ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)

Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; Derivation of receiver interference parameters useful for planning fixed service point-to-point systems operating different equipment classes and/or capacities

ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)

Name:ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)   Standard name:Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment; Derivation of receiver interference parameters useful for planning fixed service point-to-point systems operating different equipment classes and/or capacities
Standard number:ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)   language:English language
Release Date:01-Apr-2019   technical committee:ATTM TM4 - Fixed Radio Systems
Drafting committee:   ICS number:
ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)

Fixed Radio Systems;
Point-to-point equipment;
Derivation of receiver interference parameters useful for
planning fixed service point-to-point systems operating
different equipment classes and/or capacities

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2 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)

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3 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
Intellectual Property Rights . 4
Foreword . 4
Modal verbs terminology . 4
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 References . 5
2.1 Normative references . 5
2.2 Informative references . 5
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 6
3.1 Terms . 6
3.2 Symbols . 6
3.3 Abbreviations . 6
4 Overview of fundamental approach to noise limited assignments . 7
4.1 The Link Budget . 7
4.1.1 Introduction. 7
4.1.2 Receiver input level . 8
4.1.3 Fade margin (FM) . 11
4.2 Interference assessment . 11
4.2.1 General . 11
4.2.2 Wanted to Unwanted (W/U) ratios . 11
4.2.3 Receiver selectivity evaluation . 12
4.2.4 Net Filter Discrimination (NFD) . 12
4.2.5 The Carrier to Interference (C/I) ratio in mixed payload environment . 14
4.2.6 Evaluation of the Wanted to Unwanted (W/U) ratios . 15
5 Interference limited assignments . 15
6 Summary . 15
Annex A: Interference limited assignments . 16
Annex B: Wanted to Unwanted (W/U) ratios . 17
Annex C: Diagram showing the NFD procedure . 18
Annex D: Table of typical values for noise figure and signal/noise at BER = 10 . 19
Annex E: Receiver selectivity (conservative approach) . 25
Annex F: Receiver selectivity (more realistic approach) . 26
F.0 Introduction . 26
F.1 Gross bit-rate . 26
F.2 Derivation of transmitter spectrum mask . 26
F.3 Derivation of receiver selectivity . 28
F.4 Derivation of cosine roll-off . 29
F.5 Transmitter mask and receiver selectivity of other equipment classes . 30
History . 31


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4 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
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This Technical Report (TR) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Access, Terminals, Transmission and
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Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and "cannot" are to be
interpreted as described in clause 3.2 of the ETSI Drafting Rules (Verbal forms for the expression of provisions).
"must" and "must not" are NOT allowed in ETSI deliverables except when used in direct citation.
The present document explains how the assignment criteria between Digital Fixed Service systems, occupying different
bandwidths and using different types of modulation are determined.
The primary aim of spectrum management is to use limited spectrum in the most efficient and effective manner.
Thus the maintenance of interference free operation, alongside the sometime conflicting desire to establish a maximum
link density with guaranteed system availability, are the primary aims of any spectrum management system.

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5 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
1 Scope
The present document gives, initially, a basic overview of how a fixed point-to-point system is allocated an EIRP
guaranteeing predetermined link availability. It then reviews the methodology for deriving the parameters necessary for
the sharing of FS systems in an environment with different equipment classes and capacity. The methodology is based
on the limitation of noise and is not exclusive. In addition a method for calculation of RSL based on normalized values
is presented.
The present document highlights the primary parameters from European standards, which are vital to the development
of an assignment system. These parameters are:
• Transmitter radiation patterns.
• Receiver sensitivity.
• Receiver adjacent channel rejection.
• Receiver co-channel rejection.
In addition to these parameters the antenna radiation profile and, if fitted, the ATPC operating characteristics will have
a major effect on link density.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
Normative references are not applicable in the present document.
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] Recommendation ITU-R P.530: "Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design
of terrestrial line-of-sight systems".
[i.2] Recommendation ITU-R P.676: "Attenuation by atmospheric gases".
[i.3] Recommendation ITU-R F.746: "Radio-frequency arrangements for fixed service systems".
[i.4] Recommendation ITU-R SM.328-11: "Spectra and bandwidth of emissions".
[i.5] ETSI EN 302 217-2: "Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and requirements for point-to-point
equipment and antennas; Part 2: Digital systems operating in frequency bands from 1 GHz to
86 GHz;Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum of article 3.2 of Directive
[i.6] ETSI TR 103 053 (V1.1.1) (2014-09): "Fixed Radio Systems; Parameters affecting the Signal-to-
Noise Ratio (SNR)and the Receiver Signal Level (RSL) threshold in point-to-point receivers;
Theory and practice".
[i.7] ETSI EN 302 217-1: "Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and requirements for point-to-point
equipment and antennas; Part 1: Overview, common characteristics and system-independent

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6 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
[i.8] ETSI TR 103 103: "Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point systems; ATPC, RTPC, Adaptive
Modulation (mixed-mode) and Bandwidth Adaptive functionalities; Technical background and
impact on deployment, link design and coordination".
[i.9] ETSI GR mWT 015: "Frequency Bands and Carrier Aggregation Systems; Band and Carrier
[i.10] ECC/REC(01)05: "List of parameters of digital point-to-point fixed radio links used for national
[i.11] Recommendation ITU-R F.758: "System parameters and considerations in the development of
criteria for sharing or compatibility between digital fixed wireless systems in the fixed service and
systems in other services and other sources of interference".
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
dB deciBel
dBW deciBel relative to one Watt
dBW/Hz deciBel relative to one Watt per Hertz
f Nyquist frequency
GHz GigaHertz
Hz Hertz
k boltzmann's constant
MHz MegaHertz
Mbit/s Megabit per second
N Modulation scheme
r Cosine roll-off factor
T Temperature in degrees Kelvin
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
ACM Adaptive Code and Modulation
ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control
BB BroadBand
BCA Bands and Carriers Aggregation
BER Bit Error Rate
BW(U) BandWidth Unwanted
BW(W) BandWidth Wanted
C/I Carrier to Interference
CCDP Co-Channel Dual Polarization
CPM Continuous Phase Modulation
CS Channel Spacing
CW Continuous Wave
EIRP Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
FEC Forward Error Correction
FET Field-Effect Transistor
FM Fade Margin
FS Fixed Service
FSPL Free Space Path Loss
GBR Gross Bit-Rate
GR Group Report

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7 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
IF Intermediate Frequency
IM Industrial Margin
ITU-R International Telecommunication Union - Radio sector (formerly CCIR)
N/I Noise to Interference
NF Noise Figure
NFD Net Filter Discrimination
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
RE Radio Equipment
RF Radio Frequency
RIC Radio Interface Capacity
RS Reed–Solomon
RSL Receive Signal Level
Rx Receiver
S/N Signal to Noise
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
STM Synchronous Transport Module
Tx Transmitter
W/U Wanted to Unwanted
XPD Cross-Polar Discrimination
4 Overview of fundamental approach to noise limited
4.1 The Link Budget
4.1.1 Introduction
A link budget ensures that the Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) allocated to the transmitter maintains a
pre-determined level of service defined by error performance and availability. For example, a Bit Error Rate (BER)
better than 10 and desired availability (usually at least 99,99 % of time are commonly used as service levels, see
note 1). Figure 1 illustrates the major elements of propagation loss that are taken into consideration when assigning
transmitter EIRPs to Fixed Service (FS) systems. All elements of propagation loss are frequency and path length
dependent. Fade margin and gaseous absorption characteristics are addressed in Recommendation ITU-R P.530 [i.1]
and Recommendation ITU-R P.676 [i.2] respectively.
NOTE 1: In modern digital systems implementing Adaptive Code and Modulation (ACM, "mixed-mode" systems
defined in ETSI EN 302 217-1 [i.7] and better described in ETSI TR 103 103 [i.8]) such availability is
usually applied for the "reference mode" used for planning purpose. In some cases, a lower availability
might also be acceptable, e.g. in Bands and Carriers Aggregation (BCA systems described in ETSI
GR mWT 015 [i.9]) systems where high availability is guaranteed by the carrier(s) in the lower band,
while the carrier(s) in the higher band might not physically exhibit sufficient fade margin for that;
therefore, lower availability (best effort) is still acceptable for their "supplementary" payload.

Free Space Path Loss (FSPL)
+ Gaseous Absorption
+ Fade Margin


Equivalent Receiver

Figure 1: Fixed Link Budget

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8 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
Rx Reference Sensitivity Level =
= Tx EIRP - FSPL - Fade Margin - Gaseous Absorption + Rx Antenna Gain - Rx Losses.
= Rx Reference Sensitivity Level - Rx Antenna Gain + Rx Losses + Gaseous Absorption + FSPL + Fade Margin.
NOTE 2: Rx Losses are typically due to feeder losses connecting antenna port to indoor Rx equipment; when
outdoor equipment front ends are concerned, no Rx losses are usually present.
4.1.2 Receiver input level
The reference sensitivity calculated using the methodologies shown in tables 1 and 2 may be used as a theoretical guide
figure. The level of reference sensitivity in most practical cases will be within a few dB of this theoretical level. When
best practice noise figure and fixed losses are used in the calculation most, if not all, practical receiver reference
sensitivities will be at or above the theoretical level but below that quoted in the relevant European standard.
See annex D for guidance on S/N ratios and Noise Figure (NF) values.
Table 1 sets out an example calculation for RSL. This method of calculation may be used in conjunction with a noise
limited assignment system.
Table 1: Example showing calculation of RSL
Factor Notes Example values
Channel Bandwidth (MHz) 14
Payload rate (Mbit/s) 34,368
Gross bit rate (Mbit/s) ~ 1,1 x Payload rate (without FEC)
(including FEC and service channel) ~1,15 x payload rate (with FEC) = 1,15 × 34,368 Mbit/s 39,523
Modulation scheme
16 QAM (2 states, n = 4)
Thermal Noise kT (dBW/Hz) 10 log [k (Boltzmann's constant) × T (288 K)] -204
10 log [1,4 (Gross bit rate/n)]
Rx noise Bandwidth Factor B (dBHz) 71,4
= 10 log [1,4 (39,523 × 10 /4)]
Receiver Noise kTB (dBW) Thermal Noise (kT) + Bandwidth Factor (B) -132,6
Noise Figure (dB) See annex D 7
S/N for BER = 10 (dB) See annex D 17,6
Fixed System Losses (dB) Assume 4 dB 4
Interference Margin (dB)
Assume 1 dB 1
(see clause 4.2.2)
kTB + Noise Figure + Fixed System Losses + Interference
RSL for BER = 10 (dBW) -102
Margin + S/N
Median Rx Input Level (dBW) ≈ RSL plus calculated fade margin -102 + FM
NOTE 1: Where figures are quoted they are shown as an example and do not relate to any specific frequency band,
equipment type or European standard.
NOTE 2: Column 3 uses as an example a 34 Mbit/s, 16 QAM system with FEC and occupying a bandwidth of
14 MHz.

An alternative method for calculation of RSL is set out below. This approach calculates a normalized value of RSL
where the bit rate is normalized to a value of 1 Mbit/s and NF = 0 dB. The normalized RSL value may be calculated
using the well established equation (1), in conjunction with the example calculations set out in table 3:

 ( / ) = −114 +  +10∗  + (1)

where Noise Figure NF = 0 dB
The actual RSL (rated, typical value) may be calculated using equation (2):
 ( )= +10∗ + + +  (2)

IM =
Noise Figure Industrial Margin in dB
IM =
S/N Industrial Margin in dB

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9 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
Table 2 shows typical Noise Figures (inclusive of simple duplexers) and associated Industrial Margin values
(e.g. temperature extremes, production spread of FET devices and of RF circuits/filter attenuation) in the frequency
range: 6 GHz to 42 GHz. These values may be used in conjunction with equation (2).
A value of 1 dB may be considered appropriate for the S/N Industrial Margin where the BER is in the range 10 to
10 .
Typical S/N ratios (normalized to a noise bandwidth equal to the symbol-rate) are presented in table 3. Coded values are
valid for the referenced coding algorithm only; use of other coding algorithms would result in different S/N values and
different symbol-rates.
Table 3 gives two normalized RSL values with respect to each of the system coding examples shown, one based on a
-3 -6
BER = 10 and one based on a BER = 10 (derived from ETSI TR 103 053 [i.6], from table contained in archive
Table 2: Typical Noise Figures (NF) and associated Industrial Margins (IM )
Frequency band Typical Noise Figure (NF) Industrial margin (IM )
(GHz) (dB)
1,3 to 3 ~4 +3
3 to 5 ~5 +3
6 to 15 ~5 +3
18 to 23 ~6 +3
26 to 28 ~7 +3
32 ~7 +3
38 to 42 ~8 +3
48 to 50 ~9 +3
52 to 55 ~10 +3
71 to 76 / 81 to 86 ~13 +4


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10 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
Table 3: Examples of S/N normalized to the symbol rate and RSL normalized to NF = 0 dB and B = 1 Mbit/s
Modulation format 4PSK 16 QAM 32 QAM 64 QAM 128 QAM
h = 0,25 (see note 1)
Coded Coded Coded Coded
Coded Coded Un- (16TCM- Un- (32TCM- Un- (64TCM- Un- (128TCM-
Coding (see note 3) Un-coded Un-coded (RS
(RS 255,243) (RS 255,243) coded 4D+RS coded 2D+RS coded 4D+RS coded 4D+RS
255,243) 255,243) 255,243) 249,243)
B × (4/3,5) B × (5/4,5) × B × (6/5,5) × B × (7/6,5) × B ×
Gross Bit rate B B × (255/243) B B × (255/243) B B B B
× (255/243) (255/243) (255/243) (249/243) (255/241)
Symbol rate factor
2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7
(B/2) × (B/2) × (B/3,5) × (B/4) × (B/5,5) × (B/6,5) × (B/7) ×
Symbol rate B/2 B/2 B/4 B/5 B/6 B/7
(255/243) (255/243) (255/243) (255/243) (255/243) (249/243) (255/241)
S/N (BER = 10 ) 13,5 12 11 9,6 18,2 13,2 21,5 15,2 24,5 19,9 27,6 24 27,2
S/N (BER = 10 ) 17,5 14 14,2 10,5 21,3 13,7 25 16,4 28 20,5 31,4 25 28,5
RSL at BER = 10
-103,5 -104,8 -106,0 -107,2 -101,8 -106,0 -99,5 -104,6 -97,3 -101,3 -94,9 -98,0 -95,0
(see note 2)
RSL at BER = 10
-99,5 -102,8 -102,8 -106,3 -98,7 -105,5 -96,0 -103,4 -93,8 -100,7 -91,1 -97,0 -93,7
(see note 2)
B = Payload Bit-rate
NOTE 1: Technical background for Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) formats may be found in ITU-R Recommendation SM.328-11 [i.4].
NOTE 2: Normalized to NF = 0 dB and B = 1 Mbit/s.
NOTE 3: Uncoded values = theoretically achievable values.
Coded values = typically measured in a mass production environment by one manufacturer (these are not the limits for testing, nor the guaranteed values provided to customers).


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11 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)
4.1.3 Fade margin (FM)
The two main factors considered that cause the wanted signal to fade are multipath clear air fading and rain fade.
Multipath clear air fading is considered dominant below about 10 GHz and rain fade is dominant above about 15 GHz.
Consequently, depending on the frequency band under consideration, the multipath, rain, or a combination of the two
fade margins, are calculated to ensure that system performance requirements are met. Fade margin is dependent on
frequency, path length and level of service availability required (see clause 4.1).
4.2 Interference assessment
4.2.1 General
The radio link to be assigned needs to be co-ordinated with all existing links within a defined co-ordination zone.
Interference levels into/from the new link need to be assessed and compared against defined limits,
ERC/REC(01)05 [i.10] gives common guidelines on limits for use in typical link planning. The co-ordination distance
is dependent on propagation conditions and therefore, in general, decreases as FS bands increase in frequency.
Interference levels to and from the proposed link are assessed taking into account such factors as receiver sensitivity,
path profile, antenna gain, antenna radiation pattern and antenna cross-polar response. When fitted, the operating profile
of ATPC also needs to be taken into consideration. The correct implementation of the ATPC profile into the assignment
process will significantly improve link density.
Interference levels to and from the proposed link are assessed taking into account such factors as receiver sensitivity,
path profile, antenna gain, antenna radiation pattern and antenna cross-polar response. When fitted, the operating profile
of ATPC also needs to be taken into consideration. The correct implementation of the ATPC profile into the assignment
process will significantly improve link density.
4.2.2 Wanted to Unwanted (W/U) ratios
Wanted to Unwanted (W/U) ratios are determined for each single interferer combination of wanted and unwanted signal
types. In a noise limited assignment system the correct inclusion of these figures, into the assignment link budget
calculation, will limit the increase in noise floor, caused by interference between FS systems sharing the same
frequency band, below a predetermined level.
The principle behind noise limited assignments is illustrated in figure 2. It shows the elements involved in determining
W/U for a single co-channel interferer. For interference scenarios where the wanted and unwanted channels are not
co-channel and have a degree of NFD (see clause 4.2.4) the W/U ratio is modified to take into account the additional
protection given by the NFD. The derivation of single interferer W/U ratios is covered in clause 4.2.5.
When link is first planned in absence of any significant interference (W/U  ∞), the inclusion of a multiple interferer
allowance may be appropriate. This additional protection takes into account the fact that the victim receiver is very
likely, in future, to experience new interference signals from a number of sources, in particular from multiple FS links
in the same co-ordination zone (e.g. interference margin up to 3 dB as provided by ECC/REC(01)05 [i.10]), but also
from emissions from other services sharing the same band; the latter contribution, if any, is defined by specific sharing
studies, based on Recommendation ITU-R F.758 [i.11], which, in most cases, are based on a globally permitted
I/N ≤ −10 dB, that would imply an additional protection of 0,5 dB.

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12 ETSI TR 101 854 V2.1.1 (2019-04)

Receive Signal Level (BER 10 )
Carrier Noise Ratio

Interference Margin

Receiver Noise Floor kTB
plus noise figure and other losses.
Wanted to
Unwanted Ratio Noise/Interference Ratio

Multiple Interference Allowance
Maximum Permissible Interference
Level for a single interferer

Figure 2: Derivation of single interferer co-channel interference limit
4.2.3 Receiver selectivity evaluation
An overall receiver selectivity mask for a given system type, obtained by a combination of RF, IF and base band
filtering, can, in theory, be derived from the corresponding transmitter spectrum mask. It is common practice for
digitally modulated systems to have Tx and Rx channel shaping such that, as far as possible, the ideal transfer function
for pulses with even attenuation characteristics is equally split between the Tx and Rx.
In the absence of specific equipment data the following two methods may be used to support link assignment:
- a conservative approach of the above method is shown in annex E;
- a more realistic approach of the above method is shown in annex F.
NOTE: These approaches should not imply supplementary requirements on the equipment.
4.2.4 Net Filter Discrimination (NFD)
It is common practice in co-existence studies between transmitters and receivers of different symbol rate and
modulation formats to use the concept of Net Filter Discrimination (NFD).
NFD is defined in Recommendation ITU-R F.746 [i.3] as (see notes 1 and 2):

NFD = (3a)
       , ,
NOTE 1: The term "adjacent channel received power" is intended as the interfering p

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