ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

System Reference document (SRdoc); Wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs) in the band 5 925 MHz to 6 725 MHz

ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

Name:ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)   Standard name:System Reference document (SRdoc); Wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs) in the band 5 925 MHz to 6 725 MHz
Standard number:ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)   language:English language
Release Date:16-Oct-2018   technical committee:ERM - EMC and Radio Spectrum Matters
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

System Reference document (SRdoc);
Wireless access systems including radio local area networks
(WAS/RLANs) in the band 5 925 MHz to 6 725 MHz

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2 ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)

access, broadband, LAN, layer 1, radio,
regulation, SRdoc, testing
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3 ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 References . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
2.2 Informative references . 5
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 7
3.1 Terms . 7
3.2 Symbols . 9
3.3 Abbreviations . 10
4 Comments on the System Reference Document . 10
4.1 Comments from ETSI members . 10
4.1.1 Comments from Ericsson Telefonaktiebolaget LM . 10
4.1.2 Comments from Ministère Economie et Finances . 11
4.1.3 Comments from Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom). 11
4.1.4 Comments from 3db Access AG . 12
5 Executive summary . 13
6 Market Information . 13
7 Technical Information . 14
7.1 Detailed technical description: . 14
7.2 Technical parameters and implications on spectrum . 14
7.2.1 Status of technical parameters . 14 Current ITU and European Common Allocations . 14 Sharing and compatibility studies already available . 14 Sharing and compatibility issues still to be considered . 14
7.2.2 Transmitter parameters . 15 Transmitter Output Power/Radiated Power . 15 Antenna Characteristics . 15 Operating Frequency . 16 Bandwidth . 17 Unwanted emissions. 17 Transmitter unwanted emissions in the 6 GHz bands . 17 Transmitter unwanted emissions outside the 6 GHz bands . 18
7.2.3 Receiver parameters . 18
7.2.4 Interference mitigation techniques . 18
7.3 Information on relevant standards . 19
8 Justification of Spectrum Request . 19
9 Regulations . 19
9.1 International and European Allocations and their limitations . 19
9.1.1 International Allocations . 19
9.1.2 European Allocations . 20
9.1.3 Limitations of Spectrum Regulations for WAS/RLANs . 21
9.2 Proposed regulation . 21
9.2.1 Detailed Changes to Regulatory Text . 21
9.3 Technology Coexistence and Spectrum Sharing Considerations . 21
10 Conclusions . 21
History . 23

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4 ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
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This Technical Report (TR) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio
spectrum Matters (ERM).
The present document includes necessary information to support the co-operation under the MoU between ETSI and the
Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications
Administrations (CEPT).
Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and "cannot" are to be
interpreted as described in clause 3.2 of the ETSI Drafting Rules (Verbal forms for the expression of provisions).
"must" and "must not" are NOT allowed in ETSI deliverables except when used in direct citation.
License exempt Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs) represent the primary
broadband wireless access technologies used for wireless internet access. With billions of devices already in operation,
and the rapid growth expected to continue for the foreseeable future, and the demand for greater throughput to support
Gigabit internet access and advanced wireless applications, the current spectrum allocations are insufficient to maintain
an acceptable level of performance users are accustomed to. Based on these expected growth rates and currently limited
available frequency bands, there is an essential need for additional license exempt spectrum for WAS/RLANs to
accommodate the anticipated market growth.
The present document provides the justification for the need for additional license exempt spectrum for WAS/RLANs
and also requests modifications to the regulatory rules of the 5 925 MHz to 6 725 MHz frequency range to enable the
operation of WAS/RLANs in this band implementing advanced spectrum sharing techniques as appropriate.


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5 ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
1 Scope
The System Reference Document provides information on the intended applications, the technical parameters,
mitigation techniques, the relation to the existing spectrum regulation and additional new radio spectrum requirements
for Wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs). The SRdoc contains information to
support the CEPT activities resulting from Work Item SE45_1 (covering the band 5 925 MHz to 6 425 MHz). In
addition, the present document contains a request for considering additional frequencies up to 6 725 MHz. The
document includes the necessary information to support the co-operation between ETSI and the Electronic
Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Conference of Post and Telecommunications Administrations
2 References
2.1 Normative references
Normative references are not applicable in the present document.
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the
harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of
radio equipment and repealing Directive 1999/5/EC.
[i.2] IEEE 802.11™-2016: "IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific
requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
[i.3] ETSI TS 136 104 (V14.5.0): "LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Base
Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 36.104 version 14.5.0 Release 14)".
[i.4] ETSI TS 136 101 (V14.5.0): "LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User
Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 36.101 version 14.5.0 Release 14)".
[i.5] ETSI TS 136 213 (V14.4.0): "LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
Physical layer procedures (3GPP TS 36.213 version 14.4.0 Release 14)".
[i.6] ETSI EN 301 893 (V2.1.1): "5 GHz RLAN; Harmonised Standard covering the essential
requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU".
[i.7] Wi-Fi Alliance Spectrum Needs Study conducted by Quotient Associates.
NOTE: Available at
[i.8] Qualcomm Study: "A Quantification of 5 GHz Unlicensed Band Spectrum Needs".
NOTE: Available at

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6 ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
[i.9] ETSI EN 303 143 (V1.2.1): "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); System architecture for
information exchange between different Geo-location Databases (GLDBs) enabling the operation
of White Space Devices (WSDs)".
[i.10] ETSI EN 303 144 (V1.1.1): "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Enabling the operation of
Cognitive Radio System (CRS) dependent for their use of radio spectrum on information obtained
from Geo-location Databases (GLDBs); Parameters and procedures for information exchange
between different GLDBs".
[i.11] ETSI EN 303 145 (V1.2.1): "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); System Architecture and High
Level Procedures for Coordinated and Uncoordinated Use of TV White Spaces".
[i.12] ETSI EN 303 387 (V1.1.1): "Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Signalling Protocols and
information exchange for Coordinated use of TV White Spaces; Interface between Cognitive
Radio System (CRS) and Spectrum Coordinator (SC)".
[i.13] ITU-R Radio Regulations, Articles, Edition of 2012.
NOTE: Available at
[i.14] ERC Report 25: "The European table of frequency allocations and applications in the frequency
range 8.3 kHz to 3000 GHz (ECA TABLE)".
NOTE: Available at
[i.15] Commission Decision 2007/344/EC of 16 May 2007 on harmonised availability of information
regarding spectrum use within the Community".
[i.16] ECC Decision ECC/DEC/(01)03: "ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS)".
[i.17] ETSI TR 138 901: "5G; Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz (3GPP
TR 38.901)".
[i.18] ETSI TS 136 211 (V13.7.1): "LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);
Physical channels and modulation (3GPP TS 36.211 version 13.7.1 Release 13)".
[i.19] CEPT/ERC/REC 74-01: "Unwanted Emissions in the Spurious Domain".
[i.20] ECC Report 186: "Technical and operational requirements for the operation of white space devices
under geo-location approach".
[i.21] ETSI EN 302 571: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Radiocommunications equipment
operating in the 5 855 MHz to 5 925 MHz frequency band; Harmonised Standard covering the
essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU".
[i.22] ECC Decision (17)06: "The harmonised use of the frequency bands 1427-1452 MHz and
1492-1518 MHz for Mobile/Fixed Communications Networks Supplemental Downlink (MFCN
NOTE: Available at
[i.23] ERC Recommendation 14-01:"Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high capacity analogue
and digital radio-relay systems operating in the band 5925 to 6425 MHz".
[i.24] ERC Recommendation 14-02: "Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high, medium and low
capacity digital fixed service systems operating in the band 6425 to 7125 MHz".
[i.25] ECC Recommendation 14(06): "Implementation of Fixed Service Point-to-Point narrow channels
(3.5 MHz, 1.75 MHz, 0.5 MHz, 0.25 MHz, 0.025 MHz) in the guard bands and center gaps of the
lower 6 GHz (5925 to 6425 MHz) and upper 6 GHz (6425 to 7125 MHz) bands".
NOTE: Available at

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7 ETSI TR 103 524 V1.1.1 (2018-10)
[i.26] IEEE P802.11 ax: "IEEE Draft Standard for Information Technology -- Telecommunications and
Information Exchange Between Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks -- Specific
Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications Amendment Enhancements for High Efficiency WLAN".
[i.27] IEEE 802.11 ac: "IEEE 802.11ac-2013 - IEEE Standard for Information technology --
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area
networks -- Specific requirements -- Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and
Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications -- Amendment 4: Enhancements for Very High Throughput
for Operation in Bands below 6 GHz".
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in the Directive 2014/53/EU [i.1] and the following apply:
6 GHz RLAN bands: total frequency range that consists of the 5 925 MHz to 6 725 MHz frequency band
adaptive equipment: equipment operating in an adaptive mode
adaptive mode: mechanism by which equipment can adapt to its environment by identifying other transmissions
present in the band
ad-hoc mode: operating mode in which an RLAN device establishes a temporary wireless connection with other RLAN
devices without a controlling network infrastructure
antenna array: two or more antennas connected to a single device and operating simultaneously
antenna assembly: combination of the antenna (integral or dedicated), its coaxial cable and if applicable, its antenna
connector and associated switching components
NOTE 1: This term (antenna assembly) refers to an antenna connected to one transmit chain.
NOTE 2: The gain of an antenna assembly G in dBi, does not include the additional gain that may result out of
available channel: channel identified as available for immediate use as an Operating Channel
beamforming gain: additional (antenna) gain realized by using beamforming techniques in smart antenna systems
NOTE: Beamforming gain as used in the present document does not include the gain of the antenna assembly.
burst: period during which radio waves are intentionally transmitted, preceded and succeeded by periods during which
no intentional transmission is made
channel: minimum amount of spectrum used by a single RLAN device
NOTE: An RLAN device is permitted to operate (transmit/receive) in one or more adjacent or non-adjacent
channels simultaneously.
EXAMPLE: For the purpose of the present document, an IEEE 802.11™ [i.2] device operating in a 40 MHz
mode may be considered as operating in 2 adjacent 20 MHz channels simultaneously.
channel plan: combination of the centre frequencies and for each of the centre frequencies, the declared nominal
clear channel assessment: mechanism used by an equipment to identify other transmissions in the channel
combined equipment: any combination of non-radio equipment that requires a plug-in radio device to offer full

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dedicated antenna: antenna external to the equipment, using an antenna connector with a cable or a wave-guide and
which has been designed or developed for one or more specific types of equipment
NOTE: It is the combination of dedicated antenna and radio equipment that is expected to be compliant with the
energy detect: mechanism used by an adaptive system to determine the presence of another device operating on the
channel based on detecting the signal level of that other device
environmental profile: range of environmental conditions under which equipment within the scope of the present
document is required to comply with the provisions of the present document
host equipment: any equipment which has complete user functionality when not connected to the radio equipment part
and to which the radio equipment part provides additional functionality and to which connection is necessary for the
radio equipment part to offer functionality
integral antenna: antenna designed as a fixed part of the equipment (without the use of an external connector) which
cannot be disconnected from the equipment by a user with the intent to connect another antenna
NOTE: An integral antenna may be fitted internally or externally. In the case where the antenna is external, a
non-detachable cable or wave-guide can be used.
Listen Before Talk (LBT): mechanism by which an equipment applies clear channel assessment (CCA) before using
the channel
manufacturer: company that has manufactured the equipment and who submits it for test
NOTE: Alternatively, the importer or any other person or entity that submits the equipment for test can be
considered as the manufacturer for the purpose of the present document.
multi-radio equipment: radio, host or combined equipment using more than one radio transceiver
operating channel: Available Channel on which the RLAN has started transmissions
NOTE: An Operating Channel becomes again an Available Channel if the RLAN stopped all transmissions on
that channel and no radar signal was detected by the In-Service Monitoring.
plug-in radio device: radio equipment module intended to be used with or within host, combined or multi-radio
equipment, using their control functions and power supply
receive chain: receiver circuit with an associated antenna
NOTE: Two or more receive chains are combined in a smart antenna system.
RLAN devices: 6 GHz high performance wireless access systems (WAS) including RLAN equipment
simulated radar burst: series of periodic radio wave pulses for test purposes
smart antenna systems: equipment that combines multiple transmit and/or receive chains with a signal processing
function to increase the throughput and/or to optimize its radiation and/or reception capabilities
NOTE: These are techniques such as spatial multiplexing, beamforming, cyclic delay diversity, MIMO, etc.
stand-alone radio equipment: equipment that is intended primarily as communications equipment and that is normally
used on a stand-alone basis
sub-band: portion of the 6 GHz RLAN bands
NOTE: See definition for "6 GHz RLAN bands".
total occupied bandwidth: total of the Nominal Channel Bandwidths in case of simultaneous transmissions in adjacent
or non-adjacent channels
NOTE: The Total Occupied Bandwidth may change with time/payload.

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transmit chain: transmitter circuit with an associated antenna
NOTE: Two or more transmit chains are combined in a smart antenna system.
Transmit Power Control (TPC): technique in which the transmitter output power is controlled resulting in reduced
interference to other systems
unavailable channel: channel which cannot be considered by the RLAN device for a certain period of time
(Non Occupancy Period) after an incumbent signal was detected on that channel
unusable channel: channel from the declared channel plan which may be declared as permanently unavailable due to
one or more incumbent detections on the channel
usable channel: any channel from the declared channel plan, which may be considered by the RLAN for possible use
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
A Measured power output
AC Alternating Current
T Number of active transmit chains
D Measured power density
dBm dB relative to 1 milliwatt
DC Direct Current
E Field strength
E Reference field strength
f Carrier frequency
G Antenna gain
GHz GigaHertz
Hz Hertz
kHz kiloHertz
MHz MegaHertz
ms millisecond
MS/s Mega Samples per second
mW milliWatt
n Number of channels
P Calculated e.i.r.p. at highest power level
P Calculated e.i.r.p. at lowest power level
Pburst RMS (mean) power over the transmission burst
PD Calculated power density
P Detection Probability
R Distance
Number of active receive chains
R Reference distance
S0 Signal power
T0 Time instant
T1 Time instant
T2 Time instant
T3 Time instant
W Radar pulse width
x Observed duty cycle
Y Beamforming (antenna) gain

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3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
3GPP 3 Generation Partnership Project
AP Acces Point
AR/VR Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
BS Base Station
CBTC Communications Based Train Control
CCA Clear Channel Assessment
DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection
DL DownLink
e.i.r.p. equivalent isotropically radiated power
EC European Commission
ECO European Communications Office
EFIS ECO Frequency Information System
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
EN European Norm
ERC European Radio Committee
ESV Earth Station on Vessel
EU European Union
FM Frequency Management
FS Fixed Service
FSS Fixed Satelitte Service
HD High Definition
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ITS Intelligent Transport Systems
LBT Listen Before Talk
LTE-eLAA Long Term Evolution-enhanced Licenced-Assisted Access
MFCN Mobile Fixed Communications Network
MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access
PER Packet Error Rate
RLAN Radio Local Area Network
RMS Root Mean Square
RR Radio Regulations
SDL Supplementary DownLink
SE Spectrum Engineering
TC Technical Committee
TPC Transmit Power Control
UK United Kingdom
UWB Ultra WideBand
WAS Wireless Access Systems
WGSE Working Group Spectrum Engineering
WIA Wireless Industrial Automation
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
4 Comments on the System Reference Document
4.1 Comments from ETSI members
4.1.1 Comments f

  • Relates Information
  • IEC 60300-3-7:1999

    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
  • HD 571 S1:1990

    HD 571 S1:1998
  • ISO 8130-4:1992

    ISO 8130-4:1992 - Coating powders
  • HD 478.2.7 S1:1990

    HD 478.2.7 S1:2003
  • ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992

    ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992 - Information processing systems — Data communications — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:12/10/1992
  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

    EN ISO 9013:2017/oprA1:2024
  • IEC 60118-6:1999

    IEC 60118-6:1999 - Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids Released:6/9/1999 Isbn:2831848075
  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

    HD 280.3 S1:1999
  • ISO 9832:1992

    ISO 9832:1992 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of residual technical hexane content
  • EN 60188:1988/A1:1990

    EN 60188:1999/A1:1999