Code Yes 7FC

Introduction Ys7FC code_S ULJM-05475 _G YsSEVEN _C0 SILVER MAX_L 0x20D5C740 0

Code Yes 7FC

_S ULJM-05475



_L 0x20D5C740 0x05F5E0FF


_L 0x20D5C748 0x0000000


_L 0x2088b084 0x000186A0


_L 0x20D5C744 0x00002710 < / p>

_C0 イコの薬5 coins (LIFE+50)

_L 0x10D5CC98 0x00000005

* These 5 coins can be changed to 99 coins at will, but it will be then the case. it's very strange.

_C0 ALL Skill

_L 0x40d5ba88 0x000d0003

_L 0x00000001 0x00000001


< p>_L 0x40d5ba8c 0x000d0003

>*The three codes above open red hair at the same time to get all skills and skill level experience.

_C0 Hardware 1

_L 0x10D5CD2E 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD30 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD32 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD36 0x000 003E7

_L 0x10D5CD38 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD40 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD4c 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD4e 0x000003E7

_ L 0x10D5CD50 0x000003E7 < /p>

_L 0x10D5CD52 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD54 0x000003 E7

_L 0x10D5CD56 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD58 0x000003E7

_ L 0x10D5CD5a 0x000003E7 < /p>

_L 0x10D5CD5c 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD5 e 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD60 0x000003E7

_C0 Material 2

_L 0x10D5CD2E 0 03E7

_L 0x10D5CD30 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD32 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD34 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD36 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD38 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD3A 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD3 C 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD3E 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD40 0x000003E7

_L0x10D5CD42 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD44 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD46 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD48 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD4A 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD4C 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD4E 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD50 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD52 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD54 0x000003E7

_C0 Material 3

_L 0x10D5CD5E 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD60 0x 000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD6A 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD6C 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D 5CD6E 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD72 0x000003E7

_L 0x10 D5CD7E 0x 000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD80 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD82 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5 CD86 0x000003E7

_L 0x10d5cd888 0x000003e7

_0x1 0d5cd8a 0x 000003e7

_c0 Material 4

_l 0x10d5cd92 0x000003e7

_l 0x10d5cd944 >

_L 0x10D5CD96 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CD98 0x000003E 7

0x 10D5CDA6 0x 000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDA8 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDAA 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDAE 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDB2 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDB4 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDB6 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDB8 0x000003E7

_ L 0x10D5CDBA 0x000003E7 < /p>

_L CDBE 0x000003E7

< p>_L 0x10D5CDC2 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDC4 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDC6 0x000003E7

< p>_C0 Hardware 5 < /p>

_L 0x10D5CDC8 0x000003E7

< p>_L 0x10D5CDCA 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDCC 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDCE 0x000003E7

_L 10D5CDD0 0x000003E7 < /p>

_L 0x10D5CDD2 0x000003E7

< p>_L 0x10D5CDD4 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDD6 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDD8 0x000003E7

_ L 0x10D5CDDC 0x000003E7 < /p>

_L 0x10D 5CDE0 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDE2 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDE4 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDE6 0x000003E7

_ L 0x10D5CDE8 0x000003E7 < /p>

_L 0x10D5CDEC 0x000003E7

_L 0x10D5CDF0 0x000003E7

_L 0x1 0D5CDF2 0x000003E7 < /p>

-------The following code is from Yufeng Straw Goldfinger Personal Use Shoes——————————————

Regarding accessories and hardware, the code is not reduced, because someone in 2ch used this code, but it has no effect

The following two situations are unknown Self-test

_C0 Experience + 9 each time you release a skill99

_L 0xC0051508 0x244403E7

_C0 Upgrade the skill to level 9 once

_L 0xC00515B8 0x24630009

< p>------ - The following code has not tested related equipment and weapons--------

Personally I think it's doable

_C0 Staff


_ L 0x10D5C978 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C97A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C986 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C988 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C98A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C98E 0x00000001

_ 1 0D5C990 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C992 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C994 0x00000001

_C0 ハンマ

_L 0x10D5C90E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C910 0x 00000001

_L 0x10D5C920 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C926 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C928 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C92C 0x00000001

_L 0x 10D5C92 E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C930 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C932 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C934 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C938 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C93A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C93C 0x0000 1

_L 0x10D5C93E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C940 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C942 0x00000001

_L 0x1 0D5C944 0x00000001

_C0 >

_L 0x10D5C8CA 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8CE 0x00000001

_L0x10D5C8D0 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8D6 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8D8 0x0 0000001

_L 0x10D5C8DC 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5 C8DE 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8E2 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8E4 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8E8 0x0 0000001

_L 0x10D5C8EA 0x00000001

_L 0x1 0D5C8EC 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8EE 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8F0 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C8F2 0x00 000001

_L 0x10D5C8F4 0x00000001

_C0 p>

_L 0x10D5C7D4 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7D6 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7D8 0x00000001

_L 0x10 D5C7 CC 0x00000001

_L 0x10 D5C7DE 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7E0 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7E2 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7E4 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7E8 0x00000001

_L 0 x10D5C7EA 0x00000001

_L 0 5C7EE 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7F2 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7F4 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7FA 0x00000001

_L 0x10D 5C7FC 0x00000001

_0x 10D5C800 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C802 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C806 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C808 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C80A 0x00000001

_ L 0x10D5C80C 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C80E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C810 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C812 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C814 0x00000001

_ L 0x10D5C816 0x0000 0001

_L 0x10D5C818 0x00000001

_C0 アクセ

_L 0x10D5CBFC 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC02 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC08 0x00 A

_L 0x10D5CC0E 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC14 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC18 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC1A 0x0000000A

_L 0x 0x 0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC1E 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC20 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC22 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC28 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC 2A 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC2C 0x0000000a

_0x1 0D5CC2E 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC30 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC32 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC3 4 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC36 0x0000000a

_0x1 0D5CC38 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC3A 0x0000000A

_L 0x10D5CC3C 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC3E 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC40 0x0000000A

_0x1 0D5CC42 0x000000 0a

_L 0x10D5CC44 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC46 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC48 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC4A 0x0000000a

_0x1 0D5CC4C 0 x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC4E 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC50 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC52 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC54 0x0000000a

_0x1 0D5CC5A 0 x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC5C 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC5E 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC60 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC62 0x0000000a

_0x1 0D5CC64 0 x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC66 0x0000000a

_L 0x1070 0x0000000a

_L 0x10D5CC72 0x0000000a


_L 0x10D5C75C 0x00000001

_L 0x1 0D5C75E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C760 0x0000 001

_L 0x10D5C762 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C764 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C766 0x00000001

_ L 0x10D5C76A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C76C 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C770 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C772 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C778 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C77A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C77C 0x 00000001

_L 0x10D5C77E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C780 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C782 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C784 0x00000001

_ 0x10D5 C78 6 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C788 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C78A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C78C ​​​​0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C78E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C79 0 0x00000001 < /p>

_L 0x10D5C792 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C794 0x00000001

_L0x10D5C796 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C798 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C79A 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C79C 0x00000001

_ 0x 10D5C79E 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7A0 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7A2 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7A4 0x00000001 < /p>

_L 0x10D5C7A6 0x00000001

_ L 0x10D5C7A8 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7AA 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7AC 0x00000001

_L 0 x10D5C7AE 0x00000001

_L 0x10D5C7B0 0x00000001

_L 010D5C7B2 0x00000001

< p>Dongfeng Yufeng provides AVIC lithium battery or ternary lithium ion battery from LG, with a total power of 67 kWh, a total voltage of 384 V DC, an operating range of ≥ 200 km and good durability. The kinetic energy reduced by the entire vehicle when braking will also be recovered in the battery, thus extending the range. The battery only degrades 5% after 5 years of normal use, which can save 20,000 yuan in annual operating costs compared to similar vehicles.

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