IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020

Amendment 1 - Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performance requirements

IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020

Name:IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020   Standard name:Amendment 1 - Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performance requirements
Standard number:IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020   language:English and French language
Release Date:29-Nov-2020   technical committee:SC 59M - Performance of electrical household and similar cooling and freezing appliances
Drafting committee:MT 2 - TC 59/SC 59M/MT 2   ICS number:97.030 - Domestic electrical appliances in general

IEC 62552-2
Edition 1.0 2020-11
Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods –
Part 2: Performance requirements

Appareils de réfrigération à usage ménager – Caractéristiques et méthodes
d'essai –
Partie 2 – Exigences de performances

IEC 62552-2:2015-02/AMD1:2020-11(en-fr)

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IEC 62552-2
Edition 1.0 2020-11
Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods –

Part 2: Performance requirements

Appareils de réfrigération à usage ménager – Caractéristiques et méthodes

d'essai –
Partie 2 – Exigences de performances

ICS 97.030 ISBN 978-2-8322-9067-5

– 2 – IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020
© IEC 2020
This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 59M: Performance of electrical household
and similar cooling and freezing appliances, of IEC technical committee 59: Performance of
household and similar electrical appliances.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
59M/127/FDIS 59M/133/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC website under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IMPORTANT – The 'colour inside' logo on the cover page of this publication indicates
that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding
of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer.

1 Scope
Replace the first paragraph with the following new content:
This part of IEC 62552 specifies the essential characteristics of household and similar
refrigerating appliances cooled by internal natural convection or forced air circulation, and
establishes test methods for checking these characteristics.

© IEC 2020
Table 1 – Test summary
Replace Table 1 with the following new table:
Table 1 – Performance test summary
Clause / Ambient Pantry Fresh Chill Zero star 1 and 3 and 4 Temperature
Annex and cellar food 2 star star requirements
and Test after test has
Clause 6 Various Packages No Type b No 1 star: Type a To hold initial
Storage values
Other: Type a
or b
Initial temp Mean Instant Mean Max
Clause 7 25 °C Packages No Type b No No No For test load
final only
Initial temp Table 2 +4 °C ± Table 2 Maximum/ Average/
minimum minimum
0,5 K
Clause 8 25 °C Packages M-packages only Type b No Type a Yes excursion
Freezing and final
Type b
Initial temp Table 2 Not Maximum/minimum
Clause 9 25 °C Packages No No
Initial temp As for Table 2 Maximum/minimum
Annex A Max Packages No Final only
Initial temp Maximum temperature according climate class rating
Annex C 25 °C Packages No Type b No Type a For –18 °C
Temp rise
Initial temp Not specified –18 °C
Annex D 25 °C for Packages No To hold initial
Condensa- SN and N values
Initial temp
≤ energy test temperatures as in Table 1 in IEC 62552-3:2015
tion 32 °C for
ST and T
NOTE 1 For definitions of symbols, see 3.7 in IEC 62552-1:2015.
NOTE 2 In the event of any discrepancy between data in this table and the individual test procedures, the test
procedures take precedence.
NOTE 3 Wine storage test parameters are specified in Annex B.

Table 2 – Compartment temperatures
Replace the content of footnote b with the following new content:
During a defrost and recovery period, these storage temperatures of frost-free refrigerating appliances are
permitted to rise by no more than 3 K with respect to the storage temperature during period S (see 6.4). The
storage temperature is defined as the maximum temperature of any M-package during a given time period (see
Figure 3)
– 4 – IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020
© IEC 2020
6.1 Objective
Replace the last paragraph with the following new content:
To meet these test requirements, there shall be, for any ambient temperature between and
including the minimum and maximum ambient temperatures defined by the rated climate class,
at least one control setting at which all compartments meet the specified internal
temperatures. The control(s) however, may be adjusted for testing at different ambient
6.2 Preparation of refrigerating appliance
paragraph with the following new content:
Replace the 6
The unloaded refrigerating appliance should be set up and operated until it has reached
equilibrium at, or close to, the temperatures specified in Table 2.
Thermal storage devices shall be placed in the dedicated positions in the respective
compartments, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and shall be independent
of the location of the test packages. Instructions for loose placement of thermal storage devices
in the appliance do not define dedicated positions.
NOTE An instruction without specific indication of location or placement of the thermal storage devices is an
example of loose placement.
If dedicated positions are absent, the thermal storage devices shall be removed from the
6.3.1 Unfrozen compartments (except chill compartment and wine storage
Replace the 1 paragraph with the following new content:
For determining the storage temperatures of these compartments, air temperature sensors
shall be located in accordance with D.2.2 of IEC 62552-1:2015/AMD1:2020.
6.3.2 Chill compartments
Replace 6.3.2 with the following new content:
6.3.2 Chill compartments General
All test packages and M-packages shall be as specified in Clause C.2 b) of IEC 62552-1:2015.
For determining the storage temperature of any chill compartment, the storage load shall be
in accordance with
The temperatures of the chill compartment T are the instantaneous temperatures of each
M-package in that compartment. The temperatures and conditions specified in Table 2 shall
All test packages and M-packages shall be positioned or suspended so that their largest
surface is horizontal. They may be positioned directly on the floor of the compartment or
drawer, but shall always be at least 25 mm away from all walls and ceilings and from the other

© IEC 2020
packages of the test load. The test packages and M-packages shall be positioned as far as
possible in the corners of the compartment and at two vertical levels:
a) bottom level, which is the lowest horizontal surface intended for storage;
b) top level, where the packages have 25 mm clearance from the compartment ceiling.
Supports can be used to position the packages.
Loading of packages shall be in the following order:
1) front left corner of the bottom level;
2) back right corner of the top level;
3) front right corner of the top level;
4) left back corner of the bottom level;
5) front left corner of the top level;
6) back right corner of the bottom level;
7) front right corner of the bottom level;
8) left back corner of the top level;
9) centre of the bottom level;
10) centre of the top level.
Loading shall start using M-packages, up to the amount specified in Table 3. After the last
M-package, normal test packages shall be loaded until the total number of packages is
If a package cannot be placed in accordance with the required order, its position shall be
skipped, and the number of packages shall be reduced. The number of M-packages shall not
be reduced.
In the case of a compartment with special subdivisions (shelves, etc.) that are part of the
design, if the dimensions are too small to allow the horizontal positioning of the M-packages, it
is permissible to position them vertically.
If the dimensions are too small to accommodate an M-package (for example in door shelves), a
special support shall be used to position the M-package next to the shelf and as close as
possible to the door liner. Chill compartment storage load
The compartment shall be loaded with the number of packages specified in Table 3.

– 6 – IEC 62552-2:2015/AMD1:2020
© IEC 2020
Table 3 – Chill compartment storage load

Volume, V, of chill compartment Total number of packages M-packages
V < 10 2 2
10 ≤ V < 20 3 2
20 ≤ V < 30 4 2
30 ≤ V < 40 5 3
40 ≤ V < 50 6 3
50 ≤ V < 60 7 4
60 ≤ V < 70 8 4
70 ≤ V < 80 9 5
V ≥ 80 10 5 General
Replace the last paragraph of item c) with the following:
Surfaces intended for storage with ribs, depressions, slight inclinations, etc. are treated as
horizontal surfaces. If necessary, packers may be used to stabilise stacks (see Figure 5).
NOTE Inclinations of less than 15 mm per 100 mm, which are equal to the wi

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