prEN 12094-8

Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 8: Requirements and test methods for connectors

prEN 12094-8

Name:prEN 12094-8   Standard name:Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 8: Requirements and test methods for connectors
Standard number:prEN 12094-8   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:CEN/TC 191 - Fixed firefighting systems
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 191/WG 6 - Gas extinguishing Systems and components   ICS number:13.220.20 - Fire protection
oSIST prEN 12094-8:2020
Vgrajeni gasilni sistemi - Sestavni deli sistemov za gašenje s plinom - 8. del:
Zahteve in preskusne metode za spoje
Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 8:
Requirements and test methods for connectors
Ortsfeste Brandbekämpfungsanlagen - Bauteile für Löschanlagen mit gasförmigen
Löschmitteln - Teil 8: Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für Verbindungen
Installations fixes de lutte contre l’incendie - Éléments constitutifs des installations
d’extinction à gaz - Partie 8 : Exigences et méthodes d’essai pour raccords
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 12094-8
13.220.10 Gašenje požara Fire-fighting
oSIST prEN 12094-8:2020 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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prEN 12094-8


October 2020
ICS 13.220.20 Will supersede EN 12094-8:2006
English Version

Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas
extinguishing systems - Part 8: Requirements and test
methods for connectors
Installations fixes de lutte contre l'incendie - Éléments Ortsfeste Brandbekämpfungsanlagen - Bauteile für
constitutifs des installations d'extinction à gaz - Partie Löschanlagen mit gasförmigen Löschmitteln - Teil 8:
8 : Exigences et méthodes d'essai pour raccords Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für Verbindungen
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 191.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2020 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 12094-8:2020 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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Contents Page
European foreword . 3
4.1 Operational reliability and Performance under fire condition . 5
4.1.1 Working pressure . 5
4.2 Durability of Operational reliability and Performance under fire condition . 6
4.2.1 Material specification (metal parts) . 6
4.2.2 Resistance to bursting (all types) . 6
4.2.3 Resistance to pressure and heat (only type 2 and 4) . 6
4.2.4 Resistance to heat and cold shock (only type 2 and 4 for CO ) . 7
4.2.5 Resistance to cold (only type 1, 2, 3 and 4) . 7
4.2.6 Resistance of type 2 connectors to flexing (only type 2) . 7
5.1 Conditions . 7
5.2 Samples . 7
5.3 Identification of the test samples . 8
5.4 Operational reliability and Performance under fire conditions . 8
5.4.1 Working pressure . 8
5.5 Durability of Operational reliability and Performance under fire condition . 9
5.5.1 Resistance to bursting (all types) . 9
5.5.2 Resistance to pressure and heat (only type 2 and 4) . 9
5.5.3 Resistance to heat and cold shock (only type 2 and 4 for CO ) . 9
5.5.4 Resistance to cold (only type 1, 2, 3 and 4) . 9
5.5.5 Resistance to flexing (only type 2). 10
6.1 General. 10
6.2 Type testing . 10
6.2.1 General. 10
6.2.2 Test samples, testing and compliance criteria . 11
6.2.3 Test reports . 11
6.2.4 Shared other party results . 11
6.3 Factory production control (FPC) . 12
6.3.1 General. 12
6.3.2 Requirements . 12
6.3.3 Product specific requirements. 14
6.3.4 Initial inspection of factory and of FPC . 15
6.3.5 Continuous surveillance of FPC . 15
6.3.6 Procedure for modifications . 15
6.3.7 One-off products, pre-production products (e.g. prototypes) and products produced
in very low quantity . 16
Annex A (informative) Documentation . 18
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the
requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 aimed to be covered . 19
ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics . 19
ZA.2 System of Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) . 20
ZA.3 Assignment of AVCP tasks . 20
Bibliography . 22

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European foreword
This document (prEN 12094-8:2020) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 191 “Fixed
firefighting systems”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 12094-8:2006.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
EN 12094, Fixed firefighting systems – Components for gas extinguishing systems consist of the
following parts:
— Part 1: Requirements and test methods for electrical automatic control and delay devices
— Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non-electrical automatic control and delay devices
— Part 3: Requirements and test methods for manual triggering and stop devices
— Part 4: Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their actuators
— Part 5: Requirements and test methods for high and low pressure selector valves and their
— Part 6: Requirements and test methods for non electrical disable devices
— Part 7: Requirements and test methods for nozzles
— Part 8: Requirements and test methods for connectors
— Part 9: Requirements and test methods for special fire detectors
— Part 10: Requirements and test methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches
— Part 11: Requirements and test methods for mechanical weighing devices
— Part 12: Requirements and test methods for pneumatic alarm devices
— Part 13: Requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves
— Part 16: Requirements and test methods for odorizing devices for CO low pressure systems
NOTE This list includes standards that are in preparation and other standards may be added. For current
status of published standards refer to

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1 Scope
This document specifies product characteristics and describes test methods for flexible and rigid
connectors intended to be used in gas extinguishing systems (i.e. CO , Inert Gas or Halocarbon gas)
installed in buildings as a part of a complete operating system.
This document is applicable to the following connectors:
— Type 1 and Type 5: used between container valves and the manifold
— Type 3: used in pneumatic pilot lines
— Type 2 and Type 4: used in distribution pipework of fire extinguishing installations downstream of
the manifold/selector valve.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
CO -high-pressure installation
fire extinguishing installation in which the CO is stored at ambient temperature
EXAMPLE The pressure of the CO in storage is p = 58,6 bar at 21 °C.
2 abs
CO -low-pressure installation
fire extinguishing installation in which the CO is stored at low temperature
Note 1 to entry: Normally −19 °C to −21 °C.
fill ratio
mass of extinguishing medium related to the net capacity of a container
Note 1 to entry: Expressed as kilogram per litre (kg/l).
flexible connector
link between two parts which are subject to relative movement or subject to tolerances
Halocarbon gas
extinguishing agent that contains as primary components one or more organic compounds containing
one or more of the elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine

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Halocarbon gas installation
fire extinguishing installation in which the Halocarbon Gas is stored at ambient temperature
Inert gas
non liquefied gas or mixture of gases which extinguish the fire mainly by reducing the oxygen-
concentration in the protected zone
EXAMPLE For example Argon, Nitrogen or mixtures of these gases with CO .
Inert gas installation
fire extinguishing installation in which the inert gas is stored at ambient temperature
type 1 connector
flexible connector for connecting containers to a manifold
type 2 connector
flexible connector for use in distribution pipework downstream the manifold or selector valve for the
connection of moving parts
type 3 connector
flexible connector for use in pneumatic pilot lines
type 4 connector
flexible connector for use in distribution pipework downstream the manifold or selector valve for the
connection of non-moving parts which allow for dimensional adjustments
type 5 connector
rigid connector for connecting containers to a manifold
working pressure
pressure at which the component is used in the system
4 Product characteristics
4.1 Operational reliability and Performance under fire condition
4.1.1 Working pressure
The manufacturer shall specify the type of the connector and the working pressure at least in
accordance with Table 1.

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Table 1 — Working pressure
Type Working pressure

in bar
CO -high- CO -low- Inert Gas Halocarbon Gas
2 2
component component
pressure pressure
component component
Type 1 connector 140 not applicable see NOTE 1 see NOTE 1
Type 2 connector 60 25 as specified by see NOTE 2
the manufacturer
Type 3 connector As specified by the manufacturer
Type 4 connector 60 25 As specified by see NOTE 2
the manufacturer
Type 5 connector 140 not applicable see NOTE 1 see NOTE 1
NOTE 1 This value is given as the developed pressure in the container at 50 °C with the highest fill
ratio/ superpressurization, where applicable, or – for components specified for use in systems with reduced
and controlled pressure only – as specified by the manufacturer.
NOTE 2 This value is given as the developed pressure in the container at 20 °C with the highest fill
ratio/superpressurization, where applicable, or – for components specified for use in systems with reduced
and controlled pressure only – as specified by the manufacturer.

Connectors shall not leak, and shall show no sign of damage which could impair proper function when
pressurized up to 1,5 times the working pressure according to Table 1 when tested in accordance with
The performance shall be declared as working pressure in bar.
4.2 Durability of Operational reliability and Performance under fire condition
4.2.1 Material specification (metal parts)
Metal parts of connectors shall be made of stainless steel, copper, copper alloy or corrosion-protected
steel (e.g. galvanized) or other metal which has been proved to be equally suitable (regarding e.g.
corrosion resistance, ductile strength).
The performance shall be declared as description of the metal.
4.2.2 Resistance to bursting (all types)
Connectors shall not burst when pressurized up to 3 times the working pressure according to Table 1
when tested in accordance with 5.5.2.
The performance shall be declared as “no bursting”.
4.2.3 Resistance to pressure and heat (only type 2 and 4)
Type 2 and type 4 connectors shall show no sign of damage which could impair proper function when
tested in accordance with 5.5.3 at the pressure and temperature conditions given in Table 2 and shall
not leak when subsequently tested in accordance with 5.4.1.

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Table 2 — Test pressure and temperature conditions for resistance of type 2 and type 4
connectors to pressure and heat
Test condition Test pressure Test temperature
in bar in °C
CO -low pressure 25 600
CO -high pressure 60 600
Inert Gas component working pressure 600
(see Table 1)
Halocarbon Gas component working pressure 600
(see Table 1)

The performance shall be declared as “no damage and no leakage”.
4.2.4 Resistance to heat and cold shock (only type 2 and 4 for CO )
Type 2 and type 4 connectors shall show no sign of damage which could impair proper function when
tested in accordance with 5.5.4 and shall not leak when subsequently tested in accordance with 5.4.1.
The performance shall be declared as “no damage and no leakage”.
4.2.5 Resistance to cold (only type 1, 2, 3 and 4)
Flexible connectors shall show no visible sign of damage when tested in accordance with 5.5.5.
The performance shall be declared as “no damage”.
4.2.6 Resistance of type 2 connectors to flexing (only type 2)
Type 2 connectors shall not leak when tested in accordance with 5.4.1 after being tested in accordance
with 5.5.5.
The performance shall be declared as “no leakage”.
5 Testing, assessment and sampling methods
5.1 Conditions
The components shall be assembled for test according to the manufacturer instructions. The tests shall
be carried out at a temperature of (25 ± 10) °C, except when otherwise specified for a particular test.
The tolerance for all test parameters is ± 5 %, unless otherwise stated.
5.2 Samples
Test samples shall be submit for tests as follows: three samples for type 1, type 3 and type 5 connectors,
six samples for type 2 and five samples for type 4 connectors. One of these samples is needed for
If for type 2 or type 4 connectors the same materials and parts are used to provide a range of
connectors, use six samples of 350 mm to 1 000 mm long. The sequence of tests is shown in Table 3 and
is given by the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. In the Table 3, A, B etc. are the different samples.

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Table 3 — Order of tests
Tests Order of tests for
type 1, type 3 and
type 2 and type 4
type 5

Sample D Sample E
Sample A Sample B Sample A Sample B Sample C
a b
5.4.1 Working pressure - - 2 and 4 3 3 3
2 and 4
5.5.1 Resistance to
2 - 2 - - - -
bursting (all types)
5.5.2 Resistance to
pressure and heat (only - - - - 2 - -
type 2 and 4)
5.5.3 Resistance to heat
and cold shock (only a
- - - - - -
type 2 and 4 for CO )
5.5.4 Resistance to cold
- - 3 - -
(only type 1, 2, 3 and 4)
5.5.5 Resistance to
- - - - - -
flexing (only type 2)
Prior to the tests, all samples are checked according to 5.3.
In addition, the documentation is checked according to 5.5.1, Material specification (metal parts).
only for CO -components
only for type 2 connectors
not for type 5 connectors

5.3 Identification of the test samples
A visual and measurement check shall be made to determine whether the test samples correspond to
the manufacturer documentation (see Annex A).
5.4 Operational reliability and Performance under fire conditions
5.4.1 Working pressure
Connect the inlet of the sample to a hydraulic pressure supply and block the outlet. Vent the system and
increase the pressure by (2 ± 1) bar/s up to the test pressure ( ) %.
Maintain this pressure for a period of ( 10 ) min. At the end of this period release the hydraulic
pressure and examine the sample for damage.

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5.5 Durability of Operational reliability and Performance under fire condition
5.5.1 Resistance to bursting (all types)
Connect the inlet of the sample to a hydraulic pressure supply and block the outlet. Vent the system and
increase the pressure at (5 ± 1) bar/s up to the test pressure ( ) %.
Maintain this pressure for a period of ( 10 ) min. At the end of this period release the hydraulic
pressure and examine the sample.
5.5.2 Resistance to pressure and heat (only type 2 and 4)
Connect the sample to a vessel delivering an absolute pressure in accordance with Table 2. Block the
outlet. Subject the sample to a temperature of (600 ± 30) °C in a furnace for a period of 10 min. Then
pressurize the heated sample for (30 ± 5) s with gaseous CO , nitrogen or air at test pressure. Remove
the sample from the furnace and allow it to cool at normal temperature.
Then examine the sample for visible evidence of damage. Subsequently test the sample in accordance
with 5.4.1.
5.5.3 Resistance to heat and cold shock (only type 2 and 4 for CO )
Connect the sample to a CO vessel which incorporates a diptube and is capable of delivering liquid CO
2 2
at an absolute pressure of (20 ± 1) bar. A 2 position, 3 port ball valve (by-pass-valve) shall be installed
in the pipework between the vessel and the sample which allows to control the CO -flow from the
vessel. The nominal diameter of the pipework between the vessel and the by-pass-valve shall be at least
25 mm. The nominal diameter of the by-pass-valve and the connected pipe to the sample shall be
25 mm. The length of the connected pipe shall not exceed 1,1 m.
In one position, the test position, the by-pass-valve allows the CO to pass through the sample. In the
other position, the by-pass position, the outlet to the sample is closed and the CO -flow is diverted via
an appropriate pipework, which is dimensioned to reach a stable flow of liquid CO at the by-pass-valve
within 30 s. At the outlet of the sample connect a nozzle with a 10 mm orifice.
Subject the sample to a temperature of (600 ± 30) °C in a furnace for a period of ( 10 ) min. Just before
completion of the heating period commence CO flow through the by-pass. Upon stabilization of liquid
CO flow and completion of heating period divert flow through the sample for a period of ( 30 ) s.
Remove the sample from the furnace and allow it to cool at normal temperature.
Then examine the sample for visible evidence of damage. Subsequently test the sample in accordance
with 5.4.1.
5.5.4 Resistance to cold (only type 1, 2, 3 and 4)
Condition the sample for (4 ± 1) h at ( 20 ) °C. With the sample at – 20 °C bend to the minimum radius
and maximum angle of deflection as specified by the manufacturer. If the maximum angle of deflection
is not specified, then bend the flexible connector along the whole length to the specified minimum
Then examine the sample for visible evidence of deterioration or damage.

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5.5.5 Resistance to flexing (only type 2)
Use a bending rig to bend the sample around the minimum radius specified by the manufacturer. One
bending cycle consists of bending the sample from straight to the maximum angle of deflection specified
by the manufacturer (or, if not specified, to the maximum possible angle of deflection), and back to
straight. Carry out 3 000 bending cycles.
Subsequently test the sample in accordance with 5.4.1.
6 Assessment and verification of constancy of performance
6.1 General
The compliance of connectors with the requirements of this document and with the performances
declared by the manufacturer in the DoP shall be demonstrated by:
— determination of the product type;
— factory production control by the manufacturer, including product assessment.
The manufacturer shall always retain the overall control and shall have the necessary means to take
responsibility for the conformity of the product with its declared performance(s).
6.2 Type testing
6.2.1 General
All performances related to characteristics included in this document shall be determined when the
manufacturer intends to declare the respective performances.
Assessment previously performed in accordance with the provisions of this document, may be taken
into account provided that they were made to the same or a more rigorous test method, under the same
AVCP system on the same product or products of similar design, construction and functionality, such
that the results are applicable to the product in question.
NOTE 1 Same AVCP system means testing by an independent third party, under the responsibility of a notified
product certification body.
For the purposes of assessment, the manufacturer's products may be grouped into families, where it is
considered that the results for one or more characteristics from any one product within the family are
representative for that same characteristics for all products within that same family.
NOTE 2 Products can be grouped in different families for different characteristics.
NOTE 3 Reference to the assessment method documents can be made to allow the selection of a suitable
representative sample.
In addition, the determination of the product type shall be performed for all characteristics included in
the document for which the manufacturer declares the performance:
— at the beginning of the production of a new or modified connector (unless a member of the same
product range), or
— at the beginning of a new or modified method of production (where this may affect the stated
properties); or

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they shall be repeated for the appropriate characteristic(s), whenever a change occurs in the connector
design, in the raw material or in the supplier of the components, or in the method of production
(subject to the definition of a family), which would affect significantly one or more of the characteristics.
Where components are used whose characteristics have already been determined, by the component
manufacturer, on the basis of assessment methods of other product standards, these characteristics
need not be re-assessed. The specifications of these components shall be documented.
Products bearing regulatory marking in accordance with appropriate harmonized European
specifications may be presumed to have the performances declared in the DoP, although this does not
replace the responsibility on the connector manufacturer to ensure that the connector as a whole is
correctly manufactured and its component products have the declared performance values.
6.2.2 Test samples, testing and compliance criteria
The number of samples of connectors to be tested or assessed, the assessment methods and the
acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with the Clause 4.
6.2.3 Test reports
The results of the determination of the product type shall be documented in test reports. All test reports
shall be retained by the manufacturer for at least 10 years after the last date of production of the
connectors to which they relate.
6.2.4 Shared other party results
A manufacturer may use the results of the product type determination obtained by someone else (e.g.
by another manufacturer, as a common service to manufacturers, or by a product developer), to justify
his own declaration of performance regarding a product that is manufactured according to the same
design (e.g. dimensions) and with raw materials, constituents and manufacturing methods of the same
kind, provided that:
— the results are known to be valid for products with the same essential characteristics relevant for
the product performance;
— in addition to any information essential for confirming that the product has such same
performances related to specific essential characteristics, the other party who has carried out the
determination of the product type concerned or has had it carried out, has expressly accepted1 to
transmit to the manufacturer the results and the test report to be used for the latter’s product type
determination, as well as information regarding production facilities and the production control
process that can be taken into accou

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