prEN 671-2

Fixed firefighting sytems - Hose systems - Part 2: Hose system with lay-flat hose

prEN 671-2

Name:prEN 671-2   Standard name:Fixed firefighting sytems - Hose systems - Part 2: Hose system with lay-flat hose
Standard number:prEN 671-2   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:CEN/TC 191 - Fixed firefighting systems
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 191/WG 9 - Hydrant and hose reel systems   ICS number:13.220.20 - Fire protection
oSIST prEN 671-2:2006
Vgrajeni gasilni sistemi – Cevni sistemi – 2. del: Cevni sistemi s plosko cevjo
Fixed firefighting sytems - Hose systems - Part 2: Hose system with lay-flat hose
Ortsfeste Löschanlagen - Wandhydranten - Teil 2: Wandhydranten mit Flachschlauch
Installations fixes de lutte contre l'incendie - Systemes équipés de tuyaux - Partie 2 :
Postes d'eau muraux équipés de tuyaux plats
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 671-2
13.220.10 Gašenje požara Fire-fighting
23.040.70 Gumene cevi in armature Hoses and hose assemblies
oSIST prEN 671-2:2006 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN 671-2:2006
prEN 671-2
January 2006
ICS 13.220.20 Will supersede EN 671-2:2001
English Version
Fixed firefighting sytems - Hose systems - Part 2: Hose system
with lay-flat hose
Installations fixes de lutte contre l'incendie - Systèmes Ortsfeste Löschanlagen - Wandhydranten - Teil 2:
équipés de tuyaux - Partie 2 : Postes d'eau muraux équipés Wandhydranten mit Flachschlauch
de tuyaux plats
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 191.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.
: This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 671-2:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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Contents Page
Introduction .5
1 Scope.5
2 Normative references.5
3 Terms and definitions .6
4 Designation.6
4.1 General.6
4.2 Method of mounting .6
4.3 Hose support.7
4.3.1 General.7
4.3.2 Type 1.7
4.3.3 Type 1 and 3 .7
5 Hose and hose assemblies.7
5.1 General.7
5.2 Hose bore.7
5.3 Maximum length.7
5.4 Couplings.7
5.4.1 General.7
5.4.2 Coupling bindings.8
6 Shut-off nozzle.8
6.1 General.8
6.2 Resistance to impact.8
6.3 Operating torque.8
6.4 Marking of control settings.8
7 Inlet stop valve.9
8 Cabinets.9
8.1 General.9
8.2 Opening device.9
8.3 Cabinets for manual hose system with screw down type valves.10
8.4 Form C cabinets.10
9 Materials.10
9.1 Resistance to external corrosion.10
9.2 Plastics materials.10
9.3 Resistance to corrosion of waterways .10
10 Hydraulic properties.10
10.1 Resistance to internal pressure .10
10.2 Security of couplings .10
10.3 Minimum flow rate .11
10.4 Effective throw range .11
10.5 Spray discharge.11
11 Colour, symbols, marking and instructions .11
11.1 Colour.11
11.2 Identification symbol.12
11.3 Marking.12
11.4 Instruction for use .12
11.5 Installation and maintenance instructions.12

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12 Evaluation of conformity .12
12.1 General.12
12.2 Initial type testing .12
12.3 Factory production control (FPC).13
Annex A (normative) Schedule for initial type testing .14
A.1 Test sequence.14
Valve requirements .14
Annex B (normative) Test method for resistance to external corrosion .15
B.1 Coated parts.15
B.1.1 Test piece.15
B.1.2 Procedure.15
B.2 Uncoated parts.15
B.2.1 Procedure.15
Annex C (normative) Ageing test for plastics materials.16
C.1 Procedure.16
Annex D (normative) Test method for resistance to corrosion of waterways.17
D.1 Procedure.17
Annex E (normative) Test methods for nozzle.18
E.1 Resistance to impact.18
E.2 Operating torque.18
E.3 Measurement of spray angle.18
E.4 Measurement of flow rate and throw range.19
E.4.1 Flow rate.19
E.4.2 Throw range.21
E.5 Test method for resistance to internal pressure.21
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Construction Products Directive 89/106.22


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This document (prEN 671-2:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 191 “Fixed firefighting
sytems”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 671-2:2001.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, B, C or D, which is an integral part of this
EN 671 has the general title “Fixed firefighting systems – Hose systems” and is in three parts;
Part 1: Hose reels with semi-rigid hose
Part 2: Hose systems with lay-flat hose
Part 3: Maintenance of hose reels with semi-rigid hose and hose systems with lay-flat hose


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Hose systems in proper condition provide a very effective firefighting facility with a continuous supply of water
available immediately.
The requirements of this standard have been framed to ensure that hose systems can be operated efficiently
by one person and that such systems will have a long service life and will not need excessive maintenance.
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies requirements and methods of test for the construction and performance of
fire hose systems with lay-flat hose for installation in buildings and other construction works, permanently
connected to a water supply, for use by the occupants.
Its requirements may apply in general for other applications, for example in marine applications or in
aggressive environments, but additional requirements may be necessary in such cases.
For convenience of application in conformity testing, the normative annexes of this standard are arranged so
that annex A gives the sequence of testing for conformity assessment and annexes B, C, D and E are in the
correct sequence for testing.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to
this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the
latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 671-3:2000, Fixed firefighting systems - Hose systems – Part 3: Maintenance of hose reels with semi-rigid
hose and hose systems with lay-flat hose
EN ISO 4892-2:1999, Plastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Part 2: Xenon-arc sources
(ISO 4892-2:1994)
EN ISO 9001:2000, Quality systems – Requirements
EN 14540:2004, Fire-fighting hoses - Non-percolating layflat hoses for fixed systems
ISO 7-1:1994, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads – Part 1: Dimensions,
tolerances and designation.
ISO 5208:1993, Industrial valves – Pressure testing of valves
ISO 6309:1987, Fire protection – Safety signs
ISO 9227:1990, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres; salt spray tests

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3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply:
box to protect the hose system against environmental or physical damage

device used to connect the hose to the valve and to the shut-off nozzle

fire hose system; hose system
firefighting appliance consisting essentially of a cabinet or cover, hose support, manual stop valve, lay-flat
hose with couplings, shut-off nozzle

hose support
device used to hold the hose

lay-flat hose
hose which is flat-sectioned except when it is internally pressurized

maximum working pressure
maximum allowable pressure for which the hose system is designed
NOTE All pressures are gauge pressures and are expressed in Mega Pascal. 1 MPa = 10 bar.
shut-off nozzle
component at the end of the hose used to direct and control the discharge of water

4 Designation
4.1 General
A hose system shall be designated according to its method of mounting (see 4.2), the form of hose support
(see 4.3), the diameter of hose in millimetres and the length of hose in metres.
Thus the hose system in a cabinet for surface mounting, with the hose on a reel, fitted with 52 mm diameter
hose of length 20 m, is designated:
4.2 Method of mounting
A hose system shall be designed for mounting in one of the following forms:
- form A: in a wall recess with cover;
- form B: in a cabinet in a wall recess;

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- form C: in a cabinet for surface mounting.
4.3 Hose support
4.3.1 General
The hose support shall be one of the following types:
- type 1: rotating reel;
- type 2: cradle with the hose double coiled;
- type 3: hose basket with the hose flaked.
4.3.2 Type 1
The reel shall rotate around a spindle so that the hose can be withdrawn freely. The inside drum shall have a
minimum diameter of not less than 70 mm and shall have a slit not less than 20 mm wide across the full
diameter of the drum into which the folded hose is located.
4.3.3 Type 1 and 3
Type 1 and 3 supports if fixed to the cabinet shall allow a swing to a position at 90 to the plane of the back of
the cabinet. The turning axis shall be vertical.
5 Hose and hose assemblies
5.1 General
The hose shall be lay-flat and conform to EN 14540.
The notified body can determine the conformity to EN 14540 by either a certificate or a test report of an
accredited or notified body.
5.2 Hose bore
The nominal diameter shall not exceed 52 mm.
5.3 Maximum length
The nominal length of the hose shall not exceed 20 m, except where, for certain specific applications,
regulations permit greater lengths.
5.4 Couplings
5.4.1 General
Couplings shall comply with national standards of the country in which the equipment is to be installed.
NOTE Local authority regulations of the country may apply for couplings.

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5.4.2 Coupling bindings
The coupling shall be bound to the hose by means of an even pressure over the complete perimeter of the
hose against the coupling shank.
6 Shut-off nozzle
6.1 General
The hose shall terminate in a shut-off nozzle, which shall give the following control settings:
a) shut, and
b) spray; and
c) jet.
It is recommended that the sequence should be as above with the spray setting between the shut setting and
the jet setting.
If a hose system is used on electrical equipment the settings of the shut-off nozzle shall be according national
Any spray discharge shall be in the form of either a sheet spray or a conical spray.
6.2 Resistance to impact
The nozzle shall not break or show any visible leakage when tested in accordance with E.1.
6.3 Operating torque
The torque necessary to operate the nozzle to each control setting at maximum working pressure shall not
exceed the appropriate value given in Table 1 when determined after testing in accordance with E.2.
Table 1 — Maximum operating torque of nozzle control
Control setting Maximum operating torque
Opening 7
Spray 7
Jet 7
Flow rate control 7

6.4 Marking of control settings
Rotary operated nozzles shall be marked to show the direction of closing and opening.
Lever operated nozzles shall be marked to show the settings for:

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a) shut;
b) spray;
c) jet.
7 Inlet stop valve
a) A manual stop valve shall be fitted to the hose system.
NOTE It is normally appropriate for valves and valve connections and valve combinations to comply with national
standards of the country in which the equipment is to be installed.
b) The valve shall be screw down or other slow-opening type.
c) The inlet shall be threaded according to ISO 7-1.
d) The inlet and outlet shall form an angle of not less than 90° and not more than 135°.
e) The valve shall be closed by turning the handle in a clockwise direction and the direction of opening
shall be marked.
f) When tested in accordance with ISO 5208 for a maximum working pressure of 1,2 MPa the valve
shall conform to the appropriate requirements.
8 Cabinets
8.1 General
Cabinets shall be fitted with a door and can be fitted with a lock. Cabinet doors shall open to minimum 170° to
allow the hose to be run out freely in any direction. Cabinets shall be free of sharp edges, which might
damage the equipment or cause injury.
Lockable cabinets shall be provided with an emergency opening device, which may be protected only by
transparent frangible material. To provide access for inspection and maintenance, the cabinet shall be unlock
able with a key.
If the emergency opening device is protected by a frangible glass front this shall be of the type which when
broken does not leave jagged or sharp edges, which might cause injury when the emergency opening is
When transparent material is used as a part of the construction of the door then this shall not be used as the
emergency access to the hose system.
Cabinets may also be used to contain other firefighting equipment, provided that the cabinet is of sufficient
size and the equipment does not interfere with the prompt use of the hose system.
For service in some climatic conditions it may be necessary to provide the cabinet with suitable ventilating
8.2 Opening device
An opening device shall be provided to allow periodical inspection and maintenance. The opening device shall
have provision for a security seal to be fitted.

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NOTE The force necessary to open and secure the seal should be not less than 20 N and not more than 40 N, and
the opening device should be reasonably difficult to operate to minimise misuse and theft.
8.3 Cabinets for manual hose system with screw down type valves
The screw down valve shall be positioned in such a way that there is at least 35 mm free space around the
external diameter of the hand wheel, when the valve is in any position from fully open to fully closed.
8.4 Form C cabinets
Cabinets for form C shall have a hole or holes in the base to allow drainage of water.
9 Materials
9.1 Resistance to external corrosion
Any metal parts shall provide adequate protection when coated parts are tested in accordance with B.1 and
uncoated parts are tested in accordance with B.2.
NOTE The advice of the hose systems supplier should be requested in cases of special corrosion risk.
9.2 Plastics materials
Plastics material samples for which they are made of, other parts than signs shall not show cracks or ruptures
after aging in accordance with C.
9.3 Resistance to corrosion of waterways
There shall be no significant corrosion defects and the mechanical operation of all working parts shall be
unimpaired when waterways are tested in accordance with D.
NOTE Where fire hose systems are connected to a public domestic water supply, the appropriate authority may
specify materials which are, or are not, acceptable to the authority.
10 Hydraulic properties
10.1 Resistance to internal pressure
Hose assemblies shall be designed for the following pressures:
a) maximum working pressure 1,2 MPa;
b) test pressure: 2,4 MPa;
c) minimum burst pressure: 4,2 MPa.
10.2 Security of couplings
Hose assemblies shall not leak when tested to the test pressure in accordance with E.5.

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10.3 Minimum flow rate
The flow rates in jet and spray settings shall be not less than the appropriate values given in Table 2 when the
hose system is tested in accordance with E.4.1 at 0,6 MPa.
Table 2 — Minimum flow rates and minimum k-coefficient according to pressure
Nozzle- or Minimum flow rate Q
mm P = 0,2 MPa P = 0,4 MPa P = 0,6 MPa
9 65 92 113 46
10 78 110 135 55
11 96 136 167 68
12 102 144 176 72
13 120 170 208 85
Flow rate Q at a pressure P is related to the equation Q = K 10P , where Q is in l/min and P is in MPa.
10.4 Effective throw range
The effective throw ranges of the discharges at a pressure of 0,2 MPa when determined in accordance with
E.4.2 shall not be less than as follows:
a) jet discharge 10 m;
b) sheet spray discharge 6 m;
c) conical spray discharge 3 m.
10.5 Spray discharge
Nozzles with a spray setting shall give a spray angle when determined in accordance with annex E.3 as
a) sheet spray 90° + 5°;
b) conical spray not less than 45°.
11 Colour, symbols, marking and instructions
11.1 Colour
The colour of the hose supports shall be red except where regulatory requirements permit the use of other
NOTE Suitable red colours are RAL 3000 and 3001.

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11.2 Identification symbol
The hose system shall be marked with the symbol according to ISO 6309.
NOTE The symbol may have a luminescent surface.
11.3 Marking
The hose system shall be marked with the following information:
a) supplier’s name or trade mark, or both;
b) number of this European Standard;
c) year of manufacture;
d) maximum working pressure;
e) length and bore of hose;
f) nozzle equivalent diameter (marked on the nozzle).
11.4 Instruction for use
Hose system assemblies shall be provided with full operational instructions for display on or adjacent to the
hose system.
11.5 Installation and maintenance instructions
The supplier shall make available an installation manual specific for the hose system.
Maintenance procedures shall be as specified in EN 671-3.
12 Evaluation of conformity
12.1 General
The compliance of hose systems with lay-flat hose with the requirements of this standard shall be
demonstrated by:
- initial type testing,
- factory production control by the manufacturer.
12.2 Initial type testing
Initial type testing shall be performed on first application of this standard. Tests previously performed in
accordance with the provisions of this standard (same product, same characteristic, test method, sampling
method and system for attestation of conformity) may be taken into account. In addition, initial type testing
shall be performed at the beginning of the production of a product type or at the beginning of a new method of
production (where these may affect the stated properties).
All characteristics given in Annex A shall be subject to initial type testing.

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12.3 Factory production control (FPC)
The manufacturer shall establish, document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products placed
on the market conform with the stated performance characteristics. The FPC system shall consist of
procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use of the results to cont

  • Relates Information
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