Town-201, incorporated town-202 or village land-203.
Generally, urban land belongs to the state. However, during the second land transfer, the collectively owned building plots located near the city's suburbs will be mapped under reference 201.
202 Organized cities refer to the residential areas of organized cities , as well as land used by commercial services, residential buildings, industries, warehouses, schools and other businesses and institutions within the jurisdiction. 203 Village refers to rural residential areas and associated commercial, residential, industrial and mining, industrial, warehousing, school and other lands.
The "Village Planning Land Classification Guidelines" was issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban and Rural Development of the People's Republic of China on July 11illet 2014. The basic framework of the standard is divided into 1. General principles 2. Land use classification 3. Annex 4. Explanation of provisions;
Based on the results of the “Three Adjustments” and combined with the differences betweenthe land use classificationand the “Three Adjustments” data ”, the Classification is “Reconciliation” The data is merged or subdivided to form a land use classification. The basic conversion of land and space planning can be converted to land and space planning classification based on the results of the "three adjustments" through direct correspondence, verification and merger, surveys additional, etc.
There are differences between the “Three Adjustments” work classification and the land use planning classification. Parmai them, land use “Three adjustments”. classification: 13 first-level land categoriesAnd 73 second-level land classifications: 28 first-level land categories, 102 second-level land categories and 39 third-level land categories, forming a unified basis for land use classification. "A base map" provides a "planning basis" for territorial spatial planning.
Base conversion between three-level data and territorial spatial classification. planning can be divided into seven types:
Category A - Marking of urban and other land attributes (including 201 cities, 202Incorporated towns, 204 mining lands and 205 special lands) non-constructible land(except cultivated land and recoverable cultivated land) will be converted into green space of the parc >Category B - Non-constructible land (except cultivated and recoverable land). cultivated land) marked with village land attributes (203 villages) are converted into rural residential land and other building land
Category C - Land current. the use status of the "three adjustments" for demolition and reclamation, increase and decrease of urban and rural connectionsand other parcels that were accepted before the base map was submitted planning is the same as before acceptance of the standard land, converted according to the new land type in the acceptance document
Category D - If the type of land has been converted to agricultural use or has a land use right certificatebefore the submission of the urban planning base map, but the type of land indicated in the document agricultural conversion authorization or certificate of rightland use is incompatible with the "three transfers", the type of land must be The new red line for agricultural conversion or the red line corresponding to the recognized land use right certificate must be converted into the classification of Intended use corresponding to agricultural conversion or land use right certificate.
Category E - land which has been approved but not used before the submission of the basic planning plan. The land was acquired and legal land use procedures were followed. have been completed, but the "three" If examined as agricultural landor unused land in the "Adjustment", they can be converted to urban use classification corresponding to the land grant document.
Category F - for the original building land, which has been redeveloped, demolished or constructed within the last two years due to'inefficient use of land.
strong>Collective landwas dismantled in advance due to prior expropriation and other reasons. The “three adjustments” will consider them as agricultural land or other non-buildable land. and convert it to the corresponding intended use in accordance with the status report published by the County Department of Natural Resources.
Category G - those who have obtained a sea use authorization or a certificate of rights to use the maritime area before submit the planning base map, but which have not been included in the scope of the "three adjustments" survey, according to the red line corresponding to the scope of the sea use authorization document or the certificate of right to use the sea area, is converted into the corresponding planned use classification of the marine use.