EN 50090-6-2:2021

Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)- Part 6-2 IoT Semantic Ontology model description

EN 50090-6-2:2021

Name:EN 50090-6-2:2021   Standard name:Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)- Part 6-2 IoT Semantic Ontology model description
Standard number:EN 50090-6-2:2021   language:English language
Release Date:02-Dec-2021   technical committee:CLC/TC 205 - Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)
Drafting committee:CLC/TC 205 - Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)   ICS number:35.240.67 - IT applications in building and construction industry

Stanovanjski in stavbni elektronski sistemi (HBES) - 6-2. del: Semantični opis
ontološkega modela
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)- Part 6-2 IoT Semantic Ontology model
Systèmes électroniques pour les foyers domestiques et les bâtiments (HBES) Partie 6-2:
Semantic Ontology Model Description pour l’internet des objets
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50090-6-2:2021
35.240.67 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in building
gradbeništvu and construction industry
97.120 Avtomatske krmilne naprave Automatic controls for
za dom household use
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


ICS 97.120; 35.240.67
English Version
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)- Part 6-2 IoT
Semantic Ontology model description
Systèmes électroniques pour les foyers domestiques et les Elektrische Systemtechnik für Heim und Gebäude (ESHG) -
bâtiments (HBES) - Partie 6-2: Description du modèle Teil 6-2: Beschreibung des IoT semantischen
ontologie sémantique loT Ontologiemodells
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2021-09-20. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
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Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50090-6-2:2021 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 2
1 Scope. 3
2 Normative references . 3
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 3
3.1 Terms and definitions . 3
3.2 Abbreviations . 9
4 HBES Information Model . 10
4.1 Motivation and current situation . 10
4.2 Introduction . 11
4.2.1 General . 11
4.2.2 KIM – Content . 13
4.2.3 KIM - Version . 14
4.2.4 KIM - Availability . 15
4.2.5 KIM - Data Format and Data Exchange Format . 15
4.2.6 KIM - Ontology IRIs and Namespaces . 15
4.2.7 KIM - Ontology Classes . 17
4.2.8 KIM - Semantic Dictionary . 17
4.3 Location Model . 22
4.3.1 Introduction . 22
4.3.2 Requirements . 23
4.3.3 Class and subclasses . 24
4.4 Installation Model . 28
4.4.1 Introduction . 28
4.4.2 Classes and subclasses . 29
4.5 Tag Model . 53
4.5.1 Introduction . 53
4.5.2 Tag Model – Points . 57
4.5.3 Tag Model – Function Points . 58
4.5.4 Tag Model – Application Function . 59
4.5.5 Classes and subclasses . 59
4.5.6 Tag Cardinalities . 70
4.6 Model Relations . 70
4.6.1 General . 70
4.6.2 Location Relations . 70
4.6.3 Installation Relations . 73
4.6.4 Tag Relations . 81

European foreword
This document (EN 50090-6-2:2021) has been prepared by CLC/TC 205 “Home and Building
Electronic Systems (HBES)”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2022-09-20
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2022-09-20
conflicting with this document have to be
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.
1 Scope
This document defines the HBES Information Model and a corresponding data exchange format for
the Home and Building HBES Open Communication System.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
EN 50090-1:2011, Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 1: Standardization structure
EN 50090-3-3, Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 3-3: Aspects of application -
HBES Interworking model and common HBES data types
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 50090-1:2011 and the
following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
point performing an actuation (executed by a specific procedure, with an expected result) that
changes an Installation state during Runtime
Note 1 to entry:
— The term Actuator can be mapped to sosa:Actuator in the SSN Ontology.
— The subject actuation can be mapped to sosa:Actuation in the SSN Ontology.
— The subject procedure can be mapped to sosa:Procedure in the SSN Ontology.
— The subject result can be mapped to sosa:Result in the SSN Ontology.
Application Function
uses a set of Functions to achieve the desired behaviour of a technical system, typically using a
combination of devices exchanging information via their input and output Datapoints
Note 1 to entry: An Application Function may be split into several Functional Blocks with their input and output
Datapoints that are logically connected to each other. The Functional Blocks may be located in one or more
EXAMPLE Application Functions examples are “direct electrical heating”, “electrical heating with
accumulators”, “warm water heating”, “fan coil air-conditioning” …
Note 2 to entry: The Application Function and Application are meant to be the same. Reason to introduce an
alias term is to use a clear (understandable) reference from Application/ Application Function to the
corresponding KIM class :ApplicationFunction or to the Function in the Management Client.
generally, a specific perspective on a system that contains things with different properties; a
referencing mechanism to organize KIM elements in a specific perspective
EXAMPLE A Function Point is an ex officio Aspect with an important specific perspective. It is a referencing
mechanism to organize together all to a Function Point interoperating Points (all GOs linked to a GA).
Building Information Model, a digital process to describe and document a building in all its life cycle
phases, from its planning, construction, operation up to its demolition
collection of Datapoints of a device that are logically related to each other typically by association with
a hardware feature or a specific function of that device
Note 1 to entry: These Datapoints may be derived from one or more defined Functional Blocks or may be an
expansion above and beyond defined Functional Blocks or may be independent of a Functional Block if none is
defined for the function associated with the Channel. The concept of a Channel is well-understood by the market
participant, e.g. installers.
represents a logical input entity of a device acting as recipient of Installation state data, whereas a
logical output of a device acts as source of Installation state data
Note 1 to entry: In case of implementation as a Group Object, state data is communicated with the use of
Function Points.
Note 2 to entry: The term Datapoint is the common term; to specifically denote a Datapoint available on an IoT
3rd Party API, the term IoT Datapoint is used.
physical element that is part of the network; it is a physical, concrete object that a customer can buy
entry point to a service, a process, or a queue or topic destination in service-oriented architecture
Feature of Interest
abstraction of a real-world thing (phenomenon, equipment, person, event…) defined by its observable
or actuatable properties
Note 1 to entry: In colloquial terms, a FOI is a property carrier.
Note 2 to entry: A Sensor operates on a FOI with observable properties, an Actuator with actuatable properties.
Note 3 to entry: A FOI is not a “classification/type” tag itself; the “classification/ type” is accomplished with the
help of tags. Examples are defined in
describes a part of the intended behaviour of a FB in a building context
Functional Block
consists of one or more Functions that belong together an

  • Relates Information
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    IEC 60300-3-7:1999 - Dependability management - Part 3-7: Application guide - Reliability stress screening of electronic hardware Released:5/31/1999 Isbn:2831847974
  • HD 571 S1:1990

    HD 571 S1:1998
  • ISO 8130-4:1992

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  • HD 478.2.7 S1:1990

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  • ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992

    ISO 8473:1988/Cor 1:1992 - Information processing systems — Data communications — Protocol for providing the connectionless-mode network service — Technical Corrigendum 1 Released:12/10/1992
  • EN ISO 9013:2017/prA1

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  • IEC 60118-6:1999

    IEC 60118-6:1999 - Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids Released:6/9/1999 Isbn:2831848075
  • HD 280.3 S1:1990

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  • ISO 9832:1992

    ISO 9832:1992 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of residual technical hexane content
  • EN 60188:1988/A1:1990

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