For the best travel routes in Inner Mongolia, you can choose these 14 treasure hunting routes

Introduction For the best travel routes in Inner Mongolia, you can choose from these 14 treasure hunting routes. When it comes to Inner Mongolia, many people may have the impression of grasslands and deserts, but in fact the scenery here is really beautiful. real

For the best travel routes in Inner Mongolia, you can choose these 14 treasure hunting routes

Speaking of Inner Mongolia, many people may have the impression of grasslands and deserts, but in fact the scenery here is really beautiful. Really, who knows? If you want to travel around Inner Mongolia, there must be some tourist routes. Today, the editor will recommend 14 travel routes throughout Inner Mongolia for you!

1. Xing'an Rhododendron Red Ecological Culture Vacation Trip

Specific lines:

Tongliao - Tongliao Daqinggou National Nature Reserve - May Day, Ulanhot City Venue - Aershan - Chaihe Tourist Area - Aershan Sea Sacred Spring Tourist Resort - Manzhouli City Sino-Russian Border Tourist Area - Mozhgrad River - World Anti-Fascist War Hailar Memorial Park - Zhalantun Dujuan Slope

Core attractions:

Tongliao: Tongliao Daqinggou National Nature Reserve

Ulanhot City: May 1st Meeting Site, Aershan Chaihe Tourist Scenic Area, Aershan Sea Sacred Spring Tourist Resort

Manzhouli City: Sino-Russian Border Tourist Area

Hulunbuir: World Anti-Fascist War Hailar Memorial Park


Starting from Tongliao City, along Horqin's 500-kilometer scenic avenue, you can enjoy the vast yellow sand and vast grasslands all the way to Daqinggou, which is known as the "Sacred Valley of the Grassland, Northern Rainforest, Natural Oxygen Bar, and Desert Oasis".

Visit the site of the May Day Conference in Ulanhot and experience the red culture and history of the Xing’an League grassland;

Go to the Aershan National Forest Park, participate in the Aershan Xing’an Rhododendron Festival, stroll through the stone pond forest, and enjoy the Various Rhododendrons.

At Haishenquan Tourist Resort, you can enjoy the natural hot springs.

Walking around Manzhouli and feeling the style of the border cities between China, Russia and Mongolia;

Under the white clouds, the endless Hulunbuir grassland is pure and beautiful. "The No. 1 Song in the World" written by Teacher Lao She, the Mozigrad River winds along it, painting at dusk, and composing poems in all seasons;

Go to Zhalantun Rhododendron Slope, climb mountains, enjoy flowers, and take photos. Travel through the sea of ​​rhododendrons all over the mountains and plains.

2. A geological and cultural exploration tour of the grassland and sea of ​​flowers

Specific lines:

Ulanqab City-Huitengxile Huanghuagou Grassland Tourist Area-China Ma Du Core Cultural Ecological Tourism Area - Jinlianchuan Grassland - Dali Lake Tourist Area - Ashatu Stone Forest Scenic Area - Yulong Husha Lake

Core Attractions:

Ulanqab City: Phaeton Xile Huanghuagou Grassland Tourism Area

Xilingol League: Cultural and Ecological Tourism Area in the Core Area of ​​Madu, China

Chifeng City: Dali Lake Tourist Area, Asatu Stone Forest Scenic Area, Yulong Husha Lake .


In Huitengxile Grassland in Ulanqab, see various flowers such as yellow flowers, flax, lilies, colorful carnations, etc., blooming in the sea. Thousands of majestic wind turbines stand in the wild;

Arrived in Xilinhot, the horse capital of China, to watch exciting equestrian events in the core area of ​​the capital and experience authentic equestrian sports;

Wandering in the Golden LotusSichuan grassland, admiring the sea of ​​nasturtiums on the vast grassland;

The vitality of Marvel's spring is melting, and Chinese larvae migrate to Dali Lake in Chifeng to taste delicious fish;

Explore the first The glacial relics of the Fourth Age - the wonders of the Heshiketeng Stonehenge;

Tracing back to Jade Dragon Husha, we can see the mystery of the Hongshan Culture of the Neolithic Age.

3. Hohhot-Baotou Ecological Tourism Line

Specific lines:

Hohhot-Inner Mongolia Museum-Chilechuan Grassland Cultural Tourism Area-Colorful Land Tourism Area- Xiangshawan Tourist Area-Genghis Khan Mausoleum Tourist Area-Ordos City (Kangbashi)

Core Attractions:

Hohhot: Inner Mongolia Museum, Chilechuan Grassland Cultural Tourism Area

Baotou City: Colorful Land Tourism Resort

Ordos City: Xiangshawan Tourist Area, Genghis Khan Mausoleum Tourist Area.


Visit the Inner Mongolia Museum in Hohhot and admire Attila's cultural relics, such as the golden crown, jade pig dragon, Xu Jijiang bronze gui, etc. And enjoy the past and the new in spring;

In the "West Lake Beyond the Great Wall" Chilechuan Grassland Cultural Tourism Area, you will encounter spring grasslands, fish feasts, and hot springs;

< p>Go to the Colorful Land Scenic Area in Tumed Right Banner, Baotou City, and watch five million tulips bloom into the sea;

In Ordos Xiangsha Bay in spring, take a small train to the four major sand islands to visit the sand sculpture tribe. Watch a wedding in Ordos and experience thrilling sand entertainment such as desert off-road vehicles, aerial cableways, and sand fun football.

At Genghis Khan’s Mausoleum, trace the touching stories of the people who guarded the tomb in Dalhut.

Appreciate the night view of Kangbashi. Kangbashi is brilliant and dreamlike.

4. Western Desert Leisure and Cultural Tourism Route

Specific Route:

Bayannur City-Yellow River Sansheng National Water Conservancy Scenic Area-Nalin Lake Ecotourism District-Jinshawan Ecological Tourism Zone-Wuhai Lake Leisure Resort-Alxa Zuoqi Tengger Desert Moon Lake Scenic Area-Ejina Banner Juyanhai Scenic Area

Core Attractions:

Bayannur City: Sansheng Yellow River National Water Conservancy Scenic Area and Nalin Lake Ecological Tourism Area.

Wuhai City: Jinshawan Ecological Tourism Scenic Area and Wuhai Lake Leisure Resort.

Alxa League: Alxa League Zuoqi Tengger Desert Moon Lake Scenic Area and Ejina Banner Juyan Sea Scenic Area.


In Bayannaoer Yellow River Sansheng Public Water Conservancy Scenic Area, learn about the culture of the Loop and appreciate the majestic hub project and river scenery;

《我In the song "Waiting for You in Nalin Lake", the lake is green, covered with reeds, gathered with rare birds and shallow with fish.

At Wuhai Jinsha Bay, enjoy the desert scenery and experience the thrilling desert entertainment in the vast sea of ​​sand;

Go boating on Wuhai Lake, under the blue sky and white clouds, fish and birds swim in the water. The clear sand and reed marshes in the water show a picture that combines the beauty of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River and the magnificence of the desert in the north.A magnificent picture of the body.

Go to Alxa, Moon Lake, and Tengrida to see Moon Lake in the name of "Millennium Lake Outline, Medicinal Bath Lake, and Black Beach".

When migratory birds return to the north, they stop at Juyanhai to enjoy the magnificent scenery of "the sunset and loneliness fly together, and the autumn water and the sky are the same color".

5. Hulunbuir 2-day ecological and historical understanding tour

Mozhgrad River-Zhalantun Dujuan Slope-Wojin Ecological Science and Technology Park-Suspension Bridge Park-Middle East Railway Museum



Grass, neighing horses, step into the Hulunbuir grassland, and enjoy the picturesque scenery along the Mozhgrad River;

Go to Zhalantun Cuiping Mountain to see the azaleas Slopes, climb mountains, enjoy flowers, take photos, and shuttle among the sea of ​​azaleas all over the mountains and plains;

Go to Wojin Ecological Science and Technology Park to experience strawberry picking and taste Northeastern specialty farm dishes;

At the suspension bridge The park traces the century-old suspension bridge built in the Russian period;

Visit the Middle East Railway Museum, the only railway-themed museum in China.

6. Aershan 2-day Forest Flower Sea Hiking Tour

——Aershan-Chaihe Tourist Scenic Spot Haishenquan Tourist Resort


Experience the Aershan Xing'an Rhododendron Festival in the Aershan National Forest Park, hike through the Shitang Forest Sea, the Rhododendron Sea, Tuofengling Tianchi, Santan Gorge, and enjoy various azaleas.

Haishengquan Tourist Resort is actively infiltrating natural hot springs.

7. Tongliao 2-day Secret Apricot Scent Wild Tour

Tongliao City Naiman Banner Mengjia Section Wetland Tourist Area - Daqinggou Apricot Blossom Festival in Kezuohou Banner



In the Mengjia section of Naiman Banner, you can see the vast desert reservoirs and wetlands with rich water and grass. Thousands of birds fly in flocks in spring, and thousands of acres are clear in midsummer.

In the Daqinggou Tourist Area of ​​Kezuohou Banner, participate in the Daqinggou Apricot Blossom Culture and Art Festival and linger in the charming sea of ​​apricots;

Experience grass skiing and grass skating in Qinggou Various entertainment activities include horse riding in sand and apricot groves, bluffing, offering sacrifices to Aobao, wetland bird watching, and canyon rafting.

8. Chifeng 3-day Flower Sea Traceability Tour

Haraqin Banner Rapeseed Flowers-Yulong Husha Tourist Area-Dali Lake Tourist Area-Ashatu Stone Forest Scenic Area



Appreciate the ten thousand acres of rapeseed flower sea in Haraqin Banner;

Tracing back to Jade Dragon Husha, we can see the mystery of Hongshan Culture in the Neolithic Age.

Head north to Dali Lake, China’s Swan Lake, and marvel at the wonders of the Ashatu Stone Forest, a relic of the Quaternary glaciers.

9. 2-day grassland flower party trip to Xilin Gol

The core cultural and ecological tourism area of ​​China’s Madu City - the Yumayuan Tourist Scenic Area of ​​Taipusi Banner of Xilingol League - Jinlianchuan Grassland


Go to Xilinhot, China’s horse capital, to learn about the cultural ecology of the core area of ​​China’s horse capital;

Enjoy and participate in horse racing, wrestling, archery, and Horse Bridle, Bonfire Party, Little Naadam, UlanQi Muxiu and other activities;

Wander in Jinlianchuan Grassland and admire the sea of ​​nasturtiums on the vast grassland; Gaiula Grassland Huosigula Ranch, enjoy the peonies known as the Flower Gods blooming in the Peony Valley Scenic Area. On the grassland, use your camera to capture thousands of acres of wild peonies.

10. 2-day Spring Food Tour in Ulanqab

Huitengxile Huanghuagou Grassland Tourist Area-Zhuozi Mountain-Chaer Lake Tourist Area


Depart from Jining, Ulanqab, and go to Huanghuagou to see all kinds of flowers, including yellow flowers, flax, lilies, and colorful carnations, blooming in the sea, with thousands of cars in full bloom. The majestic wind turbines stand

11. Hohhot + Baotou 2-day ecological and cultural tour

Inner Mongolia Museum-Chilechuan Grassland Cultural Tourism Zone-Tumutyou, Baotou City Flag Colorful Land


Visit the Inner Mongolia Museum and admire the sacrificial cultural relics such as Attila's Golden Crown, Yu Shulong, and Xu Jijiang's Bronze Basket. And enjoy the past and the new in spring;

"West Lake outside the Great Wall" Hasuhai-Chilechuan Grassland Cultural Tourism Area, meet grassland tribes here in spring, enjoy a fish feast and soak in hot springs;


At the Colorful Land Scenic Area in Tumed Right Banner, Baotou City, watch five million tulips bloom into the sea.

12. 2-day bird watching trip to Hetao in Bayannur >


Watching birds in Wuliangsuhai Lake area and experiencing the wild nature at close range;

Seeing the pastoral scenery and tasting farm food in Gongtian Village, Wulateqian Banner;

Inspection of irrigation technology in the Hetao area of ​​the Yellow River Sansheng Water Supply Scenic Area.

13. Ordos + Wuhai 3-day Malan Flower Festival Tour

Xiangshawan Tourist Area-Jinshawan Ecological Tourist Area-Zhuozi Mountain Rock Painting-Etuoke Qianqi Horse Orchid Grassland


In Ordos Xiangsha Bay in spring, take a small train to the four major sand islands, visit the sand sculpture tribe, watch the Ordos wedding, experience desert off-road vehicles, aerial cableways, Sand fun football and other thrilling sand entertainment.

Go to Jinshawan Eco-tourism Area, taste authentic Mongolian food in the scattered yurts, visit the sand sea at night, watch sand sculptures, participate in bonfire parties, and watch Ordos weddings with unique charm and ethnic customs;


Watch Table Mountain rock paintings, the oldest art creation of mankind, with a history of 6,000 years;

Participate in the grand Malan Flower Festival in Eqian Banner, the hometown of Malan Flowers, and go on a family trip to experience Malan Flowers Themed carnival activities; enjoy various natural and cultural landscapes such as canyons, ancient Great Wall, deserts, grasslands, rivers, lakes, etc. There are Malan flowers scattered there.

14. Alxa 2-day Desert Flowers Tour

Tengger Desert Swan Lake Tourist Area - Tengger Desert Moon Lake Scenic Area - Zuoqi Alxa Shuangjing Tan Malan Lake


Go to the Swan Lake in the Tengger Desert. The golden sea of ​​sand is dotted with countless tranquil desert lakes. Migratory birds have returned to their habitat, and humans and nature have regained their harmonious coexistence.

Go to the Tengger Moon Lake Eco-adventure Holiday Camp and enjoy the sea of ​​sand;

Wander on the edge of the Badain Jaran Desert, visit the Malan Lake in Zangyang Gyatso where Malan seeds are buried, and appreciate the recent The magnificent scenery of the 50,000-acre blue Malan "desert flower sea"; to the east of Malan Lake, the golden sea of ​​holly flowers is in full bloom.

Participate in the Malanhua Eco-Cultural Tourism Festival and experience horse racing, camel racing, wrestling, folk song contests, desert surfing, bonfire parties and other entertainment events at the event.

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