What should you pay attention to when raising fish indoors?

Introduction What should you pay attention to when raising fish indoors? There are many aspects that novices should pay attention to when raising fish for the first time. The most important is the water used by the fish, because the survival of the fish depends on the

What should you pay attention to when raising fish indoors?

Ornamental fish

Novices need to pay attention to many aspects when raising fish for the first time. The most important thing is water for fish, because fish cannot survive without water. . , so you need to pay special attention to the water used by the fish. When breeding fish, you need to adjust the water temperature according to the fish species. Let's see what new fish farmers should pay attention to.

1. First decide which species you want to keep, then decide which aquarium to buy.

2. Prepare the necessary equipment, an aquarium, a fishing net, a bag of fish food and a bag of sterilizing salt.

3. After preparing the necessary materials, you can now go to the fish market to buy the fish you like. Generally, when choosing fish, you should pay attention: there is no bDetailed lesions on the fish's eyes. , head, scales, tail, etc. ; When fishing, choose fish underwater. These fish generally swim faster and appear normal to the naked eye.

4. Be careful about the water used for fish farming: household tap water will suffice, but tap water contains chlorine. We need to fill it with tap water in an aquarium or other water basin and let it flow. it sits for at least 24 hours. The chlorine gas has evaporated, which is healthy.

5. Place the purchased fish in clean water and sprinkle a little bactericidal fish salt to sterilize the water.

6. Pay attention to the fish's diet. Fish are not afraid of hunger but are not satisfied. If you continue to feed the fish, they will continue to eat until they are exhausted. once every 2-3 days.

7. Don't raise too many fish at once. If your aquarium is small, raising too many fish will cause oxygen in the water. It would be better to purchase a small, dedicated air pump. to fish farming.

8. For fish you buy for the first time, please note that you should not change the water or feed them for 2-3 days

9. fish, probably once every 5 to 7 days. It's good. Feeding should be done once every 3-4 days. Fish are not afraid of hunger, but they simply cannot stand it. It is best to use sparkling water to clean the aquarium. Otherwise, just use clean water or tap water. Never use soap or dish soap to clean it.

11. Goldfish and koi are cold-water fish, while all others are classified as tropical fish. All tropical fish should be heated to maintain the water temperature at aat least 20°C.

12. A large aquarium can breed both large and small fish, but a small aquarium can only breed small fish.

13. Considering your financial capacity and the area where the aquarium is placed, the larger the aquarium, the better. not recommended.

14. If you raise it, everything will be fine if the light is strong. The bottom sand is very important and you must choose it carefully. The aquarium should not be too high.

15. Filtration should be provided, but bigger is not always better. Tolerance of fish and grass must be taken into account.

16. If you want to breed but don't know what type of fish is right for you, then goldfish is the right choice.

17. Fishing is very difficult and expensive, so don't think too simply.

18. Do not add unnecessary things to the aquarium. In many cases, fish do not die from maladydie, but of torments.Death.

19. If you notice abnormalities on the fish's body or head, or white or yellow spots, there may be too many bacteria in the water. You need to sprinkle sterilizing salt on the water. abnormal parts and remove them promptly.

20. They are pets, please give them enough care.

Novices don't need to be afraid of not being able to raise fish well. Before breeding fish, prepare all the supplies needed for breeding fish, take healthy fish as the standard. pay attention to water quality and diet when feeding, there will be no major problems.

What are the different characteristics of glass aquariums and ceramic aquariums when breeding fish? Which one is more suitable

When buying a new house now, many people will choose to buy aquarium and place it in the middle of the living room. Then raise a lot of goldfish in the aquarium, which is beautiful and atmospheric. So how do ordinary people raise goldfish?

In fact, as long as you follow the following three points, you can breed goldfish.

First of all, professional aquariums.

Second, feed fish food every other day.

Third, change the water frequently.

So it is not difficult for ordinary people to raise goldfish. Raising goldfish is actually very simple, provided you are willing to spend a little money and put a little thought into it.

Specifically, how should ordinary people raise goldfish?

First of all, we need to buy a professional aquarium, which usually has a filtration system and an oxygen system. The so-called filtration system fIt actually filters the aquarium water several times to maintain water quality. As for the oxygen system, it's actually because the water in the aquarium is dead, inactive and has no oxygen. He says oxygen needs to be added to keep the goldfish alive.

Secondly, it is necessary to satisfy the food of the goldfish for six months or a year. Although goldfish don't eat much, we wait until they are hungry before buying a lot of goldfish food. Then feed a little goldfish food every other day. It should be noted that goldfish cannot be fed too much fish food. Because goldfish usually don't feel full, as long as you put the goldfish's food in the water, it will definitely eat it all. Many goldfish died.

Finally, even if we have a nice bathtub, weWe will still change the water frequently because the aquarium filtration system cannot filter bacteria. Many fish simply get sick and die because there are too many bacteria in the water.

This is my first time raising fish, please give me some advice.

The glass aquarium depends on the type of fish you keep and the density of the specific fish -----usually filtered and oxygenated mainly for large fish with high density---the equipment is basically everything is in the bottom cabinet. The interior --- cannot be seen from the outside. There are also top filters that are mounted on the tank --- the finished ones are blocked by a cover.

Ceramics do not add any equipment -----goldfish have been bred------goldfish have high tolerance--fish skin is strong---mainly the water has been changed< /p>< p>The goldfish itself eatsgrass. You cannot add aquatic plants to goldfish. Large ones are good, like water figs or those with large leaves that they can't tear off or chew. Small ones are not allowed. ---they sometimes don't eat-- -I'm tired of worrying about it. The ceramic pot is shallow. It doesn't look great even if left alone. You can add duckweed, small water lilies, floating plants---to decorate it, just be careful to replenish it, as the goldfish will chew the roots.

First of all, you were deceived by an unscrupulous fish merchant. Your aquarium is too small and there are too many fish. It is difficult to maintain water quality. You must change the water every day. . With your skills, the fish may not be able to stand it.

1. Twice a day (during the day), take 15 minutes to finish eating

2. One to twox days, it is best not to be contaminated, but to ventilate

. p>< p>3. It is unnecessary to use an air pump for your 20 year old aquarium, but if you have a lot of fish, that is another problem

4. ! There should be enough light, but not direct sunlight

5 Yes, the water is fine, the light amber color may be due to Terminalia or black water added to the water

6. .Originally the water should be changed every 3-5 days, but your tank may need to be changed every day. Of course, it is not good to do it for a long time.

7. it's okay for now

The aquarium is small with a lot of fish, and goldfish are high oxygen fish, so they will suffer from hypoxia.

Buy fish

1. Do not choose thin and flat-bellied fish

2. Do not choose fish with lesions on the surface of the body. (likes white (red) spots, white (red) spots, body deformities, standing scales, etc.)

3. Do not choose fish that do not have stable water

When breeding fish, attention should be paid to: the water quality should be good, and the temperature should be consistent with water quality. The lighting must be appropriate, the food must be of quality and quantity, the operation must be gentle and. slow, the medicine should be used carefully and stay away from toxic substances (pay attention to insecticides and mosquito coils at home)

1. Do not use an aquarium with a lot of fish and a small liter of. water (length, width and height) (10 × 10 × 10 cm) If you breed a 1cm fish and a 0.5cm goldfish, if you breed more fish, you will easily get sick and die. It is easier to maintain water quality if the tank measures atminus 30 centimeters, or if there is no filtering equipment, please calculate the fish based on the water surface. Tropical fish need 30 square centimeters of water surface per centimeter of body length (excluding tail fin) and goldfish need 60 square centimeters

2. Before opening the tank, the water must be disinfected with salt and then washed. The water temperature in the tank should be between 28 and 30 degrees. After keeping the water for 7 days, a few fish with strong vitality should be put in for 30 days (or 3 days after entering the aquarium, add nitrifying bacteria every day for 7 days, and be sure to avoid light ). (Or start the tank with "three bacteria", but pay attention to the appropriate amount, preferably less, and pay attention to avoiding light and adding aeration) (Or during the moAfter removing the water, immerse a peeled raw shrimp in the water in the filter tank until the shrimp are completely melted). If there is filtration while the tank is opened, it cannot be stopped. Only after 20 days, preferably more than 30 days, can the fish be officially released. Also do not leave direct sunlight. shines in the aquarium!

A This item () is for fish or people who need to use nitrifying bacteria if they meet the conditions. Simply choose one of the three methods B Additionally, after opening the tank, the normal temperature of. fish need to be checked. The species, survival and treatment of fish and aquatic plants are determined by need. Once the water in the aquarium has been opened and drained, the aquarium should be lit but not exposed to direct sunlight. , the reservoiru filter and other places where nitrifying bacteria live should be protected from light and breathable (such as internal filters or external filter barrel cannot be shut down. If the power is off for more than 2-3 hours , it is said that the nitrifying bacteria will start to die without water soaking, the upper filtration time is 8 hours and the draining time is 12 hours)

3. the fish and the bag into the aquarium together, 15 After 30 minutes, remove the water and the bag and put the naked fish into the aquarium. During this period, add water to the aquarium in the bag several times so that the fish does not adapt. be fed on the first day (when purchasing, be careful not to have white spots, white hairs, rotten fins, etc. on the fish) Loss of scales, etc.)

4. Change the water. the change should be based on the quality of your water. If there is filtration, itmay be less, if there is no filtration, it may be more. The water must be dried. When changing the water, wash it with clean water (do not use detergent on the filter cotton). The filter tank layer (note that it is not the biochemical cotton in the middle layer) should be changed by one-sixth each time. Change the water about 10 to 20 days in winter and 5 to 7 days in summer. There are special cases where it is necessary to change the water and wash the filter cotton. Therefore, the advantage of a large aquarium with few fish is that less water needs to be changed and the water quality in the aquarium can be balanced more easily.

5. Food should be consumed within 15 minutes. It should be consumed once or twice a day. There should be no oil or the cheapest red and green grains from fish stores. red crucian carp) is the steamed bun that you eat. He is betterr than that one.

6 You should be careful when consuming drugs, because the fish will definitely die if almost any drug is overdosed, even the commonly used salt. Therefore, when using drugs, one should pay attention to the quantity and the other is to detect and treat it early. If there is an individual or collective problem, it is best to isolate it and treat it. You should be careful when using medications in a tank full of three. Many fish have been poisoned to death by their own medicines. 3. It is also important that the water temperature is appropriate during treatment.

Some people use water purifiers and bactericides indiscriminately to keep water clear. Here's a reminder: don't add chemicals indiscriminately. Adding medications indiscriminately is like saying: a way to keep aperson who does not go out (without sewers or toilets) clean and does not get sick-------------------------------- -- ---Use air fresheners, disinfectants and medications. Do you think it's possible?

To ensure clear water, the filtration system should be strengthened, the physical filtration of tiny particles should be strengthened, and the biological filtration should be strengthened to treat harmful substances and purify water quality .

7. Plant aquatic plants. There are several species of fish that eat grass very well. If you want to plant aquatic plants, you should plant Hydrilla verticillata (centipede grass, aquatic grass) and Vallisneria. cheap and fast growing. Or the more expensive but slow-growing water fig, which goldfish don't eat much

1. A large aquarium or other fish container, with a standard 10 cubic centimeter fishs and a thermometer

<. p>(This is a must)

2. Proper filter equipment is a good helper. For example, if the water is good and the tank is big, there is more water but few fish, there are none. need to recommend filtering (optional)

3. Suitable bottom sand is not special. Hobbyists can use quartz sand or black gold sand. It is very ornamental and suitable for planting 3-4 cm grass (optional). )

4. There are several species of fish that eat grass very well. For example, when planting aquatic plants, you should plant Hydrilla verticillata (centipede grass, elodea) and Vallisneria, which are cheap and. growing rapidly. Or the more expensive but slow-growing water fig, which fish don't eat much of (optional)

5. Three bacteria, used when opening the tank and purifying the water. Nitrified bacteriantes, yeast, Mommy's Love (optional)

6. Heating rod for tropical fish with ambient temperature below 22 degrees in winter (required) Goldfish, koi (optional)

7. If you can ensure that you are not exposed to direct sunlight and you can guarantee enough light every day, you do not need to use it (recommended)

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