FprEN 13282-2

Hydraulic road binders - Part 2: Normal hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria

FprEN 13282-2

Name:FprEN 13282-2   Standard name:Hydraulic road binders - Part 2: Normal hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
Standard number:FprEN 13282-2   language:English language
Release Date:15-Apr-2013   technical committee:CEN/TC 51 - Cement and building limes
Drafting committee:CEN/TC 51/WG 14 - Hydraulic binders for road bases   ICS number:93.080.20 - Road construction materials
oSIST prEN 13282-2:2010
Hydraulic road binders - Part 2: Normal hardening hydraulic road binders - Composition,
specifications and conformity criteria
Hydraulische Tragschichtbinder - Teil 2: Normal erhärtende hydraulische
Tragschichtbinder - Zusammensetzung, Anforderungen und Konformitätskriterien
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 13282-2
93.080.20 Materiali za gradnjo cest Road construction materials
oSIST prEN 13282-2:2010 en,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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prEN 13282-2


January 2010
ICS 93.080.20 Will supersede ENV 13282:2000
English Version
Hydraulic road binders - Part 2: Normal hardening hydraulic road
binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
 Hydraulische Tragschichtbinder - Teil 2: Normal erhärtende
hydraulische Tragschichtbinder - Zusammensetzung,
Anforderungen und Konformitätskriterien
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 51.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 13282-2:2010: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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oSIST prEN 13282-2:2010
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Contents Page
Foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
3.1 autocontrol testing . 5
3.2 control period . 6
3.3 characteristic value . 6
3.4 specified characteristic value . 6
3.5 single result limit value . 6
3.6 allowable probability of acceptance . 6
4.1 General . 6
4.2 Normal hardening hydraulic road binder . 6
5.1 Main constituents . 7
5.2 Minor additional constituents . 8
5.3 Calcium sulfate (Cs) . 8
5.4 Additives . 8
7.1 Mechanical requirements . 9
7.2 Physical requirements . 9
7.2.1 Fineness . 9
7.2.2 Initial setting time . 9
7.2.3 Soundness . 10
7.3 Chemical requirement - Sulfate content . 10
7.4 Composition . 10
7.4.1 Declaration of composition . 10
7.4.2 Requirements . 10
7.5 Durability requirements . 11
9.1 General requirements . 12
9.2 Conformity criteria for mechanical, physical and chemical properties and evaluation
procedure . 13
9.2.1 General . 13
9.2.2 Statistical conformity criteria . 13
9.2.3 Single result conformity criteria . 16
9.3 Conformity criteria for hydraulic road binder composition . 16
9.4 Conformity criteria for properties of the normal hardening hydraulic road binder
constituents . 17
Annex A (NORMATIVE) . 18
A.1 Terms and definitions . 18
A.2 Principle . 18
A.3 General requirements for testing . 19
A.4 Procedure . 20
ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics . 24
ZA.2 Procedure for attestation of conformity of normal hardening hydraulic road binders . 25
ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity . 25
ZA.2.2 EC Certificate and Declaration of conformity . 26
ZA.3 CE marking and labelling . 27


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This document (prEN 13282-2:2010) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 51 “Cement and
building limes”, the secretariat of which is held by NBN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede ENV 13282:2000.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU directive(s), see informative annex ZA which is an integral part of this standard.
The European Standard EN 13282 for hydraulic road binders consists of the following parts :
Part 1 : Rapid hardening hydraulic road binders – Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
Part 2 : Normal hardening hydraulic road binders – Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
Part 3 : Conformity evaluation


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Depending on the local experience and availability of products and materials, different binders are used for
roadbases and sub-bases, capping layers, soil stabilization and soil improvement in Europe. These include
cements conforming to EN 197-1 and EN 197-4, building limes conforming to EN 459-1 and hydraulic road
binders presently defined in existing national standards or technical approvals.
Hydraulic road binders are finished products, produced in a factory and supplied ready for use. They are
differentiated according to their strength development in normal hardening hydraulic road binders specified in
this standard and rapid hardening hydraulic road binders specified in EN 13282-1. The Part 3 of EN 13282
defines the conformity evaluation procedure for hydraulic road binders according to this standard.
Binders obtained through mixing of their constituents on site are not covered by this European Standard.
Cements, masonry cements and building limes are also outside the scope of this European Standard, as they
are defined in specific European Standards.


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1 Scope
EN 13282-2 defines and gives the specifications for normal hardening hydraulic road binders, produced in a
factory and supplied ready for treatment of materials for bases, sub-bases and capping layers as well as
earthworks, in road, railway, airport and other types of infrastructures. They are classified according to their
compressive strength at 56 days. It specifies their mechanical, physical and chemical requirements, together
with the conformity criteria and evaluation procedures to be applied by the manufacturer.
This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to
this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the
latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN 197-1 Cement – Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for
common cements
EN 197-4 Cement – Part 4: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for low early strength
blastfurnace cements
EN 459-1 Building lime - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria
EN 459-2 Building lime - Part 2: Test methods
EN 196-1 Methods of testing cement - Part 1: Determination of strength
EN 196-2 Methods of testing cement - Part 2: Chemical analysis of cement
EN 196-3 Methods of testing cement - Part 3: Determination of setting time
and soundness
EN 196-6 Methods of testing cement - Part 6: Determination of fineness
EN 196-7 Methods of testing cement - Part 7: Methods of taking and preparing
samples of cement
EN 13282-1 Hydraulic road binders– Part 1: Rapid hardening hydraulic road binders
EN 13282-3 Hydraulic road binders – Part 3: Conformity evaluation
EN 451-1 Methods of testing fly ash – Part 1: Determination of available lime content
ISO 10694 Soil quality - Determination of organic and total carbon after dry combustion (elementary
For the purposes of this European Standard, the following definitions apply :
3.1 autocontrol testing
continual testing by the manufacturer of normal hardening hydraulic road binder spot samples taken at the
point(s) of release from the factory/depot

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3.2 control period
period of production and dispatch identified for the evaluation of the autocontrol test results
3.3 characteristic value
value of a required mechanical, physical or chemical property outside of which lies a specified percentage, the
percentile P , of all the values of the population
3.4 specified characteristic value
characteristic value of a mechanical, physical or chemical property which in the case of an upper limit is not to
be exceeded or in the case of a lower limit is, as a minimum, to be reached
3.5 single result limit value
value of a mechanical, physical or chemical property which – for any single test result – in the case of an
upper limit is not to be exceeded or in the case of a lower limit is, as a minimum, to be reached
3.6 allowable probability of acceptance
for a given sampling plan, the allowed probability of acceptance of a normal hardening hydraulic road binder
with a characteristic value outside the specified characteristic value

4.1 General
A hydraulic binder, when mixed with water, hardens both in the air and under water and remains solid, even
under water.
A hydraulic road binder is a factory produced hydraulic binder, supplied ready for use, having properties
specifically suitable for treatment of materials for bases, sub-bases and capping layers as well as earthworks,
in road, railway, airport and other types of infrastructures.
NOTE 1: Hydraulic road binders are not only used for road construction but this general designation will be used for a
better understanding in this document.
A hydraulic road binder consists of a powder made from a blend of different constituents and statistically
homogeneous in composition. A high degree of uniformity in all properties shall be obtained through
continuous mass production processes.
NOTE 2: Continuous production refers to the process, the definition of the product, its composition and properties but does
not imply a 24 hour production.
Qualified and skilled personnel and the facilities to test, evaluate and adjust product quality are essential for
producing normal hardening hydraulic road binders included in this European Standard.
The manufacturing process and its control shall ensure that the composition of a normal hardening hydraulic
road binder is kept within the limits fixed in this European Standard.
4.2 Normal hardening hydraulic road binder
A normal hardening hydraulic road binder is a hydraulic road binder which conforms to the requirements for
strength at 56 days, fineness, initial setting time, soundness and sulfate content.

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5.1 Main constituents
The main constituents of a normal hardening hydraulic road binder are those in a proportion over 10 % by
mass. They shall be selected from the following list:
- constituents which conform to the main constituents defined in EN 197-1:
- Portland cement clinker (K);
- granulated blastfurnace slag (S);
- pozzolanic materials : natural pozzolanas (P) and natural calcined pozzolanas (Q) ;
- fly: siliceous fly ash (V) and calcareous fly ash (W);
- burnt shale (T);
- limestone (L,LL);
- fly ash: siliceous fly ash of circulating fluidised bed (Va) and unslaked calcareous fly ash (Wa):
- siliceous fly ash of circulating fluidised bed (Va) resulting from coal combustion in accordance with the
following characteristics:
- (SiO ) + (Al O ) + (Fe O ) > 70 %;
2 2 3 2 3
- available lime < 2 %;
- reactive silica > 20 %;
- SO < 6 %;
- passing 315 µm = 100 %;
unslaked calcareous fly ash (Wa) containing at least 15 % reactive calcium oxide (CaO) measured according
to EN 451-1, to be used only as a constituent of normal hardening hydraulic road binders of classes N1 and
The loss on ignition of fly ash (V,W,Va,Wa) determined in accordance with EN 196-2, but using an ignition
time of 1 h, or the content of unburnt carbon determined in accordance with ISO 10694 shall not exceed 9,0 %
by mass.
- crystallised basic oxygen furnace slag (Sb) resulting from the transformation of pig iron into steel through an
oxygen treatment process, in accordance with the following characteristics:
- total CaO > 40 %;
- (SiO ) + (Al O ) + (Fe O ) > 40 %;
2 2 3 2 3
- MgO < 9 %;
- available lime from 7 % to 15 % determined in accordance with EN 459-2;
- SO < 0,3 %;
- Soundness of ground basic oxygen furnace slag (Blaine fineness > 2000 cm /g) < 30 mm according to EN

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Crystallised basic oxygen furnace slag (Sb) can be added to the other constituents of the normal hardening
hydraulic road binder during its manufacture.The declared value shall be less than 40 %.

- calcium lime (CL) and natural hydraulic lime (NHL) which conform to EN 459-1. CL limes may be either quick
lime (CL-Q) or hydrated lime (CL-S).
5.2 Minor additional constituents
Minor additional constituents (Mac) can be added in a proportion not exceeding 10 % by mass in total.
Minor additional constituents are specially selected, inorganic natural mineral materials, inorganic mineral
materials derived from the clinker or calcium lime production process, or constituents as specified in 5.1
unless they are included as main constituents which, after appropriate preparation and on account of their
particle size distribution, improve the physical properties of the binder (such as workability or water retention).
They can be inert or have slightly hydraulic, latent hydraulic or pozzolanic properties. However, no
requirements are set for them in this respect.
Minor additional constituents shall be correctly prepared, i.e. selected, homogenized, dried and comminuted
depending on their state of production or delivery.
Minor additional constituents shall not impair the properties of the binder.
5.3 Calcium sulfate (Cs)
Calcium sulfate, gypsum, hemihydrate or anhydrite (natural or artificial) can be added to the other constituents
of the normal hardening hydraulic road binder during its manufacture.
5.4 Additives
Additives, for the purpose of this European Standard, are constituents not covered in 5.1 to 5.3 which are
added to improve the manufacture or the properties of the normal hardening hydraulic road binder.
The total quantity of additives, excluding water, should not exceed 1 % by mass of the binder.
A total content of additives over 1 % by mass is permitted provided that quantity and function of each of them
are stated on the packaging and/or on the delivery note.
Additives shall not impair the properties of the normal hardening hydraulic road binder.
Normal hardening hydraulic road binders are designated by the letter N followed by a number representing the
strength class.
The strength class of a normal hardening hydraulic road binder shall be determined by the compressive
strength at 56 days tested in accordance with EN 196-1.
Four strength classes are defined in this European Standard: N 1, N 2, N 3 and N 4 (see § 7.1).
NOTE : Strength classes are incorporated to enable the manufacturer to control quality and are not related to the
mechanical performance of soils or other materials treated with normal hardening hydraulic road binders.

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7.1 Mechanical requirements
The compressive strength of normal hardening hydraulic road binders shall be determined in accordance with
EN 196-1, the cement being replaced by the normal hardening hydraulic road binder.
If the HRB contains calcium quick lime (CL-Q) as main constituent, the available lime of the HRB sample shall
be slaked before testing according to the slaking procedure described in annex A .
The prisms shall be produced, stored and tested as specified in EN 196-1, unless otherwise specified below.
NOTE: In case of slaked HRBs, the mortar may present a dry to very dry aspect. Whatever the mortar aspect
the prisms shall be produced as specified in EN 196-1.
The prisms shall be removed from the mould 24 h after preparation and then stored, pending the test, at a
relative humidity of not less than 90 %.
Should it not be possible to remove the prisms from the mould after 24 h, it is permitted to remove them at a
later age, and this age shall be stated in the test report.
When using moist air storage boxes the prisms shall not be allowed to come into contact with the water
poured into the boxes up to a level of about 10 mm. The lid shall close tightly and any felt seals shall be kept
Normal hardening hydraulic road binders shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 : Mechanical requirements
Compressive strength in MPa
at 56 days
N 1 ≥ 5
≤ 22,5
N 2 ≥ 12,5
≤ 32,5
N 3 ≥ 22,5
≤ 42,5
N 4 ≥ 32,5
≤ 52,5
NOTE: A loading rate of (400 ± 40) N/s should be used
when testing specimens of class N 1

7.2 Physical requirements
7.2.1 Fineness
The fineness of a normal hardening hydraulic road binder shall be determined by sieving.
Sieving shall be carried out in accordance with EN 196-6. The sieve residue shall not exceed the value given
in Table 2.
7.2.2 Initial setting time
Initial setting time, determined in accordance with EN 196-3, shall conform to the requirements given in Table
If the HRB contains calcium quick lime (CL-Q) as main constituent, the available lime of the HRB sample
shall be slaked before testing according to the slaking procedure described in annex A .

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For the class N 1, in contrast to the procedure described in the EN 196-3, specimens shall not be stored in a
water bath but under air curing conditions ((20 ± 2) °C / 90 % rH min).
7.2.3 Soundness
Expansion, determined in accordance with EN 196-3, shall conform to the requirements given in Table 2.
If the HRB contains calcium quick lime (CL-Q) as a main constituent, the available lime of the HRB sample
shall be slaked before testing according to the slaking procedure described in annex A .
Normal hardening hydraulic road binders containing more than 4,0 % by mass of SO shall, in addition,
withstand the cold water test described in EN 459-2. They shall be regarded as unsound if, following storage
in water, the two specimens have warping or gaping edge cracks either on their own or in conjunction with
Table 2 : Physical requirements
Fineness Soundness
Initial setting time
% residue by mass
90 µµµµm
≤ 15 ≥ 150 ≤ 30

7.3 Chemical requirement - Sulfate content
The sulfate content, expressed as the percentage of SO by mass, and determined in accordance with EN
196-2, shall not exceed 4,0 %.
A sulfate content of up to 9,0 % by mass is permitted for the following road binders, provided that they meet
the requirements in 7.2.3:
normal hardening hydraulic road binders containing burnt shale (T) or calcareous fly ash (W, Wa), only when
most of the sulfate comes from the main constituents;
normal hardening hydraulic road binders containing more than 60 %, by mass, of granulated blastfurnace slag
A sulfate content of up to 11,5 % by mass is permitted for binders containing burnt oil shale, only when the
greater part of the sulfate content comes from the burnt oil shale.
When SO content exceeds 4 %, the letter Cs shall be added in the declaration (see 7.4.2).
7.4 Composition
7.4.1 Declaration of composition
The constituents of a normal hardening hydraulic road binder, and their average proportion in the finished
product, shall be recorded. The main constituents shall be declared by the manufacturer (see clause 8) ( §
5.1), as well as calcium sulfate (5.3) if the sulfate (SO ) content of the normal hardening hydraulic road binder
exceeds 4 %.
7.4.2 Requirements
The composition of a normal hardening hydraulic road binder shall meet, for all main constituents taken
individually, the values documented by the manufacturer and declared (see 7.4.1 and clause 8) within
absolute tolerances given in Table 3.

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Table 3 : Declared composition and tolerances
Declared proportion of main 1)
Absolute tolerance
> 20 % ± 10 %
over 10 % till 20 % ± 5 %
1) : Values in percentage by mass related to the total mass of the
main and minor additional constituents excluding calcium sulphate
and additives

EXAMPLE : For a declared composition of S 50, K 30, V 15, the actual composition of the normal hardening
hydraulic road binder would be within the following limits (related to the total mass of HRB with the exclusion
of calcium sulfate (Cs) and additives):
- S : 40 % to 60 %,
- K : 20 % to 40 %,
- V : 10 % to 20 %.
7.5 Durability requirements
In many applications, particularly in severe environmental conditions, the choice of binder has an influence on
the durability of the finished works, e.g. soundness, frost resistance or chemical resistance.
The choice of binder, particularly as regard strength class, for different applications and exposure classes,
shall follow the appropriate standards and/or regulations valid in the place of use.
Normal hardenin

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