and their shape shall be specified during the
calibration test of the oven and shall be reproduced during the manufacturing process.

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6.5 Calibration
The heat soak system, e.g. oven, glass separation, separators, etc., shall be calibrated, see Annex A.
The calibration shall determine the heating phase of the process, glass separation distance, the positioning,
material and shape of separators, the type and positioning of stillage(s) and define the operating conditions for
use during manufacture.
7 Fracture characteristics
In the event of breakage, heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass fractures into
numerous small pieces, the edges of which are generally blunt.
NOTE Fragmentation in service does not always correspond to that described in Clause 10, due to restraint from
fixing or reprocessing (e.g. laminating), or due to the cause of fracture.
8 Dimensions and tolerances
8.1 Nominal thickness and thickness tolerances
The nominal thicknesses and thickness tolerances are those given in the relevant product standard (see
Clause 4), some of which are reproduced in Table 1.
Table 1 — Nominal thicknesses and thickness tolerances
Dimensions in millimetres
Nominal thickness Thickness tolerances
4 ± 0,2
± 0,2
± 0,2
± 0,3
± 0,3
± 0,3
± 0,5

The thickness of a pane shall be determined as for the basic product. The measurement shall be taken at the
centres of the 4 sides, and away from the area of any tong marks (see Figure 6), which may be present.
8.2 Width and length (sizes)
8.2.1 General
When heat soaked thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass dimensions are quoted for
rectangular panes, the first dimension shall be the width, B, and the second dimension the length, H, as
shown in Figure 4. It shall be made clear which dimension is the width, B, and which is the length, H, when
related to its installed position.

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B width
H length
Figure 4 — Examples of width, B, and length, H, relative to the pane shape
8.2.2 Maximum and minimum sizes
For maximum and minimum sizes, the manufacturer shall be consulted.
8.2.3 Tolerances and squareness
The nominal dimensions for width and length being given, the finished pane shall not be larger than a
prescribed rectangle resulting from the nominal dimensions increased by the tolerance, t, or smaller than a
prescribed rectangle reduced by the tolerance, t. The sides of the prescribed rectangles are parallel to one
another and these rectangles shall have a common centre (see Figure 5). The limits of squareness shall be
determined by the prescribed rectangles. Tolerances are given in Table 2.

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B width
H length
t tolerance
Figure 5 — Tolerance limits for dimensions of rectangular panes
Table 2 — Tolerances on width, B, and length, H
Dimensions in millimetres
Tolerance, t
Nominal dimension of side,
nominal glass thickness, nominal glass thickness,
B or H
d > 12
d ≤ 12
± 2,5 (horizontal toughening)
≤ 2 000 ± 3,0
± 3,0 (vertical toughening)
> 2 000 to 3 000 ± 3,0 ± 4,0
> 3 000 ± 4,0 ± 5,0

8.2.4 Edge deformation produced by vertical toughening
The tongs used to suspend the glass during toughening can result in surface depressions, known as tong
marks (see Figure 6). The centres of the tong marks may be situated up to a maximum of 20 mm in from the
edge. A deformation of the edge less than 2 mm can be produced in the region of the tong mark and there can
also be an area of optical distortion. These deformations shall be included in the tolerances in Table 2.

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  • Relates Information
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