IEC 61850-7-4:2010

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-4: Basic communication structure - Compatible logical node classes and data object classes

IEC 61850-7-4:2010

Name:IEC 61850-7-4:2010   Standard name:Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 7-4: Basic communication structure - Compatible logical node classes and data object classes
Standard number:IEC 61850-7-4:2010   language:English language
Release Date:11-Feb-2020   technical committee:TC 57 - Power systems management and associated information exchange

IEC 61850-7-4
Edition 2.0 2010-03
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-4: Basic communication structure – Compatible logical node classes and
data object classes

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IEC 61850-7-4
Edition 2.0 2010-03
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation –
Part 7-4: Basic communication structure – Compatible logical node classes and
data object classes
ICS 33.200 ISBN 978-2-88910-577-9
– 2 – 61850-7-4 © IEC:2010(E)
2 Normative references.12
3 Terms and definitions .13
4 Abbreviated terms.13
5 Logical node classes.19
5.1 Logical node groups .19
5.2 Interpretation of logical node tables .20
5.3 System logical nodes LN group: L .21
5.3.1 LN relationships.21
5.3.2 LN: Physical device information  Name: LPHD.22
5.3.3 LN: common logical node  Name: Common LN.22
5.3.4 LN: Logical node zero  Name: LLN0 .24
5.3.5 LN: Physical communication channel supervision  Name: LCCH .24
5.3.6 LN: GOOSE subscription  Name: LGOS .25
5.3.7 LN: Sampled value subscription  Name: LSVS.25
5.3.8 LN: Time management  Name: LTIM.26
5.3.9 LN: Time master supervision  Name: LTMS.26
5.3.10 LN: Service tracking  Name: LTRK .27
5.4 Logical nodes for automatic control  LN Group: A.27
5.4.1 Modelling remarks .27
5.4.2 LN: Neutral current regulator  Name: ANCR .27
5.4.3 LN: Reactive power control  Name: ARCO.29
5.4.4 LN: Resistor control  Name: ARIS .29
5.4.5 LN: Automatic tap changer controller  Name: ATCC .30
5.4.6 LN: Voltage control  Name: AVCO.31
5.5 Logical nodes for control  LN Group: C .32
5.5.1 Modelling remarks .32
5.5.2 LN: Alarm handling  Name: CALH .32
5.5.3 LN: Cooling group control  Name: CCGR.32
5.5.4 LN: Interlocking  Name: CILO.33
5.5.5 LN: Point-on-wave switching  Name: CPOW.33
5.5.6 LN: Switch controller  Name: CSWI.34
5.5.7 LN: Synchronizer controller  Name: CSYN.35
5.6 Logical nodes for functional blocks  LN group F .36
5.6.1 Modelling remarks .36
5.6.2 LN: Counter  Name: FCNT .36
5.6.3 LN: Curve shape description  Name: FCSD .37
5.6.4 LN: Generic filter  Name: FFIL .37
5.6.5 LN: Control function output limitation  Name: FLIM .38
5.6.6 LN: PID regulator  Name: FPID .38
5.6.7 LN: Ramp function  Name: FRMP.39
5.6.8 LN: Set-point control function  Name: FSPT .39
5.6.9 LN: Action at over threshold  Name: FXOT .40
5.6.10 LN: Action at under threshold  Name: FXUT .40

61850-7-4 © IEC:2010(E) – 3 –
5.7 Logical nodes for generic references  LN Group: G .41
5.7.1 Modelling remarks .41
5.7.2 LN: Generic automatic process control  Name: GAPC .41
5.7.3 LN: Generic process I/O  Name: GGIO.42
5.7.4 LN: Generic log  Name: GLOG.42
5.7.5 LN: Generic security application  Name: GSAL.43
5.8 Logical nodes for interfacing and archiving  LN Group: I.43
5.8.1 Modelling remarks .43
5.8.2 LN: Archiving  Name: IARC .43
5.8.3 LN: Human machine interface  Name: IHMI.44
5.8.4 LN: Safety alarm function  Name: ISAF .44
5.8.5 LN: Telecontrol interface  Name: ITCI .45
5.8.6 LN: Telemonitoring interface  Name: ITMI .45
5.8.7 LN: Teleprotection communication interfaces  Name: ITPC .45
5.9 Logical nodes for mechanical and non-electric primary equipment  LN group
K .46
5.9.1 Modelling remarks .46
5.9.2 LN: Fan  Name: KFAN .47
5.9.3 LN: Filter  Name: KFIL .47
5.9.4 LN: Pump  Name: KPMP.48
5.9.5 LN: Tank  Name: KTNK.48
5.9.6 LN: Valve control  Name: KVLV.49
5.10 Logical nodes for metering and measurement  LN Group: M.50
5.10.1 Modelling remarks .50
5.10.2 LN: Environmental information  Name: MENV .50
5.10.3 LN: Flicker measurement name  Name: MFLK .51
5.10.4 LN: Harmonics or interharmonics  Name: MHAI .52
5.10.5 LN: Non-phase-related harmonics or interharmonics  Name: MHAN .53
5.10.6 LN: Hydrological information  Name: MHYD .55
5.10.7 LN: DC measurement  Name: MMDC.55
5.10.8 LN: Meteorological information  Name: MMET.55
5.10.9 LN: Metering  Name: MMTN.56
5.10.10 LN: Metering  Name: MMTR.57
5.10.11 LN: Non-phase-related measurement  Name: MMXN .57
5.10.12 LN: Measurement  Name: MMXU.57
5.10.13 LN: Sequence and imbalance  Name: MSQI.59
5.10.14 LN: Metering statistics  Name: MSTA.60
5.11 Logical nodes for protection functions  LN Group: P .60
5.11.1 Modelling remarks .60
5.11.2 LN: Differential  Name: PDIF.61
5.11.3 LN: Direction comparison  Name: PDIR .62
5.11.4 LN: Distance  Name: PDIS.63
5.11.5 LN: Directional overpower  Name: PDOP .63
5.11.6 LN: Directional underpower  Name: PDUP .64
5.11.7 LN: Rate of change of frequency  Name: PFRC.64
5.11.8 LN: Harmonic restraint  Name: PHAR .65
5.11.9 LN: Ground detector  Name: PHIZ .65
5.11.10 LN: Instantaneous overcurrent  Name: PIOC.66
5.11.11 LN: Motor restart inhibition  Name: PMRI .66
5.11.12 LN: Motor starting time supervision  Name: PMSS .67

– 4 – 61850-7-4 © IEC:2010(E)
5.11.13 LN: Over power factor  Name: POPF .67
5.11.14 LN: Phase angle measuring  Name: PPAM .67
5.11.15 LN: Rotor protection  Name: PRTR .68
5.11.16 LN: Protection scheme  Name: PSCH .68
5.11.17 LN: Sensitive directional earthfault  Name: PSDE.69
5.11.18 LN: Transient earth fault  Name: PTEF .70
5.11.19 LN: Thyristor protection  Name: PTHF .70
5.11.20 LN: Time overcurrent  Name: PTOC .70
5.11.21 LN: Overfrequency  Name: PTOF .71
5.11.22 LN: Overvoltage  Name: PTOV .72
5.11.23 LN: Protection trip conditioning  Name: PTRC .72
5.11.24 LN: Thermal overload  Name: PTTR .73
5.11.25 LN: Undercurrent  Name: PTUC.73
5.11.26 LN: Underfrequency  Name: PTUF.74
5.11.27 LN: Undervoltage  Name: PTUV.74
5.11.28 LN: Underpower factor  Name: PUPF.75
5.11.29 LN: Voltage controlled time overcurrent  Name: PVOC .

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