IEC 62271-1:2017

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: Common specifications for alternating current switchgear and controlgear

IEC 62271-1:2017

Name:IEC 62271-1:2017   Standard name:High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: Common specifications for alternating current switchgear and controlgear
Standard number:IEC 62271-1:2017   language:English and French language
Release Date:03-Oct-2021   technical committee:TC 17 - High-voltage switchgear and controlgear

IEC 62271-1
Edition 2.0 2017-07
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear –
Part 1: Common specifications for alternating current switchgear and
Appareillage à haute tension –
Partie 1: Spécifications communes pour appareillage à courant alternatif

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IEC 62271-1
Edition 2.0 2017-07
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear –

Part 1: Common specifications for alternating current switchgear and

Appareillage à haute tension –

Partie 1: Spécifications communes pour appareillage à courant alternatif

ICS 29.130.10; 29.130.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-4353-4

– 2 – IEC 62271-1:2017  IEC 2017
1 Scope . 12
2 Normative references . 12
3 Terms and definitions . 14
3.1 General terms and definitions . 15
3.2 Assemblies of switchgear and controlgear . 18
3.3 Parts of assemblies . 18
3.4 Switching devices . 18
3.5 Parts of switchgear and controlgear . 18
3.6 Operational characteristics of switchgear and controlgear . 22
3.6.5 Terms and definitions relative to pressure (or density) . 23
3.6.6 Terms and definitions relating to gas and vacuum tightness . 23
3.6.7 Terms and definitions relating to liquid tightness. 25
3.7 Characteristic quantities . 25
3.8 Index of definitions . 26
4 Normal and special service conditions . 28
4.1 Normal service conditions . 28
4.1.1 General . 28
4.1.2 Indoor switchgear and controlgear . 28
4.1.3 Outdoor switchgear and controlgear . 29
4.2 Special service conditions . 29
4.2.1 General . 29
4.2.2 Altitude . 29
4.2.3 Exposure to pollution . 30
4.2.4 Temperature and humidity . 30
4.2.5 Exposure to abnormal vibrations, shock or tilting . 30
4.2.6 Wind speed . 31
4.2.7 Other parameters . 31
5 Ratings . 31
5.1 General . 31
5.2 Rated voltage (U ) . 31
5.2.1 General . 31
5.2.2 Range I for rated voltages of 245 kV and below . 31
5.2.3 Range II for rated voltages above 245 kV . 32
5.3 Rated insulation level (U , U , U ) . 32
d p s
5.4 Rated frequency (f ) . 36
5.5 Rated continuous current (I ) . 36
5.6 Rated short-time withstand current (I ) . 36
5.7 Rated peak withstand current (I ) . 37
5.8 Rated duration of short-circuit (t ) . 37
5.9 Rated supply voltage of auxiliary and control circuits (U ) . 37
5.9.1 General . 37
5.9.2 Rated supply voltage (U ) . 37
5.10 Rated supply frequency of auxiliary and control circuits . 38
5.11 Rated pressure of compressed gas supply for controlled pressure systems . 38

6 Design and construction . 39
6.1 Requirements for liquids in switchgear and controlgear . 39
6.2 Requirements for gases in switchgear and controlgear . 39
6.3 Earthing of switchgear and controlgear . 39
6.4 Auxiliary and control equipment and circuits . 39
6.4.1 General . 39
6.4.2 Protection against electric shock . 40
6.4.3 Components installed in enclosures . 40
6.5 Dependent power operation . 43
6.6 Stored energy operation . 43
6.6.1 General . 43
6.6.2 Energy storage in gas receivers or hydraulic accumulators . 44
6.6.3 Energy storage in springs (or weights) . 44
6.6.4 Manual charging . 44
6.6.5 Motor charging . 44
6.6.6 Energy storage in capacitors . 44
6.7 Independent unlatched operation (independent manual or power operation) . 44
6.8 Manually operated actuators . 45
6.9 Operation of releases . 45
6.9.1 General . 45
6.9.2 Shunt closing release . 45
6.9.3 Shunt opening release . 45
6.9.4 Capacitor operation of shunt releases .

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