You can charge the battery directly. The generator voltage is virtual. If you don't believe me, connect a load and see, the voltage should drop to 34 volts. But the wind is an unstable factor. When there is wind, there is electricity and the motor will be driven; when there is no wind, the engine will stop. This is the disadvantage of intermittent power supply. And at that time, if the engine is loaded and starts frequently, sometimes the starting time will be delayed for a long time and the engine will be burned out. There is no 21 volt motor, it must be 24 volts. The word "4" is missing in one corner or another, and you think it's 21 volts. When charging with a battery, the voltage will drop to 28~34 volts. Without a battery, the voltage will be higher. Too bad for the engine.
Hello everyone, I made a wind turbine and the electricity it generates is 1500 watts. Can I use thisvoltage to directly drive a 500 watt motor?
Yes, it's possible. , but this is not the case. Meaning: When the speed reaches the rated speed, the power of 100W is first reduced by entering the motor power loss into the generator, and then eliminating the generator loss power factor. the electricity sent is only about 60 or 70 watts. If you do an experiment with a generator, you can do this.
1500 watts is wattage, not voltage. Voltage is calculated in volts.
Voltage is calculated in volts. the electricity you produce is 1500V, which can be converted to 220V with a transformer. But there must be a prerequisite: it is an alternator.
As for the motor drive, it depends on whether the voltage matches, including AC or DC, etc.