IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019

Amendment 1 - Environmental testing - Part 2-69: Tests - Test Te/Tc: Solderability testing of electronic components and printed boards by the wetting balance (force measurement) method

IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019

Name:IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019   Standard name:Amendment 1 - Environmental testing - Part 2-69: Tests - Test Te/Tc: Solderability testing of electronic components and printed boards by the wetting balance (force measurement) method
Standard number:IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019   language:English and French language
Release Date:18-Jun-2019   technical committee:TC 91 - Electronics assembly technology

IEC 60068-2-69
Edition 3.0 2019-06
Environmental testing –
Part 2-69: Tests – Test Te/Tc: Solderability testing of electronic components
and printed boards by the wetting balance (force measurement) method

Essais d'environnement –
Partie 2-69: Essais – Essai Te/Tc: Essai de brasabilité des composants
électroniques et cartes imprimées par la méthode de la balance de mouillage
(mesure de la force)
IEC 60068-2-69:2017-03/AMD1:2019-06(en-fr)

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IEC 60068-2-69
Edition 3.0 2019-06
Environmental testing –
Part 2-69: Tests – Test Te/Tc: Solderability testing of electronic components

and printed boards by the wetting balance (force measurement) method

Essais d'environnement –
Partie 2-69: Essais – Essai Te/Tc: Essai de brasabilité des composants

électroniques et cartes imprimées par la méthode de la balance de mouillage

(mesure de la force)
ICS 19.040; 31.190 ISBN 978-2-8322-0000-0

– 2 – IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019
 IEC 2019
This amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 91: Electronics assembly
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
91/1566/FDIS 91/1580/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report
on voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC website under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
Figure 2 – Arrangement for the test apparatus (solder globule wetting balance method)
Replace key item 2 for with "Globule support block".

7.1.5 Solder mass for solder globule wetting balance method
Replace the 1 paragraph with the following:
For the solder globule wetting balance method, the solder shall be in the form of pellets or cut
wire (here after referred to as "solder pellet") with a mass of 200 mg ± 10 mg for use on the
4 mm diameter globule support block pin (here after referred to as "pin"), 100 mg ± 10 mg for
use on 3,2 mm diameter pin, 25 mg ± 2,5 mg for use on the 2 mm diameter pin,
5 mg ± 0,5 mg for use on the 1 mm pin. Refer to Table 3.
Replace Table 3 with the following new table:

 IEC 2019
Table 3 – Pin diameter and solder pellet mass
Pin diameter Solder pellet mass
mm mg
1 5 ± 0,5
25 ± 2,5
100 ± 10
4 200 ± 10
Replace the last sentence of the 2 paragraph with following sentence:
Refer to C.5.1.1 c) regarding the concave aluminium body head.

8.2.3 Solder globule wetting balance procedure
Replace the 2 paragraph with the following:
Select the appropriate pin diameter for the component to be tested. Recommended pin
diameters are given in Table 7.
nd th
Replace the 2 sentence of the 6 paragraph with the following:
High-activated rosin base as specified in 7.2.1 shall be applied to the solder globule.

Table 7 – Recommended solder globule wetting balance test conditions
In the header row, replace "Pin size" with "Pin diameter" and replace "Globule mass" with
"Solder pellet mass".
Figure 4 – Immersion conditions for solder globule method
Replace Figure 4 with the following new figure:

– 4 – IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019
 IEC 2019
1 Horizontal line 2 Solder globule
3 Globule support block 4 Iron pin
Figure 4 – Immersion conditions for solder globule method Test specimen
Replace the content with the following:
The test specimen shall be a full board, a section of a board or the test specimen as specified
in the relevant specification. If the relevant specification does not specify the test specimen,
the test specimens shown in Figure 5 may be used.
Figure 5 – Suggested wetting balance test specimens and soldering immersion
Replace Figure 5 with the following new figure:

 IEC 2019
Dimensions in millimetres
NOTE The figures on the right-hand side show the alternative configurations.
Symbol Width Length Pad-to-pad pitch Pad extension beyond the edge
B 1,9 round 4,0 —
C 3,18 4,52 4,0 0,51
[SOURCE: IPC 003c-4-2]
a) Test specimen for solder bath method
Dimensions in millimetres
Symbol Width Length Symbol Width Length Symbol Width Length
D10 0,698 5 0,899 2 D17 1,798 3 3,200 4 D24 0,500 4 1,798 3
D11 0,549 4 0,698 5 D18 2,999 7 2,999 7 D25 0,599 4 2,199 6
D12 0,800 1 1,000 8 D19 0,170 2 1,600 2 D33 1,899 9 3,799 8
D13 1,000 8 1,099 8 D20 0,248 9 1,600 2 D35 0,500 4 round
D14 0,899 2 1,399 5 D21 0,299 7 1,600 2 D36 0,599 4 round
D15 1,300 5 1,498 6 D22 0,350 5 1,798 3
D16 1,600 2 1,798 3 D23 0,399 8 1,798 3
[SOURCE: NPL Report MATCA(A)03, Figures 2 and 3 (TB26)]
b) Test specimen for solder globule method
Figure 5 – Suggested wetting balance test specimens for printed boards

– 6 – IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019
 IEC 2019 Procedure
Replace the title with "Printed board test procedure".
Insert a new Subclause entitled "Procedure for solder bath method" and move the
existing contents of into this new subclause with the following modifications.
st st
Replace the 1 sentence of the 1 paragraph with the following:
The test specimens shall be dipped in the flux to the full depth to be soldered for 5 s to 10 s.
st nd
Replace the 1 sentence of the 2 paragraph with the following:
Hang the specimen on the apparatus so that its lower edge is 10 mm ± 1 mm above the solder
bath to preheat it for 20 s ± 1 s.
st nd rd
Replace the 1 and 2 sentences of the 3 paragraph with the following:
The flux-covered surface shall be immersed only once in the molten solder to a depth of
0,2 mm ± 0,1 mm, and the angle of immersion shall be 20° to 40°, as shown in Figure 6.

Add the following new Subclause Procedure for solder globule method
As per 8.2.3 with the following details:
a) pin diameter: 4 mm;
b) solder pellet mass: 200 mg;
c) flux type: high activated rosin-based flux as specified in 7.2.1;
d) dipping angle: 45°;
e) immersion depth: 0,10 mm;
f) immersion speed: 1 mm/s;
g) dwell time: 10 s.
The time sequence of the test is shown in Table 8. The test sequence time should be the least
possible whilst maintaining repeatability.

10 Information to be given in the relevant specification
In list item e), replace "Globule size" with "Pin diameter and solder pellet mass".

B.3 Solder globule mass and pin size
Replace the title with "Solder pellet mass and pin diameter".
Replace the first three paragraphs with the following:

 IEC 2019
The solder globule wetting balance method is standardized using 4 pin diameters (4 mm,
3,2 mm, 2 mm and 1 mm) for the iron insert in the aluminium block, and 4 corresponding
solder pellet masses (200 mg, 100 mg, 25 mg and 5 mg).
In general, the smaller solder pellet masses give improved discrimination with the smaller
SMDs and facilitate testing of individual leads on fine-pitch devices, such as QFPs (quad flat
packs) and BGAs (ball grid arrays). The 200 mg pellet mass is required for all larger SMD and
multi-leaded SMD, where the 25 mg solder pellet mass has insufficient volume to completely
solder the terminations. The 100 mg solder pellet mass provides a larger wetting force than
the 200 mg solder pellet mass and larger thermal inertia than the 25 mg solder pellet mass.
With the advent of even smaller SMDs, such as 0603M (0201), a smaller pin diameter of 1
mm, and solder pellet mass 5 mg or 2,5 mg, may be required to match these finer SMD sizes.
A list of recommended pin diameters and solder pellet masses is given in Table 7 and
Annex C.
B.7.2.2 Noise level (see Clause A.1 c))
Replace, in the title, "(see Clause A.1 c))" with "(see Clause A.1 d))".

Add the following document:
NPL Report MATC(A)03, Solderbility Measurements of PCB Pad Finishes and Geometries,
Febrary 2001. By Deborah Lea, Fredirikus Jonck and Christopher Hunt

– 8 – IEC 60068-2-69:2017/AMD1:2019
 IEC 2019
Le présent amendement a été établi par le comité d'études 91 de l'IEC: Techniques
d'assemblage des composants électroniques.
Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:
FDIS Rapport de vote
91/1566/FDIS 91/1580/RVD
Le rapport de vote indiqué dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant
abouti à l'approbation de cet amendement.
Le comité a décidé que le contenu de cet amendement et de la publication de base ne sera
pas modifié avant la date de stabilité indiquée sur le site web de l'IEC sous
"" dans les données relatives à la publication recherchée. A cette date,
la publication sera
• reconduite

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  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

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  • ISO 9832:1992

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  • EN 60188:1988/A1:1990

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