ISO 14823-1:2024

Intelligent transport systems — Graphic data dictionary — Part 1: Specification

ISO 14823-1:2024

Name:ISO 14823-1:2024   Standard name:Intelligent transport systems — Graphic data dictionary — Part 1: Specification
Standard number:ISO 14823-1:2024   language:English language
Release Date:12-May-2024   technical committee:ISO/TC 204 - Intelligent transport systems
Drafting committee:ISO/TC 204/WG 10 - Traveller information systems   ICS number:35.240.60 - IT applications in transport

ISO 14823-1
Intelligent transport systems —
Graphic data dictionary —
Part 1:
Systèmes de transport intelligents — Dictionnaire de données
graphiques —
Partie 1: Spécification
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 3
5 Conformance . 3
6 Requirements . 3
7 Structure of pictogram code. 4
7.1 General .4
7.2 Current and deprecated signs .4
7.3 Relative object identifier .5
7.4 Country code .5
7.5 Pictogram code and object identifier (OID) node information .6
8 Numbering of pictogram codes . 8
8.1 General .8
8.2 Mnemonic of the pictogram code .8
8.3 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 11111 to no. 11999: Traffic sign pictograms
(danger warning) .8
8.4 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 12111 to no. 12999: Traffic sign pictograms
(regulatory) . 15
8.5 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 13111 to no. 13992: Traffic sign pictograms
(informative) .24
8.6 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 21111 to no. 21999: Public facilities
pictograms (public facilities) . 33
8.7 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 31111 to no. 31999: Ambient conditions
pictograms (ambient condition) . . 35
8.8 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 32111 to no. 32999: Ambient conditions
pictograms (road condition) . 36
8.9 Pictogram code (without country code) no. 41111 to no. 41999: Supplementary panel
pictograms . 36
Annex A (normative) ASN.1 description of GDD (version 2) .42
Annex B (normative) Attributes of GDD (version 2) .43
Annex C (informative) UML diagram of GDD (version 2) .53
Annex D (normative) Specializations (version 2) .56
Annex E (normative) ASN.1 description of GDD (version 1) .58
Annex F (normative) Attributes of GDD (version 1) .59
Annex G (informative) UML diagram of GDD (version 1) .65
Annex H (normative) List of directions at diverging point .66
Annex I (informative) Example GDD data set for the United Nations (UN) and selected countries .70
Annex J (informative) Pictogram code and OID node information (version 1) .71
Bibliography .73

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems, in
collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 278,
Intelligent transport systems, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and
CEN (Vienna Agreement).
This first edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 14823:2017), which has been technically revised.
The main changes are as follows:
— the mechanism of "relative object identifier" has been specified (7.3);
— the inclusion of up to 4 pictograms in the graphic data dictionary (GDD) has been allowed;
— redundant pictogram codes have been deleted;
— new pictogram codes requested by certain countries have been added;
— new attributes to comply with new signs have been added;
— redundant attributes have been deleted;
— existing attributes have been changed to be more flexible and to be harmonized with existing International
A list of all parts in the ISO 14823 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at

0.1 Design principle
This document specifies a graphic data dictionary (GDD) that has been developed with the intent of creating
a common basis for transmitting encoded information for existing road traffic signs and pictograms. The
coding system has been developed to be language-independent, such that data that can be interpreted,
irrespective of language or regional differences. The GDD supports intelligent transport system (ITS)
application such as in-vehicle signage or in-vehicle information.
This document supports:
— the efficient IT-centric encoding for ITS messaging to represent specific road traffic signs and pictograms,
— the consistent decoding of encoded road traffic signs and pictogram data for display in ITS.
This document can support the translation of signs and pictograms with a similar purpose from the
representation used in one country to the representation used in another country.
Existing road traffic signs and pictograms from various countries are listed in Annex I.
0.2 Background of revision
The first edition of this document (ISO 14823:2017) used the country codes stipulated by ISO 3166-1 to
distinguish the country where the GDD is provided and used the following numbering structure to identify
the pictogram codes stipulated in Clause 8.
— The two-digit category of the sign.
— The one-digit nature of the sign.
— The two-digit serial number of the sign.
However, this mechanism lacked a global identification of pictogram codes and a flexibility when adding
new pictogram codes.
To cope with these issues, the present document, ISO 14823-1:2023, has been developed.
0.3 Backward compatibility
This document has been developed to be backward compatible with ISO 14823:2017 to assist in transitions
from earlier implementations, while not hindering spreads of ISO 14823:2017 and being able to support
many new features.
Specifically, the GDD allows the selection of two versions described in 7.1. The GDD allows the use of the
ASN.1 description specified in Annex A or Annex E, and allows the use of the attributes specified in Annex B
or Annex F.
International Standard ISO 14823-1:2024(en)
Intelligent transport systems — Graphic data dictionary —
Part 1:
1 Scope
This document specifies a graphic data dictionary (GDD), a system of standardized codes for existing road
traffic signs and pictograms used to deliver traffic and traveller information (TTI). The coding system can
be used in the f

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  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

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  • IEC 60118-6:1999

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  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

    HD 280.3 S1:1999
  • ISO 9832:1992

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