The latest national policies for photovoltaic power generation in 2022

Introduction The latest national policy and legal analysis of photovoltaic power generation in 2022 implements a policy of refunding 50% of the value-added tax immediately upon collection for taxpayers selling self-produced power products produced using solar energy.

The latest national policies for photovoltaic power generation in 2022

Legal Analysis

For taxpayers selling self-produced power products produced using solar energy, a policy of refunding 50% of the value-added tax upon collection is implemented. The value-added tax that has been collected before the date of receipt and should be refunded according to the provisions of this notice can be offset against the value-added tax payable by the taxpayer in the following months or be refunded. The National Energy Administration will strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of renewable energy power consumption responsibility weights, and guide and promote the development and construction of wind power and photovoltaic power generation. Each dispatched agency must strengthen supervision over matters such as the implementation of wind power and photovoltaic power generation planning, competitive allocation of projects, construction of power grid transmission projects, and project grid connection and consumption within its jurisdiction, organize and carry out comprehensive supervision of clean energy consumption as required, and ensure that wind power, Photovoltaic power generation development, construction and operation are standardized and orderly. Adhere to the goal orientation, improve the development mechanism, release consumption space, optimize the development environment, give play to the leading role of local governments, mobilize the enthusiasm of investment entities, and promote the high-quality development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation.

Legal Basis

"Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China" Article 17 The state encourages units and individuals to install and use solar hot water systems, solar energy Heating and cooling systems, solar photovoltaic power generation systems and other solar energy utilization systems. The construction administrative department of the State Council shall, together with relevant departments of the State Council, formulate technical and economic policies and technical specifications for the integration of solar energy utilization systems into buildings. Real estate development enterprises shall provide necessary conditions for the utilization of solar energy in the design and construction of buildings in accordance with the technical specifications specified in the preceding paragraph. For completed buildings, residents may install solar energy utilization systems that comply with technical specifications and product standards without affecting their quality and safety; however, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Policies for corporate photovoltaic power generation:

1. Guarantee priority power generation and full guaranteed acquisition. For wind power and photovoltaic power grid parity projects and low-price grid projects, power grid companies should ensure that all the power generated by the project is connected to the grid, and monitor the wind and light abandonment status of the project in accordance with the requirements of the renewable energy monitoring and evaluation system. If there is abandonment of wind and light, the limited power generation will be approved as a transferable priority power generation plan. Approved priority power generation plans can participate in power generation rights transactions (transfers) nationwide, and the transaction price is determined by the market. Power trading institutions should improve trading platforms and trading varieties, and organize and implement relevant transactions.

2. Promote the subsidy-free development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation through power market transactions. The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, together with relevant units, organized a pilot project for market-based trading of distributed power generation. Encourage the construction of wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects that do not require state subsidies in demonstration projects such as social capital investment incremental distribution networks, clean energy consumption industrial parks, local area networks, new energy microgrids, and energy Internet organized and implemented by the state, and conduct pilot projects Carry out direct transactions nearby. Encourage industrial enterprises, data centers and distribution network operating enterprises with large and stable electricity loads to conduct medium and long-term power transactions with wind power and photovoltaic power generation enterprises.Achieve market-oriented development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects without the need for state subsidies.

3. Reduce the transmission and distribution prices and charges for direct transactions nearby. For the distributed market-based trading pilot projects included in the relevant national pilot demonstrations, only the distribution network transmission and distribution prices of the voltage levels involved in wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects for grid connection and consumption are exempted from paying the previous voltage not involved. level of transmission charges. Policy-based cross-subsidies will be exempted and exempted for renewable energy directly traded nearby that are included in the pilot program.

Legal Basis

"Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China"

Article 2 The term "renewable energy" as used in this law refers to wind energy, solar energy, Non-fossil energy such as water energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, and ocean energy. The application of this law to hydroelectric power generation shall be stipulated by the energy department of the State Council and submitted to the State Council for approval. This law does not apply to the use of straw, firewood, manure, etc. through direct combustion in low-efficiency stoves.

Article 17 The state encourages units and individuals to install and use solar water heating systems, solar heating and cooling systems, solar photovoltaic power generation systems and other solar energy utilization systems. The construction administrative department of the State Council shall, together with relevant departments of the State Council, formulate technical and economic policies and technical specifications for the integration of solar energy utilization systems into buildings. Real estate development enterprises shall provide necessary conditions for the utilization of solar energy in the design and construction of buildings in accordance with the technical specifications stipulated in the preceding paragraph. For completed buildings, residents may install solar energy utilization systems that comply with technical specifications and product standards without affecting their quality and safety; however, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

"Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Photovoltaic Industry"

3. Actively develop the photovoltaic application market

(1) Vigorously develop the distributed photovoltaic power generation market. Encourage all types of power users to build distributed photovoltaic power generation systems in the manner of "spontaneous self-use, grid adjustment and grid regulation". Priority will be given to supporting the construction of large-scale distributed photovoltaic power generation systems in industrial and commercial enterprises and industrial parks with high electricity prices. Support the promotion of small distributed photovoltaic power generation systems in schools, hospitals, party and government agencies, public institutions, residential community buildings and structures, etc. Make full use of solar energy in the process of urbanization development, strengthen the application of photovoltaic power generation in combination with building energy conservation, promote the construction of integrated photovoltaic buildings, and support the application of photovoltaic power generation in the construction of new rural areas. Relying on new energy demonstration cities, green energy demonstration counties, and renewable energy building application demonstration cities (counties), we will expand the application of distributed photovoltaic power generation and build 100 large-scale application demonstration areas for distributed photovoltaic power generation and 1,000 photovoltaic power generation application demonstration towns. and model villages. Carry out the construction of new energy smart microgrid pilot and demonstration projects that are suitable for the operating characteristics and large-scale application of distributed photovoltaic power generation, explore the corresponding power management system and operating mechanism, and form a new system of construction, operation and consumption that adapts to the development of distributed photovoltaic power generation. Support remote areas and islands to use photovoltaic power generation to solve the problem of no electricity and power shortage. Encourage street lighting in citiesPromote distributed photovoltaic power in areas such as , urban landscape, communication base stations, and traffic lights.

(2) Promote the construction of photovoltaic power stations in an orderly manner. In accordance with the overall idea of ​​"reasonable layout, nearby access, local consumption, and orderly advancement", based on the needs of local power market development and energy structure adjustment, and on the premise of implementing market consumption conditions, various types of photovoltaic projects will be promoted in an orderly manner. Power station construction. Encourage the use of existing power grid facilities to build photovoltaic power stations in a multi-energy complementary manner. Coordinate the planning and construction of photovoltaic power stations and supporting power grids to ensure timely grid connection and efficient utilization of photovoltaic power generation.

(3) Consolidate and expand international markets. Actively and appropriately respond to international trade frictions and promote the establishment of a fair and reasonable international trade order. Strengthen dialogue and consultation, promote global industrial cooperation, and standardize the import and export order of photovoltaic products. Encourage photovoltaic companies to innovate international trade methods, optimize the distribution of manufacturing origins, and carry out investment and production cooperation abroad. Encourage enterprises to implement the "bringing in" and "going out" strategies, gather global innovation resources, and promote the international development of photovoltaic enterprises.

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