Homemade windmill handmade process

Introduction The process of making a homemade windmill is as follows: 1. Take a piece of cardboard and fold it in half diagonally. 2. Use scissors to cut in half along the crease. 3. Whichever

Homemade windmill handmade process

The process of making a homemade windmill is as follows:

1. Take a piece of cardboard and fold it in half diagonally.

2. Use scissors to cut in half along the crease.

3. Take one corner and carefully fold it in half towards the inner center point, and do the same for the other sides.

4. Pay attention to the gaps in between.

5. Fix it with a nail.

6. Then make a support to the east and west.

The cultural significance of windmills is as follows:

Windmills are not only a scenery, but also a spiritual symbol and a totem. As a saying spread in Europe: "God created man, and Dutch windmills created the land." The windmill symbolizes the national culture of the Netherlands, people's love for the sky, and fairy tale happiness. Windmills can be seen everywhere in Spain. Although today's windmills have lost their original functions, they symbolize the past of Spanish agriculture.

The windmills built on the windy mountainous land are symbols of agricultural prosperity. With the output of bags of flour, figures of light appear. However, with the advent of the industrial age, windmills and mills also gradually declined. In a short story, a persistent miller said: "These machines are wheat-eating devils!" This also symbolizes the decline of an era.

The explanation of windmill is as follows:

Windmills are power machines that do not require fuel and use wind as energy. Early wind turbines were also called windmills. Modern wind turbines mostly refer to wind turbines used for power generation, and are also used to lift water for irrigation.

Hand-made process of a small weather station

1. Does anyone know of any simple small-scale productions with physics knowledge?

Small hole imaging (Simple materials and production)

?Materials: two paper tubes (stacked), translucent plastic paper, and a piece of paper with a pinhole in the middle.

?Method: Install a small hole imaging paper at the front end of the outer cylinder, and insert a translucent plastic paper (as a screen) into the window of the inner cylinder. Aim the small hole at the scenery under the sun or light, then adjust the inner tube, and you can observe the clear, reduced, and inverted colorful scenery on the screen.

Three-color board? Production method: Apply the three colors of red, green and blue equally in three equal arcs on a round piece of paper with a radius of about 10 cm (the three colors are divided into three equal arcs) (to fill a circle), cut a slightly larger round cardboard, and paste the three-color round paper pieces on this cardboard. ?How to use: Shake the big wheel by hand, the big wheel drives the small wheel, and the small wheel drives the three-color plate to rotate. When the three-color plate rotates very fast, the three-color plate on the disk turns white.

2. Simple small physics production

Original publisher: lxh550376534

Simple junior high school physics production 1. Tumbler equipment: commonly used eggs, glue, some heavy materials Some items and decorative items. Preparation: Make a hole in the pointed end of the eggUse a straw or any other method to remove the egg white and yolk through a small hole to form a more complete egg shell. Put a small weight into the egg, fix it at the bottom with glue, and decorate the outside of the egg with decorations or paint as you like. Operation and phenomenon: Press it down from left to right, but still stubbornly returns to the upright state. Explanation of the principle: The tumbler will not fall over. On the one hand, its structure is light and heavy, and its center of gravity is very low. In addition, when it tilts to one side, the center of gravity and the contact point on the table are not on the same vertical line, and the gravity will cause it to fall over. Swing back to the original position. From the perspective of the lever principle, when the tumbler falls, no matter where the fulcrum is, although the moment arm of gravity is shorter, the moment = force * moment arm. If there is a moment, the tumbler will still return to its original position. Also, the bottom is round and has low friction, making it easier for the tumbler to return to its original position. The roly-poly spirit: As a human being, you should also lower your "center of gravity". Only when you encounter "external forces" can you be strong and "not fall"! 2. Purpose of making a small steelyard. To exercise hands-on ability. 2. To deepen the understanding of the principle of levers. Materials: Prepare rods, hooks/hanging plates, handles, and weights (any objects with slightly larger mass can be used). Production methods. Make one with zero mark. For a 40 cm long steelyard, drill two small holes 1 cm and 6 cm near the thick end. Secure piercing nails in the holes. Bend a hook with thick wire as a scale hook and hang it on the first nail/or use a hanging plate to hang on the nail; tie a thicker wire to the second nail as a tie. Then use a thin wire to hang a weight of 0.25 kg. Lift the handle, hang the scale weight on the scale beam, and move the hanging position until the scale is balanced. At this time, the position where the scale weight is hung is carved on the inside of the scale beam. This position is the fixing star and the zero point of the scale. The marked scale sets the mass as 0.5 kilogram, 1 kilogram, and 1

3. Super simple physics production

Wind power generation.

Materials: 1 small electric fan with propeller

1N4148 diode.

Two Nanfu charging trams.

Disconnect the positive and negative wires of the battery clip of the small electric fan with a propeller and place it outdoors in a windy place to allow it to rotate in the wind. At this time, use a multimeter to measure the two wires connected to the motor and find out. Positive and negative poles.

Add a diode to the positive terminal, and connect the black ring terminal to the positive terminal. The other end is connected to the positive terminal of the Nanfu battery clip.

Just connect the negative electrode to the negative electrode of Nanfu battery.

This forms a wind power generation system. You can use wind power to generate electricity from dead rechargeable batteries.

4. Asking for an extremely simple little physics production for the second grade of junior high school

Tumbler Equipment: Commonly used eggs, glue, some heavy objects and some decorative items.

Preparation: Make a small hole at the tip of the egg, use a straw or any other method to remove the egg white and yolk to form a more complete egg shell. Put a small weight into the egg, fix it at the bottom with glue, and decorate the outside of the egg with decorations or paint as you like.

Operation and phenomenon: Overwhelm it left and right, but still tenaciousreturn to the upright position. Explanation of the principle: The tumbler will not fall over, on the one hand, because its structure is light on the top and heavy on the bottom, and its center of gravity is very low; in addition, when it tilts to one side, the center of gravity and the contact point on the tabletop are not on the same plumb line, and gravity will cause it to fall over. Swing back to the original position. From the perspective of the lever principle, when the tumbler falls, no matter where the fulcrum is, although the moment arm of gravity is shorter, the moment = force * moment arm. If there is a moment, the tumbler will still return to its original position.

In addition, the bottom is round and the friction is small, making it easier for the tumbler to return to its original position. The roly-poly spirit: As a human being, you should also lower your "center of gravity". Only when you encounter "external forces" can you be strong and "not fall"! Purpose of making a small steelyard: 1. Exercise hands-on ability 2. Deepen the understanding of the principle of levers. Materials: prepare rods, hooks/hanging plates, handles, weights (any objects with slightly larger mass are acceptable). Production method: Make a long rod with zero mark. For a 40cm steelyard, drill two small holes 1cm and 6cm away from the thick end.

Secure the pegs in the holes. Bend a hook with thick wire as a scale hook and hang it on the first nail/or use a hanging plate to hang on the nail; tie a thicker wire to the second nail as a tie.

Then use a thin wire to hang a weight of 0.25 kg. Lift the handle, hang the scale weight on the scale beam, and move the hanging position until the scale is balanced.

At this time, the position where the scale weight is hung is carved on the inside of the scale beam. This position is the fixing star and the zero point of the scale. Mark the scale. Hang objects with masses of 0.5 kg, 1 kg, and 1.5 kg on the scale hooks respectively. Adjust the position of the scale weight so that the position of the steelyard balance weight is at the 0.5 kg, 1 kg, and 1.5 kg scale of the scale. These few The distance between the scales is uniform.

According to this rule, you can find the positions of the 2 kilogram, 2.5 kilogram and other scales on the scale beam, divide the distance between each 0.5 kilogram scale into 10 equal parts, and the distance between each part represents 0.05 kilogram. To expand the measuring range, in order to increase the weighing range of the steelyard, you can install another button (called the second group). The position of the second button should be closer to the scale hook. Its position is determined as follows: between the first button and the scale hook Use a steel rope to tie a slip knot on the scale rod as the second button; hang a weight with the maximum weighing capacity of the first button (such as 2.5 kg) on ​​the scale hook, and lift the rope (the rope should be able to lift at least 5 kg of weight). Move the scale weight away from the rope until the scale rod is balanced; if this position is too far from the lifting rope, you can move the lifting rope position closer to the scale hook, and accordingly the position of the scale weight is also moved closer to the scale hook; find satisfaction After the position of the second button, write down these two positions, which are the position of the second button and the starting point of the second button (such as 2.5 kg). Drill holes at the position of the second button and install ∏-shaped nails and push buttons.

Follow the method in 2 to find the scale positions of 3 kg, 3.5 kg, 4 kg, 4.5 kg, 5 kg, etc., and further make scales every 0.1 kg apart. *Calibration accuracy After the steelyard scale is calibrated, it can be calibrated with a standard scale., to get the error range of the homemade steelyard.

Inertial demonstrator Material preparation: Shrapnel Base Bracket Thin sheet Heavy object Production process: Fix the shrapnel on the base, and observe the approximate vibration range after turning it. Choose a suitable position to install the bracket so that the top of the bracket is within the vibration range of the shrapnel and has a suitable impact force.

Fix the bracket and place sheets and heavy objects on the bracket from bottom to top. Operation and Phenomenon Place the heavy objects and thin slices in order.

I flipped the shrapnel to knock out the thin piece, and found that the heavy object could fall on the bracket without flying out with the thin piece. Explanation of the principle: After being hit, the sheet changes its state of motion sharply and flies out at high speed.

The heavy object has not been hit. Ignoring the frictional force of the thin plate on it, it is considered that the heavy object is not affected by force in the horizontal direction, so it does not change its motion state in the horizontal direction and will not move. After the sheet flew out, the heavy object fell to the support due to the gravity of the earth.

Ignoring the thickness of the sheet, the object can be considered to have no motion. Therefore, it can be said that the heavy object maintains its original state of motion and stops in place due to inertia.

Tips: In order to improve the success rate of the demonstration and make the phenomenon more obvious, you can refer to the following tips during the production process: * The elasticity of the shrapnel should be as good as possible. In this way, the friction time between the sheet and the object is short, and the horizontal micro-movement of the weight is reduced.

*The position between the shrapnel and the bracket must be carefully adjusted. If it is too far, the impact speed given by the shrapnel is not enough; if it is too close, it is necessary to prevent the shrapnel from hitting heavy objects or brackets.

*The contact surface between the weight and the shrapnel should be as smooth as possible. This can reduce friction and reduce the horizontal micro-movement of the weight.

*The support surface on the bracket should be appropriately wider. Taking into account the speed of the weight when it falls and the slight movement in the horizontal direction, if it is too narrow, the line of gravity of the weight may deviate from the support surface, causing the demonstration to fail.

Steam turbine equipment: iron can, thin tube, small flywheel, alcohol lamp, water. Production: Weld a thin tube to the tin can and cut a thin aluminum plate from the can to make a wheel with a diameter of about 5cm.

Fix the small wheel on the thick wire and set it up so that it can rotate around the frame. Fill the tin can with some water and use an alcohol lamp to heat the bottom of the tin can.

Operation and phenomenon: Light the alcohol lamp to heat the water in the iron can, the water boils, and the water vapor continuously spurts out from the nozzle, blowing the flywheel to rotate. Principle explanation: A steam turbine is a heat engine that converts internal energy into mechanical energy.

In the whole process, the energy involved is converted into: the chemical energy of alcohol is converted into the internal energy of water and water vapor through combustion. The high-temperature water vapor blows the flywheel to rotate, and the internal energy of the steam is converted into the internal energy of the flywheel. mechanical energy.

5. How to do simple physical crafts

A cup that can walk by itself

Thinking: How can a cup have no legs?How to walk down from above

Materials: a cup, candle, match, glass, two books, water


1. Use a piece of glass Board, soak it in water

2. Place one end of the glass on the table, and use a few books to cushion the other end (height is about 5 cm)

3. Take a glass Cup, dip the rim of the cup into some water, and place it upside down on the glass plate.

4. Use a lit candle to burn the bottom of the cup, and the glass will slowly move downward on its own.


When the candle flame reaches the bottom of the cup, the air in the cup gradually heats up and expands, trying to squeeze out. However, the mouth of the cup is upside down, and there is another layer of water that will The mouth of the cup is closed, and the hot air

cannot escape. You can only lift the cup up a little, and then it will slide down under its own weight.

Paper cup rotating light

Thinking: Why does the candle paper cup light rotate?

Materials: 2 paper cups, 1 toothpick, 1 candle, 1 roll of tape, 1 rope, 1 pair of scissors


1. Take a paper cup, cut a large square mouth at each symmetrical part of the cup body, and fix a candle on the bottom of the cup as the base of the lamp.

2. For another paper cup, cut three or four rectangular fan leaves at approximately equidistant positions on the cup body. Thread a rope in the center of the bottom of the cup and fix it with a toothpick stick to serve as the base of the lamp.

3. Tape the top and bottom of the two paper cups to fix them with tape.

4. Light the candle, pull up the rope, and see what happens.


1. When a candle burns, the tip of the flame mostly points upward.

2. The air will rise when heated, and then flow along the fan blades of the paper cup above, causing rotation.


Can you make the candle paper cup light rotate in the opposite direction?


Pay attention to the safety when burning candles!

The process of hand-making the wind vane of the small weather station is as follows:

First prepare a few pieces of cardboard, and then start rolling it from one corner. Roll into paper sticks.

Adhere with double-sided tape and cut off the top part.

Use the same method to roll the second piece of cardboard.

After completion, take the third piece of cardboard, fold it in half, use a pen to draw the shape that needs to be cut, and cut it.

After cutting out, stick it on the white paper stick.

Finally, combine the two paper sticks so that the weather vane is ready. ?

Explanation of wind vane:

A wind vane is an instrument used to determine the direction of the wind.

The weather vane is an asymmetrically shaped object with the center of gravity fixed in the verticalon axis. When the wind blows, the end that creates greater resistance to air flow will rotate with the wind, indicating the wind direction.

The metal weather vane consists of six parts: wind vane, wind wheel, tail fin, moving pole, main pole, and base. The main part is made of high-quality stainless steel; the fan blades are made of high-quality engineering plastics with strong corrosion resistance; the moving rod part is made of high-quality double stainless steel waterproof bearings, which have high sensitivity, low starting wind speed and durability.

Wind vanes are easy to install and transport, and are widely used in meteorological and chemical industries, mining areas, agricultural production, oil field exploration, wind power generation and other industries.

Structural function:

The shape of the wind vane can be divided into four parts: tail, balance weight, pointing rod, and rotation axis.

A weather vane is an asymmetrically shaped object with the center of gravity fixed on the vertical axis. When the wind blows, the end that creates greater resistance to air flow will rotate with the wind, indicating the wind direction.

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