IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021

Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared cabins

IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021

Name:IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021   Standard name:Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared cabins
Standard number:IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021   language:English and French language
Release Date:08-Mar-2021   technical committee:TC 61 - Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Drafting committee:MT 37 - TC 61/MT 37   ICS number:97.100.10 - Electric heaters

IEC 60335-2-53
Edition 4.0 2021-03
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety –
Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues – Sécurité –
Partie 2-53: Règles particulières pour les appareils de chauffage de saunas et
les cabines infrarouges
IEC 60335-2-53:2011-04/AMD2:2021-03(en-fr)

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IEC 60335-2-53
Edition 4.0 2021-03
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety –

Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances and infrared

Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues – Sécurité –

Partie 2-53: Règles particulières pour les appareils de chauffage de saunas et

les cabines infrarouges
ICS 97.100.10 ISBN 978-2-8322-9254-9

– 2 – IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021
© IEC 2021
This amendment has been prepared by IEC technical committee 61: Safety of household and
similar electrical appliances.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
61/6129/FDIS 61/6180/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
The committee has decided that the contents of this amendment and the base publication will
remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC website under
"" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the
publication will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
NOTE The attention of National Committees is drawn to the fact that equipment manufacturers and testing
organizations may need a transitional period following publication of a new, amended or revised IEC publication in
which to make products in accordance with the new requirements and to equip themselves for conducting new or
revised tests.
It is the recommendation of the committee that the content of this publication be adopted for implementation nationally
not earlier than 12 months or later than 36 months from the date of publication.

In the differences that exist in the countries indicated, add the following immediately before the
difference listed for 19.102.
– 19.101: Sauna heating appliances provided with a programmable timer are considered to be appliances that
are used remotely (Finland);
3 Terms and definitions
Add, after Definition 3.108, added by Amendment 1, the following new definitions:
control board
unit connected to a sauna heater or an infrared emitter and intended to control a sauna heater
or an infrared emitter
Note 1 to entry: Control boards can include protective devices. Control boards can be integrated with a sauna
heater or connected with a cable to a sauna heater. See Figure 103.

© IEC 2021
programmable timer
time-based control which continues with a subsequent cycle when the preceding one has been
supervised operation
supervision by monitoring person(s) who can be physically present to observe first-hand, or a
combination of physical presence and remote viewing of data to indicate condition and operation
of the appliance
5 General conditions for the tests
Add, after 5.3, the following new subclause:
5.9 Addition:
Sauna heaters and infrared emitters shall be tested with the controls and control boards
specified in the instructions that give the most unfavourable results.
7 Marking and instructions
7.12 Replace the existing second paragraph by the following:
The instructions for sauna heating appliances and infrared emitting units for public saunas
and infrared cabins that do not have a timer or programmable timer shall state that the
appliance is to be operated supervised. The instructions for sauna heating appliances and
infrared emitting units that have a timer shall state that the sauna room or infrared cabin shall
be inspected before restarting the timer or before switching on the appliance.
Delete the third paragraph.
7.12.1 Replace the existing penultimate paragraph by the following:
The instructions for appliances for supervised operation in public saunas or infrared cabins
that do not have a timer shall state that a pilot lamp or similar indication showing that the sauna
heater or infrared emitter is switched on is to be installed where visible to the monitoring
Replace the existing last paragraph by the following:
Unless the sauna heater complies with the test of 19.101 or 19.102 as appropriate, the
instructions for sauna heating appliances or infrared emitting units that incorporate a stand-
by mode setting for remote operation shall state that the door of the sauna room or infrared
cabin shall be fitted with an interlock such that the stand-by mode setting for remote operation
is disabled if the sauna room door or infrared cabin door is opened when the stand-by mode
setting for remote operation is set.
Add the following new paragraph:
The instructions shall state the model number or type reference of controls and control boards
that can be used with a sauna heater or an infrared emitter.

– 4 – IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021
© IEC 2021
11 Heating
11.2 Add the following new paragraph to the addition:
The sauna room of Annex AA, prefabricated saunas and prefabricated infrared cabins are
installed away from the walls of the test corner.
11.8 Replace the first paragraph of the modification by the following:
The temperature rise of the
– wooden rod;
– walls, ceiling and floor of the sauna room of Annex AA or of the prefabricated sauna;
shall not exceed 115 K.
Replace the third paragraph of the modification by the following:
In the sauna room of Annex AA or of the prefabricated sauna or of the cabin of the
prefabricated infrared cabin, the temperature rises of handles, knobs, grips and similar parts
that are held for short periods only are increased by 20 K.
Replace NOTE 101 by the following:
The ambient temperature is the temperature of the air outside the sauna room of Annex AA or
of the prefabricated sauna or of the cabin of the prefabricated infrared cabin.
19 Abnormal operation
19.1 Replace the existing first paragraph after Table 101 by the following:
The test of 19.101 is carried out on sauna heaters that are a part of a sauna heating appliance
that incorporates a stand-by mode setting for remote operation, unless they form part of a
sauna heating appliance or prefabricated sauna complying with 22.108.
Delete the existing second paragraph after Table 101.
Replace the existing third paragraph after Table 101 by the following:
All sauna heaters that are intended to be installed out of sight of the users or behind a wall,
and having air outlets in the wall of the sauna room are subjected to the test of 19.102 instead
of the test of 19.101.
22 Construction
22.103 Replace the requirement by the following:
Appliances, other than those for installation in public saunas and public infrared cabins where
the appliance is for supervised operation, shall be provided with a timer or programmable
timer. For appliances for public saunas and public infrared cabins, the operating period of the
sauna heater or infrared emitter shall be limited such that any 24 h period includes at least
one continuous 6 h rest period when heating elements are not energized before any automatic
restarting of a sauna heater. For appliances for household use, the operating period of the
timer shall be limited to 6 h, automatic restarting not being allowed.

© IEC 2021
22.108 Replace the existing fourth paragraph by the following:
Requirements concerning door interlock are not applicable if the sauna heater complies with
the test of 19.101 or 19.102 as appropriate.
Add the following new subclause:
22.110 Sauna heating appliances shall be provided with an indication, such as a pilot lamp,
icon or other display options, showing that the sauna heater is switched on.
If a sauna heating appliance is provided with a delayed switching on mode or a stand-by mode
setting for remote operation, then it shall be provided with
– a visual indication, such as a pilot lamp, icon or other display options, showing that the
mode has been activated; and
– means requiring two independent actions before the mode can be activated.
Compliance is checked by manual inspection.

– 6 – IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021
© IEC 2021
Add the following new figure:
IC integral control board
A sauna heating appliance
BC combined control board and control
B control
IBC integral control board and control
C control board
1 supply mains
D sauna heater
2 wired or wireless connection
E protective device
Figure 103 – Examples of different types of sauna heating appliances

– 8 – IEC 60335-2-53:2011/AMD2:2021
© IEC 2021
Le présent amendement a été établi par le comité d'études 61 de l'IEC: Sécurité des appareils
électrodomestiques et analogues.
Le texte de cet amendement est issu des

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  • IEC 60118-6:1999

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