EN IEC 62990-2:2021

Workplace atmospheres - Part 2: Gas detectors - Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for toxic gases and vapours

EN IEC 62990-2:2021

Name:EN IEC 62990-2:2021   Standard name:Workplace atmospheres - Part 2: Gas detectors - Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for toxic gases and vapours
Standard number:EN IEC 62990-2:2021   language:English language
Release Date:29-Jul-2021   technical committee:CLC/TC 31 - Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres - General requirements
Drafting committee:CLC/SC 31-9 - Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases to be used in industrial   ICS number:29.260.20 - Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres

Zrak na delovnem mestu - 2. del: Plinski detektorji - Izbira, vgraditev, uporaba in
vzdrževanje detektorjev strupenih plinov in hlapov (IEC 62990-2:2021)
Workplace atmospheres - Part 2: Gas detectors - Selection, installation, use and
maintenance of detectors for toxic gases and vapours (IEC 62990-2:2021)
Arbeitsplatzatmosphäre - Teil 2: Gasmessgeräte - Auswahl, Installation, Einsatz und
Wartung von Gasmessgeräten für toxische Gase und Dämpfe (IEC 62990-2:2021)
Atmosphères des lieux de travail - Partie 2 : Détecteurs de gaz - Sélection, installation,
utilisation et maintenance des détecteurs de gaz et de vapeurs toxiques (IEC 62990-
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 62990-2:2021
13.040.30 Kakovost zraka na delovnem Workplace atmospheres
13.320 Alarmni in opozorilni sistemi Alarm and warning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


July 2021
ICS 29.260.20
English Version
Workplace atmospheres - Part 2: Gas detectors - Selection,
installation, use and maintenance of detectors for toxic gases
and vapours
(IEC 62990-2:2021)
Atmosphères des lieux de travail - Partie 2 : Détecteurs de Arbeitsplatzatmosphäre - Teil 2: Gasmessgeräte - Auswahl,
gaz - Sélection, installation, utilisation et maintenance des Installation, Einsatz und Wartung von Gasmessgeräten für
détecteurs de gaz et de vapeurs toxiques toxische Gase und Dämpfe
(IEC 62990-2:2021) (IEC 62990-2:2021)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2021-07-09. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
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Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 62990-2:2021 E

European foreword
The text of document 31/1566/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 62990-2, prepared by IEC/TC 31
“Equipment for explosive atmospheres” was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and
approved by CENELEC as EN IEC 62990-2:2021.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which the document has to be implemented at national (dop) 2022–04–09
level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the (dow) 2024–07–09
document have to be withdrawn
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 62990-2:2021 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards
IEC 60079-10-1 NOTE Harmonized as EN IEC 60079-10-1
IEC 60079-0 NOTE Harmonized as EN IEC 60079-0
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE 1 Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the
relevant EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available
here: www.cenelec.eu.
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60079-29-2 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 29–2: Gas EN 60079-29-2 -
detectors - Selection, installation, use and
maintenance of detectors for flammable
gases and oxygen
IEC 62990-1 - Workplace atmospheres - Part 1: Gas - -
detectors - Performance requirements of
detectors for toxic gases
IEC 62990-2
Edition 1.0 2021-06
Workplace atmospheres –
Part 2: Gas detectors – Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors

for toxic gases and vapours
ICS 29.260.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-9746-9

– 2 – IEC 62990-2:2021 © IEC 2021
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Properties and detection of toxic gases and vapours . 13
4.1 Properties and detection . 13
4.2 The difference between detecting gases and vapours . 14
4.3 Effects of water vapour on detection . 17
4.4 Effects of temperature and pressure on detection . 17
4.5 Effects of corrosion on detection . 17
4.6 Detection by oxygen deficiency measurement . 17
5 Measurement tasks . 18
5.1 General . 18
5.2 Exposure measurement (health monitoring) . 18
5.3 General gas detection (safety monitoring) . 19
6 Selection of equipment . 20
6.1 General . 20
6.2 Performance and electrical tests . 21
6.3 Indication range, measuring range and uncertainty of measurement . 21
6.4 Selectivity requirements . 22
6.5 The influence of environmental conditions . 23
6.6 The influence of electromagnetic interference . 23
6.7 Time of response and time of recovery . 24
6.8 Time to alarm . 25
6.9 Data logging . 25
6.10 Instruction manual . 26
7 Design and installation of fixed toxic gas detection equipment . 26
7.1 General . 26
7.2 Basic considerations for the installation of fixed systems . 27
7.3 Location of detection points . 28
7.4 Access for calibration and maintenance . 33
7.5 Additional considerations for sample lines . 33
7.6 Summary of considerations for the location of sensors or sampling points . 34
7.7 Installation of sensors . 35
7.8 Integrity and safety of fixed systems . 35
7.9 Commissioning . 36
7.10 Operating instructions, plans and records . 37
8 Operation of toxic gas detection equipment . 38
8.1 Alarm setting. 38
8.2 Operation of portable equipment . 39
8.3 Operation of transportable and fixed equipment . 43
8.4 Sample lines and sampling probes . 45
8.5 Accessories . 45
9 Maintenance and calibration . 46
9.1 General . 46

IEC 62990-2:2021 © IEC 2021 – 3 –
9.2 Sensor . 46
9.3 Flow systems of aspirated equipment. 46
9.4 Readout devices . 47
9.5 Alarms . 47
9.6 Maintenance . 47
9.7 Calibration . 48
9.8 Operation test . 49
9.9 Records . 50
10 Training . 50
10.1 General . 50
10.2 Operator training . 50
10.3 Maintenance and calibration training . 51
Annex A (informative) Commonly used measurement principles . 52
A.1 General . 52
A.2 Chemiluminescence . 52
A.3 Colorimetry . 53
A.4 Electrochemical . 54
A.5 Flame-ionization . 55
A.6 Gas chromatography . 55
A.7 Infrared photometry . 56
A.8 Ion mobility spectrometry . 57
A.9 Mass spectrometry .

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