ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)

Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); evolved Licensed Shared Access (eLSA); Part 3: Information elements and protocols for the interface between eLSA Controller (eLC) and eLSA Repository (eLR)

ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)

Name:ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)   Standard name:Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); evolved Licensed Shared Access (eLSA); Part 3: Information elements and protocols for the interface between eLSA Controller (eLC) and eLSA Repository (eLR)
Standard number:ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:RRS - Reconfigurable Radio Systems
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)


Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS);
evolved Licensed Shared Access (eLSA);
Part 3: Information elements and protocols for
the interface between eLSA Controller (eLC) and
eLSA Repository (eLR)

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2 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)

LSA spectrum resource, network, protocol, radio
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3 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)
Intellectual Property Rights . 6
Foreword . 6
Modal verbs terminology . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 References . 7
2.1 Normative references . 7
2.2 Informative references . 7
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 8
3.1 Terms . 8
3.2 Symbols . 9
3.3 Abbreviations . 9
4 eLSA Spectrum Resource Availability Information: Description and Supported Functionality on
eLSA1 . 9
4.1 Introduction . 9
4.2 DOM Handling . 9
4.3 eLSRAI Scope . 10
4.4 eLSRAI Definition . 10
4.5 eLSRAI Handling Functionality . 11
4.5.1 General . 11
4.5.2 eLR Support . 11
4.5.3 eLC Support . 11
4.6 eLSRAI Context . 11
4.7 eLSRAI Synchronization . 12
4.8 eLSRAI Confirmation . 12
4.9 eLC Handling of non-impacting Zones . 13
5 eLSA1 Protocol Principles . 13
5.1 Notation . 13
5.2 eLSA1 Protocol Procedures . 13
5.3 Identification of Procedures and Messages . 14
5.4 Procedure Outcome . 14
5.5 Principles for Protocol Development and Version Interworking . 14
5.6 Message Encoding and IE attributes . 15
5.7 Overview of the Protocol Specification. 15
6 eLSA Protocol: Procedures and Messages . 16
6.1 Registration procedure . 16
6.1.1 General . 16
6.2 Deregistration Procedure . 18
6.2.1 General . 18
6.3 eLSR Grant Procedure . 19
6.3.1 General . 19
6.3.2 eLSR GRANT REQUEST Message . 20
6.3.3 eLSR GRANT RESPONSE Message . 21
6.4 eLSR Grant Relinquishment Procedure . 21
6.4.1 General . 21
6.5 eLSRAI Request Procedure . 22
6.5.1 General . 22
6.5.2 eLSRAI REQUEST . 23

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4 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)
6.5.3 eLSRAI RESPONSE . 24
6.6 eLSRAI Notification Procedure . 24
6.6.1 General . 24
6.7 eLSRAI Confirmation Procedure . 26
6.7.1 General . 26
6.8 Connectivity Check Notification Procedure . 28
6.8.1 General . 28
6.9 Connectivity Check Request Procedure . 29
6.9.1 General . 29
7 eLSA1 Protocol: Information Elements . 31
7.1 ELSRAI . 31
7.2 Zone Description . 31
7.3 Zone Type . 32
7.4 Zone Action . 32
7.5 Frequency . 32
7.6 Grant BW . 33
7.7 Frequency Blocks . 33
7.8 Radio Constraints . 33
7.8.1 Introduction. 33
7.8.2 Radio Constraints parameters . 33
7.8.3 Radio Constraints Profiles . 34
7.9 Space . 35
7.10 Time . 35
7.11 Synchronization Information . 36
7.12 Synchronization ACK Information . 36
7.13 Circle . 36
7.14 Circle-2 . 36
7.15 Polygon . 37
7.16 Area Descriptor . 37
7.17 Geographical Coordinates . 37
7.18 Frequency Value . 38
7.19 Periodic . 38
7.20 Aperiodic . 38
7.21 Time . 39
7.22 Day Schedule . 39
7.23 Week Schedule . 39
7.24 Month Schedule . 40
7.25 Year Schedule . 40
7.26 Time of Day . 40
7.27 Time of Week . 41
7.28 Time of Month . 41
7.29 Time of Year . 41
7.30 Confirmed Zone List . 41
7.31 Zone Confirmation . 42
7.32 Zone Configuration Index . 42
7.33 Message Type . 42
7.34 Transaction ID . 43
7.35 ELR ID . 43
7.36 ELC ID . 43
7.37 VSP ID . 43
7.38 L-ID . 43
7.39 Mode of Operation . 44
7.40 eLSA1 Availability in DOM . 44

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5 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)
7.41 Result . 44
7.42 Sync ID . 44
7.43 Sync Zone List . 44
7.44 Synched Zone . 45
7.45 Cause . 45
7.46 Cause Details . 46
7.47 Zone ID . 47
7.48 Protocol Version List. 47
7.49 Protocol Version . 47
Annex A (informative): Detached Operation Mode Scenarios and Workflow . 48
History . 49


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6 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)
Intellectual Property Rights
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Organizational Partners. oneM2M™ logo is a trademark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the
oneM2M Partners. GSM and the GSM logo are trademarks registered and owned by the GSM Association.
This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Reconfigurable Radio Systems
The present document is part 3 of a multi-part deliverable. Full details of the entire series can be found in part 1
ETSI TS 103 652-1 [i.2].
Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and
"cannot" are to be interpreted as described in clause 3.2 of the ETSI Drafting Rules (Verbal forms for the expression of
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7 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)
1 Scope
The present document defines the application protocol on the eLSA interface, between eLSA Controller (eLC) and
eLSA Repository (eLR) (eLSA protocol) [i.3], and the content of the eLSA Spectrum Resource Availability
Information (eLSRAI) conveyed by this protocol. It is based on the System Requirements defined in ETSI
TS 103 652-1 [i.2] and the System Architecture and High-Level Procedures defined in ETSI TS 103 652-2 [i.3].
The present document supports the operation of MFCNs operated by vertical sector players under the evolved Licensed
Shared Access (eLSA) system, aimed at enabling the automatic provision of local spectrum access rights to vertical
sector players through:
• licenses acquired in advanced from the NRA and provided by the eLSA procedures; and/or
• licenses/leases acquired and provided by the eLSA procedures.
The operation of eLSA is frequency agnostic. The application of eLSA to concrete frequency bands depends on national
regulatory decisions.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
Not applicable.
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long-term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document, but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI TR 103 588: "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Feasibility study on temporary
spectrum access for local high-quality wireless networks".
[i.2] ETSI TS 103 652-1: "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); evolved Licensed Shared Access
(eLSA); Part 1: System requirements".
[i.3] ETSI TS 103 652-2: "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); evolved Licensed Shared Access
(eLSA); Part 2: System architecture and high-level procedures".

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8 ETSI TS 103 652-3 V1.1.2 (2021-06)
[i.4] ETSI TS 103 379 (V1.1.1): "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Information elements and
protocols for the interface between LSA Controller (LC) and LSA Repository (LR) for operation
of Licensed Shared Access (LSA) in the 2 300 MHz - 2 400 MHz band".
[i.5] ETSI TS 138 101 (all parts): "5G; NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception
(3GPP TS 38.101

  • Relates Information
  • IEC 60300-3-7:1999

    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
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    HD 571 S1:1998
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    ISO 8130-4:1992 - Coating powders
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    ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992 - Information processing systems — Data communications — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:12/10/1992
  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

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  • IEC 60118-6:1999

    IEC 60118-6:1999 - Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids Released:6/9/1999 Isbn:2831848075
  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

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  • ISO 9832:1992

    ISO 9832:1992 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of residual technical hexane content
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