prEN 934-2 rev

Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

prEN 934-2 rev

Name:prEN 934-2 rev   Standard name:Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
Standard number:prEN 934-2 rev   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:CEN/TC 104 - Concrete ( performance, production, placing and compliance criteria )
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 104/SC 3 - Admixtures for concrete   ICS number:01.040.91 - Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)
oSIST prEN 934-2:2014
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete admixtures - Definitions,
requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
Zusatzmittel für Beton, Mörtel und Einpressmörtel - Teil 2: Betonzusatzmittel - Begriffe,
Anforderungen, Konformität, Kennzeichnung und Beschriftung
Adjuvants pour béton, mortier et coulis - Partie 2: Adjuvants pour bétons - Définitions,
exigences, conformité, marquage et étiquetage
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 934-2 rev
01.040.91 Gradbeni materiali in gradnja Construction materials and
(Slovarji) building (Vocabularies)
91.100.30 Beton in betonski izdelki Concrete and concrete
oSIST prEN 934-2:2014 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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prEN 934-2 rev


October 2014
ICS 01.040.91; 91.100.30 Will supersede EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012
English Version
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 2: Concrete
admixtures - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and
Adjuvants pour béton, mortier et coulis - Partie 2: Adjuvants Zusatzmittel für Beton, Mörtel und Einpressmörtel - Teil 2:
pour bétons - Définitions, exigences, conformité, marquage Betonzusatzmittel - Begriffe, Anforderungen, Konformität,
et étiquetage Kennzeichnung und Beschriftung
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 104.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2014 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 934-2 rev:2014 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope .4
2 Normative references .4
3 Terms and definitions .5
3.1 General definitions .5
3.2 Specific definitions .5
4 Requirements .7
4.1 General requirements .7
4.2 Requirements for specific types of admixtures .7
4.3 Release of dangerous substances . 12
5 Sampling . 12
6 Conformity control. 12
7 Evaluation of conformity . 12
8 Marking and labelling . 13
8.1 General . 13
8.2 Designation of admixtures . 13
8.3 Additional Information . 13
Annex A (informative) Release of dangerous substances . 14
Annex B (normative) Factory production control . 15
Annex ZA (informative) Provisions for the CE marking of admixtures for concrete under the EU
Construction Products Regulation . 17
ZA.1 Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU Construction
Products Regulation . 17
ZA.2 Procedure for Assessment and Verification of Consistency of Performance (AVCP) of
admixtures for concrete . 20
ZA.2.1 Procedure for Assessment and Verification of Consistency of Performance . 20
ZA.2.2 EC certificate and declaration of conformity . 20
ZA.3 CE marking and labelling . 23


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This document (prEN 934-2:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 104 “Concrete and
related products”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
This standard is a part of the series EN 934, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout, which additionally
comprises the following parts:
 Part 1: Common requirements
 Part 2: Concrete admixtures — Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
 Part 3: Admixtures for masonry mortar — Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
 Part 4: Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons — Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking
and labelling
 Part 5: Admixtures for sprayed concrete — Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
 Part 6: Sampling, conformity control and evaluation of conformity
This European Standard is used with the standards of the EN 480 series which comprises test methods for

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1 Scope
This European Standard specifies definitions and requirements for admixtures for use in concrete.
It covers admixtures for plain, reinforced and prestressed concrete which are used in site mixed, ready mixed
concrete and precast concrete.
The performance requirements in this standard apply to admixtures used in concrete of normal consistence.
They may not be applicable to admixtures intended for other types of concrete such as semi-dry and earth
moist mixes.
Provisions governing the practical application of admixtures in the production of concrete, i.e. requirements
concerning composition, mixing, placing, curing etc. of concrete containing admixtures are not part of this
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 480-1, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 1: Reference concrete and
reference mortar for testing
EN 480-2, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 2: Determination of setting time
EN 480-4, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 4: Determination of bleeding of
EN 480-5, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 5: Determination of capillary
EN 480-11, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 11: Determination of air void
characteristics in hardened concrete
EN 480-15, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Test methods — Part 15: Reference concrete and
method for testing viscosity modifying admixtures
EN 934-1:2008, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Part 1: Common requirements
EN 934-6:2001 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout — Part 6: Sampling, conformity control and
evaluation of conformity
EN 12350-2, Testing fresh concrete — Part 2: Slump test
EN 12350-5, Testing fresh concrete — Part 5: Flow table test
EN 12350-7, Testing fresh concrete — Part 7: Air content — Pressure methods
EN 12350-11, Testing fresh concrete — Part 11: Self-compacting concrete — Sieve segregation test
EN 12390-3, Testing hardened concrete — Part 3: Compressive strength of test specimens

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3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in EN 934-1:2008 and the following apply.
3.1 General definitions
ability of an admixture to be effective in its intended use without detrimental effects
compliance dosage
dosage of an admixture, expressed in % by mass of cement, stated by the manufacturer which will meet the
requirements of this standard. The compliance dosage is within the recommended range of dosage
recommended range of dosage
dosages between limits expressed in % by mass of cement which the manufacturer recommends for the
product based on experience on site
Note 1 to entry: The use of the recommended dosage does not imply that compliance with this standard will be met
over the whole range. Trial tests should be carried out with the materials to be used on site to find the dosage necessary
to achieve the required result.
maximum recommended dosage
upper limit of the recommended range of dosage
reference concrete and mortar
concrete and mortar as specified in EN 480-1 for testing admixtures for conformity with this standard
multifunction admixture
admixture which affects several properties of fresh and/or hardened concrete by performing more than one of
the main functions defined in 3.2.2 to 3.2.9
primary function
single function of a multifunction admixture designated by the manufacturer
secondary function
function of a multifunction admixture which is additional to the primary function
3.2 Specific definitions
admixtures for concrete
material added during the mixing process of concrete in a quantity not more than 5 % by mass of the cement
content of the concrete, to modify the properties of the mix in the fresh and /or hardened state
water reducing/plasticizing admixture
admixture which without affecting the consistence, permits a reduction in the water content of a given concrete
mix, or which, without affecting the water content increases the slump/flow or produces both effects

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high range water reducing/superplasticizing admixture
admixture which, without affecting the consistence, permits a high reduction in the water content of a given
concrete mix, or which, without affecting the water content increases the slump/flow considerably, or produces
both effects simultaneously
water retaining admixture
admixture which reduces the loss of water by a reduction of bleeding
air entraining admixture
admixture which allows a controlled quantity of small, uniformly distributed air bubbles to be incorporated
during mixing which remain after hardening
set accelerating admixture
admixture which decreases the time to commencement of transition of the mix from the plastic to the rigid
hardening accelerating admixture
admixture which increases the rate of development of early strength in the concrete, with or without affecting
the setting time
set retarding admixture
admixture which extends the time to commencement of transition of the mix from the plastic to the rigid state
water resisting admixture
admixture which reduces the capillary absorption of hardened concrete
set retarding/water reducing/plasticizing admixture
admixture which produces the combined effects of a water reducing/plasticizing admixture (primary function)
and a set retarding admixture (secondary function)
set retarding/high range water reducing/superplasticizing admixture
admixture which produces the combined effects of a high range water reducing/superplasticizing admixture
(primary function) and a set retarding admixture (secondary function)
set accelerating/water reducing/plasticizing admixture
admixture which produces the combined effects of a water reducing/plasticizing admixture (primary function)
and a set accelerating admixture (secondary function)
viscosity modifying admixture
admixture incorporated in concrete to limit segregation by improving cohesion

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4 Requirements
4.1 General requirements
The requirements in this standard assume that admixtures are uniformly dispersed in concrete; special
attention shall be given to the dispersion of powder admixtures with retarding effects.
All admixtures defined in 3.2.2 to 3.2.13 shall conform the general requirements in EN 934-1:2008 Table 1,
Clause 5 and Clause 6.
NOTE For requirements which lead to the CE-marking, see Table ZA.1 of Annex ZA.
4.2 Requirements for specific types of admixtures
The admixtures defined in 3.2.2 to 3.2.13 shall comply with the requirements listed in Table 1:
Table 1 — Performance requirements for specific types of admixture
Definition Name of admixture Performance requirements
3.2.2 Water reducing/plasticizing admixtures Table 2
3.2.3 High range water reducing/superplasticizing admixtures Tables 3.1 and 3.2
3.2.4 Water retaining admixtures Table 4
3.2.5 Air entraining admixture Table 5
3.2.6 Set accelerating admixtures Table 6
3.2.7 Hardening accelerating admixtures Table 7
3.2.8 Set retarding admixtures Table 8
3.2.9 Water resisting admixtures Table 9
3.2.10 Set retarding/water reducing/plasticizing admixtures Table 10
3.2.11 Set retarding/high range water reducing/superplasticizing Tables 11.1 and 11.2
3.2.12 Set accelerating/water reducing/plasticizing admixtures Table 12
3.2.13 Viscosity modifying admixture Table 13

Where manufacturer's stated values are required these shall be provided in writing on request.
Table 2 — Specific requirements for water reducing/plasticizing admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Reference concrete Test method Requirements
1 Water reduction EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2 or
In test mix ≥ 5 % compared with
reference concrete I flow EN 12350-5
control mix
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 7 and 28 days:
strength reference concrete I
Test mix ≥ 110 % of control mix
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete I control mix unless stated
otherwise by the manufacturer


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Table 3.1 — Specific requirements for high range water reducing/super plasticizing admixtures
(at equal consistence)
No Property Reference concrete Test method Requirements
1 Water reduction EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2 or
In test mix ≥ 12 % compared with
reference concrete I flow EN 12350-5
control mix
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 1 day:
strength reference concrete I
Test mix ≥ 140 % of control mix
At 28 days:
Test mix ≥ 115 % of control mix
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete I
control mix unless otherwise
stated by the manufacturer

Table 3.2 — Specific requirements for high range water reducing/super plasticizing admixtures
(at equal w/c ratio)
No Property Reference concrete Test method Requirements
1 Increase in EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2 or
Increase in slump ≥ 120 mm from
consistence reference concrete IV flow EN 12350-5
initial (30 ± 10) mm
Increase in flow ≥ 160 mm from
initial (350 ± 20) mm
2 Retention of EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2 or 30 min after the addition the
consistence reference concrete IV flow EN 12350-5 consistence of the test mix shall
not fall below the value of the
initial consistence of the control
3 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 28 days:
strength reference concrete IV test mix ≥ 90 % of control mix
4 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete IV
control mix unless otherwise
stated by the manufacturer

The compliance dosage for admixtures used to meet the requirements of Table 3.2 does not have to be the same as that used to

meet the requirements of Table 3.1.

Table 4 — Specific requirements for water retaining admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Reference concrete Test method Requirements
1 Bleeding EN 480-1 EN 480-4
Test mix ≤ 50 % of control mix
reference concrete II
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 28 days:
strength reference concrete II Test mix ≥ 80 % of control mix
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7 Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete II
control mix unless stated otherwise by
the manufacturer


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Table 5 — Specific requirements for air entraining admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Reference concrete Test method Requirements
1 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≥ 2,5 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete III control mix
(entrained air)
Total air content 4 % to 6 % by
2 Air void EN 480-1 EN 480-11
Spacing factor in test mix ≤ 0,200 mm
characteristics reference concrete III
in hardened
3 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3
At 28 days : test mix ≥ 75 % of control
strength reference concrete III
 All the requirements apply to the same test mix.
EN 480-11 is the reference method. Other methods of determining the spacing factor (e. g. modified point count method) may be
used provided that they can be shown to give essentially the same results as the method in EN 480-11.
Table 6 — Specific requirements for set accelerating admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Initial setting EN 480-1 EN 480-2
At 20° C: test mix ≥ 30 min
time mortar
At 5° C : test mix ≤ 60 % of
control mix
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 28 days:
strength reference concrete I
Test mix ≥ 80 % control mix
At 90 days:
Test mix ≥ test mix at 28 days
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete I
control mix unless stated
otherwise by the manufacturer

Table 7 — Specific requirements for hardening accelerating admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Reference concrete Test method Requirements
1 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3
At 20° C and 24 h: test mix ≥ 120 % of
strength reference concrete I
control mix
At 20° C and 28 days: test mix ≥ 90 %
of control mix
At 5° C and 48 h: test mix ≥ 130 % of
control mix
2 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above control
fresh concrete reference concrete I
mix unless otherwise stated by the


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Table 8 — Specific requirements for set retarding admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Setting time EN 480-1 EN 480-2
Initial: test mix ≥ control mix + 90 min
Final: test mix ≤ control mix + 360 min
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 7 days:
strength reference concrete I
Test mix ≥ 80 % control mix
At 28 days:
Test mix ≥ 90 % of control mix
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above
fresh concrete reference concrete I control mix unless otherwise stated by
the manufacturer
Table 9 — Specific requirements for water resisting admixtures
(at equal consistence or equal w/c ratio )
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Capillary EN 480-1 EN 480-5 Tested for 7 days after 7 days curing :
absorption mortar
test mix ≤ 50 % by mass of control mix
Tested for 28 days after 90 days
curing : test mix ≤ 60 % by mass of
control mix
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3
At 28 days : test mix ≥ 85 % of control
strength reference concrete I mix
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % by volume above control
fresh concrete reference concrete I
mix unless otherwise stated by the
 All tests shall be performed either at equal consistence or equal w/c ratio.

Table 10 — Specific requirements for set retarding/water reducing/plasticizing admixtures
(at equal consistence)
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3 At 28 days: test mix ≥ 100 % of
strength reference concrete I
control mix
2 Setting time EN 480-1 EN 480-2
Initial: test mix ≥ control mix + 90 min
Final: test mix ≤ control mix + 360 min
3 Water reduction EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2
In test mix ≥ 5 % compared with
reference concrete I or
control mix
flow EN 12350-5
4 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % (by volume) above
fresh concrete reference concrete I
control mix unless stated otherwise by
the manufacturer

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Table 11.1 — Specific requirements for set retarding/high range water reducing/super plasticizing
admixtures (at equal consistence)
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3
At 7 days: test mix ≥ 100 % of control
strength reference concrete I mix
At 28 days: test mix ≥ 115 % of
control mix
2 Setting time EN 480-1 EN 480-2
Initial: test mix ≥ control mix + 90 min
Final: test mix ≤ control mix + 360 min
3 Water reduction EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2 In test mix ≥ 12 % compared with
reference concrete I or
control mix
flow EN 12350-5
4 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % (by volume) above
fresh concrete reference concrete I
control mix unless stated otherwise by
the manufacturer
Table 11.2 — Specific requirements for set retarding/high range water reducing/ super plasticizing
admixtures (at equal w/c ratio )
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Retention of EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2 60 min after the addition the
consistence reference concrete IV or consistence of the test mix shall not
flow EN 12350-5 fall below the value of the consistence
of the control mix
2 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3
At 28 days: test mix ≥ 90 % of control
strength reference concrete IV
3 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % (by volume) above
fresh concrete reference concrete IV
control mix unless stated otherwise by
the manufacturer
The compliance dosage for admixtures used to meet the requirements of Table 11.2 does not have to be the same as that used to
meet the requirements of Table 11.1.
Table 12 — Specific requirements for set accelerating/water reducing/plasticizing admixtures
(at equal consistence)
No Property Test method Requirements
1 Compressive EN 480-1 EN 12390-3
At 28 days: test mix ≥ 100 % of
strength reference concrete 1 control mix
2 Initial setting EN 480-1 EN 480-2
At 20 °C test mix ≥ 30 min
time mortar
At 5 °C test mix ≤ 60 % of control mix
3 Water reduction EN 480-1 slump EN 12350-2
In test mix ≥ 5 % compared with
reference concrete 1 or control mix
flow EN 12350-5
4 Air content in EN 480-1 EN 12350-7
Test mix ≤ 2 % (by volume) above
fresh concrete reference concrete 1
control mix unless stated otherwise by
the manufacturer


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Table 13 — Specific requirements for viscosity modifying admixture
No Property Test Method Requirements
1 Segregated portion prEN 480-15 EN 12350-11 Control mix ≥ 15 % and SR
SR ≤ 30 %
Test mix SR ≤ 70 % of the
value obtained with the control
2 Compressive prEN 480-15 EN 12390-3
At 28 days: test mix ≥ 80 % of
control mix
3 Air content in fresh prEN 480-15 EN 12350-7 Test mix ≤ 2 % (by volume)
concrete above control mix unless
stated otherwise by the

4.3 Release of dangerous substances
For content and release from hardened concrete of substances dangerous to health, hygiene and
environment, see Annex A (informative).
5 Sampling
Requirements for sampling are given in EN 934-6:2001.
6 Conformity control
Requirements for conformity control are given in EN 934-6:2001. The frequency of testing in connection with
factory production control is given in Annex B.
For Factory Production Control, the reference cement required by EN 480-1 may be replaced by alternative
cement provided that:
 The alternative cement has been tested in the EN 480-1 reference concrete in parallel with the reference
cement to EN 480-1 for Initial Type Testing with the same admixture type.
 The admixture type so tested showed compliance with the appropriate Table of Requirements in
EN 934-2 with both the EN 480-1 reference cement and the alternative cement.
7 Evaluation of conformity
Requirements for evaluation of conformity are given in EN 934-6:2001.

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8 Marking and labelling
8.1 General
When admixtures for concrete are supplied in containers they shall be clearly marked with the relevant
When the material is supplied into a bulk container at the point of delivery, the same information shall be
provided in writing at the time of delivery.
NOTE 1 For CE-marking and labelling see ZA.3.
The use of a web site to provide relevant information is permitted provided the delivery documents or
container label include the web site details.
NOTE 2 For details for the provision of information on the Declaration of Performance and CE-marking see Annex ZA.2
and 3.
8.2 Designation of admixtures
Admixtures for concrete shall be designated by:
a) Name of type of admixture in the language of one member country,
b) Number of standard: EN 934-2,
c) Code, to identify the type of the admixture, consisting of the number of this standard and the number of
the table which gives the additional performance requirements for the particular type of admixture. Where
the performance requirements are in

  • Relates Information
  • IEC 60300-3-7:1999

    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
  • HD 571 S1:1990

    HD 571 S1:1998
  • ISO 8130-4:1992

    ISO 8130-4:1992 - Coating powders
  • HD 478.2.7 S1:1990

    HD 478.2.7 S1:2003
  • ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992

    ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992 - Information processing systems — Data communications — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:12/10/1992
  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

    EN ISO 9013:2017/oprA1:2024
  • IEC 60118-6:1999

    IEC 60118-6:1999 - Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids Released:6/9/1999 Isbn:2831848075
  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

    HD 280.3 S1:1999
  • ISO 9832:1992

    ISO 9832:1992 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of residual technical hexane content
  • EN 60188:1988/A1:1990

    EN 60188:1999/A1:1999