UDC 001.4
R 704
April 1968
The copyright of IS0 Recommendations and IS0 Standards
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For each individual country the only valid standard is the national standard of that country.
Printed in Switzerland
Also issued in French and Russian. Copies to be obtained through the national standards organizations.
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The IS0 Recommendation R 704, Naming principles, was drawn up by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 37, Terminology (Principles and co-ordination), the Secretariat of which is held by the
Osterreichischer Normenausschus (ONA).
Work on this question by the Technical Committee began in 1954 and led, in 1963, to the
adoption of a Draft IS0 Recommendation.
In September 1964, this Draft IS0 Recommendation (No. 676) was circulated to all the IS0
Member Bodies for enquiry. It was approved, subject to a few modifications of an editorial nature, by
the following Member Bodies :
Austria Ireland Romani a
Chile Israel South Africa,
Czechoslovakia Italy Rep. of
France Morocco Spain
Germany Netherlands Switzerland
Greece Poland United Kingdom
India Portugal U.S.A.
One Member Body opposed the approval of the Draft :
U .S .S .R.
The Draft IS0 Recommendation was then submitted by correspondence to the IS0 Council
which decided, in April 1968, to accept it as an IS0 RECOMMENDATION.
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Co-operation and communication between experts engaged in all branches of science and technology
are assuming ever-increasing importance as essential conditions for progress, both within each country
and between countries. For this exchange to be successful, technical terms should have the same
meaning for everyone who uses them. This goal can be achieved only if there is general agreement on
the meaning of these terms. Hence the importance of technical vocabularies, in which concepts and
terms, as well as their definition, are standardized (terminological standards). It is just such standards
which aid to assure mutual understanding.
These vocabularies are prepared by the National Standards Associations and by the Technical
Committees of ISO. During the worh on terminology carried out by these bodies it quickly became
apparent that it was necessary to have directives applicable to any field of knowledge and that it was
possible to establish them.
Accordingly, IS0 set up a Technical Committee, known as ISO/TC 37, Terminology (Principles and
co-ordinationj, with the mission of finding out and formulating general principles on scientific
terminology and terminological lexicography. .
The IS0 Recommendations prepared by this Technical Committee deal with questions that fall under
the following four classes :
1. Vocabulary of terminology;
3. Procedure for preparing national or international standardized vocabularies;
3. National and international standardization of concepts, terms and their definitions :
principles for their establishment and criteria of value;
4. Layout of monolingual and multilingual vocabularies, including lexicographical symbols .
The IS0 Recommendation included in class 3 deals with guidance in the organization of the work,
while the other classes are concerned with technical details.
The following IS0 Recommendations have been or will be issued :
Class 1
L ISO/R .,* Vocabulary of terminology
C!ass 3
ISO/R .,** Guide for the preparation of classified vocabularies
Class 3
ISO/R 7G4, Naming principles
International unification of concepts and terms
ISO!R .,***
Class 4
NOIR .,**** Layout of multilingual classified vocabularies
ISO/R ., Layout of monolingual classified vocabularies
ISO/R ., Lexicographical symbols
ISO/R 639, Symbols for languages, countries and authorities
* At present Draft IS0 Recommendation No. 781.
** At present Draft IS0 Recornmendation No. 792.
*** At present Draft IS0 Recommendation No. 1189.
**** At present Draft IS0 Recommendation No. 1659.
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ISO/R 704-1968 (E)
Symbols . 6
Introduction . 7
1 . Selection of principles . 7
1.1 Choice between conflicting principles (Principle No . 1) . 7
1.2 Language economy (Principle No . 2) . 7
2 . Concepts and definitions . 8
2.1 Concepts . 8
2.1.1 Nature of concepts (Principle No . 3) . 8
2.1.2 Delimitation of concepts (Principle No . 4) . 8
2.1.3 Synoptic tables of concepts (Principle No . 5) . 8
2.1.4 Order of preference of equivalent characteristics (Principle No . 6) . 8 Justification of the order of preference . 9
2.2 Definitions . 9
2.2.1 Definitions in general . 9 Definition as a point of departure (Principle No . 7) . 9 Concordance of definitions (Principle No . 8) . 9 Terms used in a definition (Principle No . 9) . 10 Limitation of the scope of a definition (Principle No . 10) . 10 Precision of the definitions (Principle No . 1 1) . 10
2.3.3 Definitions by intension . 10 The nearest genus (Principle No . 12) . 10 Incomplete definitions by intension (Principle No . 13) . 10
2.3.3 Definitions by extension . 10 The value of definitions by extension (Principle No . 14) . 10
2.2.4 Illustrations . 10 Types of illustrations and their value (Principle No . 15) . 10
............................ 11
3.1 External form of terms . 11
3.1.1 Linguistic propriety (Principle No . 16) . 11
3.1.2 Conciseness of terms (Principle No . 17) . 11
3.1.3 Abbreviated terms (Principle No . 18) . 11
3.1.4 Transliteration (Principle No . 19) . 13
3.2 Literal meaning of terms . 12
3.2.1 Correspondence with the definition (Principle No . 20) . 12
3.2.3 The literal meaning of complex terms (Principle No . 21) . 13
3.2.3 Possibility of forming derivatives (Principle No . 22) . 12
3.2.4 Complex terms with misleading constituents (Principle No . 23) . 12
3.2.5 Transferred terms (Principle No . 24) . 17
3.3 Correspondence between term (designation) and concept (meaning) . 13
3.3.1 Ambiguous terms (Principle No . 25) . 13
3.3.2 Synonyms (Principle No . 26) . 13
3.3.3 International and native words as synonyms (Principle No . 27) . 14
3.3.4 Ajherence to established usage (Principle No . 28) . 14
3.3.5 Changes of meaning (Principle No . 29) . 14
4 . Presentation of concepts and terms . 15
4.1 Vocabularies and glossaries . 15
4.1.1 Classifying presentation (Principle No . 30) . 15
5 . Useofterms . 15
5.1 Function of context . 15
5.1.1 Context replacing a word element (Principle No . 3 1) . 15
. 5 .
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ISOIR 704-1968 (E)
Indicates that the preceding term is defined in IS0 Recommendation R .,*
VOC~~U~Q~ of terminology under the serial number following the letter V
(V = Vocabulary).**
Beginning of the term (composed of several words) to which the symbol ‘‘(V. . . )”
following the term belongs.
D German
E English
F French
I Italian
S Spanish
American Standard (USA)
BS British Standard
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ISA International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations
NBN Belgian Standard
French Standard
Draft French Standard
VSM Swiss Society of Manufacturers of Machinery
* At present Draft IS0 Recommendation No. 781.
** The terms designating the different types of vocabularies and glossaries (see clause 4.1) will appear only in the
second edition of the Vocabulary of terminology.
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ISO/R 704-1968 (E)
IS0 Recommendation R 704 April 1968
This IS0 Recommendation deals with questions falling under class 3 mentioned in the Foreword.
Its purpose is to provide those who are dealing with the terminology in any scientific or technical
field with a number of principles designed to help them to unify and standardize concepts and terms
or to create new ones.
They are fundamental principles, capable of application to any language
While the principles in this IS0 Recommendation apply to any language, it is desirable that, as far as
possible, the concepts and terms thus chosen in the various languages should correspond closely to
one another. The principles designed to achieve this purpose are included in IS0 Recommendation
R .,* International unification of concepts and terms, which also falls under class 3.
The technical terms of the terminology used to formulate the principles of this IS0 Recommendation
are defined in IS0 Recommendation R .,** Vocabulay of terminology. Reference to this vocabulary
is made by superscript letter symbols after each of these terms (see list of symbols on page
IS0 Recommendation R .,** Vocabu2ay of terminology falls under class 1 of the items mentioned
in the Foreword.
1.1 Choice between conflicting principles (Principle No. 1)
A term (V 31) should meet a large number of requirements. The most important of these are
summarized below in the form of principles.
Some of these principles frequently conflict with one another. In such a case, a search should
be made for the principle to which priority should be given.
Important special cases. The principle regarding language economy (Principle No. 2) and the
principle requiring that an established usage should not be changed (Principle No. 28) without
cogent reasons.
Consequently, the present principles apply firstly to new terms and to the selection of the best
term among synonyms (V 92).
1.2 Language economy (Principle No. 2)
In forming or using a term (V 31) it should be borne in mind that greater accuracy of expres-
sion very often involves less ease in speaking and understanding. Hence, one should not be more
precise than the situation requires.
Special cases. Principles No. 1 1, 17, 18, 24 and 3 1.
At present Draft IS0 Recommendation No. 1189.
** At present Draft IS0 Recornmendation No. 781.
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ISO/R 704-1968 (E)
2.1 Concepts
2.1.1 Nature of concepts (Principle No. 3). It should always be borne in mind that concepts (V 2)
cannot be taken for the Tndividual object (V 1) themselves. They are mental constructions
of the inner or outer world by way of a more or less
serving to classify the individual objects
arbitrary “abstraction”.
Concepts should not be confounded with terms (V 31) which are the symbols-of the
concepts and which are also created by man in a more or less arbitrary manner.
2.1.2 Delimitation of concepts (Principle No. 4). In creating or defining a new concept (V 2), one
should carefully determine the limits of the mental representation of the concept and also its
relation to other existing concepts (V 9) within the same system. One should ascertain
therefore the genus (V 5), its species (V 6) and the contiguous (neighbouring) concepts, as
well as the parts of the object under consideration and the aggregates to which this object
2.1.3 Synoptic tables of concepts (Principle No. 5). It is recommended that the mutual delimit-
ation of concepts (V 2) be illustrated by means of synoptic tables, i.e. by anassified list
(V 16) of the concepts or by a [graphic representation (V 15) of their genealogical tree.
2.1.4 Order of preference of equivalent characteristics (Principle No. 6). The characteristics (V3)
of concepts (V 2) can be considered under two main headings, as follows :
lntrinsic (= inherent) characteristics (V 21), especially those of design (shape
and size, material, hardness, etc.).
Examples : hollow ground (saw);
straight (saw);
disk (key);
rotating (field).
Extrinsic characteristics (V 22), in particular in technology.
(bl) Characteristics of purpose (V 24) ~ (application, functioning, scope,
location and positioning in an assembly).
Examples : (saw) for smooth cutting;
(saw) for amateurs;
milling (machine);
rear (wheel).
(b2) Characteristics of origin (V 23) - (method of manufacture; discoverer,
describer, inventor; producer, country of origin; supplier).
Examples : pasteurized (milk);
Lancashire (boiler);
Woodruff (key);
Ferraris (field).
There is, generally, no doubt from which class the characteristics should be taken in order to
form a concept, to define it and to designate it by a term.
Actually, the characteristics are determined in each case by the position which the concept
under consideration occupies in the Fystem of concepts (V 9) to which it belongs. In the
concept Ruhr coal, for instance, the characteristic Ruhr, which is a characteristic of origin,
cani,ot be replaced by an intrinsic Characteristic such as composition, because this is
too complex.
Sometimes, however, the choice is open between several Equivalent characteristics (V 35). A
convex lens, for instance, is always at the same time a converging lens, and vice versa.
In this case, it is recommended that consideration be given to the order of the three classes
of characteristics as shown above and that, among equivalent characteristics, preference be
given to that which comes first in this order.
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ISO/R 704-1968 (E) Justification ofthe order of preference
Intrinsic characteristics (a) are more convenient than extrinsic characteristics (b)
because they can be ascertained by inspection, and generally by anyone, as for example
a more detailed knowledge
by warehouse men and dealers. They are self-sufficient, and
as to the purpose (b1 I or to the origin (bz), is not required.
It is true, however, that intrinsic characteristics (a) are better suited to the naming of
simple objects than to complex ones. For example, machines should be named in
most cases according to their purpose (b).
Purpose (bi ) offers better characteristics than origin (b2) because it generally relates
to the essence of a concept, whereas the origin, for instance the person of the
inventor, is connected with the nature of the object.
The purpose has the drawback that it is subject to changes without there being a change
of intrinsic characteristics.
Origin (b2), as a characteristic, also has a drawback if determined by the name of a
person, a legal entity or a geographical location. It is open to doubt whether the
indication of origin concerns the product itself or merely the method of manufacture.
Do not say But
F lame de scie circulaire à coupe lisse F lame de scie circulaire guidée vers
(“circular saw blade for smooth la centre
cutting”) (bl ) (“hollow ground circular saw blade”)
hand saw for amateurs (bl ) straight-edged hand saw (a)
sulphuric ether* (b2) diethyl ether 0S (a)
F clavette Woodrufj’VSM F clavette-disque NF
(“Woodruflkey” USAS, 0s; “Whit- clavette disque N BN
(“disk key”) (a)
ney key”) (b2)
F denture americaine F dentureenBM
(“American teeth”) (b2) (“BM-shaped teeth”) (a)
Ferraris field (b2) rotating field IEC (a)
Kelvin effect IEC (b2) skin efféct IEC (a)
The above examples are terms in which their components (V58) express character-
2.2 Definitions
2.2.1 Definitions in general Definition as a point of departure (Principle No. 7J. In the process of selecting or
seeking an appropriate term (V 3 1) for a concept (V 2) it is essentialto achieve clarity
concerning the definition of the concept.
For clarifying the concept, its intension (V 4) (i.e. its characteristics (V 3)) and its
extensions by abstraction and collection (i.e. its species (V 6) and its parts) have to be
determined. Concordance of definitions (Principle No. 8). By the definition of a concept (V 2) is
meant the determination of the position of that concept within the Kystem of all
related concepts (V 9) (see the principle set forth in clause 2.1.2).
Cocsequently, it is essential to select the characteristics (V 3) to be mentioned in a
definition (V 27) so that they delimit the concept against related concepts. Every
definition should be established with due regard for all definitions that relate to the
same system of concepts. Only by comparing it with other definitions can its full
meaning (V 83) be precisely stated.
Example : In some alphabetical dictionaries one can often ascertain that definitions of
related concepts do not tally.
Diethyl ether is obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on alcohol.
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ISO/R 704-1968 (I Terms used in a definition (Principle No. 9). All technical terms (V 31) that appear
in a definition (V 27) should be defined in the same or in another reliable publication