prEN 15269-20

Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 20: Smoke control for hinged and pivoted timber and steel doorsets

prEN 15269-20

Name:prEN 15269-20   Standard name:Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 20: Smoke control for hinged and pivoted timber and steel doorsets
Standard number:prEN 15269-20   language:English language
Release Date:   technical committee:CEN/TC 127 - Fire safety in buildings
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 127/WG 3 - Fire Doors   ICS number:13.220.50 - Fire-resistance of building materials and elements
oSIST prEN 15269-20:2007
Extended application of test results for smoke control for doorsets and shutter
assemblies - Part 20: Timber and steel hinged and pivoted doorsets
Erweiterter Anwendungsbereich von Prüfergebnissen zur Feuerwiderstandsfähigkeit und
Rauchdichte von Türen, Toren und Verblendverschlüssen - Teil 20: Rauchdichte von
Drehtüren aus Holz und Stahl sowie Verblendverschlüssen
Application élargie des résultats d'essai en matiere d'étanchéité a la fumée des blocs-
portes et des blocs-fermetures - Partie 20: Blocs-portes pivotants ou battants en bois et
en acier
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 15269-20
13.220.50 Požarna odpornost Fire-resistance of building
gradbenih materialov in materials and elements
91.060.50 Vrata in okna Doors and windows
oSIST prEN 15269-20:2007 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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prEN 15269-20
December 2006

English Version
Extended application of test results for smoke control for
doorsets and shutter assemblies - Part 20: Timber and steel
hinged and pivoted doorsets
Application élargie des résultats d'essai en matière
d'étanchéité à la fumée des blocs-portes et des blocs-
fermetures - Partie 20: Blocs-portes pivotants ou battants
en bois et en acier
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 127.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 15269-20:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Contents Page
1 Scope.3
2 Normative references.4
3 Definitions.4
4 Determination of the field of extended application.4
4.1 General.4
4.2 Procedure for evaluation .5
4.3 Procedure for maximum field of extended application .5
4.4 Interpretation of Test Results.6
5 Extended application report .6
6 Classification report.6
Annex A (normative) Construction Parameter Variations .7
A.1 General.7
Figures referred to in Annex A.26
Annex B Arrangements for Doorsets incorporating Side and/pr Overpanels.32


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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
This document (prEN 15269-20:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 127 “Fire safety in
buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document is one of a series of Standards intended to be used by experts or competent bodies for the
purpose of producing an extended application report (EXAP). It is not intended to be used for the
interpretation of test results by non-fire experts.
NOTE Clarification is needed to establish if such experts are Bodies Notified for either testing and/or Certification
 Part 1: General requirements for fire resistance;
 Part 2: Fire resistance of steel hinged and pivoted doorsets;
 Part 3: Fire resistance of timber hinged and pivoted doorsets;
 Part 4: Fire resistance of glass hinged and pivoted doorsets;
 Part 5: Fire resistance of metal framed glazed hinged and pivoted doorsets and openable windows;
 Part 6: Fire resistance of timber sliding doorsets;
 Part 7: Fire resistance of steel sliding doorsets;
 Part 8: Fire resistance of timber horizontally folding;
 Part 9: Fire resistance of steel horizontally folding doorsets;
 Part 10: Fire resistance of Steel rolling shutter assemblies;
 Part 20: Smoke control for all types of doorsets and shutter assemblies
1 Scope
prEN 15269-20 covers hinged or pivoted, timber or steel based doorsets of single or double-leaf and shutter
assemblies. It prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from test(s)
conducted in accordance with EN 1634-3.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests, the extended application may cover Ambient
Temperature Smoke Control (S ) and Medium Temperature Smoke Control (S ) classifications and all or some
a m
of the following :
a) glazed elements, louvres and/or vents;
b) side, transom or overpanels;
c) items of building hardware;
d) decorative finishes;

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
e) intumescent, smoke, draught or acoustic seals;
f) alternative supporting construction(s).
NOTE When considering a change in a parameter of building hardware, the effect on the durability of self-closing
shall be considered in accordance with EN 14600.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1634-3, Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door and shutter assemblies, openable windows and
elements of building hardware’ Part 3: Smoke control test for door and shutter assemblies
EN 13501-2, Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Part 2: Classification using
data from fire resistance tests excluding ventilation services
prEN 15269-1, Extended application of test results for fire resisting and smoke control doorsets and shutter
assemblies — Part 1, General requirements for fire resistance
prEN 14351-3, Windows and pedestrian doorsets – Product Standard – Part 3: Products with resistance to fire
and external fire characteristics
EN ISO 13943, Fire safety — Vocabulary
EN 14600, Doorsets and openable windows with fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics -
Requirements and classification
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part, the definitions given in EN1363-1, EN ISO 13943, EN 1634-1, EN 1634-3 and
prEN 15269-1 together with the following apply :
material fitted centrally within the thickness of a door leaf. It may consist of a single sheet of material or a
combination either of sheets of the same material or layers of different materials
4 Determination of the field of extended application
4.1 General
4.1.1 Before there can be any consideration for extended application the doorset shall have been tested
and classified in accordance with EN 1634-3 and EN 13501-2 respectively in order to establish a classification
for the doorset.
4.1.2 Evaluation to a higher classification is not possible.
4.1.3 All evaluations shall be made on the basis of retaining the classification obtained from testing to

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
4.1.4 If, by following the ensuing procedure, any part of the classification cannot be achieved by extended
application theory, that element of classification shall be omitted from the subsequent extended application
report and classification report.
4.2 Procedure for evaluation
4.2.1 Identify the variations from the original test specimen(s) which are required to be covered by an
extended application report.
4.2.2 Locate the variations in the appropriate parameter variation by reference to columns (1) and (2) of
Table A.1.
4.2.3 Review the type of classification to be retained from column (3) of Table A.1 and establish from the
contents of column (4) of Table A.1 whether any extended application is available without the need for further
4.2.4 Where this is possible this can be recorded in the extended application report together with any
appropriate restrictions and the stated rules from column (4) in Table A.1.
4.2.5 Where the variations required can only be achieved from additional testing, the additional test can be
made on another door from the same product family including the required variation against which the
extended application is sought. Alternatively, column (5) in Table A.1 identifies an option for alternative testing
and relevant test parameters.
4.2.6 It is a requirement of this document that all items of building hardware are in accordance with the
relevant product standard and that the door assembly onto which the building hardware will be fitted is
appropriate to that class of use.
4.3 Procedure for maximum field of extended application
4.3.1 It is possible to provide an extended field of application from a single test. However, where a
manufacturer envisages to manufacture a range of doors incorporating single doors and also double doors
with or without side, transom or over panels, with or without glazing, louvres or ventilation grilles, with
alternative element of building hardware, etc., it is recommended that careful consideration is given to the
complete range of doorset designs and options in order to minimise the testing required before testing
4.3.2 Establish all the parameter variations which are required to be part of the product ‘family’, and in
particular for single leaf hinged or pivoted timber based doorsets into rebated frames.
4.3.3 Determine which are the most important specification requirements and incorporate as many as
possible into the specimen(s) for the first tests in the series.
4.3.4 Complete the first test or a series of tests and prepare a field of direct application and a classification
report from the results of the test(s).
4.3.5 Establish which of the original desired parameter variations have not been covered by the direct
application classification report.
4.3.6 Identify these parameter variations using Table A.1 and establish where an extended application is
possible with the available test evidence.
4.3.7 Record this for the extended application report together with any restrictions and rules given in
column (5) in Table A.1.
4.3.8 Evaluate which, if any, of the desired parameter variations have not been covered by the field of
direct application or the initial field of extended application derived from 4.3.6.

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
4.3.9 Select the required outstanding parameter variations from column (1) and column (2) of Table A.1
and observe from column (5) in Table A.1 which are the most appropriate weakest specimen options for
further testing.
4.3.10 If the complete selection of required parameter variations have not been covered by the tests
completed in accordance with 4.3.8 and 4.3.9, then an appropriate test or tests may be carried out with the
additional product variations incorporated.
4.4 Interpretation of Test Results
4.4.1 In order to maximise the field of extended application, it is important that the test reports shall record
details of any failure throughout the duration of the test.
4.4.2 Where a series of tests have been conducted, the field of extended application shall be based on the
lowest performance achieved from the complete series of tests unless excessive leakage has been attributed
to one or more specific construction parameter variation.
4.4.3 Where it has been possible, to identify leakage due to a specific parameter, the extended application
for all other construction parameter variations can be based on the performance achieved after isolating the
parameter with excessive leakage.
5 Extended application report
Prepare an extended application report in accordance with the requirements of Clause 5 of EXAP prEN
15269-1, based on the results of evaluations in accordance with the above.
6 Classification report
The classification report shall be determined from the results of the extended application report and presented
in accordance with EN 13501-2.

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Annex A

Construction Parameter Variations
A.1 General
Table A.1 is designed to be used by competent experts in the field of smoke control testing of hinged or
pivoted doorsets and shutter assemblies.
Table A.1 shall only be used to evaluate a field of extended application when at least one positive smoke
control test to EN 1634-3 has resulted in a classification according to EN 13501-2.
The first two columns of Table A.1 identify possible variations to the construction details of the specimen
The type of classification, referred to as performance characteristic in Column 3 of Table A.1, achieved from
the test can be identified as the ‘Type’ section of Table A.1 column 3 as Ambient Smoke Control (S ) and
Medium Temperature Smoke Control (S ).
The effect of the change in each parameter is evaluated for each characteristic in Table A.1 column 3 under
S for Ambient temperature and S for Medium temperature.
a m
Where symbols are used these relate to the following definitions :
a) < - forecast is a worse performance;
b) > - forecast is a better performance;
c) ≤ - forecast is a worse or equal performance;
d) ≥ - forecast is a better or equal performance;
e) >=< - forecast unknown
These evaluations lead to the judgement of the possibility of the extension of the field of application the results
of which are given in column 4 of Table A.1.
Where additional tests are deemed to be necessary the type of specimen approved for incorporation of the
changed parameter is defined in column 5 of Table A.1. Where it is possible to use information from tests
performed on one configuration for evidence on a different configuration, this allowance has been made in
order to reduce the overall number of tests required for extended application evaluation (e.g. single action
doorsets to double action doorsets).
In all cases following the evaluation, the relationship between the leaf and the frame (e.g. gaps) shall remain
the same as shall the relationship between smoke seals and the faces and/or edges of the leaf (i.e. the
contact between the edges of the smoke seal and the leaf face) shall not decrease, nor shall the contact
between the smoke seal and the leaf edge.
Solid timber can be replaced by other solid timber of the same or higher density. Glued timber with solid
pieces of min. 10 mm thickness may be used as solid timber. Composite wood products (e.g. Medium Density
Fibreboard) may not be replaced with other materials or composites.
Each construction parameter variation may only be applied in isolation from other variations. If after
consideration of a specific variation, additional changes are required to be made to the specimen, these may
be made providing the implications on other variations are also taken into account.

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Table AA.1 — Construction parameter variations
Variation Influence of Possibility of extension Additional Evidence Required
Construction Parameter variation on
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 S S
a m
A Door leaf

NOTE In certain cases, the rules
given in Section A are also appropriate to
side and overpanels or the door frame;

where this is the case it is clearly
indicated in column (1). For double leaf
doorsets, both leaves shall be of the same
basic construction.
A.1 General
A.1.1 number of leaves Single leaf from double leaf Possible for S if the seals are unchanged.
Not possible for S without additional test Test shall be a single leaf doorset
≥ ≤ m
from the most onerous exposure
A.1.2 number of leaves Double leaf from single leaf ≤ ≤ Not possible without additional test Test shall be a double leaf doorset.
A.1.3 smoke seals (fitted at leaf to Location towards the frame Not possible without additional test Test shall be of the required
≤ ≤
frame interface) – See Figure rebate configuration
A.1.4 smoke seals (fitted at leaf to Location away from the ≤ ≤ Not possible without additional test Test shall be of the required
frame interface) – See Figure frame rebate configuration
A.1.5 smoke seals (fitted in meeting Location change Not possible without additional test Test shall be of the required
≤ ≤
edges) configuration
A.1.6 smoke seals (fitted in leaf or Remove < < Not possible without additional test Test shall be of the required
frame) configuration
A.1.7 Louvres in door leaf or panel Add < < Not possible without additional test Additional test to include louvre fitted
in the required position. Test can be
single leaf or double leaf
A.1.8 Louvres in door leaf or panel Remove Possible
≥ ≥
A.1.9 Louvres in door leaf or panel Fitting higher or lower in the = = Possible
tested with louvre leaf

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Variation Influence of Possibility of extension Additional Evidence Required
Construction Parameter variation on
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 S S
a m
A.1.10 Louvres in door leaf or panel Fitting to the side of the = = Possible
tested with louvre tested position
A.1.11 Louvres in door leaf or panel smaller size (total area) ≥ ≥ Possible
tested with louvre – See Figure
A.1.12 Louvres in door leaf or panel larger size (for area or < < Not possible without additional test Further test required with maximum
tested with louvre dimensions) louvre required. Test can be single or
double leaf
A.1.13 Louvre tested in double leaf Change position of louvre >=< >=< Possible providing that both door leaves are active or the
doorset from one leaf to the louvre is tested in active leaves only.
opposite leaf
A.1.14 Leaf edge rebate (to door leaf or Add (added rebate shown Possible providing the rebate does not lead to reduced
≥ ≥
panel – not at the meeting shaded in drawings) compression on the seals.
edges. See section A2 for
meeting edge parameters) - See
Figure A4
A.1.15 Leaf edge rebate (to door leaf or Remove Not possible without additional test The required detail shall be tested.
≤ ≤
panel – not at the meeting Test can be single or double leaf
edges. See section A2 for
meeting edge parameters)
A.1.16 Change in mode of operation Alternative >=< Possible for S to provide a double action doorset from a Test to be on the required mode of
≤ a
(single/double action) single action doorset providing the sealing system, operation.
including the area around the hinges/pivots, is
unchanged, otherwise not possible
A.1.17 Latched condition for single leaf Change in latching >=< < Possible in line with the following relationship otherwise Additional test to include the required
or double leaf doorsets - see
condition not possible without an additional test: latching condition.
Figure A5 tested tested tested
without a with a with a
latch/lock/ latch/lock/ latch/lock/
bolt bolt but bolt,
unlatched latched
extension to: possible not
without a possible
extension to: with not not
lock/latch/bolt but possible possible

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Variation Influence of Possibility of extension Additional Evidence Required
Construction Parameter variation on
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 S S
a m
extension to: with a not possible
lock/latch/bolt, possible
Additional latch/lock may be fitted providing there is
specific evidence on the latch/lock showing it will not
affect the leakage
A.2 Meeting edge detail
A2.1 meeting edge detail – see Change in edge detail Not possible without additional test Test shall be double leaf
≤ ≤
Figure A6
A2. 2 astragal – see Figure A6.4 Add Possible
≥ ≥
A2. 3 astragal – see Figure A6.4 Remove Not possible without additional test Test shall be double leaf
≤ ≤
A.3 Size variations
A3. 1 Size of leaf or panel (area, Decrease Possible
≥ ≥
width, height)
A3. 2 Height/width/area of leaf or panel Increase >=< >=< The doorset shall normally be tested at full size, For configuration/sizes above that
however, where this is not possible and for latched Sa allowed by the adjacent column, the
doorsets, the increase in dimension is possible without specific size shall be tested.
limitation providing the sealing system is unchanged and
any interruptions for hardware is in equal or less
proportion to the tested specimen. For other doorsets,
the maximum required clear opening size shall be
A3. 3 thickness of the door leaf or Increase ≥ ≥ Possible
A3. 4 thickness of the door leaf or Decrease Not possible without an additional test Required thickness of leaf or panel
≤ ≤
panel shall be tested
A.4 Materials and constructions
A.4.1 density of core material of leaf or Increase/decrease ≥ >=< Possible for timber and steel based Sa doorsets and
panel possible for Sm timber based doorsets
For Sm steel based doorsets, possible providing the Test on required density of core
increase/decrease is not greater than 50% otherwise not material
possible without an additional test
A.4.2 pattern of core material of leaf or increase number of pieces = >=< Possible for Sa.

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Variation Influence of Possibility of extension Additional Evidence Required
Construction Parameter variation on
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 S S
a m
panel – See figure A7 Possible for Sm doorsets by 50% providing the test Test shall be on a leaf with the
included more than one joint. For the tested size maximum number of required pieces
specimen and possible proportionately with a leaf/panel
size increase For double leaf doorsets, the rule shall be
applied to each leaf separately, otherwise not possible
without additional test.
A.4.3 pattern of core material of leaf or Decrease number of pieces = >=< Possible for Sa,
Possible for Sm steel based doorsets providing the fixing Test shall be on a leaf with the
technique is unchanged and possible for Sm timber minimum number of required pieces
based dorsets by up to 50% providing one joint in the
core material remains. For double leaf doorsets, the rule
shall be applied to each leaf separately, otherwise not
possible without additional test.
A.4.4 number of layers of identical Increase number of layers = >=< Possible for Sa.
core material of leaf or panel
Possible for Sm doorsets up to 50% providing the test Test shall be on a leaf with the

included more than one joint. For double leaf doorsets, maximum number of required layers

the rule shall be applied to each leaf separately,
otherwise not possible without additional test.
A.4.5 number of layers of identical decrease number of layers = >=< Possible for Sa,
core material of leaf or panel
Possible for Sm steel based doorsets providing the fixing Test shall be on a leaf with the

technique is unchanged and possible for Sm timber minimum number of required pieces
based dorsets by up to 50% providing one joint in the
core material remains. For double leaf doorsets, the rule
shall be applied to each leaf separately, otherwise not
possible without additional test.
A.4.6 type of core material in leaf or change of manufacturer = = Possible
panel (single thickness or in (same basic product type)
combination of different layers)
A.4.7 type of core material in leaf or alternative composition of = = Possible
panel (single thickness or in same basic product type
combination of different layers)
A.4.8 Facings (for timber doorsets) Alternative type = >=< Possible for Sa based on direct application.

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Variation Influence of Possibility of extension Additional Evidence Required
Construction Parameter variation on
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 S S
a m
Possible for Sm to interchange wood based facings Additional test using the specific type
based on the direct application for Sa doorsets and of material
providing the alternative is of the same or higher density
and the same or greater thickness (subject to A4.9) and
that the assembly technique is not changed, otherwise
not possible without additional test
A.4.9 Facings (for timber doorsets) Increase in thickness Possible
≥ ≥
A.4.10 Facings (for timber doorsets) Decrease in thickness Not possible without an additional test Required thickness of facing shall be
≤ ≤
A.4.11 type of adhesives used in leaf or change of = = Possible
panel supplier/manufacturer for
identical composition
A.4.12 type of adhesives used in leaf or alternative composition = Possible for Sa

Not possible for Sm Additional test to include the
alternative adhesive
A.4.13 Glued area (partially or fully Increase Possible
≥ ≥
A.4.14 Glued area (partially or fully Decrease Not possible
≤ ≤
A.4.15 metal protective sheet (internally Add = >=< Possible for Sa
mounted) used in leaf or panel
Possible for Sm timber based doorsets providing the Further test to include the required
sheet is not more than 1mm thick and for Sm steel sheets
based doorsets providing the sheet is not more than
2mm thick
A.4.16 metal protective sheet (internally Remove = ≤ Possible for S a
mounted) used in leaf or panel
Not possible for Sm Additional test to include a door leaf
with no sheet
A.4.17 cross - section dimension of Increase Possible
≥ ≥
perimeter framing elements in
leaf or panel
A.4.18 Cross - section dimension of Decrease >=< >=< Possible providing the stiffness of the leaf or panel is Additional test to include the
perimeter framing elements in proven to be maintained otherwise not possible without minimum dimension of framing
leaf or panel additional test element

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prEN 15269-20:2006 (E)
Variation Influence of Possibility of extension Additional Evidence Required
Construction Parameter variation on
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 S S
a m
A.4.19 Framing elements of leaf or Change of species >=< Possible to change species for other solid timber of the

panel same or higher density timber only otherwise not
possible without additional test
A.4.20 Framing elements of leaf or Change of material >=< >=< Not possible Additional test to include the required
panel material
A.4.21 Jointing technique of internal leaf Alternative >=< >=< Possible providing the stiffness of the leaf or panel is The required jointing method & detail
or panel framing proven to be maintained otherwise not possible without

  • Relates Information
  • IEC 60300-3-7:1999

    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
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    ISO 8130-4:1992 - Coating powders
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