What effect does wind have on us?

Introduction What effect does wind have on us? 1. Wind energy promotes the exchange of dry, cold and warm and moist air. Wind is a natural energy source. A long time ago, humans learned to make windmills and use the wind to blow them.

What effect does wind have on us?

1. Wind energy promotes the exchange of dry, cold and warm and moist air. Wind is a natural energy source. A long time ago, humans learned to make windmills and use wind power to blow them to pump water and process food. Now people still use Windmills to generate electricity.

2. The sailing boat is also driven by the wind. Wind plays many roles in daily life, but it also often brings disasters to humans. Storms, typhoons, and hurricanes can flood farmland, collapse houses, and interrupt water and electricity. Tornadoes can cause cars, people, houses, etc. to disappear without a trace.

3. Wind can mix and balance a wide range of heat and water vapor, adjust the temperature and humidity of the air; it can send clouds and rain to distant places, completing the water cycle on the earth.

4. Wind can also have a negative effect on agriculture. It can spread pathogens and spread plant diseases. High-altitude winds are the meteorological conditions for pests such as armyworms, rice planthoppers, rice leaf rollers, and migratory locusts to migrate over long distances. Strong winds can cause mechanical scratches on leaves, lodging of crops, broken trees, and falling flowers and fruits, thus affecting yields. Strong winds also cause soil erosion, sand dune movement, and damage to farmland.

5. Blind reclamation in arid areas will cause land desertification due to wind. Strong winds and snowstorms in pastoral areas can disperse livestock herds and aggravate freezing damage. Certain special characteristics of local winds often cause wind damage.

The salty tidal wind blowing from the sea, the high-temperature and low-temperature foehn winds and the hot and dry winds all seriously affect the flowering and fruit setting of fruit trees and the filling of cereal crops. To prevent wind damage, wind-resistant varieties that are dwarf, lodging-resistant, and friction-resistant are often cultivated. Building windbreaks and setting up wind barriers are even more effective ways to prevent wind.

What good and bad things can the wind do

The functions of wind include the following:

1. Natural energy allows for the exchange of warm and cold air. Wind is now used to pump water and process food, and windmills can also be used to generate electricity.

2. It can complete the water cycle on the earth, mix and balance heat and water vapor, and regulate temperature and humidity.

3. Wind transports and exchanges energy in the air, which can promote the growth of crops.

4. Wind can spread plant pollen and seeds, helping plants to pollinate and reproduce.

Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by air movement, which is caused by solar radiation heat. Sunlight shines on the surface of the earth, causing the surface temperature to rise. The air on the surface expands due to heat and becomes lighter and rises. After the hot air rises, low-temperature cold air flows in laterally. The rising air gradually cools and becomes heavier and falls. The higher surface temperature heats the air and causes it to rise. This flow of air creates wind.

What things can wind do for people?

Good things:

1. Wind can spread plant pollen and seeds, and help plants pollinate and reproduce. For example, the most common example is that dandelion seeds are spread by wind.

2. Wind energy is a widely distributed and inexhaustible energy source.Using wind energy to generate electricity reduces the use of fossil energy and protects the environment.

3. Wind plays an important role in improving farmland environment in agriculture. The flow of air forms wind, which transports and exchanges carbon dioxide, oxygen, heat, etc. in the air, creating conditions for the growth of crops.

Bad things:

1. Spread pathogens and spread plant diseases. High-altitude winds are the meteorological conditions for pests such as armyworms, rice planthoppers, rice leaf rollers, and migratory locusts to migrate over long distances.

2. Strong winds can cause mechanical scratches on leaves, lodging of crops, broken trees, and falling flowers and fruits, thus affecting yields.

3. Strong winds also cause soil erosion, sand dune movement, and damage farmland. Blind reclamation in arid areas will cause land desertification due to wind. Strong winds and snowstorms in pastoral areas can disperse livestock herds and aggravate freezing damage.

4. Winds sometimes cause a small number of casualties and missing persons, but also mainly damage houses, vehicles, ships, trees, crops, communication facilities, and power facilities.

Extended information:

< p>Types of wind:

1. Gust: When the flow speed of the air is high and low, the wind will become suddenly strong and sometimes small, and it will feel like gusts of wind blowing on the human body. It is the gust recognized in life.

2. Cyclone: ​​The air carries dust flying in the air to form a vortex.

3. Foehn wind: When the air crosses the ridge, a warm (or hot) and dry wind tends to occur on the leeward slope due to the sinking of the air.

4. Typhoon: an atmospheric vortex that occurs in the tropical ocean, so it is also called a tropical cyclone.

5. Monsoon: As the seasons change, the prevailing wind direction changes regularly. In winter, air flows from high-pressure land to low-pressure sea, which is called winter monsoon; in summer, wind blows from sea to land, called summer monsoon.

6. Trade winds: In the lower atmosphere, persistent winds blowing from the subtropical high pressure to the equatorial region over a wide area. In the Northern Hemisphere, the prevailing trade wind wind is from the northeast; in the Southern Hemisphere, it is from the southeast. Trade winds are characterized by their high regularity, blowing in one direction with almost constant force throughout the year.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Wind

Wind can help people do the following things:

1. Make food: Wind can accelerate water loss , such as air-dried meat, air-dried fruit pulp, etc. Xinjiang raisins are a typical dried food.

2. Blow dry clothes: Wind can accelerate the evaporation of water on clothes, speed up water loss, and make clothes dry faster.

3. Wind energy generation and irrigation: The wind can drive the windmill blades to rotate, and then increase the speed of rotation through the speed increaser to prompt the generator to generate electricity. Wind power is pollution-free, clean energy, and renewable. Ancient people also used windmills to water crops.

4. Help fruit trees and crops to bloom and bear fruit: Wind can blow away pollen, fertilizing fruit trees and crops to bloom and bear fruit.

5. Power-assisted sailing ship: In ancient times, ships without a power system relied on wind energy to move, which greatly reduced the voyage time.

6. The wind will blow away the dark clouds and haze: When the dark clouds block the sun, it is the wind that drives them away, allowing the sun to shine on the earth again. When pollution is serious in winter, it can blow away the smog.

7. In the hot summer, the wind brings us coolness and drives away mosquitoes and flies.

8. Bring rainfall: Wind can blow clouds, promote the exchange of dry, cold and warm and moist air, and adjust the temperature and humidity of the air. This is what the ancients said: "The clouds turn into rain, and the dew turns into frost." Wind can send clouds and rain to distant places, completing the water cycle on the earth. In summer, warm and moist air blowing from the ocean brings abundant rainfall.

Extended information:

Wind is also a "double-edged sword". It can both Helping people will have a negative impact on people's lives.

It can spread pathogens and spread plant diseases; high-altitude winds are the meteorological conditions for locusts and other pests to migrate long distances; strong winds can cause mechanical scratches on leaves, lodging of crops, broken trees, and falling flowers and fruits, affecting yields. ; Strong winds also cause soil erosion, sand dune movement, and damage to farmland. In addition, wind has greater dangers. Blind reclamation in arid areas will lead to land desertification; strong winds and snowstorms in pastoral areas can scatter livestock and aggravate frost damage; some special properties of local winds often cause wind damage; salt-laden wind blowing from the sea Sea tidal winds, high-temperature and low-temperature foehn winds, and hot and dry winds all seriously affect the flowering and fruit setting of fruit trees and the grain filling of cereal crops.

In order to reduce the damage caused by wind, some measures can be taken to prevent wind damage. For example, wind-resistant varieties that are dwarf, lodging-resistant, and friction-resistant are often cultivated. In addition, building windbreaks and setting up wind barriers are even more effective methods of wind protection.

Baidu Encyclopedia--Wind

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