Xie Dan's family plans to buy a 108㎡ house, and the unit price is 2,800 yuan/㎡. How much does i

Introduction Xie Dan's family plans to buy a 108㎡ house, and the unit price is 2,800 yuan/㎡. How much does it cost to buy this house if the 9.5% discount is applied? Determine whether the following elements are relatively prime? 1

Xie Dan's family plans to buy a 108㎡ house, and the unit price is 2,800 yuan/㎡. How much does i

Determine if the following elements are relatively prime?

1 fills in the blank

The greatest common factors are 10, 15 and 10 12 and 36

The greatest common factors of 10 and 18:< / p>< p>The greatest common factor between 15 and 18 is:

The following is the simplest part to even the score

10/15 = 15/ 18 = 12/18 =

Fill in the blank

15 / 18 = 5 / () 27/36 = 9 / () = () / () />The part simplest of the circle, the remaining points are approximately

5/6 18/51 3/10 36/63

Compare the following two scores in each group?

18/30 and 16/20 24/42 and 28/63, 27/36 and 45/60

The following statements, right? A fraction that is a fraction of a numerator (1) is relatively small and is called a denominator.

(2) The simplest score is the common factor of the numerator and denominator of only 1 point.

(3) 17/51 is the simplest score. />(4) 5/3 is ath incorrect part. 5/3 is not the simplest score.

Write the denominator as a simple proper fraction.

The teacher's bag contains red balls and yellow balls. If you know 2/3 red balls and yellow balls, then can you guess the number of yellow balls? Red ball number?

5/10 = 8/16 = 6/9 = 15/10 = 7/21 =

9/12 = 17/51 = 9/81 = 1/9 25 /50 = 13/39 =

A fraction if the numerator is about half the point, and the denominator is about a third of the point is added. Find the numerator and denominator.

A small part, plus the unit in which it is a small part is 1, minus a fractional unit divided by approximately 7/8, what is this fraction?

The simplest true fraction +2 = 3/4 After a few minutes, the numerator +3 = approximately 4/5 points. What is this rating? ?

The numerator and denominator of a fraction are equalux to 121 numerator plus 13, plus 31 denominator, new score point is 1/4, what is the original score?

The numerator of the simplest fraction is approximately 1/2 plus 1 part; the numerator is approximately 1/4 of 1 part and the score is ()

1.125 * 3 + 125 * 5 +25 * 3 +25

2.9999 * 3 +101 * 11 * (101-92)

3. (23/4-3/4)*(3*62)

4. 3/7×49/9 - 4/3

5. 8/9×15/36 + 1/27

6. 12×5/6 - 2/9× 3

7. 8×5/4 + 1/4 /> 8. 6÷3/8 - 3/8÷6

9. 4/7×5/9 + 3/7×5/9

10. 5/2 - (3/2 + 4/5)

11. 7/8 + (1/8 + 1/9)

12. 9×5/6 + 5/6

13. 3/4×8/8 - 1/3 /> 14. 7×5/49 + 3/14

15 6×(1/2 +2/3)

16. 8×8/10 + 8×11 /

17. 31×5/6 - 5/6

18. 9/7 - (2/7 - 10/21)

19. 5/9×18 - 14×2/7

20. 4/5×25/16 + 2/3×3/4

21. 14×8/7 - 5/6×12/15

22. 17/32 - 3/4×9/24

23. 3×2/10 + 1/3

24. 5/7×3/25 + 3/7

25. 3/14××2/3 + 1/6

< p> 26. 1/5×2/3 + 5/6 > 27. 9/22 + 1/11÷1/2

28. 5/3×11/5 + 4/3 /> 29. 45×2/3 + 1/3×15 /> 30. 7/19 + 12/19×5/6 < /p>

31. 1/4 3/4 2/3÷

32. 8/7×21/16 + 1/2

33. 101×1/5 - 1/5×21

34.50 +160÷40

< p> 35.120-144÷18 +35

36.347 +45×2- 4160÷52

37(58 +37)÷(64-9×5)


39.178-145÷5 ×6 +42

40.812-700÷ (10 +31×11)

41.85 +14× (14 +208÷26)

43.120-36×4÷18 +35

44. (58 +37)÷(64- 9×5)

45. (6.8-6.8×0.55)÷8.5


47. (3.2×1.5 +2.5)÷1.6

48.6-1.6÷4 = 5.38 +7.85-5.37 =

49.7.2÷0.8-1.2×5 = 6-1.19×3 -0.43 =

> 50.6.5×(4.8- 1.2×4) =


52.32.52 ( 6 9.728÷3.2)×2.5

> 53. [(7.1-5.6)×0.9-1.15]÷2.5



57.0.68×1.9 +0.32×1.9

58.58 +370)÷ (64-45)

59.420 +580-64×21÷28 60.136 +6×(65-345÷23)

15-10.75×0.4-5 .7

62.18.1 +(3 -0.299÷0.23)×1

63. (6.8-6.8×0.55)÷8.5


65. (3.2×1.5 +2.5)÷1.6

66.3.2×6 + (1.5 +2.5)÷1.6

67.0 0.68×1.9 +0.32×1.9

68.10.15-10.75×0.4 -5.7

69.5.8×( 3.87-0.13)+4.2×3.74

70.32.52(6 9.728÷3.2)×2.5


71. [(7.1-5.6)×0.9-1.15]÷2.5

72.5.4÷[2.6×(3.7-2.9) +0.62]


> 74.12×6÷7.2-6

75.33.02 (148.4-90.85)÷2.5

76. (25%-695%-12%)*36

77 . / 4 * 3/5 3/4 * 2/5

78.1-1 / 4 +8/9/7 / 9

79. / 80./15 + 1 / 6 * 3/10 3/24 +2 / 21

9 7 3 +10 points by 3-9 2 +10 by 17 7/15% +12 7 + 15 points 8-12 points 7

2.2 +3 +0.72 7.7 +2 +9.1 1.5 +5 +2 +0.1 +0.15

1 + 6 +2.7 8.3 +2.2 +2.8 +2.5 +1.2 +0.3 +1.8

5.8-4.8-0.2 2-1.2-0.5

8-3.7-2.5 5.5-2.8-2.7

> 6.8-5, 7-0.3 7.9-5.4-2 4.5-2.1-1.9 9-2.5-1.2

2.3-1.5 5, 6 5-3.2 +8.5 1.5-0.1 +6 8-2.2 +6.2

5.6 -4.4 +3 1.9-0, 8 +5

8.7-5.4 +7 3.5-2.9 +9

6×3.5 +6.4×2.8 +3

2×3.9 +2 5.3×5 + 1

5.6 +2.5×1.1 +6×6.5

6 9.2 +3×6.4 +7×3

158 +262 +138 375 +219 +381 +225

5001 -247-1021-232 181 2564 2719 < /p>

378 +44 +114 +242 +222 276 + 228 +353 +219

99 +999 +9999 +99999

7755 - (2187 +755)

2214 +638 +286 3065-738-1065


2365-1086-214 +497-299



84×36 +64×84

75×99 +2×75 < /p>


25× (24 +16)

2356 - (1356-721)

1235 - (1680-65)

47.83 (6.83 + 13.5)

(947-599)+76×64 BR /> 57.26-(5, 26-1.5)

106.25 +3.85-2.125 3.875

11.9 - 2456×21

13.375 +5.75 + 2.25 6.625

(15.1-9036) ÷18

163.8×5.25 +14.5

172.1 ×4 .3 +5.7×2.1



25 .6÷ 110×47 +639

3.375×0.97 +0.97×6.625 6.54 +2.4 +3.46 +0.6

5000- 105×34

0.15÷0.25 +0.75×1.2

< p> 42×(25 +4)×4

3× 63÷21-84


46.1.5×4.2 - 0.75÷0.25

3.27×4 +3.27×5.7

< p> 0.25×80-0.45÷0.9


97×360 +3×360

2002 20032003 -2003 20022002

= 2002x20032003-(2002 +1) 20022002

= 2002x20032003 2002x200220 02- 20022002

= 2002 (20032003-20022 002)-20022002

= 2002x10001 20022002

= 2002x1001-2002x1001

= 0

2 +4 +6 +8 +···2004

= 1005006

When n == 1002

= 1002×(1002 +1) = 1005006.

2 +4 +6 +8 + ... 2004 = 1005006.

0.888 125 73 999, times 3

125 (0.8 +0.08 +0.008) p> = (100 +10 +2) X73 + 111x9x3

= 111x73 +111 1×3×5 +3×5× 5 ×7×9 + ... 101×103×105 = 1 * 3 * 5 + (3 * 5 * 7 * 9-1 * 3 * 5 * 7) / 8 + (5 * 7 * 9 * 11 - 3 * 5 * 7 * 9) / 8 + ... + (101 * 103 * 105 * 107-99 * 101 * 103 * 105) / 8

= 1 * 3 * 5 + (101 * 103 * 105 * 107-1 * 3 * 5 * 7) / 8

= 15 + (116877705-105) / No. 8

= 15 14609700

< p> = 14609715


N * (N +1) * (N +4 ) = [N (N +1) (N + 4) (+6) - (N-2)N (N +2) (N +4)] / 8

The school building planned to invest 450,000 yuan, and the actual investment was of 40 million yuan. What percentage of the actual investment was saved? (Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province)

The expected electricity consumption in May is 480 kilowatt hours, or 60 kilowatt hours, which is not very practical. What percentage of the actual electricity bill is saved? (Fujian Yunxiao Experimental Primary School)

The factory planned to produce 400 TVs in March, but actually produced 250, and 230 units in the second half. The percentage of actual production is more than half. plan ? . (Qingyun Pu)

There are three water pipes A, B and C. The water pipe has a flow rate of 4 grams per second and a flow rate of 6 grams per second. brine is 15% and 20%. The water flowing from thepipe B is 10 grams per second. Once pipe C is opened, it does not flow for 2 seconds. , followed by flowing for 5 seconds, then 2 seconds, and reflux for 5 seconds... Three openings at the same time, 1 minute after stopping, and what percentage of the salt content is in the mixture flowing outside? (Wuhan University of TechnologySchool of Foreign Languages)

There are 75 painting classes and 48 dance classes in Xinguang Primary School. What percentage of dance classes are above calligraphy and painting classes? (Nanning)

Xiao Ming did an experiment. In a bag of mung beans, 100 sprouted seeds and 25 unsprouted seeds were found to determine the germination rate of the mung beans in the bag. (Wenling, Zhejiang)

After seeing four, did you read this part of the book the next day? (Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province)

For donations to the disaster area, Xiaohua made adonation of 4.2 million, more than Mary's donation of $0.4. How much did Xiaohua and Mary give more than a fraction? (Anyang City, Henan Province)

A piece of clothing was actually sold for 90 yuan with a 20% discount for 100 yuan. How much is it actually selling for? (Xianju County, Zhejiang)

The canteen transported 600 kilograms of rice and has been eating 50 kilograms per day for four days. In the remaining 5 days, how many pounds will you eat per day? Jianye District, Nanjing City

The 11.3 cartons of oranges are three baskets of apples weighing less than 24 kilograms. The average weight of a carton of orange is 20 kilograms. How many kilograms does each basket of apples weigh? (Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province)

12 Verdant Motherland Cash Collection Activity In a fifth grade class of a school, each class collected 20 kilograms and the third grade class collected 60 kilograms. collectedon average per class? (Shanghai)

13 Qiao Municipality repaired a 2,100-meter-long canal. It took 5 days to repair 240 meters per day. For the tasks to be completed in the remaining 3 days, how many meters must be reviewed per day? (Qinhuai District, Nanjing City)

On the 14th, Xiao Ming went to the store and bought 3 small footballs. He paid 20 yuan and got 1.85 yuan back. (Yinchuan Experimental Primary School)

15 Four teams in one category, each composed of 12 young pioneers, donated a total of 240 yuan from the “Project Hope”. How much does the average young pioneer give? (Shanghai)

16 Yucai Primary School bought two small footballs and a 25-foot-long rope, sharing 408.5 yuan. The price of each balloon is 48 yuan. How much does each long rope cost? (South District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province)

17 Wang Hua 5, bought "Fun Mathematics" and "Storyteller" for $20 per share. How about "Fun Math" 2.6, "Storyteller"? (Yanta District)

, 18 fleets transported 89 tons of cargo and 105 000 tons were transported in the first three times After traveling the remaining 5 times, how many tonnes will be traveled on average (Shanghai)

19.4 How many minutes can each student play in 60? minutes of singles table tennis? (Jianou City, Fujian)

The average level of the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and general education in the 2020 final exam is 95 points. The average level of both Chinese and mathematics courses is 93. minutes Question: What is the general knowledge test score (Jiangshan City, Zhejiang) 21 V (1) On June 24, classmates have. planted one tree for each girl and 26 boys each planted five trees Average number of trees planted for boys and girls (District d?e Donghu, Nanchang City)

Building 22 received stationery worth 5 yuan. He spent 1.Buy a pencil for 5 yuan, and use the remaining money to buy notebooks at 0.35 yuan per share. Could he buy some exercise books? (Shangqai Changqing School)

23. A batch of apples, between kindergarten children, 6 points per share; divide the children of the small kindergarten class, 3 shares per share are the same size, and the children of the two small classes, how much can each share? Jianye District, Nanjing

At midnight, the new watch factory initially planned to produce 75 watches per day, a task that could be completed in 12 days. It actually takes 10 days to complete the task. How many parts are actually produced per day on average? (Qingshan Middle School)

The 25th Experimental Primary School held “Environmental Protection Week” to plants potted plants. After three days of activities, a total of 750 species and 114 pots were planted, and potted plants were planted. planted 4 days before "Green Week" on average each day (Changsha City Experimental Primary School) The selection is completed

How much land is cultivated per hour during the remaining 7.5 hours (Yangxin County, Hubei Province) ?

BR /> 27 A loom weaves 105 meters of fabric. According to At this speed, 8 hours and 7 hours of weaving, how many meters of weaving are there in total (Lin'an City, Zhejiang)

28, the bus line is 135 kilometers, based on this calculation, how many kilometers is the 8 hour line


29.120 kg of soybeans press 16.2 kg of soybeans? of oil, 2000 kg of soybeans press 100 kg of soybean oil (proportional solution) (Zhejiang Taishun)

30 processing plants grind 14.4 tons of flour, on this basis, a total of 8t hours for 6 mills to grind flour (how many tons in Jianou City? Fujian)

On the 31st, I received a 1,200 shirt production task in a clothing factory in during the first three days, and 40% were done like this, how. how many days will it take to complete the task? (Write two different solutions) (Hefei Shouchun School)

32. The engineering team broke ground and the store was built over 2.8 kilometers in the first 20 days. as following. , in the remaining 4.2 kilometers section, do you still need to complete the paving? (Solution), use the proportion method (Linhai City, Zhejiang Province)

33 Production batch of sickle harvesting agricultural tools factory, the originally planned production days are 360 1 day, 18 days to complete, the actual daily output is 72, based on this calculation, the number of days to complete the task (district of.Qingshan, Wuhan City) 34 Wind fan factory? plans to produce 672 electric fans on the 6th day. According to this calculation, but also the number of days to complete the task? Nanjing Baixia District

35 Yumin primary schools and middle schools were established. The original plan for 12 days of combined practice was 21,600, and the actual binding force that day was How many days will it take to actually complete the production task of more than 360 people like originally planned (Hongqiao district, Tianjin city?)

36 Xiaoqing reads a 260-page history book. He reads 20 pages every day for the first three days, the rest can't see the end for a few days. days ? (Xining City)

37 schools purchased a 342-meter short skipping rope with plastic rope, first cut the same length to 5, and spent a total of 9 meters. Based on this calculation, how. manys short skipping ropes can be made of plastic for the same unit price (Gulou Nanjing) ?Area)

38 Two baskets of apples, one basket weighs 64 kilograms, and basket B weighs 48 kilograms of apples. Part of both baskets is sold and the weight of the rest of the apples is the same. . We know that basket B is sold in BEL baskets $56 basket of apples for sale? (School, Shouchun City, Hefei)

39 new manufacturers initially planned to produce 1,000 watches in 25 days, but in reality they produced 50 watches per day. How many days did it take to complete this task ahead of schedule? (Today's Kaifeng, Henan)

40 TV Factory planned to produce 1,200 TVs, but the actual daily production exceeded the actual planned number by 10 to 30 days to complete the task? (Dongyang)

41 Garment Factory is processing a batch of school uniforms. The original plan was to produce 250 sets per day, thiswhich could be achieved in 30 days. Actual production is 300 sets per day. how many days will it take to complete the actual number? (Response proportion) (Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province)

42 The freight was originally planned to transport 18 tons per day, but after 84 days, the actual transportation was 21 tons per day (solution proportional) (24 primary schools in Yinchuan City), is the real destiny over?

43 Assembling the washing machine, the planned assembly takes 27 days and the task is completed in 20 days. The actual components that day are 30. What a task to complete in just a few days. ? (Town, Beitang District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province)

The canteen of Daqing 44 Primary School transported 240,000 tons of coal and planned to burn it for 50 days. 0.08 million tons per day, how many days are real savings actually burned? (Zhejiang) Yueqing City

The number of parts produced by the 45 workshops, 65 sets per day, 130 complete sets produced in 12 days, the total number of parts in a batch? (Wuhan Jianghan Huanpo Road Primary School)

46 Hope primary schools have renovated multimedia classrooms, glazed tile floors with a side length of 30cm and square marble floors with a side length of 50 cm in the current 900 plan. How many pieces are there? Knowledge of proportion to answer (Donghu District, Nanchang City)

For the same exercise book with 47 bindings, the original plan was to install 16 sets of 250, 200 bindings. If you want to limit, how many pages should be installed? (proportional solution) (Guilin) ​​?

48 Garment Factory originally planned to make 120 suits, each using 4.8 yards of fabric, but improved its farming methods to save 0.3 yards of fabric pertogether. Saving fabric, how much can we do to adapt? Shanghai Evergreen School

49. The master's apprentice processes 192 pieces. The number of pieces is called that of the master. The apprentice processes four times as many pieces as the teacher and the student respectively. (Equation) (24 primary schools in Yinchuan City)

50 red agricultural tools factory produces 600 various agricultural tools, 25% more than in April, how many agricultural tools were produced in April (Qingshan District, Wuhan City)

51 Red Star Mill 174 Female workers account for less than three times the number of male workers. How many workers are there in the entire factory? (Shaoxing)

Solutions from two aspects) (Yinchuan Experimental Primary School)

53. There are 86 third-year students, less than twice the number of second-year students. How many second graders are there? (Changsha Experimental Primary School)

A schoolole of 54 students has 630 boys, The ratio between the number of male and female students is 7:8. How many girls are there in this school? (Hangzhou City) 55 Zhang read a history book and saw 15% less of the book on the first day. When he saw the remaining pages, the ratio of page count to page count was 1:7. The total number of pages of this storybook (Pingyang County, Zhejiang) /> 56 are placed on the two bookcases up to three times the lower part; 30 are removed on the lower part, then two identical, the two originals; -multi-level book shelves The quantity in each (Shanghai Hongkou District)

57 shelves 89 books on the first floor, put less than 16 books on the second floor, put a few books on the second floor and the third on the floor shelves, 1.5 times a certain number of books placed? (Qingyun Pu)

The relationship between art books and the two authorsres is 1:5, reference works and literature books are 180. The number of books in the book box (Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province)

59 A, B and two students, the students saved 27 US dollars, they each donated 15 yuan to beat people, the rest A, B and the two students The ratio of the amount is 3:4. Does Student B have any savings? (Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province)

60 Xiaohong and Xiaofang have accumulated some pocket money. The ratio of their savings is 5:3. Hong donated 26 yuan to support the disaster area, and Xiaofang donated 10 yuan, which is equivalent to the amount of money they have left. What is the initial price of Xiaohong? (Qingshan District, Wuhan City)

The 315 saplings purchased by 61 schools were 3:4 in the order of magnitude of high-quality cultivated trees (Shijiazhuang, Chang'an District)

62The total number of trees planted onthree, four and five years per year is 180. The ratio of tree planting in three, four and five years is 3 hours, 05 minutes and 7 seconds. The trees are planted all three. (Changshan County, Zhejiang)

63 The school plans tree planting tasks at 5:30 p.m. Tree planting in sixth grade and other grades accounts for 75% of the entire school. more than 20 families. The school initially planned to make 64 cups of 80 grams of salt water, 4 grams of salt, salt and water in Shushu (Yanta District). The ratio of one cup of salt water to 1:9 requires an increase in grams of. the salt has evaporated. Or how many grams of water? (Deqing County, Zhejiang Province)

> 65 fruit shops brought a total of 540 kilograms of apples and pears, and the weight ratio of apples and pears was 12:15. Transport of pears by the kilogram (Baixia district, Nanjing)

66. The store offruit carries 300 kilograms of oranges and more than 50 kilograms of grapes. The weight of oranges shipped by Apple is twice that of grapes and apples. How many more kilograms of apples are shipped compared to oranges? (Shanghai Hongkou District)

67,960 kg feed is divided into A and B chickens at a ratio of 7:5 by a professional household. How many kilograms of food do professional households B have above professional households? (Qinhuai District, Nanjing City)

68, the rice in the original stores of the two shared warehouses A and B is equal to 14 tons of rice outside the location and 26 tons of rice at location B. When the remaining rice fields exceed 40%, the remaining B position A. , How many tons of rice did each store in B's two warehouses originally have (Jiaxing City, Province of Zhejiang)

The playground of school 69 is aRectangle, perimeter280 meters long, width ratio 4:3, playground (Songzi City, Hubei)

70 Bibo kindergartens in an elegant and American rectangular flower bed, perimeter 64 meters, length and the width ratio is 5: what is the length, width, m? 3. How many square meters is this flower bed? (Changsha Experimental Primary School)

In the 71 scale diagram, the distance between A and B is 5 centimeters. How many kilometers is the actual distance between A and B? (Donghu District, Nanchang City)

72 A toy factory was producing a batch of children's toys. The original plan was to produce 120 toys per day and could be completed in 75 days. In order to welcome Children's Day, there are actually only 60 days left to complete the task. How many toys are actually produced per day? (Two methods to answer) (Wenling, Zhejiang)

73, simple desks and chairs of the same specificationtion produced by two furniture factories B, because they are special between factories A and B

Can produce 1500 sets of tables and chairs. The two factories cooperate in production and make reasonable arrangements to maximize their own strengths. The two factories now transport more sets of desks and chairs per month than in the past (Wuhan Foreign Language School)

74 construction sites transport 1.22 million tons of cement, 18 times with a load of 4 tonnes, and the rest with a load of 2.5 tonnes. For transport by car, how many times? (Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province)

75 air conditioner manufacturers produced air conditioners in April 1800, and the production of air conditioners in May increased by 10% compared with April. The total number of units producing air conditioners (city, Beitang district, Wuxi city, Jiangsu province) / a>

76. The master and apprentice collaboratedd to produce a batch of parts at a rate of 40 units per hour, and the apprentice produced 30 units per hour. Yuan, for example, the 450 that the apprentice just produced after completing the task, how much are these coins? (Qingshan District)

77 processes 48 parts per hour and 36 parts of B per hour. After 8 hours, the two worked together and got more than 64. Every two hours, the total number of qualified people. treated parts?

Brothers (Shanghai)

540 produces a batch of coins (Cixi city, Zhejiang province)

79 produces 350 copies of A, B and two cooperative productions 3.5 hours 80% of the mission completed. How many did you do in 42 hours per hour? (Ninghai County, Zhejiang)

80, two groups A and B process the same quantity of part A per hour at the same time. Coupled with improved work efficiency, it takes 7.5 hours to complete all processing tasks. In this cas, A did not complete the remaining 20 pieces, thereby improving efficiency and B, the number of pieces processed per hour (Jiangdong District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province)

81 The number of pieces processed per. the master and the apprentice, the apprentice processed 20% of the total spectral area processed, main)

82. In the first quarter, fertilizer factories produced an average of 24,000 tons of fertilizer per month. The total fertilizer production in the first two months was 08,000 tons compared to March (Lin'an City, Zhejiang). )

< br/t. Total tons of cement of the group (Dangyang, Hubei)

Last year, 84 townships in Hongxing were closed this year, YuRice accounts for 36 million tons, an increase of 2% over the same period last year. How many tonnes of corn represents this year? (Huangpu District, Guangzhou City)

85, buy 6 volleyballs and basketballsll to share 249.6 yuan. The unit price of volleyballs is 15.6 yuan. Basketball unit price (Yin County, Zhejiang)

The length of this road without construction is the same. How much rice? (Qingshan District)

The first day of road construction by the 87 road team was 55 meters. The second day of road construction was three times that of the first day. It was at least 30 meters more than the previous two. days. The road surface of the third year of college. How many meters will be built on the third day? (Town, Beitang District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province)

What is the total length of this 4,700 meter unpaved road in meters? (Zhejiang) Yueqing Town

89. The engineering team purchased the playing field, purchased 200 square meters in 4 days, such progress, paved the field in 32 days, found the area? arena. (One of two wayses to respond to the proportional solution) (Dongyang)

90 new manufacturers originally planned to produce 75 watches per day and complete the task in 12 days. The actual daily production exceeded the planned number by 15 days, and the task was actually completed (Qingshan District, Wuhan City)

The washing machine assembled by the 91 assembly group was scheduled to be assembled in 20 days, and the task was completed in 15 days. The actual assembly took 30 days, a task to be completed in just a few days? (Proportion method solution) (Xi'an urban area)

92. The number of parts produced by the machine factory is 250 per day. They were originally scheduled to be completed in 12 days. The actual daily production quantity is 1.5 times. How many days did it actually take to complete a batch of parts? (Shanghai Changqing School)

The 93 road team built a road. The plan initiatedThe goal was to build 3.2 kilometers per day and cover 3.6 kilometers in 45 days. How many days can it be carried out in actual daily maintenance? (Guilin)?


94 A project takes 12 hours for a team to carry out alone, and 15 hours for team B to carry out alone. But now the two teams work together for several hours. of the project is completed (Huangpu district, Guangzhou city)

The number of 95 pieces processed, the master manages 30 hours alone, if the first of the apprentice manages 9 hours, the rest is managed by the master, but also 24 hours. So, how many hours does the apprentice manage to complete on his own? (Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province) (

Playing alone can be completed in 10 hours. Playing alone according to Zhang's needs can be completed in a few hours. Dangyang, Hubei)

97 Delivery can be made within 6 hours for large and small trucks. If the big trucks arent shipped separately, delivery can be made within 10 hours. Transport it alone in a small truck and deliver it in an hour? (Changshan County, Zhejiang)

Three days of rest, B 2 days of rest, one day of workload without rest C 3 times the workload of a full day B, 2 times, then This work, from start to finish in the first days? (Nanchang Foreign Language School)

Project 99 can be completed in 16 days alone, project B can be completed in 12 days alone, project B does not take three days before and the restHow many days will it take Team A to complete the project (Shijiazhuang Chang'an District)

If Team B alone takes more than 24 days, how many days will it take to team B to complete it alone? (Qingshan District, Wuhan City)

After 2 days, how many days do we need to complete the remaining B? (Yinchuan City 26 A Primary School) Prproject BR p>102, team A does it alone for 15 days, team B does it alone for 12 days, and after four days of cooperation, team A and team C complete the remaining projects in 8 days. How many days will it take to complete this project by Team C alone? (Deqing County, Zhejiang Province)

What the two teams are currently doing together, how many days can they do? (Yangxin County, Hubei)

If the two repairs are completed in days (Xiangshan County, Zhejiang)

105 road length 1,500 meters, and a separate repair A 15 days, B 10 days, how many days will it take the two teams to carry out the joint repair? (Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province)

Jiangdong District)

107 cases. The work was completed in just 8 days and BA's work efficiency was 2 times. They both cooperated. How many days did it take to complete the work? (Hongqiao District, vi(Tianjin Island)

108 Complete the work one by one with the guide. The completed apprentice can do it alone for 20 days, and it can be completed in more than 4 days if the master. -the apprentice cooperates, it will take several days? (Yinchuan Experimental Primary School)

Principal 110 If one works alone to do A, B can finish it in 15 to 10 days. How many days can they complete 80% of the work by working together. ? (Wenling, Zhejiang)

BR /> 111 A, B, 6 kilometers from point A to point B. Zhang's behavior of riding a bicycle must return to work within 55 minutes, Zhang rides a . bicycle What should be the minimum average speed of? (Xianju County, Zhejiang) BR p> 112 Xiao Ming walks from home to school in 35 minutes and only takes 10 minutes by bicycle. It takes 8 minutes to cycle from home to school. Cycling breaks down and is replaced by walking. How many minutes does it take? (Tai Cityzhou, Zhejiang province)

113 Zhang walked from home to school for 15 minutes and rode a bicycle for 5 minutes. He took the bike from home and failed to get on the bus after 3 minutes. I rushed to school on foot. How many minutes to walk? (Kaifeng, today's Henan)

114, B is a journey of 240 kilometers. A car goes to point B. From point B, the line travels 80 kilometers in 2 hours. It takes several hours to complete the entire process. Shijiazhuang Chang'an District

Bus 115 runs from point A to point B. The line travels at 50 kilometers per hour and can be reached in 6 hours; is 60 kilometers per hour and can be reached in a few hours (Shanghai Hongkou District) < /p>

116 The railway from city A to city B is 760 kilometers long and the train line is 285 kilometers long. , how many hours will it take? (The answer lies in twoaspects, one is the proportion of the solution used) (Shangyu City, Zhejiang Province)

117 survey ships plan to travel from point A to point B to cities in first place at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour. hour,It takes 48 hours to arrive in the sea area planned for scientific experiments. If you want to arrive 8 hours early, how many kilometers per hour will you travel?

Train 118 Liang (Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province) is 432 kilometers away. Both places are relatively open at the same time, and the two trains meet 4 hours later. The express speed is 60 kilometers per hour and the slow speed is several kilometers per hour. (Equation) (Dangyang, Hubei)

119 A, B and two vehicles came from the opposite line at the same time. The distance between the two locations was 520 kilometers during a five-hour encounter. ratio of armored vehicles per hourCar B is traveling at 6 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers per hour do cars A and B travel? (Shanghai)

Kilometers, how many kilometers per hour does car B travel? (Huanpo Road Primary School, Jianghan District, Wuhan City)

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