ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Guidelines for the Measurement of Data Throughput on Devices connected to Mobile Networks

ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

Name:ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)   Standard name:Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Guidelines for the Measurement of Data Throughput on Devices connected to Mobile Networks
Standard number:ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)   language:English language
Release Date:11-Oct-2018   technical committee:STQ MOBILE - STQ Mobile
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ);
Guidelines for the Measurement of Data Throughput on
Devices connected to Mobile Networks

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2 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

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3 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 7
2 References . 7
2.1 Normative references . 7
2.2 Informative references . 7
3 Definitions of terms and abbreviations. 8
3.1 Terms . 8
3.2 Abbreviations . 8
4 Background . 9
5 Basics of throughput measurements . 9
6 Treating measurement and evaluation methodology as a unit . 10
7 System Boundaries . 11
8 Points of control and observation . 12
9 Measurement equipment considerations . 12
10 Measurement Modes . 13
10.1 Background . 13
10.1.1 General . 13
10.1.2 Fixed-size-method . 13
10.1.3 Fixed-time-method. 13
10.4 Selection of the most appropriate mode . 14
10.5 Practical examples . 15
11 Data Evaluation . 16
11.1 Basic considerations . 16
11.2 Test case parametrization and post processing aspects . 17
11.3 Using subsets of data points . 18
11.4 General aspects on reporting of throughput measurement results . 19
12 Considering equipment related effects . 20
13 Latency measurements . 20
14 Aggregation . 21
14.1 Overview . 21
14.2 Temporal or data-point aggregation . 21
14.3 Spatial aggregation . 22
15 Multi-socket measurements . 22
16 Comparability and reproducibility . 25
17 Summary and conclusion . 25
Annex A: Bibliography . 26
History . 27


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This Technical Report (TR) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Speech and multimedia Transmission
Quality (STQ).
Throughput, or data rate, is the single most important property of a packet data network. The definition of throughput -
transferred volume of data per unit of time - is essentially simple. However, there are many different methodologies
available to measure it. To select the most appropriate one for a given purpose, and to assess comparability of results,
requires thorough understanding of these methodologies. The present document addresses the measurement
methodologies that can be used from an end-user perspective, i.e. embedded in devices or in dedicated test equipments
connected to mobile networks.
While there is extensive coverage of IP layer centric methodology (such as ETSI EG 203 165 [i.1] ("Throughput
measurement Guideline"), the content of such ETSI Guide does not actually cover methodologies and aspects such as
application-level measurements. The present document takes also in consideration methods known as 'crowdsourcing',
which have gained considerable audience (and potentially relevance) in the last years but until the time of publication of
the present document have not been subject to extensive treatment in the framework of standardization work (however
there are activities under way, e.g. the E.MTSM work item in Question 12 of the ITU-T Study Group 12).
Likewise, the present document integrates multi-threaded measurements into a common methodological frame.
The present document has been written to provide a holistic, organized view of the entire measurement process, which
also includes elements such as definition of system under test and system boundaries, post processing of data and
relation between basic methodologies and their relation to intended targets of measurements.
Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and "cannot" are to be
interpreted as described in clause 3.2 of the ETSI Drafting Rules (Verbal forms for the expression of provisions).
"must" and "must not" are NOT allowed in ETSI deliverables except when used in direct citation.

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5 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
Throughput, or data rate, is the single most important characteristic of packet data networks. While its definition -
transferred data volume per unit of time - is simple, there is a wide range of possibilities how actual measurements can
be carried out. Consequently, it is hard to decide if results of different measurements are comparable of how results
from one type of measurement can be used to predict the outcome of another type of usage.
Also, there are entirely different views on performance characteristics of packet data networks. From a low-level
perspective (on the IP layer), a network transfers data packets and its performance is characterized by packet transfer
time, latency or delay and packet loss rate; also, the variations in time of these metrics, as well as less frequent events
such as packet re-ordering have an effect. On higher protocol layers such as TCP, there is no packet loss; lost packages
on lower layers translate into lower overall data rates. From an end-user, QoS or QoE perspective, the performance of a
network may again vary as the dynamics of a particular application interact with network characteristics and behaviour
of other components in sometimes complex ways. In addition, networks typically use resource and performance
optimization mechanisms which further increase the complexity of dynamic behaviour.
Mobile connectivity has become an important element of modern life. Both business and consumers have great interest
in knowledge about the performance of mobile networks and useful information about this performance is in high
demand. There are few actors which have the means to use professional measurement tools to obtain such information.
This is one of the reasons why in recent years, a substantial number of companies have emerged which develop and
distribute crowdsourcing tools - subsequently termed 'speed test apps' although this description is not entirely correct -
to measure mobile network performance. Due to promised or expected cost reduction, even network operators use and
rely on such tools today. In some countries, regulators operate crowdsourcing tools too.
From their mode of operation, these tools are considered to effectively measure network performance from an end
customer perspective, as the tools run on end-user smartphones. Use cases typically are http or ftp upload and download
and therefore results can be attributed to be QoS values and do not represent actual internet speed measurements as
understood by e.g. laboratory measurements or assessments in the regulatory context.
Strictly speaking, the scenarios used represent only a small fraction of actual end-user behaviour as pure upload and
download only plays a role in use cases such as app download or transfer of larger number of data as e.g. in transfer of
photos or videos (typically in e-mail or cloud storage contexts). Nevertheless, such tests play a significant role in the
public perception of mobile networks. Through the interplay between public media and PR of mobile network
operators, they have a substantial economic impact.
The basic requirement for any meaningful, professional measurement is repeatability. As long as the properties of the
network under test and of the test equipment or application stay the same, running the same test is expected to produce
the same results. Repeatability allows then comparison. But comparison can also be understood between measurement
tools or applications, and in such a case, it requires that the relevant procedures (parameters, set up) of the test are fully
documented. This is usually not the case with current 'speed test' applications, and even less so regarding full
interoperability, e.g. by open access to servers used as counterpart of throughput testing.
The present document provides a contribution to the evolution of network performance testing towards a professional
degree of transparency. This begins with a consistent framework of definitions and technical terms. The elements of the
testing process are then described within this context.
Apart from the obvious direct parameters of throughput testing, such as time windows or transferred data volumes, there
are numerous other elements which can have an impact on data values obtained. In this sense, methodology and
definition of metrics cannot be decoupled from each other. The process starts with selecting the boundaries to the
system under test, i.e. insertion or demarcation points. Next comes the way the system under test is accessed. For
instance, if the test is run over a radio access network using a mobile device such as a smartphone, the type and degree
of influence needs to be assessed. The type of stimulus is likewise important, such as the protocol type, the structure of
data traffic (e.g. TCP or UDP based), and the number of parallel connections. Depending on these selections, other
choices also become parameters for testing. An example would be to use some kind of real application to create a
particular type of traffic, versus using synthetically generated traffic.
The need for careful consideration is not limited to the generating side of measurement data. The way data is processed
may also have an impact on results and is therefore subject to documentation and transparency. This applies e.g. to rules
about which data to include in computation of results, and which to ignore or discard. For instance, a methodology may
require discarding a certain number or range of extreme values to reduce the volatility of results.

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6 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
Beyond the direct uses of throughput measurement, one of the driving forces is the prospect of using respective data to
predict or infer QoS or QoE for a broader range of services. This is of course desirable from a commercial and practical
point of view, in order to reduce the complexity of testing as compared to running actual service test use cases. There is
no doubt that doing this is possible in principle, using different approaches such as a model-based ones or empirical
methods, i.e. a data driven mapping between results from both domains, can be used. It is beyond the scope of the
present document to discuss this topic in detail. It is however clear that a meaningful way to do so involves a large
degree of caution and professional care - e.g. in calibration and validation of methods. In any case, it will be necessary
to gauge the efficiency, data quality the overall effort of such approaches against direct service tests to obtain QoS or
QoE parameters by running actual use cases.


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7 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
1 Scope
The present document provides a systematic overview of methods to measure throughput in mobile networks, with
special focus on measurements using a viewpoint at, or close to, application level. Also, it provides a holistic, integrated
view of the measurement process, which also includes a selection of methodologies according to intended goals of
measurement, and also covers post-processing and data aggregation aspects.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
Normative references are not applicable in the present document.
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI EG 203 165 (V1.1.1): "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Throughput
Measurement Guidelines".
[i.2] ETSI TS 102 250-2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); QoS aspects for
popular services in mobile networks; Part 2: Definition of Quality of Service parameters and their
NOTE: The content of this document series has also been used (copied) in Recommendation ITU-T E.804.
[i.3] Recommendation ITU-T Q.3960: "Framework of Internet related performance measurements".
NOTE: Available at
[i.4] ETSI TR 102 678: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); QoS Parameter
Measurements based on fixed Data Transfer Times".
[i.5] ETSI TS 138 521-3: "5G; NR; User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio
transmission and reception; Part 3: Range 1 and Range 2 Interworking operation with other radios
(3GPP TS 38.521-3)".
[i.6] ETSI TS 138 101-3: "5G; NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception;
Part 3: Range 1 and Range 2 Interworking operation with other radios (3GPP TS 38.101-3)".
[i.7] Recommendations ITU-T Y.154x series: "Quality of service and network performance".
[i.8] Recommendation ITU-T Y.1545.1: "Framework for monitoring the quality of service of IP
network services".
[i.9] IETF RFC 7398: "A Reference Path and Measurement Points for Large-Scale Measurement of
Broadband Performance".

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8 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
3 Definitions of terms and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
data path: sequence of entities or elements (physical/virtual) which a data packet transferred between endpoints
endpoint A: local entity in an end to end test scenario (typically, the actual test system)
endpoint B: remote party in an end to end test scenario (in packet data tests, often a server connected to the public
internet; can also be a CDN in case of live public content
fixed-size method: throughput measurement method where a fixed amount of data is transferred and the time for
transfer is recorded to calculate a throughput value
fixed-time method: throughput measurement method where data transfer is performed for a fixed period of time, and
the amount of data is recorded to calculate a throughput value
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
API Application Programming Interface
CDN Content Delivery Network
DL DownLoad
FTP File Transfer Protocol
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HW HardWare
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
IT Information Technology
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
MDR Mean Data Rate
NuT Network under Test
OTT Over The Top
PoO Point of Observation
PR Public Relations
QoE Quality of Experience
QoS Quality of Service
QUIC Quick UDP Internet Connections
RAT Radio Access Technology
RTT Round Trip Time
SI International System of units (Système international d'unités)
TBKPI Time Based Key Performance Indicator
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TP ThroughPut
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UL UpLoad

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4 Background
There are standards documents that deal, in part quite extensively, with pure throughput measurement at IP level, or
with measurements where throughput or round trip time is part of a larger metric for a given use case or service. The
main reason for considering round-trop time together with throughput is that TCP throughput is dependent on both the
minimum capacity of all path segments, and the round-trip time (because of the feedback loop in TCP flow-control, this
would apply to QUIC or any retransmission protocol in general).
The common factor in these standards is that they focus strongly or exclusively on methods based on events of lower
protocol levels (typically, the IP or TCP plane). However, the reality at the time of publication of the present document
is that there are various tools available - which sometimes appear to be quasi-standards making use events from higher
layers - for which there are good reasons, explored further in the course of the present document.
NOTE 1: The term application plane is used here as a synonym for Points of Observation (PoO) above the IP layer.
Actually, events used in throughput measurement may come from any layer between the API for basic
data transfer (e.g. the operating system's socket API) and user-interface indicators in case real smartphone
apps are used. According to the principle laid out in ETSI TS 102 250 [i.2], mixing events from different
PoO should be avoided whenever reasonably possible.
NOTE 2: Measurement on radio carrier are also possible, but outside of the scope of the present document. For
details on this topic, one can refer to ETSI TS 138 521-3 [i.5] and ETSI TS 138 101-3 [i.6].
At the time of writing, there appears to be no document which provides a comprehensive, practically oriented overview
of all aspects of the entirety of packet-data network performance measurements, which goes far beyond core
measurement methodology and integrates aspects of system boundaries and data aggregation.
While IP-level methods are also mentioned in the present document for completeness, its main focus is on the
application plane, and reference is made to documents which treat IP-level measurements extensively, such as ETSI
EG 203 165 [i.1] or Recommendation ITU-Ts of the Y.154x series [i.7].
Application-level measurements can be run on practically all devices while low-level data is typically only available if
devices are modified, granting apps full system access. However, such modifications, usually called rooting, render a
device potentially unsafe (typically, this process removes some security features). Even if users would accept that,
which is considered very unlikely, the process of rooting is not easy to perform, can lead to permanent damage of
devices of something goes wrong, and voids device warranty. Therefore, it is safe to assume that any larger distribution
of measurement apps, and in particular crowdsourcing, will have to be based on application-level measurement
This does not mean that application-level methods provide an entirely different point of view. It is assumed that there
are clear, deterministic relations between the layers of packet data transfer, so in principle a direct relation to QoS
metrics based on low-level events can be established. In this respect, application-level methods provide access to a
much broader range of information sources.
Remark: Relations between layers are testable so respective validation can be done when needed.
One aspect has to be taken into account, namely the potential higher degree of device dependency, which requires
additional professional care at the level of test design and conduction. Also, application-level measurements may
produce less diagnostic depth than measurements on IP level. On the bottom line, the method of choice will be selected
based on the type and depth of required information and the relative cost and effort of obtaining it.
5 Basics of throughput measurements
Throughput is defined as transferred data volume per time, or:

TP =

Where the unit of TP is typically kbit/s.

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10 ETSI TR 103 501 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
NOTE: As the amount of transferred data (data volume) is often given in kByte or Mbyte, some caution is
3 6
indicated. The SI defines prefix k stands as 10 and prefix M as 10 . In the IT world and even in parts of
related standardization literature, the prefixes k and M are used for factors based on powers of 2. The
prefix k equals 2 (1 024) and M equals 1 024 × 1 024. Obviously, even a single misuse of the k prefix
already has a potential error of 2,4 %. This error may multiply for consecutive wrong usages. For
technical purposes, the safest way is to not use prefixes at all, but byte values. When this cannot be
applied, great care is advisable throughout the documentation chain.
Values for data volume and duration are easy to obtain. However, there are multiple sources for each of them (taken at
different points of observation, PoO) and values can only be compared if the PoO are the same.
Practically, events can be closely linked i.e. by a (demonstrable) systematic deterministic relationship (e.g. a function-
call chain) so even if the formal PoO is not the same, it can be treated as equal. This applies even to a case where this
chain involves a fixed time differential which then would have to be taken into account.
The PoO aspect is not just a formal one, it is also related to the QoS level. If, for instance, a given data transmission
path has a non-negligible packet loss rate, the low-level data transmission activity or rate may be high but with no
practical use from a user's perspective. Also, transmission protocols may have different amounts of overhead that lead
to different user-perception throughput values for the same low-level data rate.
This aspect has a special di

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