IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020

Amendment 1 - Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-42: Partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification tests

IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020

Name:IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020   Standard name:Amendment 1 - Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-42: Partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification tests
Standard number:IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020   language:English and French language
Release Date:17-Aug-2020   technical committee:TC 2 - Rotating machinery

IEC 60034-18-42
Edition 1.0 2020-08
Rotating electrical machines –
Part 18-42: Partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II)
used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters – Qualification
Machines électriques tournantes –
Partie 18-42: Systèmes d’isolation électrique résistants aux décharges partielles
(Type II) utilisés dans des machines électriques tournantes alimentées par
convertisseurs de tension – Essais de qualification

IEC 60034-18-42:2017-02/AMD1:2020-08(en-fr)

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IEC 60034-18-42
Edition 1.0 2020-08
Rotating electrical machines –

Part 18-42: Partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II)

used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters – Qualification

Machines électriques tournantes –

Partie 18-42: Systèmes d’isolation électrique résistants aux décharges partielles

(Type II) utilisés dans des machines électriques tournantes alimentées par

convertisseurs de tension – Essais de qualification

ICS 29.160.01 ISBN 978-2-8322-8603-6

– 2 – IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020
© IEC 2020
This amendment has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee 2: Rotating machinery.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
2/1998/FDIS 2/2008/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
3 Terms and definitions
Replace the existing definitions with the following new definitions:
impulse voltage repetition rate
average of the inverse of the time between two successive impulses of the same polarity,
whether unipolar or bipolar, in a considered set of pulses, for example for one period
impulse voltage insulation class for Type II insulation systems
peak to peak voltage classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S including certain time parameters for reliable
operation, assigned by the manufacturer in relation to the rated voltage for a specified
converter-driven machine and indicated in its documentation and, if applicable, on its rating
maximum allowable peak to peak phase to ground voltage
maximum allowable peak to peak phase to ground voltage in service, according to the IVIC-
© IEC 2020
Add the following new definition:
test voltage factor
maximum allowable peak to peak operating phase-ground-voltages in units of U , divided by
Replace the existing Table 1 with the following:
Table 1 – Examples of the measured values of the characteristics
of the terminal voltages for two converter-fed machines
Machine rating 3,3 kV 6,6 kV
Measured peak to peak voltage on the phase to ground insulation 7,9 kV 13,9 kV
Fundamental frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Impulse rise time at the motor terminals 1 µs 3 µs
Impulse repetition rate 1 kHz 900 Hz
IVIC required to qualify the insulation for this service (see Table D.2, column 2) 3 2

Replace the second paragraph below Table 1 with the following:
The maximum change in voltage or jump voltage (U ) at the impulse repetition rate is shown in
Figure 3. This parameter is important in defining the voltage enhancement that can occur across
the first or last coil in the winding. A fundamental frequent double jump transition
(Figure 3, U )) is possible and needs to be considered accordingly.
j max
– 4 – IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020
© IEC 2020
Replace Figure 3 with the following:

Figure 3 – Jump voltage (U or U ) at the terminals
j j max
of a machine fed from a converter drive
10.2 Test methods
Replace the fist paragraph with the following:
The purpose of testing is to show that the electrical life of the turn insulation provides a life in
service which is acceptable to the customer. It is expected that the manufacturer will know the
maximum peak to peak voltage to appear between turns in a particular service application. The
worst case insulation stress (depending on winding and coil design) shall be chosen. If the
maximum peak to peak voltage between turns in service U is unknown, it shall be assumed
that the complete jump voltage falls across the first coil, and so the amplitude of U is the
jump voltage divided by the number of turns (for one layer coils) or calculated according to the
arrangement of turns (for multilayer coils). The peak-peak turn-turn voltage is normally twice
the amplitude –if the rise time and the fall time of the jumps are usually the same.
12.4 Stress control specimens
Replace the text of this subclause with the following:
To qualify the stress control system to be used, testing of coils or bars, built to production
standards and fitted into representative slots, is undertaken. The slots shall be equipped with
heaters for the heating of the straight part to service temperature. Heating may be produced by
passing current through the conductors. In order to reduce the capacitive load on the test
supply, the specimens and slots may be of reduced length but the specimens shall otherwise
be manufactured in the same way as the coils or bars used in service. Supplemental heating
by thermostatic chamber or other heating devices may be applied for the stable heating.
Supplemental heating temperature should be below the operating temperature of stator coils –
see Clause 7.
© IEC 2020
13.2 Mainwall insulation
Replace the second paragraph with the following.
At least three voltages shall be selected and the end-point is when electrical breakdown of the
insulation takes place. At least seven separate bars or coil legs shall be tested at each voltage,
using pass criterion a) or b) (see 14.1 below). If pass criterion c) is to be applied, at least four
separate bars or coil legs shall be tested at each voltage. The life line for the candidate
insulation system is compared with the reference life curve, i.e. one that has been derived from
an insulation system that has been shown to provide an acceptable service life at the
fundamental frequency (IEC 60034-18-1). The reference life line may have been obtained from
satisfactory service life under converter drive.
14 Qualification test pass criteria
Replace subclause 14.1 with the following:
14.1 Mainwall insulation
Comparison between the candidate and reference life lines shall be at the same frequency. Any
corrections for a different frequency used in testing shall be undertaken according to 9.3 before
the comparison is made. The mainwall insulation is qualified according to IEC 60034-18-32 if
a) the upper 90 % confidence limit of the candidate system life line exceeds the upper 90 %
confidence limit of the reference mainwall insulation life line over the same test voltages; or
b) the lower 90 % confidence limit of the candidate system life line exceeds or is equal to the
lower 90 % confidence limit of the reference mainwall insulation life line at the lowest test
voltage and the slope of the regression line of the mean values of the candidate system life
line is steeper than that of the reference mainwall insulation life line (i.e. the value of n for
the candidate system is greater than for the reference system);
c) if there are no confidence intervals available from the reference system – for example the
reference line in Annex E – the pass criterion for the candidate system shall be that not
more than one of the specimens at each voltage has a lifetime less than indicated by the
reference line (see E.1.1). If one sample of the four falls below the reference line, then at
least two more specimens have to be tested and pass. [15]

– 6 – IEC 60034-18-42:2017/AMD1:2020
© IEC 2020
Annex D
Replace Table D.1 with the following:
Table D.1 – IVIC- and test voltage factor definition for Type II insulation systems
IVIC Maximum TVF Maximum allowable Examples of r.m.s. routine test
allowable enhancement ratio for the voltages at 50/60 Hz
operating peak- phase to ground peak to
(U = 6,6 kV)
peak-phase- peak voltage N
Converter fed Line fed
(U ) in units of
None (line) 1,6 - 1,0 - 14,2
1 1,8 1,0 1,1 14,2 -
2 2,1 1,0 1,3 14,2 -
3 2,4 1,0 1,5 14,2 -
4 2,8 1,0 1,7 14,2 -
5 3,3 1,2 2,0 16,4 -
6 3,8 1,3 2,3 18,5 -
7 4,2 1,5 2,6 20,8 -
S (manufacture Y  Y Y√3 TVF × 2 U +1 kV -
2√2 2√2
NOTE 1 Enhancement ratio is the phase-ground peak to peak machine terminal voltage under converter operation divided
by the phase-ground peak to peak machine terminal voltage under normal line operation. The latter one is being calculated
by U ××2

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