2018-03-23 ​​​​​​​​Extracts from essays written by students of class 2, 7th grade

Introduction 2018-03-23 ​​​​​​​​Excerpts from an essay written by a student of class 2, grade 7, "The strong autumn wind roared in August, rolling up the triple roof of my house. But we It’s only March, and it’s August.” what we call the great spring.

2018-03-23 ​​​​​​​​Extracts from essays written by students of class 2, 7th grade

"The violent autumn wind roars in August and rolls up the triple roof of my house." But it's only March. Is this what we call the Great Spring? There was dust in my sleeves, my mouth and my nose. I cursed that bitch and pedaled hard. Unexpectedly, just after cursing a few words, the wind suddenly increased, and an unexpected sweep devastated this small and thin city. The scene of "0012" came next to me and bent the roadside trees and tore them into pieces. The cloth covered the store, blocking the sun, singing, screaming, roaring, echoing, chaos rolling in all directions, like demons who decided to collide for some unknown reason, suddenly swept out and attacked the soil without preparation. The twisted branches tore off the tiles and toppled the cables. There was no sky or earth, only sand and dust were everywhere, biting andsuffocating all living things... The streets that were originally very busy. and full of people now looks like Warsaw, which was bombed by the Germans...----Xi Haoming

Thursday I did the math. paper that I just brought home. When I arrived at the playground, I saw Yang Jikai, so I ran up to him, stopped him, and then showed him the bright red score on the paper sandwiched in my book. I satisfied my vanity when a gust of wind blew and my paper immediately flew skyward. I ran and shouted at Juanzi, but I only ran a dozen meters before Juanzi flew over the campus with my eager and worried eyes, flying freely. ----Yang Kaihang

As soon as I sat down, I heard a sound that made the hair on my back stand up, like a person crying or a ghost screaming. When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was the windowe, it was not closed properly and when the wind blew, it also made a whistling noise. desert. ---- Mou Guohang

This wind is also like Mr. Liu in "Camel Xiangzi", whose thoughts are unpredictable, but he must be decent and proud. ----Li Jiale

The trees were swaying in the wind, the wind was whistling in the ears, and the classmates' hair was break dancing in the wind. The students were like rootless seaweed floating in the waves. ----Jia Ru

The wind disrupted the spring. The trees swayed in the wind, like the hearts of teenage girls; It goes without saying that the motorcycles and bicycles were almost in ruins; the community's old air conditioning baffles were also blown away: the wind seemed to blow everything away. ----Sun Qiyue

The windows were knocked, the trash cans were knocked over, and the iron panels of the unfinished building surroundedant school were also overthrown. . ----Liu Weiyi

Walking down the stairs to the teaching building, the air vents were blown by the wind, the leaves rustled and danced in the wind, and even the tree trunks swayed from side to side, the wind was like an excellent conductor, leading another magnificent symphony. ----Zhao Yuxin

Suddenly, there was the whistling sound of the wind beside the bed. Looking out the window, the trees were The branches and leaves danced enchantingly in the wind, and they couldn't help but be blown by the wind. I felt like I saw myself in disarray in the wind. ----Liang Jiaxuan

Kaihang took his math homework with a score of 98 and said he would go home to get good grades. Unfortunately, he couldn't help but take it. He took it out before he even left the playgroundion. The paper had just been opened and before I could finish saying “Look,” it was already in the air. “As soon as we reacted, Kaihang launched it at high speed! » from a member of the sports committee... He caught up with us, just as he was about to extend his hand, a "sweeping breeze" came, blowing the newspaper into the nearby family yard, and... elsewhere, he said. to himself: “Huh-huh-if you don't kill yourself, you won't die. Old man Song will kill you! » Then Yang Kaihang collapsed on the ground and began to think about life in confusion. ----Yang Jikai

The wind entered the body through the seam of the pants, like many kittens, scratching with their paws, the direction of the wind drifted uncertainly, we were like grass, the wind was blowing from one side to the other, and the grass and trees on the side of the road were making rustling noises just like us... The strong wind was making an rsharp ire, as if to tease the cowardice of the poplars with a wild laugh. ----Guan Qingwen

The wind blew away almost all the air around me, and I almost suffocated. As I took the last step before turning the corner, I suddenly seemed to have. entered another world. A peaceful and beautiful world, without madness or hysteria. ----He Yufei

Gritting my teeth, I pushed the car with difficulty, fighting against the wind. It was like an invisible shield blocking my movements on this battlefield. , I tried to break through, but the wind was like an invisible warrior advancing step by step. The sound of the howling wind was like the sound of the iron horse on the battlefield. ----Yan Yihan

This wind is like a giant dragon, roaring and buzzing from time to time, the sound is deafening. This wind makes it difficult for me to move. even an inch, and even blows on my body. The glasses were scratched. ----ZouShiye

Some “large and fat” people have become the objects that classmates rely on. One person pulls the strap of another person's schoolbag, as if they were. were going to live and die together, their hairline was blown away in an instant, and their lifelong reputation was ruined. ----Li Haning

The so-called “big trees attract the wind” are true. The big trees on the side of the road are swaying, and the long hair is fluttering. the wind. On weekdays, the high head turned into a bend, but the inconspicuous grass remained still. The wind couldn't affect it at all, and it also tells us that we should be low-key and luxurious. , connotative, and Pay attention to humility. ----Zhang Xinyuan

I got up in the morning and went to buy breakfast on the street. The plastic bags were all turned into cum, I flew so high. . Whatnd I came back, I suddenly felt something was wrong, look in the mirror, hey! Is it still my hair? It became a henhouse. ----Liu Baochen

People squinted their eyes, bent down, and walked with difficulty one step at a time. The display boards at the door of the store were invisible. The big hands were playing with it, and the game was flickering, as if it was going to fall at some point. ----Zhai Yuhan

The wind blew our hair from straight to the end into thousands of strands, and blew the white and pink little face into one dusty face. The sun blew down the tidy bikes to the point where they couldn't get up. ----Xu Xingjie

I heard a roaring sound coming from outside, like the roar of a soldier whose family had been destroyed, and the windows had exploded loudly. that he was about to break the window and take us away at any moment. We havequickly closed all windows and doors. Little by little, the doors and windows swung faster and faster. After a while, when we were listening to the course, there. There was a terrifying, harsh noise coming from the window. There was a sound like a scream, and shy girls fell off their chairs screaming. ----Lv Yingjie

I used all my strength to push the car forward. After pushing for a long time, I found that the man and the car were standing there motionless. Only then did I realize that the car weighed several thousand or ten thousand kilograms... Our daughters' short hair fluttered backwards, forwards, left and right, as if they were about to break free from the reins and fly away. The sky. Alas, I am infinitely worried. ----Wei Shijia

...Why does the spring breeze roar like a lion, as if it wants to eat me? ----Zhang Wanyue

I heard the sound of the wind coming from afar intermittently, passing through the gaps in the stones, making a sound like a whistle, adding to the gray sky . A certain sleeping darkness. ----Liu Zihan

The windows slammed and cried, and the door slammed against the door frame, making earth-shattering noises. When you go downstairs after school, you will find a group of female ghosts with the same hairstyle as "Sadako" walking around the playground. The tall, straight poplars also bend in the wind. Only in this kind of weather can I realize how extremely "light" I am... Traveling with the wind is another experience. The wind blows from behind and pushes me forward at a constant speed. I have to run fast for two seconds. keep pace. ----Hu Yuhan

People walking tightly wrapped their hats and clothesnts thick around their bodies, as if if they let go a little, they would be blown into the sky Go the same. ----Han Yiyang

The wind "really brings countless trees to their knees." The wind picked up again and blew hard. If my chassis hadn't been stable, I would have flown away. It reminded me of the Peppa Pig episode where Peppa Pig was lying in the wind. I really wanted to try it, but. I could not. Yifeng suddenly stopped, wouldn't it be embarrassing? ----Feng Yiran

Even the wind of adversity cannot blow over a fearless body and mind. Life is like a gust of wind, which comes and goes quickly. feel the wind. A process, a step by step process. ----Li Junjie

Sitting in front of the TV at night, turning on Henan TV, a line of eye-catching characters appeared "If the wind blows the wall and breaks the car , who will bear responsibility for this?” I continued reading witha lot of interest... I've read a lot of news like this. ----Zhang Yawei

I went home and watched the news and learned that Hawking had died. Then I looked out the window and saw a strong wind Although God. did not shed tears, this gust of wind also hoped that Hawking would die. There has been a "good wind" for a long time. Maybe it has a special meaning, maybe it does. just a coincidence. Good luck Hawking! ----Wang Jianing

A 200-word imitation of a trash can after a storm

The trash cans here are arranged like this, personally. I suppose there are two reasons. First, it saves space and expands urban space. Second, it can prevent wind and pollution. Placing the trash can underground can make the urban environment more beautiful and resist strong winds.

Most peoples have only seen trash cans installed on the ground, but they have never used them buried deep underground. A woman posted her experience in Jinchang, Gansu Province online, sparking curiosity and lively discussions among netizens.

Netizens recognized that this design is very good and very novel. They hope it can be promoted nationally so that their own cities can also use such bins.

1. Treat it like this, beautify the city and increase urban space.

Trash cans are an essential public facility in the city. Whether they are fixed bins or mobile bins, they will be placed on the ground. . Although such an environment is convenient for citizens to use, it also occupies public space. If the trash cans are full and overflowing, this will also affect the image of the city.

By using underground trash cans like celles of Jinchang, Gansu can avoid such defects. Placing it deep underground can save floor space. Closing the lid will not affect the appearance of the city and the smell caused by garbage will also be reduced.

2. Prevent man-made damage and resist strong winds.

Placing the trash can underground is a very good method. It is not only convenient to use, but also can protect the trash can very well.

There are always people in life who want to show their presence and destroy public facilities in the city. Many trash cans were destroyed by labor. Burying the trash can underground can avoid human damage, which is the protection of the trash can.

The wind is strong in Gansu and ordinary plastic trash cans are easily knocked over by the wind if not repaired. Strong winds will also cause trash to fly everywhere. EnterMoving the trash cans underground can very well solve this problem.

Personally, I like this design and hope more cities can transform their trash cans this way. I think that after the renovation, the city will become more beautiful and the floor space will increase a lot.

The sun always comes after the wind and the rain

The weather was gloomy, the dark clouds covered the sun and even the trees were covered with a layer of sadness.The wind blew hard and the dust made people blind.

It thundered

I just entered the classroom and a Lightning flashed across the dark sky outside the window. , followed by a roar of thunder. I unconsciously touched the pocket of my clothes: “Ah! » The 100 yuan in my pocket yesterday is missing.

“Hey, I shouted to my colleague: “Have you seen my?” 100 yuan?"

"I haven't seen it."

"Find it for mequickly, I asked you if you had it there?"

"No! Think carefully about where you put it."

I couldn't sit still and put the books on the table anymore, I took them out one by one to check, but I didn't couldn't find it. At this time, my mood became even worse. The lightning in the sky outside the window became more dazzling and the thunder became louder, which made people feel. deafening. It started to rain heavily in the sky and my mood became more impatient with the weather.

It's raining

In desperation, I opened his schoolbag. to check, and sure enough I found it. This surprised us all, I frowned and my heart The rain outside the window also became stronger, as if someone was pouring water. water from the sky.

"Why did you steal money from me?"

"I don't know."

" ...

We were best friends, Mays now we have become like enemies. Neither of us said a word. We only heard the word. rumble of thunder in the sky outside the window and the sound of falling rain. The class became so quiet.

The sky is clear

The next day, I was no longer so impulsive and I thought carefully about what happened. I remembered: I mistakenly thought his textbook was mine, so I put the money in his textbook. I really regret it. Why was I so impulsive and I didn't think about it, I wanted to apologize. told him. When I walked towards the door of his house, we both bumped into each other.

"I'm sorry, I was too impulsive yesterday and blamed you wrongly"



"It doesn't matter, isn't everything okay now?"

A breeze swept away the dark clouds from the sky and the bright sun shone again on the earth. We have settled in. our differencesand became good friends again.


Conflicts and misunderstandings often arise in life, but don't be too impulsive. Calmly consider the whole story to resolve the misunderstanding.

The sun always comes after the wind and rain, and the sun after the wind and rain is even hotter. Friendship becomes more sincere after the storm.

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