SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) -- Part 3-3: Aspects of application - HBES Interworking model and common HBES data types

SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009

Name:SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009   Standard name:Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) -- Part 3-3: Aspects of application - HBES Interworking model and common HBES data types
Standard number:SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009   language:English language
Release Date:20-Aug-2009   technical committee:ELI - Electrical and communication installations
Drafting committee:   ICS number:35.240.67 - IT applications in building and construction industry
SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009
Stanovanjski in stavbni elektronski sistemi (HBES) - 3-3. del: Vidiki uporabe -
Vzajemno delovanje modela HBES in splošni tipi podatkov HBES
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) -- Part 3-3: Aspects of application -
HBES Interworking model and common HBES data types
Elektrische Systemtechnik für Heim und Gebäude (ESHG) - Teil 3-3:
Anwendungsaspekte - ESHG-Interworking-Modell und übliche ESHG-Datenformate
Systèmes électroniques pour les foyers domestiques et les bâtiments (HBES) -- Partie 3-
3 : Aspects de l'application - Modèle d'inter-fonctionnement des HBES et types de
données communes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50090-3-3:2009
97.120 Avtomatske krmilne naprave Automatic controls for
za dom household use
SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009

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SIST EN 50090-3-3:2009

EN 50090-3-3

May 2009

ICS 97.120

English version

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) -
Part 3-3: Aspects of application -
HBES Interworking model and common HBES data types

Systèmes électroniques  Elektrische Systemtechnik
pour les foyers domestiques für Heim und Gebäude (ESHG) -
et les bâtiments (HBES) - Teil 3-3: Anwendungsaspekte -
Partie 3-3: Aspects de l'application - ESHG-Interworking-Modell
Modèle d'inter-fonctionnement des HBES und übliche ESHG-Datenformate
et types de données communes

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2008-12-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in two official versions (English, French). A version in any other language made
by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central
Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2009 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50090-3-3:2009 E

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This European Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 205, Home and
Building Electronic Systems (HBES), joined by the co-operating partner KNX Association.
The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC
as EN 50090-3-3 on 2008-12-01.
CENELEC takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of patent rights.
KNX Association as Cooperating Partner to CENELEC confirms that to the extent that the standard
contains patents and like rights, the KNX Association's members are willing to negotiate licenses thereof
with applicants throughout the world on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions.
KNX Association Tel.:  + 32 2 775 85 90
De Kleetlaan 5, bus 11 Fax.: + 32 2 675 50 28
B - 1831 Diegem e-mail: [email protected]
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this standard may be the subject of
patent rights other than those identified above. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any
or all such patent rights.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented

at national level by publication of an identical

national standard or by endorsement
(dop) 2009-12-01

– latest date by which the national standards conflicting

with the EN have to be withdrawn
(dow) 2011-12-01
EN 50090-3-3 is part of the EN 50090 series of European Standards, which will comprise the following
Part 1: Standardization structure
Part 2: System overview
Part 3: Aspects of application
Part 4: Media independent layers
Part 5: Media and media dependent layers
Part 6: Interfaces
Part 7: System management
Part 8: Conformity assessment of products
Part 9: Installation requirements

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Introduction . 5
1 Scope. 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 7
3.1 Terms and definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviations. 7
4 HBES Interworking model . 7
4.1 Principles of HBES Interworking . 11
4.2 Busload . 12
4.3 Datapoint Type error handling. 13
4.4 Interpretability of data and data integrity . 15
5 General Functional Block Design and Implementation Rules . 15
5.1 Introduction . 15
5.2 Describe the Application Domain . 15
5.3 Describe the Application . 15
5.4 Describe the Functional Block . 19
5.5 Describing the Datapoint Types . 29
Annex A (informative) Common HBES data types . 38
Figure 1 – The HBES Interworking Model An Application Domain can contain one or more
Applications . 7
Figure 2 – The HBES Interworking Model An Application Model may contain one or more
Functional Blocks . 8
Figure 3 – Standard representation for Functional Blocks . 8
Figure 4 – Datapoints indicated in Functional Blocks . 9
Figure 5 – Functional Blocks grouped in devices and linked . 9
Figure 6 – Functional Block with 5 Datapoints . 10
Figure 7 – The information contained in a Datapoint Type definition . 10
Figure 8 – Example of an Interworking specification . 11
Figure 9 – Functional Block diagram (Example) . 20
Figure 10 – Table listing separate datapoints of a functional block . 21
Figure 11 – Specification form for Inputs and Outputs . 22
Figure 12 – Specification form for Parameters and Diagnostic Data . 29
Figure 13 – Example of multi-state datapoint . 32
Figure 14 – Datapoint Type specification form . 34
Figure A.1 – Structure of Datapoint Types . 38
Figure A.2 – December 12, 2006 encoded according DPT_Date in an A_GroupValue_Write-frame
(example on TP1) . 39

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Table 1 – Use of heart-beat . 12
Table 2 – Authorisation level names . 27
Table 3 – Datatypes notation styles . 35
Table A.1 – Compatibility rules . 67

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Interworking between devices signifies that these products send and receive datagrams and are able to
properly understand and react on them. This ability is provided without additional equipment (like
translators or gateways).
NOTE Media couplers are needed if different media are used in an installation.
The market requires Interworking for a multi-vendor approach, this is, products from different
manufacturers can interwork in a certain application segment or domain as well as across different
applications (cross discipline Interworking).
Such an Interworking is only possible if a set of requirements is complied with as defined in an
Interworking model. For this, Functional Blocks need to be defined, which in turn specify Datapoints and
the communication mechanisms to be used. Such a set of requirements is referred to as "Application
Interworking Specifications" (AIS).
AIS allow Interworking independent of the implementation by a manufacturer. Besides the advantages for
the user (multi-vendor offer) Interworking also allows a broad OEM market and easy market access for
niche-products providers. Furthermore Interworking allows the establishment of a common market
infrastructure (i.e. common configuration tool, training, etc.)

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1 Scope
This European Standard gives general guidelines and recommendations to ensure interworking between
HBES devices made by different manufacturers. It also contains design guidelines for the design of
Functional Blocks and new datapoint types, the building blocks of HBES interworking.
In this way, the standard can be used as a basis to design application specifications relative to an
Application Domain. If designed and supported by a large group of manufacturers, such application
specifications will ensure to end customers a high degree of interoperability between products based on
the HBES Communication System of different manufacturers.
This European Standard is used as a product family standard. It is not intended to be used as a
stand-alone standard.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 50090-1 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) – Part 1: Standardization
EN 50090-3-2:2004 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) – Part 3-2: Aspects of
application – User process for HBES Class 1
EN 50090-4-1:2004 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) – Part 4-1: Media
independent layers – Application Layer for HBES Class 1
EN 50090-4-2: 2004 Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) – Part 4-2: Media
independent layers – Transport layer, network layer and general parts of data
link layer for HBES Class 1

Under consideration.

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3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the definitions given in EN 50090-1 apply.
3.2 Abbreviations
AIS Application Interworking Specifications
COV Change of Value
DMA Direct Memory Access
DP Data Point
DPT Datapoint type
DPT ID Datapoint type identifier
FB Functional Block
GO Group Object
IO Interface Object
lsb least significant bit
M Mandatory
msb most significant bit
MSB Most Significant Byte
NA Not Applicable
O Optional
PDT Property Data Type
PID Property Identifier
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
4 HBES Interworking model
HBES Interworking can be applied in many application domains. Each Application Domain can
encompass one or more Applications.

Application Domain

Figure 1 - The HBES Interworking Model
An Application Domain can contain one or more Applications
The Application Modelling or the process of analysing, deciding on the solution and specifying the model
for such an Application needs to be agreed upon amongst manufacturers in Application Specification

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Applications shall not be defined in terms of products, but analysed and split up into Functional Blocks,
which communicate with one another. The term Distributed Application indicates this approach: the total
functionality of an Application is spread over a number of Functional Blocks implemented in various
devices in the network.
A Functional Block transports its data over the bus via one or more Datapoints (these are Inputs, Outputs,
Parameters and Diagnostic Data).
A Functional Block thus describes the standard specification of the chosen solution for one given task of
an application.
These Datapoints and their described functionality are implemented by the product developer.
The following picture shows the Interworking model as defined so far.
Application Domain
Application Model
Functional Block

Figure 2 - The HBES Interworking Model
An Application Model may contain one or more Functional Blocks
The Functional Blocks shall be described as objects; this is a set of Datapoints and a well-defined
The standard graphical representation for a Functional Block shall be the following:

Functional Block
Input(s) name

Name Input I1 DPT I1 I1 O1 DPT O1 Name Output O1

Name Input I2 DPT I2 I2

Parameter(s) Diagnostic Data

Name Parameter P1 DPT P1 P1 DD1 DPT DD1

Figure 3 - Standard representation for Functional Blocks

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The Datapoints that are typically Inputs shall be put on the left, the Outputs on the right, the Parameters
on the left below the Inputs and the Diagnostic Data on the right below the Outputs. For each Datapoint, a
name shall be given, an indication of its Datapoint Type and an abbreviation.
Indication of the
Datapoint type to be used.
of the Datapoint

Name Input I1 --------- I1

Abbreviation for
the Datapoint

Figure 4 - Datapoints indicated in Functional Blocks
A manufacturer may group one or more of these Functional Blocks, of the same or of different
Applications, to build a device.
Device 1
Functional Block Output(s) Input(s) Functional Block Output(s)
DPT O1 ccc DPT I1 DPT O1
O1 --------- O1 --------- I1 O1 --------- O1
Parameter(s) I2 --------- I2
P1 --------- P1 DPT P1
DPT P2 P1 --------- P1
P2 --------- P2
Input(s) Functional Block Output(s)
I1 --------- O1 --------- O1
O2 --------- O2
P1 --------- P1
P2 --------- P2
Device 2

Figure 5 - Functional Blocks grouped in devices and linked
For every Functional Block its behaviour shall be specified. This fixes its handling of its Datapoints and
physical inputs and outputs (e.g. a state machine of a dimming actuator).
A Datapoint is any interface over which data in the Functional Block can be set or received and/or
transmitted (for its run-time operation). Every Functional Block may have one or more such Datapoints.
From the communication point of view, 4 classes of Datapoints can be distinguished (for more
information see 5.3.3):
NOTE These classes of Datapoints are defined in EN 50090-4-2, EN 50090-4-1 and EN 50090-3-2:
− Group Object Datapoint
− Interface Object Property Datapoint
− Polling Value Datapoint
− Memory Mapped Datapoint

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Group Object Datapoint
Interface Object Property Datapoint
Polling Value Datapoint
Memory Mapped Datapoint
Functional Block

Figure 6 - Functional Block with 5 Datapoints
From the access point of view another differentiation of Datapoints is possible:
− Input: a value that is received and processed by the Functional Block.
− Output: the value resulting from the process of the Functional Block and to be provided to at least one
other Functional Block.
− Parameter: a value that controls the process of handling the Input(s) and generating the values of the
Output(s). This access type is typically non-volatile or saved at reset. It is usually set by management
− Diagnostic Data: a value that represents the local or internal status information of a Functional Block.
It is not used for runtime communication to Inputs or Outputs of other FBs but serves for visualisation
on a central unit or operating station and, during installation, service and maintenance.
The data exchanged through Datapoints shall be standard in format, encoding, range and unit. They are
defined in Datapoint Types (DPT).
Datapoint Type
Format Encoding Range Unit

Figure 7 - The information contained in a Datapoint Type definition
When a given Datapoint Type is used to represent the value of a Datapoint in a Functional Block, it
additionally obtains a specific semantic
EXAMPLE A Datapoint Type "Temperature" obtains the semantic value "Input Temperature Setpoint Value" when it is used in the
Functional Block "Boiler Control".
The definition of a Datapoint Type shall consist of the following elements:
− Format: describes the sequence and length of the fields, each consisting of one or more bits, of which
the Datapoint Type is built up.
− Encoding: describes how the data, that shall be transported using this Datapoint Type, is coded using
the given format, possibly for each field.
− Range: describes the limitation of the values that may be encoded in this Datapoint Type, possibly for
each field. This may be a minimum/maximum indication or an explicit list.
− Unit: indicates the unit of the information that can be transported, possibly for each field.

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An example of this all is given in Figure 8.
Application Domain
Application Model
Functional Block
Hot Water Boiler
Controller Setpoint Temperature
2 octet float temperature in °C
Datapoint Type
2 octet float Temperature in °C
Format Encoding Range Unit
S = Sign 0: Positive
1: Negative
EEE = Exponent
M.M= Mantissa
Value = (-1) *2 *MMMMMMMMMMM

Figure 8 - Example of an Interworking specification
4.1 Principles of HBES Interworking
− HBES Interworking is primarily ensured by the use of standard Datapoint Types, which specify how to
encode data that is exchanged between devices by using identical communication mechanisms.
− Functional Blocks can be used to describe the used Datapoint Types, communication mechanisms
and behaviour for a given functionality.
− Functional Blocks may oblige the use of a specific class of Datapoints (in most cases Group Objects),
implementation of an additional class of Datapoint (e.g. Interface Objects Property) may be optional.
− A list of the commonly used HBES DPTs is given in Annex A to this standard. A DPT can only be
considered compliant to the one given in the Annex when the specified encoding, range and unit
really complies with what is realised.
EXAMPLE For 8 bit unsigned integers, value shall indeed be numerical (e.g. no bit-field) and the entire specified range shall be
supported without gaps.
− Reserved fields shall be set to the value as specified in the DPT specification. If reserved fields are
set to a value other than allowed by the specification, the implementation of the DPT can not be
considered as compliant. In case of designing a new DPT, unused (i.e. reserved fields) shall be set to
− It may be possible to use some of the DPTs in Annex A only in specific applications, others are more
general purpose.
− Fields of an even octet size, e.g. 2 octets, should be positioned on even octet number positions within
the DPT.
− For parameterization during device set-up and for diagnostic purposes, DMA parameters or HBES
Interface Objects should be implemented instead of HBES Group objects.
− Datapoints should not be used bidirectionally.
− If an application provides status information, one (or more) separate Datapoint(s) should be used.
− It is recommended, that necessary time delays are located in the actuators or the application
controller and not in the sensors.

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4.2 Busload
4.2.1 Repetition rate
The repetition rate shall be selected very carefully as it influences the busload (risk of overload).
NOTE At the planning stage of an installation the possible busload shall be assessed.
The following aspects shall be covered.
4.2.2 Change of value and Delta value
If a device generates information on the bus depending on a Change Of Value (COV) condition, a
limitation-mechanism (either by means of hardware [strap] or software features [parameter] shall be
The application shall transmit the value only after the (sensor) value changes at least for the (minimum)
Delta value. For fast changing sensor values, the application shall not transmit a new value before a
minimum repetition time has elapsed.
4.2.3 Message on request
If this mode is selected, the same requirement as for delta value applies for the application sending the
4.2.4 Heart-beat
For sensor values with little changes, smaller than the Delta value or no change at all, the application
shall transmit the value after the maximum repetition time heart-beat. Heart-beat communication denotes
− the sender shall periodically send its data, and
− the receiver shall maintain a time-out timer to check for this periodic transmission and act in a
specified way when no sensor signal is received within the given time-out.
Heart-beat can be used to increase application reliability as well as for life-check of a communication
Table 1 specifies the use requirements of heart-beat.
Table 1 – Use of heart-beat
Signal Sender / receiver Required ?
sensor values heart-beat at sender: Y
time-out at receiver: O
calculated values heart-beat at sender: Y
time-out at receiver: O
safety relevant values heart-beat at sender: Y
time-out at receiver: Y
life check heart-beat at sender: Y
time-out at receiver: Y
trigger signal heart-beat at sender: NA
time-out at receiver: NA
user triggered signals heart-beat at sender: O
time-out at receiver: NA
Y = mandatory, O = optional, NA = not applicable.
By an automation process, scheduler, building management station. Whether time-out and heart-beat
is required may depend on the application domain.
Datapoints used to check the presence of a partner device.
Datapoints using DPT_Trigger.
Signals sent exclusively on user interaction.

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4.2.5 Transmission priorities
The priorities should be selected very carefully to ensure fair bus access. The priorities for frames are
defined in EN 50090-4-2.
The maximum priority that shall be used for run-time communication is “normal” (01b).
Usage of the priority “urgent” shall be reserved for specific applications only.
Usage of the priority “system” is reserved for communication for system configuration and Management
4.2.6 Bus load considerations for Property Clients
When Property values in a Property Server are accessed (write/read) by a Property Client, then the bus
load generated by this communication is fully controlled by the Property Client.
At runtime, the Property Client shall therefore guard the following rules to keep the bus load within limits:
− The Property Client shall not access a next Property value before the Property Server has responded
to the previous Property access (A_PropertyValue_Response-PDU).
− While waiting for the response of one Property Server, the Property Client shall not address another
Property Server. During configuration, this requirement does not apply: a Configuration Client may
access more than one device at the same time.
− In subsequent accesses to Property values, in between the response from the Property Server and
the next access to a Property value, the Property Client shall guard a longer interframe time than for
low priority data. This will allow normal process data to access the bus meanwhile. This may in the
Application in the Property client either be given automatically by the delays in processing the
received property values, or may be handled explicitly by introducing small wait times of e.g. 1 ms.
4.3 Datapoint Type error handling
4.3.1 Scope
DPT error handling denotes the capability to properly handle and react on not-allowed or unexpected
values of DPTs or fields of DPTs.
Senders – devices that provide the data – shall in general not send erroneous data. Receivers may react
in several ways to unexpected values.
The rules for DPT error handling listed below apply to entire DPTs in case the DPT exists only of a single
field and for each individual field in case the DPT is composed of two or more fields.
Consistency of data does not have to be tested and handled across different fields of structured DPTs.
EXAMPLE It is not required to check whether February 29 is a possible date in DPT_DateTime.

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4.3.2 Requirements Reserved fields
Sender: The DPT definition shall specify the value for this field. Usually, this is 0. The sender shall
set this field to this value.
Receiver: The receiver shall check whether the field has the specified value. If not, the entire received
DPT-value shall be ignored entirely.
EXAMPLE DPT_SceneControl (B r U , DPT_ID = 18.001) is used to call scenes in a device. Bit 6 in this DPT is reserved. If a
1 1 6
device received a value encoded according DPT_SceneControl on its scene Input and bit 6 appears to be set, this received value
shall be ignored and the device shall not react any further. Not-supported fields
If a field in a DPT is not supported, then the handling shall be as follows:
- Sender: This field shall be set to its default value, which is mostly 0.
- Receiver: The value of this field shall be ignored. Ranges for enumerated fields
Sender: The field shall never be set to a value out of the supported range.
Receiver: It shall be checked whether the value is supported. If the value is not supported, the DPT
value shall be ignored.
EXAMPLE A burner in a heating installation may burn more than one fuel type, e.g. oil and gas. It may be possible to select the
fuel type to be used by setting the

  • Relates Information
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