ISO 6185-3:2024

Inflatable boats — Part 3: Boats with a length of the hull less than 8 m with a motor power rating of 15 kW and greater

ISO 6185-3:2024

Name:ISO 6185-3:2024   Standard name:Inflatable boats — Part 3: Boats with a length of the hull less than 8 m with a motor power rating of 15 kW and greater
Standard number:ISO 6185-3:2024   language:English language
Release Date:02-Apr-2024   technical committee:ISO/TC 188 - Small craft
Drafting committee:ISO/TC 188 - Small craft   ICS number:47.080 - Small craft

ISO 6185-3
Third edition
Inflatable boats —
Part 3:
Boats with a length of the hull less
than 8 m with a motor power rating
of 15 kW and greater
Bateaux pneumatiques —
Partie 3: Bateaux d'une longueur de coque inférieure à 8 m et
d'une puissance moteur assignée supérieure ou égale à 15 kW
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
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ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 3
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 4
5 Construction and structural requirements . 5
5.1 Structural materials .5
5.1.1 General .5
5.1.2 Materials forming the flexible floor and buoyancy tube .5
5.1.3 Wood .6
5.2 Buoyant material used in foam-filled buoyancy tubes .7
5.2.1 General .7
5.2.2 Tests .7
5.3 Lifting the boat .8
5.3.1 General .8
5.3.2 Fittings for lifting of the boat (if applicable) .8
5.3.3 Complete boat overload test . .8
5.4 Strength of the boat’s structure .8
5.4.1 General .8
5.4.2 Drop test (rigid inflatable boats only).9
5.4.3 In-water testing .9
5.5 Buoyancy tube attachment strength test (type test only) .11
5.5.1 General .11
5.5.2 Requirement .11
5.6 Strength of principal fitted accessories .11
5.6.1 General .11
5.6.2 Requirement .11
6 Stability and flotation requirements .11
6.1 General .11
6.2 Maximum load capacity . 12
6.2.1 Determination methods . 12
6.2.2 Crew limit . 12
6.3 Offset load test . 13
6.4 Buoyancy requirements . 13
6.4.1 Total buoyant volume . 13
6.4.2 Buoyancy determination . .14
6.4.3 Sub-division of the inflatable buoyancy tubes (chambers) .14
6.4.4 Nominal pressures (inflatable buoyancy tubes) . 15
6.4.5 Valves (if applicable) . 15
6.4.6 Strength of the inflatable buoyancy tube .16
6.5 Level flotation when swamped .17
6.6 Watertightness .17
6.6.1 Openings and flooding .17
6.6.2 Hull (below deck) drainage .17
6.6.3 Watertightness test (not applicable to self-draining boats) .18
6.7 Cockpit draining time assessment (Type VIII boats only).18
6.7.1 Requirements .18
6.7.2 Self-draining test requirement .18
6.7.3 Test method .18
6.7.4 Quick-draining calculation requirement .18
7 Requirements for safe operation .18

7.1 Determination of maximum motor power and manoeuvring speed .18
7.2 Prevention of falling overboard and recovery .18
7.2.1 General .18
7.2.2 Location of handholds fitted on tubes of high-speed boats .19
7.2.3 Seating safety sign .19
7.3 Seating and attachment systems (where offered as a standard or optional equipment) .19
7.4 Field of vision from the helm position . 20
7.5 Fire protection . 20
7.6 Rowlocks and oars . 20
7.6.1 Requirements . 20
7.6.2 Abrasion damage. 20
7.6.3 Prevention from loosening . 20
7.6.4 Strength of rowlocks. 20
7.6.5 Use of the rowlocks and oars . . 20
7.6.6 Rowing test. 20
8 Installation requirements .21
8.1 Motor and motor spaces .21
8.1.1 Inboard motors .21
8.1.2 Outboard motors .21
8.2 Ventilation of petrol engine and/or petrol ta

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