prEN 10348-1

Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Galvanized reinforcing steel - Part 1: General

prEN 10348-1

Name:prEN 10348-1   Standard name:Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Galvanized reinforcing steel - Part 1: General
Standard number:prEN 10348-1   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:ECISS/TC 104 - Concrete reinforcing and prestressing steels
Drafting committee:ECISS/TC 19/SC 1 - Reinforcing steel not for prestressing   ICS number:77.140.15 - Steels for reinforcement of concrete
oSIST prEN 10348:2006
Jekla za armiranje betona - Pocinkana jekla za armiranje
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Galvanized reinforcing steel
Stahl für die Bewehrung von Beton - Verzinkter Betonstahl
Acier pour l'armature du béton - Aciers pour béton armé galvanisés
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 10348
77.140.15 Jekla za armiranje betona Steels for reinforcement of
oSIST prEN 10348:2006 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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prEN 10348
March 2006

English Version
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Galvanized reinforcing
Acier pour l'armature du béton - Aciers pour béton armé Stahl für die Bewehrung von Beton - Verzinkter Betonstahl
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee ECISS/TC 19.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 10348:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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Contents page
1 Scope .4
2 Normative references .4
3 Terms and definitions .4
4 Symbols .5
5 Materials .6
5.1 Hot dip galvanizing bath .6
5.2 Repair material.6
6 Designation .6
7 Information to be supplied at the time of enquiry and order .6
8 Manufacture (galvanizing) .7
9 Performance characteristics .7
9.1 Chemical composition .7
9.2 Mechanical properties.7
9.3 Dimensions, mass per metre and tolerances .7
9.4 Bond strength and surface geometry.7
9.5 Coating characteristics .8
10 Evaluation of conformity.9
10.1 General.9
10.2 Factory production control.10
10.3 Initial type testing and continuous surveillance .11
10.4 Continuous surveillance of factory production control and audit testing .12
11 Test methods.12
11.1 Chemical composition .12
11.2 Mechanical properties.12
11.3 Dimensions, mass per metre and tolerances .12
11.4 Bond strength and surface geometry.12
11.5 Coating characteristics .12
12 Packing, handling, storage, transport .12
13 Product identification.13
Annex A (normative) Test methods for checking the zinc coating .14
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU
Construction Products Directive.17
Bibliography .24


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This document (prEN 10348:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 19 “Concrete
reinforcing and prestressing steels - Properties, dimensions, tolerances and specific tests”, the secretariat of
which is held by DIN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document has been prepared under Mandate M/115 given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the EU Construction Products
Directive (89/106/EEC).
For relationship with the EU Construction Products Directive, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral
part of this document.
This document does not apply to galvanized (hot-dip zinc coated) reinforcement for prestressing or
components of these reinforcements.

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prEN 10348:2006 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies requirements for galvanized (hot-dip zinc coated) reinforcing steel in the
form of bars, coils (rod, wire), welded fabric and lattice girder for the reinforcement of concrete.
It specifies seven classes of coating, class A to class G, corresponding to different coating masses (see 9.5.4).
This specification may also be understood to cover other classes of coating whose details are not stated in
this edition of the standard but whose specified values of properties are defined consistenly with Clause 9 and
the conformity of which is carried out according to Clause 10.
This European Standard does not apply to galvanized (hot-dip zinc coated) reinforcement for prestressing or
components of these reinforcements.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 10080, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Weldable reinforcing steel – General
EN 10204, Metallic products – Types of inspection documents
EN ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coating on fabricated iron and steel articles – Specifications and test
methods (ISO 1461:1999)
EN ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates – Measurement of coating thickness – Magnetic
methods (ISO 2178:1982)
EN ISO 15630-1:2002, Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete – Test methods – Part 1:
Reinforcing bars, wire rod and wires (ISO 15630-1:2002)
EN ISO 15630-2, Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete – Test methods – Part 2: Welded
fabric (ISO 15630-2:2002)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard the following terms and definitions apply:
hot-dip galvanizing
any process in which the product is immersed in a bath of molten zinc
two or more bars properly bound together
coated bar
reinforcing steel bar (plain or ribbed) which has been coated with zinc and/or zinc-iron alloys

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coated coil (rod or wire)
steel coil (plain or ribbed) which has been coated with zinc and/or zinc-iron alloys
coated welded fabric
sheet of steel welded fabric which has been coated with zinc and/or zinc-iron alloys
coated lattice girder
lattice girder which has been coated with zinc and/or zinc-iron alloys
any organization which cuts and/or bends coated reinforcing steel bar, coil (rod, wire), welded fabric and/or
lattice girder
longitudinal rib
uniform continuous rib parallel to the axis of the reinforcing steel bar
test unit
the quantity of coated reinforcing steel that is represented by the sample which has been tested
any organization which produces coated reinforcing steel bar, coil (rod, wire), welded fabric and/or lattice
transverse rib
any rib on the surface of the reinforcing steel bar or coil (rod, wire) other than a longitudinal rib
steel reinforcing products
reinforcing steel bar, coil (rod, wire), welded fabric and lattice girder
4 Symbols
Symbols used in this European Standard are listed in Table 1.

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Table 1 — List of symbols
Symbol Description Unit
d Nominal diameter of the coated product mm
e Average thickness of the zinc coating
f Relative rib area -
f Relative indentation area -
L Length of the test piece (see Table A.1) mm
m Mass of zinc per unit area g/m
M Mass of the uncoated test piece g
M Mass of the zinc coated test piece g
Mass of the zinc g
∆ M
S Total coated area of the test piece mm
5 Materials
5.1 Hot dip galvanizing bath
The chemical composition of the contents of the hot dip galvanizing bath shall comply with (the relevant
clauses in) EN ISO 1461.
5.2 Repair material
Material for repairing damaged coating and renovating uncoated areas shall be an appropriate zinc-rich
formulation (paint).
6 Designation
The designation of the products shall be in accordance with EN 10080, except the reference to EN 10080.
In addition, the designation shall include the following:
a) A reference to this European Standard.
b) The additional symbol +Z (hot-dip zinc coating) added to the technical class(es) of steel(s) and the coating
class (see Table 2).
7 Information to be supplied at the time of enquiry and order
The following information shall be supplied at the time of enquiry and order:
 quantity ordered;
 the designation of the product in accordance with Clause 6;
 the packaging and protection requirements;

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 surface treatment if required (see Clause 8);
 the requirements for documentary information to accompany the delivery (e.g. delivery note, type and
content of inspection document according to EN 10204);
 special requirements for labelling.
8 Manufacture (galvanizing)
It is at the discretion of the manufacturer to choose the galvanization method, unless otherwise agreed.
Zinc coating processes can be subdivided in two main categories:
1. zinc coating applied before further working operations (e.g. cutting, welding, bending, etc);
2. zinc coating applied to the final reinforcing steel products not subject to bending.
Any further surface treatment of the galvanized coating and its method of application may be specified (e.g.
passivation, etc.).
NOTE The manufacturer should exercise due care:
 to avoid distortion or cracking of the steel reinforcement occurring during galvanizing; and
 of steel reinforcement that is susceptible to embrittlement in processing.
9 Performance characteristics
9.1 Chemical composition
For the chemical composition EN 10080 shall apply.
9.2 Mechanical properties
The mechanical properties of galvanized reinforcing steels shall be those of the technical class agreed at the
time of enquiry and order (see EN 10080 and the non conflicting product specification defining the technical
No retesting of mechanical properties is required for products on which the zinc coating is applied at a
temperature below or equal to 465 C. Retesting of mechanical properties is necessary for products on which
the zinc coating is applied at a temperature above 465 C, to prove that the mechanical properties of the
technical class are maintained.
9.3 Dimensions, mass per metre and tolerances
The nominal diameter (without zinc coating) and cross-sectional area of galvanized reinforcing steel which
include the zinc coating, shall meet the requirements in EN 10080. The requirements on dimensions, mass
per metre and tolerances in EN 10080 shall apply.
9.4 Bond strength and surface geometry
The requirements in the relevant product specification for the technical class shall apply.

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9.5 Coating characteristics
9.5.1 General
The characteristics of the zinc coating are
 finish and appearance;
 adherence;
 mass of zinc deposited per unit area;
 coating continuity.
9.5.2 Finish and appearance General
The surface finish of the zinc coating shall be in accordance with EN ISO 1461:1999, 6.1. Permissible amount of damaged coating and repair of damaged coating
Damaged coating discernible to a person with normal or corrected vision shall be repaired with an appropriate
zinc-rich formulation (paint).
The total damaged surface area, prior to repair with a zinc-rich formulation (paint), shall not exceed 0,5 % of
the surface area in any one metre length of the reinforcing steel. This limit on repaired damage does not
include sheared or cut ends.
NOTE 1 When coated steel reinforcing products bars, coils and welded fabric, are sheared, saw-cut, or cut by other
means during the manufacturing process, the cut ends should be repaired with the same zinc-rich formulation (paint) that
is used for the repair of damaged coating.
The coating at repaired areas shall have a minimum thickness as specified for the relevant class (see 9.5.4).
NOTE 2 If the total damaged surface area in any one metre length of the bar or coil exceeds 0,5 % of the surface area,
that section should be removed from the coated bar or wire and discarded.
9.5.3 Adherence
The adherence of the zinc coating shall be evaluated by a bend test on the coated product (see
The mandrel diameter shall be 3 d for nominal diameters ≤ 16 mm and 6 d for nominal diameters > 16 mm.
n n
This does not apply to Category 2 (see Clause 8).
9.5.4 Mass of zinc deposited per unit area
The mass of zinc deposited per nominal unit area (m) shall not be less than the values specified in Table 2

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Table 2 — Specified values of the mass of zinc per unit area
Class m
A 1600
B 1350
C 1100
D 850
E 600
F 350
G 150
If the coating thickness in micrometres is requested, it shall be calculated by using the formula
e = m/7,14           (1)
 e is the value of the thickness, expressed in micrometres (µm);
 m is the value of the mass of zinc per unit area, expressed in grams per square metre (g/m²), see (3).
The mass of zinc per unit area shall be determined using the provisions given in Annex A.
9.5.5 Coating continuity
The coating continuity shall be such that the average value of the coating thickness determined in accordance
with the method described in A.1.2 shall not be less than the minimum thickness values stated in 9.5.4.
Local value may be lower but not less than 60% of the minimum values given in Table 2.
10 Evaluation of conformity
10.1 General
The compliance of galvanized steel with the requirements of this European Standard and with the stated
values (including classes) shall be demonstrated by:
 initial type testing (see also 9.2);
 factory production control (see also 9.2), including product assessment;
 continuous surveillance and audit testing.
The general provisions of EN 10080:2005, Clause 8, shall apply.

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10.2 Factory production control
10.2.1 General
Reinforcing steels according to this European Standard shall be produced under a permanent system of
factory production control, which shall ensure the same level of confidence in the conformity of the finished
product, whatever the manufacturing process.
The system of factory production control shall include evaluation of specified properties, as described in
10.2.2 and 10.2.3.
Manufacturers having a factory production control system which complies with EN ISO 9001 and which
addresses the requirements of this document are recognised as satisfying the factory production control
requirements of this document.
10.2.2 Sampling and testing
The test unit shall consist of zinc-coated products of
 one type of product form (bars, coils, …);
 one steel grade;
 one nominal diameter or the same geometrical characteristics;
 the same category (see Clause 8);
with a maximum of 20 t for inspection by batch or with a maximum of 50 t for inspection by cast.
For each test unit a minimum of three samples shall be taken.
The minimum number of tests for each sample shall be as follows:
 3 bend tests for adherence of coating (not required for products of category 2);
 1 tensile test for products which have been galvanized at a temperature above 465 C;
 1 shear test for lattice girders and welded fabric;
 3 for zinc coating check (mass per unit area and coating continuity);
 3 for f for f or equivalent bond tests; evaluation according to EN 10080. This requirement does not apply
R p
to welded fabrics and lattice girders.
10.2.3 Evaluation of test results Mechanical properties
For the mechanical properties EN 10080 shall apply. Zinc coating Adherence
After the bend test, the coating shall not show cracking on the outside radius of the bent sample bar larger
than 0,3 mm. In addition, the coating shall be adherent so it cannot be removed by any reasonable process of

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prEN 10348:2006 (E) Check of the zinc mass per unit area Chemical dissolution method
Determine the difference
∆M = M – M           (2)
between the masses of the coated and uncoated sample for each of the three samples. This mass represents
the mass of the zinc coating over the total area, S, of the uncoated sample.
The mass of zinc deposited per unit area, m, is
m =           (3)
The average values of the coating mass as evaluated according to A.1.2 shall be at least the values given in
Table 2 for the corresponding class. Magnetic coating thickness measurement method
The zinc mass per unit area expressed in grams per square metre (g/m ) is equal to the product of the
arithmetic mean of the measured thickness, evaluated according to A.1.3, expressed in micrometres (µm)
multiplied by 7,14.
In case of dispute, the only valid results shall be those obtained by the chemical dissolution method. Zinc coating continuity
The average and individual values of the coating thickness shall be evaluated according to A.1.3.
10.2.4 Cancellation of tests
In case of incorrect procedure, the test shall not be taken into account. Incorrect procedure means defective
preparation, incorrect mounting in the test machine, or any other similar problem.
10.2.5 Retests
If any test piece for geometrical and mechanical properties, zinc mass per unit area or coating thickness and
continuity, fails to meet the specified requirements, the product from which it stems shall be discarded.
Six further coated reinforcing steel samples from the same test unit shall be subjected to the test or tests in
which the original samples failed. If all additional coated samples pass the retest, the test unit from which they
were taken shall be deemed to comply with this European Standard. If one of them fails, the test unit shall be
deemed not to comply with this European Standard.
10.3 Initial type testing and continuous surveillance
The samples shall be taken as random samples from each product type (bar, coil, welded fabric and lattice
girder) and for each category of coating (see Clause 8) presented for testing.
The types of tests shall be the same as per 10.2.

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The number of tests for each product type and for each category of coating, shall be as defined in Table 3 for
initial type testing and continuous surveillance.
Table 3 — Type and number of tests for initial type testing and continuous surveillance
Operation Diameter Frequency
Initial type testing Upper, middle and bottom of diameter range 1 sample per diameter
Continuous surveillance One diameter (as appropriate) 1 sample per diameter
During the continuous surveillance samples shall be selected so that the greatest number of sizes are tested
over a period of 5 years.
10.4 Continuous surveillance of factory production control and audit testing
The specifications of EN 10080:2005, 8.3, shall apply.
11 Test methods
11.1 Chemical composition
For the methods of chemical analysis, see EN ISO 15630-1.
11.2 Mechanical properties
The tensile test shall be in accordance with EN ISO 15630-1.
For the determination of shear force of joints in welded fabric, see EN ISO 15630-2.
For the determination of welded or clamped joints in lattice girders, see EN 10080:2005, Annex B.
11.3 Dimensions, mass per metre and tolerances
The determination of deviation from nominal mass per metre shall be in accordance with EN ISO 15630-1.
11.4 Bond strength and surface geometry
The determination of bond strength and surface geometry shall be in accordance with EN 10080 and
EN ISO 15630-1.
11.5 Coating characteristics
See 9.5.3 and Annex A.
12 Packing, handling, storage, transport
The products may be delivered in form of bundles for bars, welded fabric and lattice girder and loose for coils,
subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser.
Arrangements shall be made such that the coating is not significantly altered during handling, storage or

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13 Product identification
The reinforcing steel products identification shall comply with EN 10080.
In addition, at least the following information shall be marked on each bundle of bars, welded fabric, lattice
girder or on each coil:
 manufacturer’s name;
 steel grade;
 dimensions (diameter, length, etc.);
 reference to this European Standard;
 class of coated steel;
 bundle or coil mass;
 test unit number or equivalent information for cross reference to inspection documents.

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Annex A

Test methods for checking the zinc coating
A.1 Zinc mass per unit area
A.1.1 General
It shall be permissible to use either of two methods to determine the zinc mass per unit area:
 the chemical dissolution method, which is a destructive method;
 the magnetic coating thickness measurement method, which is a non-destructive method and is
frequently easier to use.
In case of dispute, the only valid results shall be those obtained by the chemical dissolution method.
A.1.2 Chemical dissolution method
A.1.2.1 Principle
The zinc mass deposited on a sample with a given area shall be determined by taking the difference between
the mass of the coated sample and the mass of the sample after dissolution of the zinc in a solution of
hydrochloric acid and hexamethylentetramina.
A.1.2.2 Sample
A sample of length given in Table A.1 shall be used. Both ends of the sample shall be cut before testing in
order to avoid galvanized faces.
Table A.1 — Sample length as a function of the nominal reinforcement diameter, d
Dimensions in millimetres
Nominal diameter d Sample length L
n o
d ≤ 12 300
12 < d ≤ 20 200
d > 20 100
The total coated area S of the sample is determined by weighing the sample after dissolution of the coating.
4π ⋅L ⋅M
S = 10 (4)
S is the numerical value of the total coated area, expressed in square millimetres (mm ).
L is the length of the sample, expressed in centimetres (cm);

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M is the numerical value of the mass of the test piece after dissolution of the coating, expressed in grams
A.1.2.3 Reagent (Hydrochloric acid- hexamethylentetramina chloride solution)
3,6 g of hexamethylentetramina have to be dissolved into 500 ml of hydrochloric acid (density 1,19 g/l) and
then diluted up to 1000 ml with distilled water.
A.1.2.4 Apparatus
The balance for determining the mass of samples shall have a precision at least equal to 1 % of the assumed
mass of the coating.
A.1.2.5 Procedure
 Degrease the sample with an appropriate organic solvent.
 Dry the sample.
 Determine the mass of the sample; its mass is denoted M .
 Dip the sample in the hydrochloric acid-antimony chloride solution. The solution volume shall be at least 1
ml per square centimeter of the sample surface area.
 Leave the sample immersed in the solution until the release of hydrogen stops, or until only a few bubbles
are released. The solution temperature shall not exceed 38 C.
 After attack, the sample is washed, brushed under running water, wiped with a cloth and then dried.
 Determine the mass of the sample again; its mass after dissolution is denoted M.
A.1.3 Magnetic method
A.1.3.1 General
The measurement of the coating thickness by magnetic method shall be carried out according to the general
requirements of EN ISO 2178.
A.1.3.2 Apparatus and calibration
No special type of instrument is recommended. It is essential to ensure that all instruments are in good
working condition and produce reproducible results by carrying out systematic calibrations with standard
sheets of thicknesses similar to those to be measured, even if the instrument readout is graduated in
micrometres according to EN ISO 2178.
This calibration shall be carried out using standard sheets placed on the uncoated base metal of the lot to be
In order to plot a calibration curve (Figure A.1), at least three measurements of known thicknesses e , e , and
1 2
e are made on standard sheets using the instrument covering the range of thicknesses to be measured.
Obtain the corresponding readouts L , L , and L , and plot the calibration curve T.
1 2 3
A thickness e is then obtained corresponding to each readout L of the instrument, as shown in Figure A. 1.

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e Thickness
L Readout
Figure A.1 — Calibration curve
A.1.3.3 Procedure
A minimum of 12 jud

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