IEC 61786-1:2013

Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments

IEC 61786-1:2013

Name:IEC 61786-1:2013   Standard name:Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings - Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments
Standard number:IEC 61786-1:2013   language:English language
Release Date:23-Jul-2024   technical committee:TC 106 - Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure

IEC 61786-1
Edition 1.1 2024-07
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to
100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings –
Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments

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IEC 61786-1
Edition 1.1 2024-07
Measurement of DC magnetic, AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to
100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings –
Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments
ICS 17.220.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-9461-1

REDLINE VERSION – 2 – IEC 61786-1:2013+AMD1:2024 CSV

1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
3.1 Meters . 8
3.2 Meter characteristics . 9
3.3 Field characteristics . 10
3.4 Measurements . 11
4 Symbols . 12
5 Instrumentation specifications . 13
5.1 General . 13
5.2 Measurement uncertainty . 13
5.3 Magnitude range . 14
5.4 Pass-band . 14
5.5 Operating temperature and humidity ranges . 14
5.6 Power supplies . 14
5.7 Readability of scale . 15
5.8 Instrument dimensions and choice of probe . 15
5.8.1 General schema schematic . 15
5.8.2 Magnetic field meter . 15
5.8.3 Electric field meter . 16
5.8.4 Support for electric field meter . 16
5.9 Electromagnetic compatibility . 16
5.9.1 Immunity . 16
5.9.2 Emissions . 17
5.10 Crest factor . 18
5.11 Durability . 18
5.12 Weight . 19
5.13 Instrumentation choice . 19
6 Calibration . 19
6.1 General . 19
6.2 Calibration procedure . 19
6.2.1 General . 19
6.2.2 Magnetic field calibration system . 19
6.2.3 Electric field calibration system . 20
6.2.4 Three-axis probes calibration . 20
6.2.5 Calibration values . 21
6.2.6 Calibration uncertainty . 21
6.3 Calibration documentation . 22
7 Verification . 23
Annex A (normative) Calibration methods . 24
A.1 Calibration of magnetic flux density meters . 24
A.1.1 Using magnetic field generation . 24
A.1.2 Voltage injection method . 28
A.1.3 Comparison with reference magnetic field meter . 29
A.2 Calibration of electric field strength meters . 30

A.2.1 Electric field generation method . 30
A.2.2 Current injection method . 34
A.2.3 Comparison with electric field reference . 34
Annex B (informative) Example of calibration uncertainty . 35
Annex C (informative) General characteristics of magnetic and electric fields . 37
C.1 General . 37
C.2 Polarisation . 37
C.3 Characteristics of magnetic field . 38
C.4 Characteristic of electric field . 39
Annex D (informative) Magnetic flux density meters (magnetic field meters) . 41
D.1 General characteristics of magnetic field meters . 41
D.2 Theory of operation (coil probes) . 42
D.3 Static magnetic field-measuring instrumentation . 44
Annex E (informative) Electric field strength meters (electric field meters) . 45
E.1 General characteristics of electric field meters . 45
E.2 Theory of operation . 45
E.2.1 Free-body meters . 45
E.2.2 Ground reference meters . 47
Annex F (informative) Influence of humidity on electric field measurement . 49
F.1 Measurement conditions . 49
F.2 Results . 49
Annex G (informative) Units . 51
G.1 Units . 51
G.2 SI units and SI derived units . 51
G.3 Useful physical constants . 51
Bibliography . 52

Figure 1 – Schema Schematic of a field meter . 15
Figure 2 – Insulating tripod and offset rod for an electric field probe (photograph RTE) . 16
Figure 3 – Electric field measurement using a hand-held stick (photograph RTE). 16
Figure A.1 – Deviation in percentage departure of calculated axial field [7] . 24
Figure A.2 – Coordinate system and geometry of rectangular loop of many turns of
wire (see Equation (A. 1)) . 25
Figure A.3 – Circular Helmholtz coils . 26
Figure A.4 – Deviation in percentage of calculated B from centre value (see Equation
(A.4)) . 27
Figure A.5 – Schematic view of a circuit for calibration of magnetic field meter using a
square loop to produce a known field . 27
Figure A.6 – Diagram for voltage injection technique . 29
Figure A.7 – Calculated normalized electric field at plate surfaces and midway between
plates as a function of the normalized distance from the edge of the plate . 30
Figure A.8 – Parallel plates system for calibrating free-body electric field meters . 32
Figure A.9 – Arrangement with parallel plates orientated perpendicular to the floor . 33
Figure A.10 – Diagram for current injection technique . 34
Figure C.1 – Oscillating and rotating field quantities for cases of elliptical polarization,
linear polarization, and circular polarization . 38
Figure C.2 – Magnetic field from current in straight and circular conductors . 39

REDLINE VERSION – 4 – IEC 61786-1:2013+AMD1:2024 CSV

Figure C.3 – Perturbation of electric field distribution by a person (from IEC 62226-3-1) . 40
Figure C.4 – Proximity effect with a 25 kV line and a building (from IEC 62110) . 40
Figure D.1 – Schematic view of simple magnetic field meter with coil-type probe . 41
Figure D.2 – Approximate equivalent circuit of a coil probe when connected to the
detector . 43
Figure E.1 – Single-axis free-body meter geometries . 46
Figure E.2 – Designs for flat plate probes used with ground-referenced electric field


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