How to combo in Tekken 7 Leopard King

Introduction How to combo the Leopard King in Tekken 7? The Leopard King is a popular character in Tekken 7. Many players want to know how to combo the Leopard King in Tekken 7. Today, Deep Sky Gaowan brings you Tekken 7 Leopard King.

How to combo in Tekken 7 Leopard King

The Leopard King is a popular character in Tekken 7. Many players want to know how the Leopard King moves in a combo in Tekken 7. Today, Deep Space Gaowan brings you tips on how to use the combo of the Leopard King in Tekken 7. The following is Get up and take a look!

About issuing fc df2 quickly

As a qualified leopard user, this skill is a skill that must be mastered proficiently. Only if you can pick up the opponent's air from a medium distance and knock it out, you will be qualified only if you have squatting and floating skills. However, it is a bit troublesome to activate it, because it must be confirmed in a crouching position. However, after the crouching position is confirmed, some frames will be lost, resulting in no chance of picking up. Therefore, how to quickly deliver a stomach beat while standing has become a skill. Must know the skills.

In fact, it is very simple. The trick is to start from db and rub a semicircle until df. Then, do not return the joystick to the center and keep pressing on df. Click 2 to quickly deliver a stomach beat that is almost invisible. . The specific instructions are: db d df 2.

About issuing fc df1 dung-picking hand quickly

Mature leopards will know that the purpose of the extremely slow dung-picking hand is not real Instead of hitting the opponent, it uses its exaggerated distance to contain the opponent, and sometimes even deliberately prevents the opponent from doing so, because the advantage of this move lies in its slight distance. In Kick 2, It can even be used to effectively interfere with the brainless electric blast flow. Of course, this move is effective as a surprise attack and occasional mid-range containment. If it is used as a new move, it is tantamount to a muffled death.

So how do you quickly issue the excrement-picking hand in a battle? Different from the way of rapid stomach beating, players only need to give a simple Fengshen command, that is, Fengshen 1, and then they can stand and issue it Take out the shit.

About the various quick stand-up moves

I have always believed that Leopard can play a beautiful mid-range containment battle around stand-up 4 and stand-up 2 (br), because of its superior Distance and judgment can give some five-short characters a headache. A typical example is Luo. Leopard's coquettish containment style can trouble Luo, who has short fists, and can greatly reduce the effect of Luo's 4-touch volley. Therefore, it is also very necessary to master the skills of quickly issuing stand-up moves.

The method is very simple, just press a Fengshen command and press the corresponding key. For example, getting up 4 and starting quickly is cd n 4.

About how to improve the success rate of leopard's eye pressure skills

Leopard's eye pressure skills mainly have two after Tekken 6. One is the commonly used mid-range move F3 1+2 , the second is 3+4 1+2 after knocking down the opponent. For me, who can't even perform Dragon Attack with my hands, I almost fainted in the toilet crying. It's understandable that I can't perform the latter. The former is one of the main skills, but I can't achieve 100% attack in actual combat. What a painful experience it is! Fortunately, the poster summarized a method suitable for handicapped people, which is to press 1+2 twice in a rhythm after F3 is released. The principle is: the first 1+ 2 aims to miss that point in time and use it to make time difference, notThe effective command, the second 1+2, is the real jf command, and the success rate is immediately 100%.

As for the three consecutive shots after knocking down, it is different from this rhythm. My method is to press 3+4, then press 1+2 crazily, as fast as I can.

This method can increase the success rate of this eye pressure technique by more than half, but it is still 100% false.

Use continuous throws to catch crouching opponents

As we all know, Leopard King has two throwing skills to catch crouching opponents, namely d1+3 and d2+4.

However, there are two types of squatting and grabbing that are not mentioned in the move list. The commands are: df df1+3 and df df2+4

The hit action is The second consecutive throw of f df1+3 and f df2+4, the subsequent consecutive throws still hold.

The following are some techniques that are not commonly used in actual combat. The significance of their existence is not great, but they are very interesting. Friends who are interested can try it.

The "continuous skills" after the counter move

The leopard's b2+4 is specifically designed to oppose the opponent's leg skills. When the counter moves to the right leg, a forced ground grab can be performed. , the other party can only be forced to choose one of the two.

However, if you press 3+4 immediately after b2+4, you can perform the same cross-joint action as db2+4, but the blood volume is pitifully small.

I once naively thought that the reward for having less blood would be that it could not be detached, while the ordinary second-choice land had more blood but could be detached, but today during the test, I was informed of the "continuous skills" after b2+4. 3+4 can also be dismantled

Special wall connection methods to deal with large volumes

King’s wall connection can be described as diverse and will not be repeated here. Here I just mention the special connection methods for special large characters.

Using br as the standard for special large-sized characters, there are two that can be established, one is Jack and the other is a panda couple.

After going up the wall, 21 Giant 1/2 can deal high damage. The above does not hold true for Lao Ma, but he can play a special combination of 21 f1+4.

By the way, under normal circumstances, I personally prefer 21 1+4/ df12 1+4/ df21 1+4.

In TT2, df434b 1+4 can also be used as a good high-damage option. Although this 1+4 is not a 100% established combo.

Of course, the above is just a postscript and another wall-side play method for reference. You can refer to it.

Issue a "quarterback rush" with your back to the center

Quarterback rush---f2+3, is a mid-range rush used to finish the sequence, because of its speed It is slower, and its flaws vary depending on the distance. It is not often used in single shots, and is only commonly used as a starting option and a combo finisher.

How to launch a reverse quarterback rush with your back to the opponent?

When turning your back to the opponent, 3+4 Leopard Steps turn in a circle. When he is turning, there will be for a whileWith the space in the air, the moment before landing, f2+3 can send out the quarterback with his back.

For example, when I am 1p, I turn my back to my opponent and fly 3+4. f2+3 (the f here is actually the b of the actual 1p player. It is just f compared to the leopard), and then when the leopard lands, you can see him naturally making a quarterback collision and running to the end of the screen

You have to ask me what is the use of this move. In fact, it is useless. It is just for show. If you have to say what it is used for, then I can only tell you: run far! Go directly to the edge of the screen. I asked you if you are afraid?

A little secret after getting up 1+2 (br)

I have not verified this in tt2. But br is established.


After ws1+2, the opponent will be floating with his head facing you. Generally, if you use df21, the opponent will become floating according to the rules.

However, there is also a strange combination method, that is, after this move floats the opponent, click a punch and perform an airdrop, and you can see the leopard grabbing the opponent's head and twisting it to become a regular airdrop. The funny scene is actually of no use, it's just more fun and weird, because few players use ws1+2 to levitate the opponent and then combo abnormally.

Of course, when the opponent has a little blood left, you can use this move to surprise them. This is true for all airdrops.

The command is: ws1+2 1 airdrop

Quickly launch a tombstone throw

Tombstone throw--db f 2+4, the damage is very considerable, and it is easy to press up. Very convenient. Although the instructions are simple, in a mobile battle, if the player is forced to db f, the operation feels very awkward. In fact, there is a method that is not awkward and comfortable for the leopard user: the leopard user generally has a relatively good input of giants. When ensuring that the input giant is 6, the tombstone casting command can be understood as: inverse semicircle f 2+4< /p>

Tekken 7 (Tekken 7) PC Deluxe Cracked Version

Let’s first talk about the changes in Tekken 7FR this time. I have to say that the recent sequels of several traditional fighting games are catering to It’s easier for newbies to get started.

Online, the Mishima family, who didn’t even understand the truth, were all very popular, King was shining in all kinds of ways, and the new character Migrant Company was also extremely cool. In the words of the famous young and Dangerous boy Zhao Shanhe: Look at these little guys, each one looks like A Kun back then.

The other one is the newly launched RAGE system. I think although this system increases the possibility of a red-blood comeback, it is definitely very unfriendly to old players, at least to me. In the first few days of playing, how many times did the opponent with red blood fall to the ground? I chased him up, but the opponent stood up and used a big move to counter-kill me. For some characters who are struggling with blood, the opponent with red blood is simply at a disadvantage. In this simplified version of standing up, the opponent with red blood was killed. If you fall to the ground bleeding and stomp on it casually, forget it.

But I think the new physical skill system is still good for some suppression.The character has a miraculous effect on players who like to click 1DF1. If used well, it can change the situation. Okay, let’s talk about Gigas.

First of all, many people say that Gigas is the transformation of Marduk from Tekken 6BR. Gigas is actually completely different from Tekken 6BR Marduk. The model design is a bit like Jack's, with oddly long hands and oddly short legs. In my eyes, Marduk is a powerful second-choice character, and he is even more invincible in the first-choice character. Thinking about how many people were knocked down when facing Marduk, one guess and the wrong answer could be enough. Gigas is more suitable for grinding blood, but it can also suppress players with long hands who don't attack randomly.

Commonly used Gigas combos:

1, 1 above. That's right, it's LP, which is the left fist. This is the core move of Gigas. The reason is simple long and fast. Defend +1, and if you grab 1 points continuously on the opposite side, the damage caused by 12 is still very objective, and it can even hit the wall. (Of course, if the opponent jumps, kicks, and hooks to avoid the upper section, I didn’t say anything.) Continuously hitting 1 can suppress the opponent. The normal reaction of ordinary people is to squat. At this time, D2 will hit the flying combo. If you want to be safer, you can also continue to use DF1. Of course, although DF1 has no reflection but -6 frames, it can be grabbed by the opponent. At this time, the smart ones will use DB2 to play the next segment.

2. DB2, lower section. If 23 occurs, avoid the upper section and defend +15. If hit, +2 will be added. Normal people will not dare to move if they are hit. You can try to hit DB2 several times. , you can try it again if you get a CH. Or you can also use DB2 followed by one (f df d db b f) 1. This roll has 55 damage.

3. D32, bottom middle. If you think DB2's move can be defended by people who react quickly, then D32's move is suitable for you. If you hit 16, if you are defended by -12, you will get WS4. If you hit the opponent and grab the second hit, you will definitely hit it. If you defend the second move - 10s (the opposite side is standing up), safe.

4, 21, up. 21 was Marduk's magical skill in the BR era. Although it is not that magical here in Gigas, it can still be used to generate 10. Needless to say, the advantage of one hit and all hits, and it is safe to guard against -5. And you can enter the hook at 21 3+4 to avoid the upper section. If you hit 1, you can directly float in the air and hit 12 to grab the person you recruited. It is also an advantage to defend the opponent's +5. Hitting 2 is barely a second choice in the middle, and it is safe to be guarded. Hitting UB can increase the distance and is of no use. . What I want to say is that this hook does not automatically defend like BR, and it only has 2 moves. I miss you, Marduk.

5. DF21 hits the mark. 15 occurred, -13 defended, one hit and all hits, if you delay the input for the second time, you will definitely CH when you grab the move, which can be used in offensive suppression.

6. In DF1, 14 occurs and -6 is defended. Use it when suppressing blood.

7. On F2, 16 occurs, and the defense is -9. This move is usually the first move after a combo. It can be derived from F21 up, F2D1 up, and F2F1 (S!) up. Up, F211 up, up, middle. When using F2 CH, you can use DF31 floating combo. F2F1 person feels that the second hit should not be able to grab, but I have not tested it. It is also very objective that the second hit on the ground can cause continuous damage. If you use the tricks behind F2 flexibly, the opponent will feel uncomfortable.

8. F3+4, rage drive F(H)3+4, this is a new hook. Many moves that can hit people far away can be followed by long pressing F to enter this hook. For example, B2FH, F4FH, there is 1 in the hook, and +7 when guarding in the middle looks beautiful. The upper section of Gouli 2 cannot be defended, so you can go up the wall. A useful weapon for killing players who are not familiar with Gigas. 1+2 iron balls to crush the opponent (more on that later). However, I have never encountered anyone with this hook move, but it is different when it comes to rage drive. Unless the opponent moves at close range in advance, the opponent with his own hegemony will not be able to move. The second option is to forcefully walk in front of you, but It can be defeated by fighting.

9. B2, medium, 20 occurs, can be charged. Accumulating the hit adds +15, not charging -13, whether it is charging or not, you can press and hold F to enter the hook mentioned above. After charging, you can get +19 frames, which is ridiculous. Not charging -26(WTF). However, it is very risky to send B2 casually. After all, it takes 20% to happen. I've never met anyone in rank who doesn't rush to recruit. In 1, it is not impossible to do it occasionally during the suppression of DF1.

10. In FFF2, 21-23 occurred, and the defense was +7. It was almost the same as Volkswagen Nov's FFF2, which was more frames added. This is a good move if you can fire it smoothly at close range. It's also good for chasing people up.

11. WS1, medium, 11 occurred, -6 was defended. Get up and counterattack. I miss Marduk's WS1 so much, that's all.

12. uf1+2 is similar to Chen Guohan’s iron ball pressure. It is full of judgments and can be clicked down by the opponent in the air. At the end, the person lies on his stomach and heads towards the opponent. 2 is the CH in the lower stage where the opponent falls to the ground. 1+2 mid-range defense against flat frames. It's a useless move, but I just like it.

13. The d3+4 move is a pure hegemony. When it happens, the hegemony can be directly hit in the air after eating others.

Finally, let’s talk about other WS23 that I don’t use very much. If it hits the target, it will hit 15. There is no counterattack in the first hit. It hits one and hits two. It should be a pretty good move, but I’m used to WS1.

DB1+2 avoids the upper section. If it hits, it can be connected to DF1, which also has 46 damage.

B1 is that the uppercut can avoid the upper part, but it seems that it cannot avoid the Mishima family's 112. It's really short.

FF42 is the starting hand with the highest damage in combos. I feel like I can’t get away with the first and second blows, but I haven’t tested it.

The upper part of SS2 is a small counterattack, a punch from a super far distance, and the combo after hitting it is simple and rough.

FF1+2 can be used for horizontal movement, and DF31 can be used for combos.

I won’t talk about floating combos, there are plenty of videos. Don’t ask me S! Why can’t df1+2 1+2 be connected in the future (wry smile)

YesI haven't found a phenomenon. Basically, there are no tricks 3 and 4, right. This guy's legs are really short. A 2-meter-long person's legs are probably not as long as mine. 3 and 4 are similar to Marduk's previous magical skill B4, but they are only one inch longer and one inch stronger. Although there is no counter move, it is different when playing empty.

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