Idioms about thunder, wind and rain 60 speeds plus explanation

Introduction Idioms about thunder, lightning, wind and rain 60 speeds with additional explanations soaring lightning elevator soaring lightning to the foot lightning wave booming tide electric switch booming tide electric zhi switch electric galloping wind electric sw

Idioms about thunder, wind and rain 60 speeds plus explanation

Electricity is soaring, electricity is surging, electricity is surging, electricity is surging to the foot wave, the tide is ringing, the tide is ringing, the tide is ringing

The wind gallops, the stars gallop, the light is stone fire, the light is pink, the current is scattered

Lightning, thunder, lightning and lightning Wind and electricity, wind and electricity, wind and electricity, wind and electricity, going

Wind and electric shock, wind and electricity, wind and electricity, wind and electricity, wind and electricity, wind and electricity, flying back and forth

Wind and electricity shock, wind and electricity, electric shock, wind and electric sweep. Rotary electric switch, wind moving electric switch

Wind moving electric shock, wind moving electricity sweeping wind moving electric light, flying clouds, electric ghost coming out. and incoming electricity

Thunder switch, windowe of electric horse, electric shock passing, electric star running, as fast as thunder and lightning

Thunder and lightning, thunder and shock. , lightning around meteors, electric current, flying lightning, thunder and lightning

Drive thunder and lightning, drive thunder and lightning, god, electric shock, stone fire, electric light, throw a kettle and laugh

Star Stream Electricity, Star Stream Electricity, Star Stream Electricity, Electricity, Current, Light, Star Flight, Electricity Rush

Star Stream Electricity, Star Flag , Electric Halberd, Star Movement, Electricity, Pursuit Electricity, Chase Wind, Chase Wind Electricity

< p>Chasing the wind, chasing the wind, chasing the wind, chasing the clouds, chasing the electricity

Wind and rain in all directions, spring wind and dew on the bed, wind and rain, wind, rain, wind and rain

The wind and rain do not changehave not, the wind and rain will not change, the wind and rain will not change, the wind and rain will not change change. The bed is windy and rainy

The wind and rain are weak, the wind and rain are weak, the wind and rain are windy and rainy, the bed is drifting with the wind and rain

The wind and rain are shaking, the wind and rain are drifting, the wind and rain are drifting, the wind and rain are miserable, and the wind and rain are like darkness

The wind and the rain are like the rock and the wind is like a plate. When the wind and the rain are like the wind and the rain, if the wind and the rain are in the same boat, the wind and the rain are unstoppable.

The wind and the rain are like the wind and the rain. depression and the wind trembles, and the city is full of wind and rain. Take a bath in the wind and rain.

Wind and rain in all directions, bid farewell to the wind, the Huai rain, thea storm, torrential rain, torrential rain, torrential rain, weathered by wind and rain< /p>

It rains at night in Bashan, the wind stirs the clouds, the rain stirs the rain, the clouds are rough, the storm is raining

The wind rides the rain, the spring breeze turns into rain, the wind blows the rain, the wind blows the rain, the wind stays in the rain

Spring breeze, summer rain, spring breeze, rain dew, Chu Meng, the clouds and rain are moist, and the rain is crying and raining

The clouds and the rain in the sky of Chu are called rain, the rain is clear, the spring rain is like oil, the rain is sour, the wind is Chu Yu, Wu Yun

Chu Yun, Xiang, rain on the bed, wind and rain on the bed, night rain, east wind, turning into rain, broken rain and remaining clouds

Heavy rain, rain of bullets , gun forest, heavy rain, downpour, wind and rain,

Vessel millent, rain, galloping horse Rain, wind, wind, rain, wind, rain, temples, turn your hands to become clouds, cover your hands to become rain

Turn your hands, clouds cover your hands, rain, wind, frost, rain, snow, wind, wind, soft rain, dark wind, moving rain, dispersion

Wind and rain The wind and rain do not change, the wind and the rain does not change, the wind and rain return to the bed, return the clouds and return the rain

Change the rain, return the clouds, the wind and rain share the boat, the wind and rain are weak, the wind and rain are weak, the wind and rain are mixed

The wind and rain are connected to the bed, the wind and rain are drifting, the wind and rain are rain is shaking, wind and rain are drifting, wind and rain are shaking Piao Xi

The wind and rain are miserable, wind and rain are shaking. like a dark wind and rain, like a rock, the wind and the pthey are like a pan, the wind and rain are like a plate

We are in this together, the wind and rain are unstoppable, thewind and rain are a depressionWind and rain sway, the wind blows and the rain overflows

The strange rain blinds the wind, the gentle rain follows the car, calls the wind and rain, and the wind drizzles, sweats in the rain< /p >

Sweats like rain, dry seedlings receive rain, sweats like rain, rainbows sell rain, Ji wind ends Rain

Thunderstorm, storm, storm, rain, wind, rain, wind, wind, rain, storm

Wind, downpour, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, storm, old rain, old rain, rain now

Today's rain brings new knowledge to the ancient rain, new knowledge of the violent storm, the violent wind and the torrential rain, the withered seedlings eagerly waiting for the rain

The bitter rain, the bitter wind, the wind, the wind, the rain, the wind*the rain, the wind, the long rain, the pear trees blossom with the rain

tears like rain The thunder is loud, raindrops fall like rain, small tears fall like rain, lifting the clouds and beating the rain, the oaks, sun and golden rain

The city is full of wind and rain, the counselors are like the blind rain, the storm rain, the blind wind, the jealous rain, the blind wind, the strange rain

Blind wind is dark The rain is blind, the wind is astringent, the rain is dense, the clouds are not raining, the clouds are sweating, the rain is soaked in the rain, and the frost is there

Soothing rain, painting the wind, soaking in the rain, wind, smoky rain, evening rain, morning clouds, fine drizzle

European style Beautiful rain, stormy rain, bitter rain, fear wind and shy rain

Frit, torrential rain, pouring rain, torrential rain, gentle rain, spray rain and silent clouds

Dark wind, Chu rain, miserable and cold wind The rain is miserable, the wind is harsh, the wind is cold, the rain is windy and the rain is raining

A hail of bullets, a rain of rain, a heavy rain, crying like rain, crying like rain, a rain of guns, smoke and of cannons

The rain of guns, smoke and cannons follows the car, the gentle rain follows the car, the summer rain follows the car, causes rain, ten winds and five rains< /p>

In addition to rain, wind, heat, rain, cold, ten rains, five winds, mountain rain is about to come, the wind fills the building, the wind sells rain

Swallow the wind and drink the rain When I hear the wind, my tears are like rain, rain, clouds, clouds, rain

< p>Five winds and ten rains, the rain before the wind, theWushan clouds and rain, prepare for rain, Wuyun Chuyu

Hold back the rain, carry the clouds, salty wind, egg rain Bloody wind, meat, rain, auspicious wind, sometimes bloody wind, bloody wind and rain

Oblique wind, drizzle, bloody wind, heavy rain, apricot blossoms, spring rain, stars separated from rain, lodging rain , dinner wind

Nitrogen clouds, rain of bullets, rain of apricots, clouds of pears Carrying the clouds, holding back the rain, bloody wind, summer rain and people of rain

The clouds bring the rain, the wind on the temples makes the clouds spread the rain, moisten the clouds, spread the rain, bring the rain and the wind blows< /p>

The rain is sad, the smoke hates the rain. The clouds are gathering, the rain is resentful, the clouds are rising, the rain is blowing, the wind is blowing

The rain is blowing, the wind is blowing, the curtains are falling , THEclouds break, ants block the holes, rain covers the clouds, clouds turn, clouds turn, rain turns.

The rain falls. Scattered clouds, flying rain, scattered friends, wind, rain, blue sky, clear sky

Rain paste, smoky smoke, bamboo shoots arise after the rain, umbrellas are given after the rain, rain hates clouds, sorrow, rain towel hood

Clouds pay rain Heyujing smoke, rain traces, cloud traces, rain, sun, rain, sunburn

Rain, frost, clogs, rain, scattered rain, scattered rain curtains, clouds, rain hats, smokehouses

Rain and dew Grace, rain, wind, meal, rain mist, wind barrier, rain, crying clouds, sorrowful clouds, rain letter

Cloudy period, rain, clouds, love, rain, meaning, accommodation rain, wind meal, scattered rain, wind, rain, raincoat, chapwind water

Rain silk wind Rain patch, favorable wind, scattered rain and cloudsFlying smoke, rain hat, rain hat, smoke hat

Rain disperses the clouds, collect rain, collect clouds, disperse clouds, collect rain, disperse clouds, collect rain, collect rain strips, tobacco leaves


Rain, wind, meal, clouds, rain, clouds disappear The rain disperses, the clouds move, the rain disperses, the clouds disperse

The rain stops, the clouds move close, the night rain hits the bed, the moon is haloed and windy, the base is wet, and the rain is like clouds and rain in Wushan

The rain is in the cloudy period. clouds are particularly rainy, the moon is weak, and the wind is known, and the rain is wet, especially the clouds are rainy and the wind is blowing.

The rain traces the clouds, the morning rain, evening rain, clouds, clouds, sudden storms, sudden winds and rapid rains

Wind and rain, wind and rain, wind and rain, wind and rain, and wind and rain

< p>Showers, storms, squalls, sordid rain, wild smoke, morning clouds and dusk rain

Being caught in the wind, cracking in the wind, being caught in the wind Sew the 'grass and watch the wind at the bottom of the enclosure, the spring breeze and the wind and rain in all directions

Farewell to the wind, Huai rain, stormy rain, dancing wind, moistening the wind, changing the wind and customs

Changing customs, changing customs, north wind Falling in love with the storm, catching the wind, catching the shadows and turning into cold

The downsides are clear, weather-beaten, weathered, windy and rainy, riding the wind on all sides and majestic on all sides

Being vulgar, catching the wind, overlord, wind and read itne, particularly interesting, unique taste, Bi Yujifeng

Capturing the wind is not the right wind, this wind cannot be long and thick, the wind and rain gallop in the rain

The spring breeze is proud of the wind and obeys the wind, and the spring breeze is a person of spring breeze and harmony

The spring breeze turns into rain and becomes wind Eat in outdoor, eat in the spring breeze, eat in the wind and soak in the rain

Brave the wind and rain, eat in the wind and bite the snow, laugh at the wind, laugh at the wind long and break the waves, ride the wind and waves

Brave the wind and waves, eat the wind and snow on the spot, enjoy the wind Chuan Chuan, fan, fire, meal, wind and dew

Meal, wind and water, wind, Sixia, meal, wind and grass, meal, wind and rain, collect customs and customs

Ride the wind, stir the waves, spring breeze, rainsummer, spring breeze once Spread the fan fire, spring breeze and forest fire

Dine in the wind, swallow the dew, eat in the wind and drink the dew, spring breeze, rain and dew, spring breeze, Yishui, laugh at the wind and sing the moon

Ride the wind and turn the rudder to become the wind, the wind, the clouds, the wind and the grass.< /p>

Pull the wind flag, grass and wind flow grass and wind, heavy rain, acid wind. , the almighty wind and clouds

The electric switch, the wind, the wind, the wind, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the wind is in your ears When the wind is next to the ear, when the wind holds the candle, the east wind blows on the horse's ear, strong winds and big ones waves, the east wind passes over the ear

The east wind is strong, the east wind turns into rain, the wind is violent, the wind is carved, the moon is carved, the horse's ear of the east wind

The east wind enters the rhythm, the east wind faces the human face The east wind pulls the horse's ears, the east wind overwhelms the west wind, the Taoist fairy wind

Everyone's style sharpens the wind, and the festival represents the horse The wind destroys the landscape and kills. the landscape

Good weather and good weather

The four characters of the wind Six idioms

On a cool and sunny autumn weekend, my parents and I went to Beilun Chuanshan Wind Farm to visit the windmills with joy.

When I came to the foot of Beilun Zongtai Mountain, I looked up and saw the continuous peaks surrounded by mountains. Looking around, there is a mill wind on almost all mountain peaks. I counted carefully and there were thirty units in total. We couldn't wait to drive to the top of themountain. The wind at the top of the mountain was very strong. I pushed the car door hard. When I got out of the car, I saw a huge windmill standing on the top of the mountain. It is very big, too big to reach. My father and I opened our arms and squeezed the windmill in a circle. The circumference of the windmill pillars is approximately 14 meters and the height is 65 meters. I raised my head and saw three wind blades more than ten meters long rotating slowly, and I couldn't help but shiver. No matter how strong the wind was, the windmill always spun gracefully and at a constant speed. and I heard the sound of the motor inside the windmill. The noise, the noise was like a lion roaring... Dad said, "It's called a wind turbine." When the wind speed reaches three meters per second, the unit can generate electricity and convert wind energy into mechanical energy.e. At the same time, the wind turbine drives the generator to generate electricity during rotation, and the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. » “Wow!” How awesome! » I exclaimed. My mother asked me to stand next to the windmill and take pictures. I squinted my eyes and felt the refreshing autumn wind at the top of the seaside. We then continued to visit several windmills on the top of the mountain, which were simply spectacular!

As the sun sets, the color of the sun hanging above the sea begins to turn orange. Before we knew it, we had played for almost six hours and had to reluctantly leave the windmill and head home. Along the way, the spectacular sight of the big windmill always appeared in my mind... It was so shocking! They are the crystallization of human wisdom!

How to write a lesson plan onthe role of wind?

1. Write six expressions containing the word "wind"

Catch the wind, grab the seam, pull the grass, look at the wind, the spring breeze, the wind and rain in all directions

Farewell to the wind and the Huaihe River Rain, storm, wind and rain\wind dance and humidification\feng Yanrun, change the customs and change the customs

Change the customs, change the customs, the love of the wind from the north, from the storm, catches the shadow, corrupts the cold

The wind is clear, altered and altered The wind and rain push on all sides, the wind is majestic on all sides<. /p>

The wind and the moon are unique, interesting and unique

The wind that catches the shadows is not the right wind. authorized. Long and thick, the storm gallops in the wind and rain

The spring breeze is proud of the wind and obeys the wind and sweeps the spring breeze. The spring breeze is gentle

< p> The spring breezeThe rain turns into rain and turns into wind. Sleeping in the open air with your face full of spring breeze and soaked in the wind and rain.

Brave the wind and rain, eat in the wind and bite the snow, mock the wind and laugh at the long moon, ride the wind and waves

Brave the wind and waves, eat in the wind and snow, take advantage of the wind to carry the fan, eat with fire, eat in the wind and sleep in the dew

< p>Eat in the wind, stay in the water, eat in the wind, stay in the grass, eat in the wind, stay in the rain, pick up customs and customs


Riding the wind and waves, the spring breeze, the summer rain, the spring breeze once spread the fan fire, the spring breeze and the wild fire

The wind to eating swallows dew, eating wind drinks dew, spring breeze rains dew, spring breeze Yishui laughs at the wind and sings the moon

Riding the wind and turning the rudder becomes the moan of the wind, the wind and clouds are stiff, the wind is strong and the grass is popular


Pulling the flag, l 'grass and the wind, the wind blows grass and wind, the heavy rain, the acid wind, the almighty wind and the clouds

The wind rushes the bed, the wind and the rain is ups and downs, the wind is in the ear

The wind is in the ear The wind holds the candle, the east wind blows in the horse's ear, the strong wind and big waves, the east wind passes through the ear

The east wind is powerful, the east wind turns into rain, strong customs sculpt the wind, the moon, the east wind, the horse's ear

The east wind enters the rhythm, the east wind has a human face, the east wind pulls the horse's ear horse The east wind overwhelms the west wind, the Taoist fairy wind

Everyone's style sharpens the wind, the festival representsente Ma Yifeng, the wind destroys the landscape, kills the landscape

The wind blows in the ears, the wind blows behind the ears


The wind blows, the wind blows, the wind blows, the wind blows and the grass moves

The wind blows, the grass blows, the wind blows and the grass blows The passing wind comes from. the tiger, the clouds come from the dragon, the wind blows and the waves hit the wind and the dust

The wind blows and the wind blows and the thunder moves, the wind blows and the horse's ears are dusty and the wind blows and the sun shines

The wind blows and the rain blows The wind blows, the cloud rolls, the windmill, the rain horse, the windmill, the rain horse cloud

The wind drives away the clouds, the wind drives away the rain, the wind drives away the clouds, the wind and dust change, the meeting of wind and dust

The romantic and graceful wind, the sword of frost Wind, fire, fire, colere, wind and waves

The reverse wind extinguishes the fire, the wind divides the current, the wind and the rain rain, the wind and the charm, the wind is strong and the wind is strong, the the wind is strong, the moon is dark and kills people

The wind is strong, the scenery is moonlit, the scenery is beautiful, the wind returns to stimulate unprecedented glory

The. the wind and the sun rise, the wind and the sun are beautiful, the wind and the sun are warm, the wind and the sun shine

The wind, the mist, the wind, the snow, the the moon, the wind, the snow, the night wind, the rain, the wind and the Yunlong tiger

The scenery is beautiful, the wind is rolling, the clouds are rolling, the wind is stirring, flying the wind is terrifying

The wind is strong, the waves are high, the clouds are flying, the wind is flying, the clouds are treacherous, the wind raises the clouds and waves tremble

< p> Romantic talents, romantic ups and downs, wind and thunderwanders, canons, romantic people through the ages

Romance, elegance, suave and unbridled, romance contains the sins of romance

Romance and clouds disperse, romance, wind and thunder, wind and thunder changes, romance and crime, wind and horse do not rise


Wind and wood contain sadness , the wind, horses and oxen are not related to the wind, horses and oxen, wind gates, water mouth, wind, horses and clouds are chariots

The sad wind and the wood are all the rage > 2. Six. words to describe the wind

Japanese wind, warm breeze, gentle breeze, warm wind, steaming wind, hot wind, golden wind, beneficial wind, light breeze, gust of wind, headwind, morning breeze, evening breeze , night breeze, cool wind, cold wind, shadow wind

Black wind, strong wind and new wind. Strong wind, cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, strong wind, strong wind, monsoon, brspring breeze, summer breeze, autumn wind, winter wind, east wind, south wind

West wind, north wind, rustle, whistle, whistle, roar and roar

Northeast wind, northwest wind, southeast wind, southwest wind, air wind, tornado, sea and land wind, valley wind, dust tornado, dry wind, hot wind, overcast wind Cool breeze, cool breeze, hot ocean, cold wind whistling, breeze whistling, warm spring breeze blowing in my face, spring breeze blowing, spring breeze blowing, spring breeze blowing

< p> Warm spring breeze, strong blowing east wind, blowing east wind, curling east wind, chasing the evening breeze, morning breeze, refreshing breeze Come, the cool breeze blows on your face, the cool breeze blows

The warm breeze blows, the rain is gentle, the gentle breeze is gentle, the drizzle is warm, the cool breeze blows, the autumn breeze is coolrefreshing, the golden breeze blows, the autumn wind rustles, and the autumn wind rustles

The autumn wind rustles, the thin clothes, the light and cold wind, the drizzle, the wind of north howls, the north wind roars, the north wind blows, the biting cold wind, strong winds, violent winds

Storms, throwing sand and rocks, overturning trees and houses , cold wind cutting the surface, strong sea breeze, strong cold wind The cold wind whistles, the wind rises, the wind rolls, the remaining clouds are blown away, the grass is low

The wind is blowing, the branches are shaking, the wind is rushing, the waves are high, the wind is rolling the red flag, the sky is high, the wind is chasing, the wind is beautiful, the wind is flowing, the clouds are scattered, the wind blows, the wind rains and the wind roars

3. Moonlight is a 4 or 6 character noun or idiom

making fun of the wind, the wind, the flower, the snow, the moon, the sun, moon, earththe moon is about to close, the moon is shy, the flower is white, the wind is clear, the star is fine, the moon is full, the flowers are good, the moon is haloed, and the wind and the moon are as bright as water, and the moon is full, then the moon is eclipsed, the moon is full, the moon is waning, the moon is missing, the. the moon is under the flowers, the moon is dark, the wind is strong, the sun and the moon are in my arms, the sun and the moon are flying, the sun is in the moon, the moon is the first to approach water, the tower is the first to have the moon, the moon is pregnant, a chicken sings in the wind, the moon is full, the flowers are beautiful, the moon is haloed and the wind and the moon are bright like water, the. the moon lacks weight, the moon is under the flowers, the sun is before the moon, the sun is new, the moon changes, the moon comes, the sun saves, the moon tries, the moon accumulates, the moon accumulates , flowersspring are in the autumn moon, the wind diminishes, the moon wanes, the moon wanes the stars, catching the moon in the water, the shooting stars chasing the moon, the field, the moon, the mulberry tree, the appearance of the flower, the appearance of the moon, the beginning of the month, the tail of the pine tree, the feng shui moon, the mirror, the flowers, the water, the moon, the years are like a bright moon flowing over thousands of kilometers carved cut moon cloud wind moon boundless wind flowers snow moon wind clear moon the upper half of the bridge Long Wende moon orchids and lotus blue moon under the old man moon hanging in the blue sky moon setting black crow moon shadow swirling moon moving flower shadow moon cage light gauze moonlight moonrise blurred mountain moon east Round flowers, good moon, evening flowers, rising to the moon, hidden stars, moon on willow branches, sun and moon joining the wall, bright moon, shining from mile lights, stars and moon shining together, autumn moon, pale starry moon, bright, cold moon, miserable wind, sun and moon, near moon, shameful flowers, full moon, bright, new moon like a hook, June Flying frost, moon east, west sun, rising moon, monkey year, horse month, coming of age, moon after moon, stars holding the moon, baking clouds, supporting the moon, spring flowers, autumn moon, sea ​​fishing, wasted years, panting cows, moon, Chang'e flying to the moon, poor years, menstruation, moon, stars, curling, autumn moon.

4. Four-letter words about "wind"

Wind gust, electric shock, wind soldiers, grass armor, wind waves, flat ground, silent wind, wind, water and accommodation, wind and food, wind and food, water and water, shelter wind and water, wind and rain, rain, windmill, rain, horse, windmill, cloud, horse, wind switch.Thunder travels, wind anddust are dirty, wind and dust appear, wind and dust are busy, wind and dust are everywhere, wind and dust are everywhere, wind and dust appear, wind and dust changes , the meeting of wind and dust, the alarm of wind and dust, the alarm of wind and dust, the admiration of wind and dust, the sound of wind and dust, the words of wind and dust, ambition of wind and dust, wind and wind, wind and grass are everywhere. Wind and lightning, wind and lightning, wind and lightning, wind and lightning, wind and lightning, wind and lightning, wind and lightning, wind and rain, wind and the clouds, the wind and the clouds, the wind and the rain. , wind and grass, wind and waves, wind and horses, wind and sun and wind The sun burns, the wind blows, the rain blows, the wind blows, the clouds are scattered, thewind responds to. wind, sword, frost, sword, wind, rain, wind, moving tool, graceful wind, spring, wind, flying clouds, wind, fire, fire, wind, devil, wind, silly wind, wind, world, wind, wind, wind, grace, wind, rain, rain, wind The charm, the character, the rugged landscape, the beautiful landscape, the moon, the wind, the cold and the heat, the howling wet wind, the crying wind, the wind, the wind, the sun, the beautiful wind, the sun, the warm wind, the sun, the wind, the tiger, the cloud, the dragon, the wind, the snow, the night, the wind, the snow, the moon, splendor, splendor and unprecedented splendor. A prosperous and turbulent world, surrounded by wind and rain, with wind and mist on the temples, wind and rain, wind and electricity, wind and accumulated action, wind and electricity, flying wind and electricity, strong wind and waves, strong wind, beautiful sun, hot wind, birds occupying the landscape, uneven landscape, photography, vagcalm winds, calm wind Lift the clouds, fly, lift the clouds, shake the wind, roll the snow, the wind rolls, the clouds, the wind, the wind, the wind, the waves, the wind, the rain, the wind ferry, thunder, artillery, wind and thunder, poplars in the wind, wind power, wind power, water wheel, wind, waves, talents, talents, highs and the lows, the good stories, the good things, the good things The police pull out the vagabonds, the romantics through the ages, the romantics. , elegant people, romantic affairs, romantic affairs, romantic affairs, romantic affairs, romantic rains, romantic injustices, romantic clouds, romantic brew, the romantic, the romantic, the romantic, the first minister, romantic self-admiration, romantic criminals, romantic sins. The horse does not catch the wind, the clouds of horses, thehe wind, the drizzle, the bloody wind, the image of the rose, the door of the wind, the mouth of water, the storm, the storm, the clouds, the clouds, the wind, the devil, the nine uncles, the wind, the wood, the sad wind, the sadness of the wind, the thoughts of the wind, the wood, the wind is warm, the sun is beautiful, the wind is calm, the wind is calm, the waves are calm and the waves are calm Wind and waves, wind and waves, wind and waves, wind and waves, spring and water, wind and water. , clouds and clouds, clouds and clouds, wind and clouds, wind and clouds, smoking wind, residual candle in front of the wind, moon in front, wind, horse wind, light sun, warm wind, light cloud, light wind The clouds are clear, the wind is light, the clouds are clear, the wind is clear, the wind is clear, the moon is white, the moon is bright, the wind is clear, the moon is clear, the moon is clear, the moon is bright, the moon thinks, the moon is beautiful, the moon is debt, the wind brings the shockelectric, the wind drives the electric sweep, the wind is full of fun*** Mother The sound of the wind, the sound of the wind, the sound of the crane, the sound of the wind***, the sound of the wind, the view of the wind, the effect of wind erosion, the sadness of the wind tree, the feeling of the wind tree, wind, frost, rain, snow, Mr. Feng Shui, the wind is impervious to the wind , the water is windy, the waves are calm, the moon is bright, the wind is passing, local customs are acclimatized, the wind. is gentle, the waves are stable, the flavor is food, rumors are discussed, things are heard, things are said, risks, funds, wind direction, grass, wind, rain, the bad wind, faith, the wind rises, the clouds smoke, the grass is popular and the grass is popular. The grass is popular, the grass is popular, the grass is popular, the wind is popular.The wind moves, the electric shock, the wind moves, sweeps, the wind moves, shines, thewind moves, revolution, wind moves, resolved, wind moves, water moves, becomes popular for a while, rain disperses, whirlwind, lightning, wind, snow, wind, jealousy, speech of the wind, speech of the wind, speech of the wind, speech of the wind, speech of the wind, speech of the fog, speech of the wind, shadow, eaves of the wind thumb sundial Candles engraved on the eaves of the wind, wind instrument wind, serious, the wind changes, the customs change, the customs change, the customs change, the wind changes, the wind shadow is shallow, the wind and rain are exposed, the wind and rain are unexpected, the wind and the rain does not change, the wind and rain are waterproof, the playground, the wind and rain, the bed, the wind and rain, the boat, the wind and rain, the wind and rain dark, the wind and rain dark, the wind and rain, the wind and rain continue The bed is shaken by the wind. and the rain, the windand the rain is drifting, the wind and rain are shaking, the wind and rain are drifting, the wind and rain are miserable, the wind and rain are like a cloud, the wind and rain are like a plate, the wind and the rain are like a rock, the wind and the rain are in the same boat, the wind and the rain are unstoppable, the wind and the rain are a depression, the wind and the rain are swaying, the wind and the moon are always new, the wind and the moon is always new, the door is windy and the moon is limitless, the wind and the moon are limitless, the wind and the moon are changing, the children are changing, the situation is changing, the situation is changing , the situation changes, the situation changes, the situation changes. In the year of dew and candles, you are graceful and graceful, caught in the wind, caught in the wind, caught in the wind, accompanied by the wind, the rain, the storm, the torrential rain, the wind of the north, love, change the wind, change customs,change customs, farewell to the wind, rain, wind, heart, wind, moon, wind system Shadow catches the wind, catches the shadow, inquires about customs, pink winds and clouds , outdoor meal, meal in the wind, meal in the wind, meal in snow, wind in the snow, meal in the grass, meal in the wind, meal in the open air, meal in the water, meal in the wind, meal under the rain, meal in the wind, meal in the wind, meal in the wind, meal in the wind, meal in the open air Drink the dew, break the waves, mock the wind, mock the wind, sing the moon, the morning breeze, zero rain, take advantage of the wind to turn the sail, take advantage of the wind, turn the sail, turn the canopy into the wind, turn the canopy into the wind, turn the wind into the wind Riding in the rain, braving the rain, crossing the waves, rushing in the wind, the end and the beginning of the wind, the wind, the fan, the fire, the fan fire, the wind, the whistle, the whistle, the spring breeze, thespring breeze, spring breeze, spring breeze, gentle spring breeze, spring breeze, rain, spring breeze, spring breeze, summer rain, spring breeze, wild fire, spring breeze, a times the spring breeze, the spring breeze Yishui Sit in the rain and dew in the spring breeze, obey the wind and be tough, the storm is strong, the wind is strong, the wind is strong, the wind is strong, the song of the strong wind carries the wind, the sleeves, the moon, when the wind holds the candle, the wind turns to Diao Feng, turns the moon, Diao Feng makes the moon, carved wind, hollow moon, adjusts the wind , change the customs, adjust the wind Make the moon adjust the wind, stick the monster, face the wind and snow, calm the storm, throw away the wind and spread the feet, the east wind passes through the ears , the east wind is strong, the east wind turns into rain, the east wind is bad, thehe east wind, the human face, the east wind enters the law, the wind is severe and vulgar, the wind rolls, the rain returns, the wind puts out the fire, the wind divides the wind, divides the angry wind Shocking waves, wind, fire, fire, wind, demon, wind, idiot wind, wind, wind of the world, wind, elegance, wind, rain, rain, wind, charm, bearing the wind, crimson tent, bearing the wind wind tent, gauze, wind return, strong wind, strong festival, strong wind, strong festival, strong wind, bright festival, singing wind, pavilion, long leather customs Observe the customs, the wind, the moon, the ghosts, the wind, the cold wind, the biting cold wind invades the skin, the good wind, the rain, the wind, the smoke, the the wind, the smoke, the wind, the beautiful sun, the gentle wind, the drizzle , the black wind, the bad sea, the wind, the yellow wind, the mist, the good wind and the gentle and destructive customs. it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's rainingThe rain isstrong, the wind is strong, the grass is strong, the wind is very rainy, the wind is stormy, the wind is rainy, the monsoon climate is the monsoon ocean current, the wind is bright, the moon is bright, the wind makes the ship see the wind, the rudder sees the wind, the sails see the wind, it rains, the wind makes the helm turn, the rudder sees the wind, the canopy spills, the wind is light, the wind is captured, the dust is washed away, the wind makes the ship The golden wind brings refreshment, the golden wind and jade dew surprise the wind, fan the fire, surprise the wind, the waves, the wind, the roaring waves, the wind, the cold spring, watch the wind, make the ship watch the wind, make the rudder, watch the wind, make the sail watch the wind, sail the ship, watch the wind, sail the ship, watch the wind, watch the wind, turn the rudder, watchz the wind, turn the rudder, fight the wind Storms, rain, winds, waves, howling winds, roaring winds, torrential rains, long rains, winds and rains, winds and rains, winds, rain, wind, moon, jade trees , flowing winds, returning snow, relics of flowing wind, relics of flowing wind, strong currents, customs, flowing winds, remnants of customs, lingering charm, remnants of winds Rhyme leper barbaric wind miasma blind rain storm rain wind blind jealous rain blind wind strange rain blind wind strange clouds blind wind dark rain blind wind astringent rain take the wind jump cloud take.

5. Four-character expressions with the word wind

The wind is sunny, the spring breeze turns into rain, the gentle breeze and drizzle, the sea is calm, the face is full of spring breeze, the wind calls for rain, the northwest wind drinks, rides the wind and waves, the cold wind bites, the vent comes from nowhere, the wind rolls the remaining clouds, the wind roars, the weather becomes wind, the wind and clouds are surging, break the two sleeves, old age, immorality, the howling wind, the dust, the prime of life, bad weather, in the same boat through thick and thin, stormy, chatting and laughing, etc.

1. Sunny and sunny

Definition: Describing the weather as sunny and warm (mainly used in spring).

Source: “Two Spring Events in the Mountain House” by Cen Shen of the Tang Dynasty: “The wind is gentle and the sun is warm and the spring light blows; butterflies and bees are playing and wandering around the house."

Translation: The spring breeze is gentle and the sun is warm. The spring light is everywhere, and the butterflies and bees are flying in the hall from time to time.

2. Biting cold wind

Definition: The weather is cold and the wind is cold.seems to blow onto people's skin, directly onto bones, and cause flare-ups of stinging pain.

Source: Chinese text - The cold wind is biting.

Example: There is enough sun and it feels like an Indian summer when it shines on your body, unlike the bitter cold wind that makes people afraid to go out every day.

3. The Breeze in Both Sleeves

Definition: There is nothing but the breeze in the sleeves. It's a metaphor for being an honest public servant. Nowadays, most people are compared to honest officials, who do not take bribes, do not bend the law and are strict with themselves.

Source: Ming Dynasty Yu Qian's poem “Qijue·Entering Beijing”: “Bring the breeze with two sleeves to the sky, so as not to make short speeches. »

Translation: Only bring the two-sleeved breeze to meet the emperor (time aancients (At that time, people put their money and property in their sleeves) to avoid the discontent of the people.

4. The Dying Years

Interpretation: It is a metaphor for old age where death can occur at any time.

Source: “Resentment Poems of the Ancient Yuefu”: “A hundred years is not a long time; I die like a candle blown out by the wind. »

Translation: A hundred years have not passed, but it will be over in a flash. It stopped, without warning, as quickly as the wind blows out a candle.

5. Howling Wind

Definition: The strong wind howled like rage.

Source: “Song of the Thatched House Broken by the Autumn Wind” by Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty: “The great autumn wind roars in August; it rolls up the triple thatch from my house." < p > Translation: The autumn is deep in August, the wind was howling, and the strong wind swept away several layers of thatch on my roof.

6. What are four-character idioms with "wind"

"Flowing in the wind" describes flags and other objects fluttering in the wind.

Jealousy refers to jealousy and quarrels due to the relationship between men and women.

Eat in the rain and eat in the wind. Eat in the wind and stay in the rain. Describes the wandering life.

雨丝风片 describes the gentle breeze and drizzle of spring.

Yumufengmei describes her hard work outside and her unstable life.

Change old customs and habits.

Waiting for the moon in the wind refers to a secret meeting between a man and a woman.

One track and one wind The trains and the tracks are the same, and the customs are the same. A metaphor for national unity.

Bouncy means spirited and heroic.

The wind smelled of fish and the raindrops were filled with blood. Describe the atmosphere or environmentnt sinister crazy murders.

Making trouble is a metaphor for causing trouble.

Attracting wind and fire is a metaphor for causing trouble.

Offensive refers to words and actions that have a negative impact on social customs and education (mainly referring to the relationship between men and women).

The moon is haloed and the wind is blowing. The moon's halo is a sign of wind. It is a metaphor that you can know its development trend by seeing some signs.

It is a metaphor for skillful means and superb technology.

Clouds disperse in the wind, which means things disperse and disappear.

Yunlong, wind and tiger refer to the induction of similar things.

Beautiful landscape: gentle and beautiful. Soft and beautiful charm or natural landscape

The snow is blowing and the wind is blowing There is windt and it snows again. Describes very cold weather.

To cause trouble is a metaphor for inciting emotion and causing trouble.

Stirring up wind and shadow is a metaphor for speaking and doing things without any basis

Stirring up wind and fire is a metaphor for inciting and causing trouble.

Yin Feng Nong Yue referred to works written or recited by literati based on natural landscapes such as the wind and the moon. Nowadays, works are often described as empty and boring.

When problems arise, we will cause trouble and cause trouble whenever the opportunity arises.

The writing style doesn't change at all. Does not describe anything damaged or modified.

Xianfengdaogu describes a person's unique character and spirit.

The enduring charm of the past generation is passed on to succeeding generations.

The atmospheresocial situation is deteriorating day by day.

Bon voyage and bon voyage (mainly used to wish people).

Moon Dew Wind and Cloud is a metaphor for useless words.

The black moon and strong winds are a metaphor for a dangerous environment.

The moon is white and the wind is clear, describing a calm and beautiful night.

You want to look forward to style You want to look forward to: admire. Style: grace and grace. I admire him a lot and I can't wait to meet him.

The misty hair and the windy maid describe the beauty of a woman's hair. He also describes a woman's hair as loose and messy.

Talk and laugh, talk and laugh, in a good mood. Describe the conversation as cheerful and interesting.

Because the wind blows fire, it means enjoying convenience and doing things without any effort.

Greedy Mo means impurity; Greedy Mo means that officials accept bribes. Corruption and bribery among officials is widespread. Describes official corruption.

The wind combs your hair and the rain washes it. Refers to people who often work hard outdoors, regardless of wind and rain.

To hope for the wind and hope for the will means to speak and act in a way that responds to the will of others

To hope for the wind and the will of others. means speaking and acting to meet the will of others.

Watching the wind and floating in front of the shadow is a metaphor for the lack of certainty in doing things and the absence of goals. It is also a metaphor for blind research without any basis.

Invincible means that the army has no fighting spirit. She sees the opponent's momentum from a distance and collapses without confrontation.

Run away from the enemy. Seeing the opponent's strong momentum from afar, he fledof fear.

Everything is ready, except the east wind. Metaphorically, everything is ready, except for the last important condition. …

Playing with the wind and selling the rain is a metaphor for cheating.

A gust of wind blows, which means complete cancellation (mainly refers to a decision, conclusion, etc.).

Smooth sailing The ship sailed smoothly, under full sail. The metaphor unfolds very well, without any hindrance.

A generation of celebrities refers to the people who created fashion and were admired at that time.

The bloody wind smelled of fish and the raindrops were filled with blood. Describe the sinister atmosphere or environment of the crazy murders.

Watching the wind and catching shadows is a metaphor for speaking and doing things based on unreliable rumors or superficial phenomena.

Becoming a common practice means thatSomething gradually develops and becomes popular, thus forming a good trend.

Establishing a trend means that something gradually develops and becomes popular, thus forming a good trend.

Whistleblowing means secretly revealing the secrets of one opposing party to the other.

Be afraid when you hear the news When you hear the news, you will be afraid and lose your courage. Describes being very afraid of a certain force.

Get up when you hear the wind As soon as you hear the wind, get up and respond.

Listen to the wind and move As soon as you hear the wind, get up and react immediately.

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind keeps blowing. The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind keeps blowing. The original metaphor is that things can't go the way you want them to. Now also a metaphor Class struggles does not depend on the will of the people...

A big tree attracts the wind. It is a metaphor that when a person becomes famous or rich, they easily attract attention and cause trouble.

Bloody and gory means a violent and brutal massacre or a strong character

Turn the helm with the wind. Change the position of the bar depending on the wind direction. It is a metaphor for changing one's attitude depending on the situation (with a pejorative meaning).

Sailing with the wind is a metaphor for having no ideas and following others in speaking or doing things.

A 400 word essay on Windmill Ping

The lesson plan on the role of wind can be written like this:

Wind It is good for people, and it is also harmful. Wind can dry water on clothes, cool people, fan fires, propel sailboats, spread pollen, etc. The vent can kick up sand, fell trees, capsize ships, and even roll livestock and houses through the sky.

The energy of the wind is very great, and when the wind on the earth does not stop, because the earth revolves around the sun, there are always cold places on the earth and hot places on the earth, so it will continue to blow all over the earth.

People can use wind energy. People use windmills to grind mills, pull bellows to light fires, and electric fans to blow cool air. Sailboats use the wind to sail and gliders use the power of the wind to fly through the sky.

But there are also many problems with using wind energy, because the direction and strength of the wind often changes, making it very inconvenient to use. Today, we mainly use wind energy for productionuine electricity, then we use the electricity to perform various tasks.

Wind energy is non-polluting and inexhaustible, making it an ideal energy source. People can also prevent winds, such as planting shelterbelts to block wind and sand, and predicting typhoons to allow ships to enter the port.

How wind is formed:

Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air flow, which is caused by the heat of solar radiation. Sunlight shines on the earth's surface, causing the surface temperature to increase. The air on the surface expands under the influence of heat, becomes lighter and rises.

Once the warm air rises, the cold, low temperature air enters laterally. The rising air gradually cools, becomes heavier and falls. Because the higher surface temperature will warm the air and cause it to rise. air flow occurs. The wind is blowing.

The horizontal movement of air is called wind. Wind is a physical quantity that represents the movement of air flow. It not only has a numerical value (wind speed), but also a direction (wind direction). The wind is therefore a vector quantity. Wind direction refers to the direction the wind is coming from.

The surface wind direction is expressed in 16 directions, and the high altitude wind direction is generally expressed in degrees of azimuth, that is, 0° (or 360° ) means due north, 90° means due east. , 180° means due south and 270° means due south. In 16 directions, the angular difference between each adjacent direction is 22.5°. Wind speed units are usually expressed in m/s, knot (nautical miles/hour, also called "knot"), and km/h. The conversion relationship is:

1 m/s=3.6. km/h 1 knot = 1.852 km/h, 1 km/h =0.28 m/s 1 knot = 1/2 m/s.

Wind speed is sometimes expressed by pressure, called wind pressure. If V represents the wind speed (m/s), P is perpendicular to the wind direction, and the wind pressure kg/m2 on an area of ​​1m2, the relationship is P=0.125V2 (1·13).

Wind direction refers to the direction of airflow and is often recorded in 16 directions. Wind speed is the horizontal distance air travels per unit of time, measured in meters per second. The horizontal wind speed in the atmosphere is generally 1.0 to 10 meters/second, and typhoons and tornadoes sometimes reach 102 meters/second. Wind speed on agricultural land can be less than 0.1 meter/second.

There are two types of wind speed observation data: instantaneous value and average value. Generally, the average value is used. Wind is measured using instruments such as anelectric anemometers, portable anemometers, dyne anemometers and thermometers used to measure breezes in agricultural lands. It can also be estimated based on the wind force level chart based on signs of objects on the ground.

Design of the educational plan “Knowing the wind” in kindergarten

On a cool and sunny autumn weekend, my parents and I went to visit the Beilun Chuanshan wind farm. the wind farm with great joy.

When I arrived at the foot of Beilun Zongtai Mountain, I looked up and saw the continuous peaks surrounded by mountains. Looking around, there is a windmill on almost every mountain peak. I counted carefully and there were thirty units in total. We couldn't wait to drive to the top of the mountain. The wind at the top of the mountain was very strong. I pushed the car door hard. When I came out ofWhile driving, I saw a huge windmill standing on top of the mountain. It is very big, too big to reach. My father and I opened our arms and squeezed the windmill in a circle. The circumference of the windmill pillars is approximately 14 meters and the height is 65 meters. I raised my head and saw three wind blades more than ten meters long rotating slowly, and I couldn't help but shiver. No matter how strong the wind was, the windmill always spun gracefully and at a constant speed. and I heard the sound of the motor inside the windmill. The noise, the noise was like a lion roaring... Dad said, "It's called a wind turbine." When the wind speed reaches three meters per second, the unit can generate electricity and convert wind energy into mechanical energy. At the same time, the wind turbine drives the generator to produce electricity during rotation, and the mechanical energy est converted into electrical energy. » “Wow!” How awesome! » I exclaimed. My mother asked me to stand next to the windmill and take pictures. I squinted my eyes and felt the refreshing autumn wind at the top of the seaside. We then continued to visit several windmills on the top of the mountain, which were simply spectacular!

As the sun sets, the color of the sun hanging above the sea begins to turn orange. Before we knew it, we had played for almost six hours and had to reluctantly leave the windmill and head home. Along the way, the spectacular sight of the big windmill always appeared in my mind... It was so shocking! They are the crystallization of human wisdom!

Objective of the activity:

1. Let children know that air flow forms wind.

2. Let children perceive specificment the wind and let them know that the wind cannot be seen or touched. It can only be felt.

3. Develop children's observation and perception skills, understand the advantages and disadvantages of wind and how people use wind to overcome wind disasters.

Preparation for the activity:

1. Before class, guide children to observe the changes the wind brings to the outside world, such as changes in red flags. , water, hair, etc.

2. A fan, a balloon for each person, lots of pieces of paper and a small windmill for each person.

3. Wind Tutorial.

Activity flow:

1. Conversation: Over the past few days, the teacher asked the children to observe the branches shaking , the red flag flutters, and the water ripples. Do you know who it is?

2. Let the children perceive the flow of air forming the wind.

(1) Teachers encourage children to play with balloons and personally feel the airflow forming wind while playing with balloons.

(2) Children can do small experiments by themselves: let children use their little hands to fan the air to circulate the air and form wind.

(3) Summary: Airflow forms wind Where there is airflow, there is wind.

3. Understand wind characteristics.

(1) Let the children use their little hands like little fans to fan the air, and tell them what it feels like on their faces if they blow quickly, and what they feel it on their face if they blow slowly. . (Children can speak freely) Teacher summary: If you blow quickly, the air will flow quickly, and if you blow slowly, if the air flows slowly, the wind will be weak;

(2) The teacher fanned the children and asked them to try to catch the wind. Open your eyes and see if you can see the wind?

Summary: Wind cannot be seen or grasped, it can only be felt.

4. Play with confetti.

(1) Give each child a small pile of confetti and let them think of ways to play with the confetti to see who is smartest and has the most ideas.

(2) Discussion: After playing, let the children freely discuss and talk about how they generated wind to make the confetti move.

5. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of wind.

The children discuss and the teachers explain.

(1) (Watch the tutorial) The wind has done many good things for people. The wind dries my mother's clothes; it refreshes people; he flies kites in the sky; the windmillent spins to run the generator to produce electricity... But some winds have done a lot of bad things. It overturned houses, it felled trees, it overturned fishing boats... Such a wind is odious.

(2) Summary: People today are very skilled and have found many ways to stop the wind from doing bad things. People have built windbreaks to block the wind and predict the wind in advance, reducing it. the number of winds. The harm that the wind causes to people.

6. Play the game "Windmill Spin". One per childA windmill, find a way to make it spin.

After inviting several children to the front to demonstrate and explain, children can play freely with the windmill.

Take the kids outside to play with windmills to complete the activity.

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