Four-character words to describe scenery: wind and rain

Introduction Four-character words to describe the scenery. Wind and rain 1. About the four-character words to describe the scenery. The scenery is beautiful. Beautiful. Towering. Hundreds of flowers are blooming. The flowers are red and the willows are green.

Four-character words to describe scenery: wind and rain

1. Four-character words for describing scenery

Beautiful scenery

Breathtakingly beautiful


Hundreds of flowers bloom

Red flowers and green willows

The grass grows and the orioles fly

Colorful purples and reds

Lightning and thunder

Wind and rain

< p> Stormy weather

Hot summer

Bitter wind

Cold weather

Ice and snow

Pink makeup and jade puzzle

Beautiful scenery

Breathtakingly beautiful


Hundreds of flowers bloom

Red flowers and green willows

Grass grows and orioles fly

Colorful purples and reds

Lightning and thunder

Wind and rain

Raging storm

Hot summer

Bitter wind

Cold weather

Ice and snow

Pink makeup and jade puzzle

Autumn mountains are like washing, red leaves are all over the mountains, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the northern geese fly south, the yellow leaves are flying, the fruits are yellow and the leaves are falling, the drizzle, the misty rain, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the orioles are flying and the butterflies are dancing, the spring breeze is auspicious, the rainbow is in the sky, and the flowers are blooming in spring. , Autumn leaves are better than flowers,

In the ice and snow, the forest is like a sea of ​​silver, the flowers are withered, the ground is covered with silver flowers, the east is white, the sun rises in the east and the sun sets in the west,

Thousands of lights are on, Dusk falls, the sun sets, and smoke rises...

The scenery is picturesque.

2. Four-character words to describe scenery

1. To describe mountains:

Dangerous peaks stand, lofty mountains, clear water, beautiful cliffs, strange rocks, rugged peaks and towers

A hundred flowers bloom, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the wind is beautiful, the sun is bright, the flowers are full, the moon is full

The birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, the sunset is the western mountains, the exotic flowers are beautiful, the mountains are light and the water is beautiful

4. Describe the scene of the event:

Crowds of people, bustling with people, bustling with traffic

Bustling with dragons and tigers leaping about

5. Describe the sunny weather:

Windy, sunny, rainy, cloudless and sunny. Bright autumn and crisp air

6. Describing the harsh climate:

Wind and rain, heavy rain, flying sand and rocks

7. Describing the beautiful scenery of spring:

Spring is warm, flowers are blooming, spring breeze is raining, spring is returning to the earth, the spring scenery is bright, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant

Willows, flowers, red warblers are singing, swallows are dancing, birds are singing, everything is recovering, the ice and snow are melting, and a hundred flowers are blooming

8. Describing the beauty of summer:

The heat is overwhelming, the sun is scorching, and the back is sweating. The sun is like fire, and the trees are green

The sun is burning, and the sweat is pouring down. The hot air is steaming, and the sweat is pouring down.

The heat is unbearable

9 , describing the beautiful scenery of autumn:

The autumn air is high, the autumn wind blows through my ears, the autumn colors are pleasant, one leaf knows the autumn, the red maple greets the autumn wind, the maple forest is like fire, the golden wind brings refreshment, a golden autumn breeze blows, the autumn feeling is deep and the fragrance of autumn orchids

10. Describe the beautiful scenery of winter:

Ice and snow, nine cold days, snow-covered goose feathers, heavy snow and wind and snow

Heavy snowfall, cold ground, freezing cold wind, biting north wind The severe winter of March 9th

The proud snow and frost are whistling and the cold wind is whistling and dripping water turns into ice. The breath of the twelfth lunar month turns into frost

The sky is full of snow, the wind, snow and snowflakes are flying in the sky and the cold wind howls

3. Describe the scenery The four-character word

The sound of rain, the sound of rain, the rustle, the drizzle, the spring rain, the continuous rain, the sky is clear, the drizzle is silky, the spring rain is budding, the spring light is melting, the spring rain is continuous, the spring grass is luxuriant, the mountains are clear, the water is beautiful, the mountains are green, the lakes are beautiful, the mountain scenery is heavy, the ancient trees are towering, the ice and snow melt, the spring breeze sends The warm spring river is full of spring. The snow melts and the ice disappears. The east wind brings warmth and everything revives. All flowers bloom. Everything is renewed. The spring is warm in March and it is still cold. The wind is gentle and the sun is drizzling. Willows are green and the flowers are red. The weather is prosperous. Orioles are singing and swallows are dancing. The spring scenery is bright and spring flowers are autumn. The moon is spring blossoms. Autumn fruits are spring orchids and chrysanthemums. The spring light leaks, the spring light is an inch of grass, the earth is alone, the world is proud, the earth is rejuvenating, the spring flowers are in full bloom, the spring color is sultry, the spring garden is full of spring mountains, like laughter, spring is as deep as the sea, spring life, autumn kills, spring bamboo shoots are angry, spring frogs, autumn cicadas are blooming, red and green. Birds chirp, withered trees reveal the spring light in spring, two mandarins fight with wine, ask for flowers, willows, rain, wind, blades of grass, orioles fly after the rain, spring bamboo shoots have feet, sunny spring, dark fragrance, sparse shadows, cinnamon, fragrant orchid, hundreds of flowers blooming, spring cold, sharp materials, leaf size, tree size, spring breeze, pleasant spring breeze, leaf size, tree size, size. Out of the water, hibiscus destroys orchids and breaks jade. Flowers bloom like brocade. All the peaches and common plums are blooming in red and green. The wind blows and rains, the flowers snow and the moon float. The waves are full of spring. The spring breeze is blowing. Thousands of trees are vying for spring. The spring mountain is like Dai Dai. Spring water is full of spring water. The garden is full of spring scenery. Spring is warm. Flowers are blooming. In spring, the scenery is bright, birds are singing, flowers are growing, orioles are flying, hundreds of birds are singing, green trees are shading, and hundreds of flowers are blooming.

Colorful. Cui *** flow.

The mountains and rivers are clear and the scenery is beautiful. Thousands of purples and reds, red flowers and green willows, brilliant purples and reds, thousands of miles of green, green *** flowingGreen *** Drops are colorful and colorful, the wind is gentle, the sun is bright, the sun is scorching, the wind is drizzle, the clouds are thick, the sky is cloudless, the sky is cloudless, the storm is pouring, the rain is pouring, the sky is dim, the ground is dark, a thousand miles of green***, the mountains are green, the waves are rippling, green, the green grass is green, the grass is green, and the sky is cloudless. *** The green grass is flowing, and a hundred flowers are in full bloom. The flowers are blooming, and the flowers are in bud. The flowers are red, the willows are green, and they are colorful. The autumn water is traceless. The autumn air is clear. The sky is high, the clouds are light, the wind is bright, the wind is gentle, the rain is gentle, the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, and the weather is prosperous. Orioles are singing, swallows are dancing, spring is as deep as the sea, spring dew, autumn frost, and spring rivers. The spring breeze is like the singing of orioles and the whispering of swallows. The spring breeze is blowing. The spring buds are just blooming. The spring mountains are like black and the colorful butterflies are flying. The spring scenery is pleasant. The willows are blooming red and green. The spring seedlings are green and frosty. The leaves are intoxicating. The sky is cold and the ground is frozen. The east mountain is like sleeping. The jade trees and silver flowers are lush and green. The whole body is full of colorful poetry, flowing clouds, flowing water, pavilions, pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings. It is magnificent, magnificent and magnificent. The ancient colors are row upon row. The birds are chirping and the flowers are fragrant in front and behind. The Qin and Jin Dynasties are so bright. The sun is bright. The swallows sing and the orioles sound like a spring platform. Spring dreams are traceless. The sun is white and the snow is like sitting in the spring breeze. Spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums. Four seasons and eight seasons. Peach red willows. The green has feet, the spring swallows are singing, the orioles are singing, the autumn is high, the air is refreshing, the autumn chrysanthemums are proud of the frost, one leaf knows the autumn, the autumn wind is blowing, the autumn fruits are abundant, the green tiles are red, the wall is full of flowers, the flowers are colorful, the flowers are red, the willows are green, the clouds are misty, the clouds are misty, the clouds are misty, the rain is pouring, the wind and rain are gentle, the wind is drizzle, the mountains are high, the mountains are clear, the water is beautiful, the mountains are deep, the cliffs are steep, and the peaks are steep. The majestic mountains and plains are full of rivers and mountains, the picturesque peaks are stacked on top of each other, the towering peaks are majestic, the water is rushing, the waves are as horizontal as a mirror, the colors are colorful, a thousand miles of green ***, the flowing green water, green mountains, thousands of mountains, a dazzling array of green, the eyes are overwhelmed with beauty, rich and colorful, dazzling, grand view, the mountains and fields are dry, looking at the clouds for a long time. Dry weather brings sweet rain, thunder and lightning flashes, lightning flashes in the sky, thunder rolls on the ground, thunder rolls, spring thunder rolls, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, thunder bursts, spring thunder and lightning are like fire dragons, thunder and lightning are mixed, the sky is full of colorful clouds, the sun is shining, the sun is like fire, the sunset is red on the west mountain The sky is full of sunshine, the morning light is brilliant, the golden light is thousands of afterglow, the setting sun is cloudy, the rain is continuous, the drizzle is like silk, the sporadic light rain, the wind, the slanting wind, the drizzle, the storm, the rain, the heavy rain, the weeping cow, the drizzle, the apricot blossoms, the spring rain, and the sky is clear.

4. Four-character idioms describing wind and rain

Wind and rain come together, gentle breeze and drizzle, wind and rain in all directions, farewell to the wind and rain, stormy rain

The night rain in Bashan ends with the rain, the wind moves the clouds, the rain moves the rain, the clouds are thick Storm and rain

Wind and rain, spring breeze, rain, wind, rain, wind, rain, wind and rain

Spring breeze, summer rain, spring breeze, dew, dream, cloud, rain, moisten the rain, weep and rain< /p>

The clouds and rain in the Chu sky call the rain road clear, the spring rain is like oil, the heavy rain, the acid wind, the Chu rain, the Wu clouds

Chu Yun, Xiang rain, the bed, the wind and rain, the nightThe rain in the east turns into rain, the rain breaks and the remaining clouds

The heavy rain pours down, the bullets, the rain, the gun forest, the heavy rain, the wind and the rain

The windmill, the rain, the horse, the wind, the wind, the rain, the wind, the rain, the wind, the rain, and the rain. Hands are clouds, covering hands are rain

Clouds cover hands, rain winds, frost, rain and snow, winds and rains, favorable winds, drizzles, dark winds, rain scatters

Wind and rain are unpredictable, wind and rain do not change, wind and rain are impermeable, wind and rain are opposite to the bed Turning over the clouds and turning over the rain

Turning over the clouds and turning over the wind and rain, together in the boat, the wind and rain are dim, the wind and rain are dim, the wind and the rain are intermingling

The wind and rain are in the bed, the wind and rain are drifting, the wind and rain are swaying, the wind and rain are drifting, the wind and rain are drifting

Wind and rain The wind and rain are as miserable as the gloomy wind and the rain are like the rock, the wind and rain are like the wind and rain, and the wind and rain are like the wind and rain at times

The wind and rain are in the same boat, the wind and rain are depressed, the wind and rain are swinging, the wind and the rain are blowing

The strange rain is blind, the sweet rain is following the car, calling for the wind and the gentle rain. Sweat turns into rain

Sweat like rain, dry seedlings get rain, sweat like rain, rainbow sells rain, Ji Ji wind completes the rain

The wind is raining, the wind is raining, the wind is raining, the wind is raining, the wind is falling


Strong wind and heavy rain, long drought, sweet rain, strong rain, stormy wind, old rain, reunion of old rain, now rain

Today’s rain is new, old rain is new, new knowledge is known, violent storm, violent rain, withered seedlings looking at the rain

Bitter rain and miserable wind The wind is falling, the rain is falling, the wind is falling, the wind is falling, the rain is falling, the pear blossoms are raining with rain

The storm is full of wind and rain

Sentences that use time words to describe the wind

Good words to describe the pastoral scenery

The spring scenery is bright and full of vitality

Men plow the land and women weave the fertile soil, thousands of miles of paths intertwined

The smoke from cooking stoves curls up and the intensive cultivation meanders


Bamboos and trees are verdant, the grass is luxuriant, and the wheat waves are rolling

Surrounded by green mountains and dotted with mountains, surrounded by water

The life is quiet and peaceful amid the beautiful mountains and rivers

The Yangchang Trail The cows are fat, the horses are strong, the mountains are green and the water is green

The trees are tall, the forests are dense, the grass is everywhere, the land is sparsely populated

The grass is green and the flowers are blooming

A good sentence to describe the pastoral scenery

1. The small rivers are like blue ribbons wrapped around the endless green fields. In the distance, there are huts with simple shapes and harmonious colors, creating a beautiful and moving pastoral scenery!

2. Ancient windmills. The windmill leaves are like outstretched wings, rotating in the wind, forming a unique scenery with green grass and wild flowers, adding magical color to this fairy tale world!

3. Pairs of brightly colored, exquisite and gorgeous wooden shoes, symbolizing sweet love! And the gorgeous tulips have attracted countless lovers...

4. In the season of tulips, the smiles of charming and charming girls spread their fragrance like flowers...

5. By the quiet lake, Windmill, green grass, small house, so cozy

6. The tulip fields are blooming, fragrant, and the windmills are spinning! Is this a dream?

7. A tall building is also a kind of work of art, classical and elegant, like a rich paint painting!

8. There is green everywhere, and even the air smells of grass

9. The surroundings are green and stunning, and the windmills have stopped, intoxicated by the beautiful scenery...< /p>

10. There is also a thin river on the green grassland, exposed in the sun. From a distance, it looks like a shining silver necklace.

11. In the grassland after the rain, wild flowers are blooming, like a flower headscarf that has just been soaked in water, and even the dewdrops are colorful!

12. Looking from a distance, there are white clouds squirming on the grassland. It turns out that these are the sheep in the pasture. Each one is white, fat and cute, making the grassland more vibrant.

1. Sentences describing the wind

The warm spring breeze, like a mother's hand, gently caressed the little girl's face.

The breeze blows, and ripples appear on the lake.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, and in an instant, flying sand and rocks covered the sky and the earth.

The north wind howls, hitting people's faces as painful as needles.

The autumn wind is like a magical pen, painting the mountains and dense forests of Xing'an Mountains with gold, dark red, light pink, and mottled dark green.

The autumn wind blew rustlingly, dyeing the fields yellow and the maple leaves red, bringing a hint of coolness.

The breeze in May carries the fragrance of locust flowers on the roadside, gently blowing on the cheeks and hair of passers-by, blowing on people's minds, gently comforting them, like the hands of a loving mother.

The wind carries the white catkins floating in the clear sky, as if they are traveling freely.

Huh-huh-the strong wind roared like a mad lion, making bursts of deafening sounds.

The big tree was blown by the wind and shook its head in pain, whining.

The breeze that came in caressed the three of them like a caress. It was a soft, warm, calm breeze, a spring breeze saturated with the fragrant flowers and trees that grow on this coast.

The night was already very quiet, and a cool breeze blew in from the open window. The wind, carrying the moisture of dew and the fragrance of ripe wheat, blows on the hearts of farmers, which is sweeter than holding a piece of rock candy in your mouth!

Sentences to describe the wind

The strong wind blows the bow, and the general hunts the city of Wei. ——Wang Wei's "Watching and Hunting"

The first watch of the wind and the last watch of the snow shatter the heart of my hometown. Dreams cannot come true, and there is no such sound in my hometown (Nalan Xingde of the Qing Dynasty)

Last year Today, in this door, the human face and the peach blossoms reflect each other's red. I don't know where the human face is, but the peach blossoms still laugh at the spring breeze (Cui Hu of the Tang Dynasty)

It is JiangnanGood scenery, I will meet you again when the flowers are falling (Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty)

It is not in vain that the east wind blows away the tears of the guest (Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty)

The wind is blowing and the rain is misty, so I am Chen Tuan. Can't sleep (Yuan·Guan Hanqing)

The style is still patting on the shoulders of the ancients (Song·Huang Tingxian)

The sound of wind and rain and the sound of reading can be heard, and the family and state affairs are concerned about everything in the world (Ming· Gu Xiancheng)

The limelight is as sharp as a knife (Tang Dynasty, Cen Shen)

Reading books on the eaves, the ancient road shines with color (Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang)

Feng Yi At the last watch of the snow, my hometown dreams are broken, and there is no such sound in my hometown (Nalan Xingde of the Qing Dynasty)

The sky is blue, the fields are vast, and the grass is blown by the wind, and cattle and sheep can be seen. ——Northern Dynasties Yuefu folk song "Chile Song" The wind is cold and the heat is wet, the wind howls and the rain weeps, the wind is beautiful, the wind is beautiful, the wind is warm,

The wind is exciting, the wind is exciting, The wind is strong and the waves are high, the wind is gentle and the sun is warm, and the wind is horned by birds.

The wind is calm and the waves are calm, the wind is lifting the clouds, the wind is blowing the remaining snow, the wind is rolling the remaining clouds, the wind is shaking and the clouds are treacherous,

The wind is blowing, the wind is popping, the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, the wind is calm,

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, the wind is blowing, and the wind is blowing,


The wind is light and the sun is warm, the wind is light and the clouds are light, the wind is clear and the moon is white, the wind is clear and the moon is bright, the wind is clear and the moon is bright,

The wind is clear and the moon is bright, the wind is impermeable, and the wind is cool , the wind is calm and the waves are calm, the wind is calm and the moon is bright,

The wind is gentle and the waves are steady, the wind is blowing and the grass is following, the wind is blowing and the grass is dying, the wind is blowing and the rain is scattered, the wind is spinning and lightning,

The wind and snow are blowing , wind eaves inch sundial, wind eaves carved candles, wind and rain erosion, wind and rain accidents,

Wind and rain dim, wind and rain dim, wind and rain, wind and rain drift, wind and rain drift,

Wind and rain Desolate, windy and rainy, windy and rainy, windy and rainy, windy and cloudy,

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing and the rain is blowing, the wind is burning, the grass is dew, soaring upwards, soaring thousands of miles,

< p> Soaring upward, the wind is bright and the moon is bright, the corner of Guijiao is calm, the wind is biting, the wind is good and the rain is good,

The gentle breeze and drizzle, the sound of cranes and wind, the horizontal waves are suppressed, the horses are following the wind, and the tigers are roaring.

The dragon rises in the clouds, slowly carrying the light fur, waving its hands in the wind, the wind is gentle and gentle, and the wind in Jishan is full of rain.

The wind in Jishan, the violent storm and rain, the strong wind and strong grass, the strong wind and heavy rain , Swift wind and thunder,

Nine folded screens, fluttering trees, wind and dust, bleak wind and rain, bleak wind and cold rain,

Thousands of miles of the same wind, the sound of dust and drizzle The slanting wind, the rosy clouds and the moonlight, the wind and the waves,

the wind and the waves, like the plowing birds, the dawn wind and the waning moon, the smiling and proud wind and moon, the roaring wind and clouds,

slanting Wind and drizzle, making waves, bloody wind and rain, fierce wind and showers, wind and snow,

Snow beats the wind, bloody wind and bloody wind, smoked wind relieves surprise, smoked incense Xunling, Xunling clothes Fragrance,

Swift storm, thunderous wind,A strong wind, blowing sand and rocks, a river with wind and moon,

Smooth sailing, spring breeze of Yishui River, chanting the wind and making the moon, drinking the wind and dining with dew, holding the fog and turning the waves,

Describe the wind Good sentences to describe the wind Sentences to describe the idioms of the wind

2. What are the words that express time in the poem "Wind", and what are the words that express quantity

In the poem "Wind" by Li Qiao of the Tang Dynasty The words that express time are: autumn and February, and the words that express quantity are: three, two, thousand, ten thousand, and feet

Original text:

The three autumn leaves that fall can bloom two Moonflower.

Thousands of feet of waves cross the river, and thousands of bamboo poles slant into it.

Vernacular definition: It can blow off the golden leaves in autumn and open the beautiful flowers in spring. If it blows across the river, it can set up giant waves thousands of feet high; if it blows into the bamboo forest, it can make thousands of poles tilt.

Extended information

Article appreciation:

Three autumn leaves fall, and February flowers bloom. Thousands of feet of waves across the river, thousands of bamboo poles leaning into it. This is a short poem describing the wind. It is a dynamic interpretation and understanding of the wind.

Wind is invisible, and the flow of air forms wind. But it is tangible. A breeze passes by, the grass nods to people with a smile, the flowers sway in the wind, changing their ways to show their joy, and the smoke dances up to the sky with the rhythm of the wind, slender Willow branches caress the faces of visitors to the tree.

The wind also has its own thoughts and feelings. When it is happy, it is often accompanied by drizzle. When spring comes, the wind passes through thousands of beautiful mountains. The spring breeze in February is like scissors, and the spring breeze blows like a knife. The skirt of "Feitian" is being combed, the spring breeze wakes up the hibernating willow ribbons, brings flying swallows, the spring breeze blows green the thousands of ravines, the spring breeze awakens the youth of the grass, and sows it in people's hearts Full of spring feeling.

When it is angry, it will roll up the sky across the river, as Su Shi's "Red Cliff Nostalgia" proves: rocks pierce the air, violent waves crash on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow are rolled up. It caused a tsunami, uprooting towering trees, smashing cars into ditches with its palms, breaking trees into pieces with its sleeves, laughing wildly, looking with disdain at the people who were helpless against it, and treating itself as a battle line A car, and everything in the world is like a mantis' arms.

When it is sad, it will make a whimpering sound, which seems to be telling the sorrow and grievances in its heart, like a child crying, and you can't help but be moved by it.

The wind is magical, the wind is ever-changing, the wind is weak, and the wind is strong. Sensitive wind, sentimental wind, sad wind, wind in various shapes and forms, you are a friend of mankind, but you also bring endless disasters to mankind. Wind, you make people have to love you, and at the same time, you are also afraid of you.

Writing background:

The year this poem was written has not been confirmed. Some people think that Li Qiao, Su Weiwei and Du Shenyan visited Lufeng Mountain together in spring. The scenery on the mountain was beautiful and lush. When they reached the top of the mountain, a gust of breeze blew. Li Qiao became very interested in poetry and recited this poem casually.

3. Sentences describing the wind

The spring wind swept over the land of ***, leaving behind green grass all over the ground, swaying its slender waist in the spring breeze; it brushed over the frozen lake surface, making ripples, as if in the Raise your clear skirt; it crosses the withered branches, and the branches pull out little buds, accompanied by the spring breeze, slowly stretching their lazy waist. The spring wind is like a piece of fresh and refined music, carrying hope and awakening the sleeping life.

The summer wind dances and plays leisurely, sometimes flying high and sometimes sweeping low. It plays music for the lovely leaves, dances for the quiet grass, brings coolness and refreshment to the farmers working hard in the fields, and erases worries and impatience. It breaks into the heart of everything and adds a lot of fun to this bustling world. The summer wind, like mother's kind hands, contains warmth and removes all the anxiety in the world.

The autumn wind, mixed with a few cool drizzles, came to the world. It makes the fruits in the orchard ripe, makes the sorghum in the fields red, makes the golden corn peel off its green coat, makes the thin ears of wheat full, and blows the horn of harvest. . The autumn wind, like a conscientious postman, announces the arrival of autumn with joy.

The winter wind is like an untamable wild horse, running in the fields. It trampled the grass until it turned yellow, blew away the remaining stubble leaves in the fields, and blew off the crumbling leaves. It uses its own unique way to test the willpower of everything in the world. The winter wind, like a stern examiner, examines the answer sheet about perseverance in all things with a certain coldness and solemnity.

Wind plays different roles in the four seasons. It uses its actions to add brilliance to the wonderful nature.

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4. Good sentences to describe the wind

1. The spring breeze is like a clever girl, using her dexterous hands to dye the willow branches green and the peaches and apricots red On the branches, clusters of winter jasmine flowers were dyed yellow.

2. The wind in Shanmen is the same as the water in Shanmen River. It flows from north to south day and night. Although it is as gentle as water, over time, it has caused the crops in the fields and the weeping willows on the river bank to grow. , also leaned against the mountain gate with their backs, bowed slightly to the south, as if bowing to all the guests who came here.

3. The whirlwind of the first month in a mountain village is like an uninvited night guest who likes to knock on the door in the dark. The door knocker rings for a while, and the house is filled with the sound of wind. .

4. The wind carries the white catkins floating in the clear sky, as if they are traveling freely.

5. The cold wind danced in the night sky like a sharp sword, blowing the leaves and making a sharp scream.

6. The spring breeze is like a clever girl, using her dexterous hands to dye the willow branches green, the peach and apricot branches red, and the clusters of winter jasmine yellow.

7. The cold wind in late autumn swept the light snow across the withered grass and flew into the distance. LowThe hanging cloud kisses its sister - the gray smoke flying in the wind. However, we love this bleak autumn wind. In its deep and desolate song, we hear the perseverance and unyieldingness, feel the power and struggle of life, the poetry of ideals and the passion of youth.

8. The warm spring breeze melted the remaining snow, turned the branches green, made the sky blue, and made the river smile.

9. Rolling in from the far north As soon as the strong wind carrying sand and soil broke out, the high blue late autumn sky turned into a gray-yellow color. All the scenery changed color, and even the shadow of the sun could not be seen. The sky above our heads seems to be gradually becoming heavy, pressing down, and trying to bear down on people's heads.

10. The wind caresses the crops, sometimes bending them, sometimes lifting them, as if the earth is breathing rhythmically, and the mature wheat in each stage is also alive. The wind From the other side came the whispering between the wheat ears.

11. The northeast wind howled, with dead grass and fallen leaves flying all over the sky, yellow dust and chaos, it was impossible to tell where the sky was and where the earth was.

5. A few beautiful sentences describing the wind

.1. The breeze in May carries the fragrance of locust flowers on the roadside, gently blowing the cheeks and hair of passers-by, and blowing people's faces. The gentle caress of the mind is like the hands of a loving mother. 2. The night is already very quiet, and the cool breeze blows in from the open window one by one. The wind carries the moisture of dew, It also carries the fragrance of ripe wheat, blowing in the hearts of farmers, which is sweeter than holding a piece of rock candy. 3. The wind caressed the crops, sometimes bending them, sometimes lifting them, as if the earth was moving rhythmically With my breath, the ripe wheat in each stage also came to life. The wind came from over there, carrying the whispers between the wheat ears. 4. I kept my mouth shut, but the wind was like a strong hand. , suffocating my breath, forcing me to open my mouth from time to time. At this moment, it will also throw a handful of dirt into my mouth, like a mischievous child. 5. On a bright March afternoon, the air is really harmonious Very well, the warm breeze was brewed somewhere, and it carried an elusive drunkenness, making people feel strangely comfortable. At the same time, it seemed as if they were in a coma and wanted to hug the space. Pay attention, There should be a reward point next time, otherwise others will not be willing to give you the answer. Not everyone is like Lei Feng.

6. 40 words describing the wind

1. When people leave, the land is desolate. The lingering memories of your infatuation will pass away with you, and the autumn wind will bring you into your dreams. I hope that this feeling and intention will be crushed by the wind and crushed into mud, but still be remembered.

2. No matter how anxious or scared you are, all you have to do now is to wait quietly for the wind to come.

3. Zhang Qiling is the wind, which leaves no trace behind; Wu Xie is the rain, which infiltrates everyone’s heart after the rain. Perhaps this is what we call staying together through thick and thin. But the wind is too fast. Even if the rain is gentle, the boat will capsize. The rain will stay in place, but the wind will not know where to go. So, Zhang Qiling, forWu Xie, can you stop?

4. Jay Chou said that love is like a tornado. In fact, I think this metaphor is very appropriate, because many students are like me and never see a tornado in their lifetime.

5. The wind is blowing. I remember when I was a child, I was running and jumping with a plastic bag, saying that I wanted to catch the wind. I chased the footsteps of the wind under the sky, running in the memory that I could not catch up with. Later, I caught it. Now.

6. I ask, is the departure of the leaves the pursuit of the wind, or the unwillingness of the tree to retain it? She said that abandoning the leaves is how the tree protects itself in the winter, but the wind can accompany the leaves to wander around the world. In fact, it is well known that the leaves that are blown away by the wind no longer know where the wind took them away, but the tree spends its whole life waiting for the return of the leaves.

7. Words to describe wind

Four-character words to describe wind

1. Shower and squally wind: a sudden and violent wind and rain.

2. The wind is gentle and the sun is shining brightly. Describes sunny and warm weather.

3. Biting cold wind: It means that the weather is cold. The cold wind seems to blow into people's skin and reach the bones, causing bursts of stinging pain. Often used to describe severe cold weather.

4. Biting cold wind: Cold wind usually refers to the wind in winter. Biting cold wind means that the wind in winter blows through our bones.

5. Gentle breeze and drizzle: Gentle breeze: refers to the spring wind. Mild wind, light rain. The metaphor is gentle, not harsh.

6. The spring breeze blows on your face: the wind of spring. Whistle on the face: blow on the face. It means that it feels very comfortable, like the spring wind blowing on the face.

7. The wind and clouds dispersed: they dispersed naturally like wind and clouds.

8. Change of color: The meaning is similar to that of the all-powerful word. They both describe great power, causing things or people to completely change.

9. Storm: refers to strong wind and heavy rain. It also refers to a fierce momentum or a dangerous situation.

10. Sudden rain: sharp wind and rain. It is often used to describe the momentum and rapidity.

11. Smooth weather: The strength of the wind is relatively suitable, and the timing of rain also meets the needs of human production and life.

12. Flying sand and rocks: sand and soil are flying and pebbles are rolling. Describes the swift and violent wind.

13. Sudden storm: a sudden and violent wind and rain.

14. Spring breeze turns into rain: wind and rain suitable for plant growth. It is a metaphor for the general and in-depth development of good education, and is also used to praise the teachings of teachers.

15. The breeze blows on your face: the power blows on your face.

16. Cool breeze: refers to the gentle breeze blowing in from the outside, giving people a cool and comfortable feeling. It often refers to the wind blowing in waves in the summer season, giving the body a refreshing, comfortable and comfortable sleep.

17. Unhealthy trends: The wind refers to the social atmosphere, and the unhealthy trends refer to the bad social atmosphere.

18. Feng Jiao Ri Nuan: Jiao: soft and charming. The breeze blows and the sun warms.

19. The mighty east wind: The east wind mostly refers to the spring breeze, because generally speaking, the east wind only blows in spring. The so-called mighty east wind refers to the coming of spring when all things begin to revive.

20. Tell the news: The wind here refers to news and the meaning of wind. () The so-called tipping off refers to telling others the news.

21. Storm: refers to a sudden and violent wind and rain.

22. Howling: wrath: angry, angry; howling: howling. The wind howled like a rage.

23. The cold wind is biting: biting: cold. Describes the biting wind, very cold. ②Describe a serious and awe-inspiring appearance.

24. Wind and rain: 1: cross; blend together. It's windy again and it's raining again. It is a metaphor for several disasters striking at the same time. 2: Metaphor of encountering unfavorable things together.

25. Take action when you hear the wind: Take action when you hear the wind.

26. Spring breeze turns into rain: The spring wind brings rain.

27. Majestic: Majestic is an adjective here, which means very strong and powerful.

28. The breeze is gentle and the sun is warm. See "Wind and Sun Warm".

29. Riding the wind and waves: a metaphor for overcoming difficulties and moving forward bravely.

30. Slanting wind and drizzle: Slanting wind: a slight breeze; drizzle: light rain. Describe a small storm.

31. The autumn wind brings coolness and comfort: The autumn wind brings some coolness and comfort.

32. Slanting wind and drizzle: Slanting wind: a small wind blowing from the side; drizzle: light rain. Describe a small storm.

33. The warm spring breeze blows people. A metaphor for treating people with an amiable attitude.

34. The wind is calm and the sun is warm: The wind is calm and the sun is warm.

35. Storm: violent, sudden: rapid, sudden. The wind and rain were fierce and fast. It is a metaphor for the momentum, rapid and violent development.

36. The wind is strong: the wind is blowing, describing the wind is very strong.

37. All-powerful: It is extremely powerful and can change the color of the situation.

38. Stormy: The wind blows very hard and the rain falls very hard.

8. Sentences describing the spring breeze

The warm spring breeze is like gentle little hands gently caressing our faces.

The spring breeze is like the sun, shining into our hearts.


The spring breeze at that time seemed not as gentle as this morning. It was like a sword with a cold light, hitting my face coldly.

1. The spring breeze travels north and south like a magical paintbrush, passing through mountains, rivers and cities, adding bright colors to all living things and urban life.

2. The spring breeze is like a naughty child,When my long hair shawl is "lightly gathered, slowly twisted, and smoothed back," what is flying is not only the strands of silk-like blue hair, but also my happy mood that flows like music.

3. The spring breeze is like a cleaning worker, sweeping away the dust with a magic broom and decorating the city beautifully and cleanly!

4. The spring breeze is like a kind mother's hand, gently caressing my face; like the figure of a naughty child, it suddenly disappears without a trace.

5. The spring breeze is like a pair of skillful scissors, cutting out the mountains and rivers with fresh green; and like a skilled painter, painting the earth in a variety of colors.

It was just a short weekend, the day before yesterday The flower trees that were still in bud are now blooming with pink and white flowers, so crowded and noisy. When the wind blows, I see the petals flying into the dust one by one, and my heart trembles, "It's time to bloom"...

I vaguely remembered the cherry blossom on campus. . I saw a poem very early on, and I was fascinated by the four words "Falling plum blossoms like rain". What a fragrant sadness! The plum blossoms fall like rain, the plum blossoms fall like rain, think about how the petals flying all over the sky turn into rain! I loved these words so much that I asked a classmate in my class to carve a seal on them and put them behind a book of Song poetry. Every time I read them, I was fascinated by the beautiful artistic conception. For a while, I loved Empress Li very much. I couldn't help but feel ecstatic when I read the sentence "The falling plum blossoms are like a mess of snow, and they are still full after being brushed." There are scenes, feelings, and movements. I imagine the queen is walking in the plum blossom rain. He has just brushed away the petals that fell all over his head and body. Before he can let go, another gust of wind passes by and the petals start to flutter again... I'm drunk.

9. Good words to describe the wind, good sentences and fewer words

Good words to describe the wind:

Stormy, spring breeze brings warmth, wind and rain, slanting wind and drizzle, stormy rain, wind and residual clouds, Stormy, night breeze, winter wind, east wind, howling, spring breeze, south wind, strong wind, black wind, calm sea, strong wind and high waves, strong wind and rain, sudden change of wind and cloud, chilling wind, wind and residual clouds, gentle breeze and drizzle, smooth weather

Good sentences to describe the wind:

1. The furious wind swept away everything, including pieces of paper, branches and even pebbles, all carried up into the air by the wind.

2. When a typhoon comes, the small attic will shake, rain will leak, there will be a power outage, and there will be scary wind and rain sounds.

3. Facing me was a gust of wind full of morning fragrance, blowing my hair and the skirt of my clothes, pure and soft, making my heart drunk.

4. Overnight, the spring breeze came. It melted the snow, opened the glaciers, and turned the fields and branches of the trees green.

5. The wind blows as it pleases. Look at the treetops, flowers, and grass, all bent down.

6. The warm spring breeze, like a mother's hand, gently caressed the little girl's face.

7. The breeze blows, and ripples appear on the lake.

8. Suddenly there was a strong wind., in an instant, flying sand and rocks covered the sky and the earth.

9. The north wind howls, hitting people's faces as painful as needle pricks.

10. The autumn wind blew rustlingly, dyeing the fields yellow and the maple leaves red, bringing a hint of coolness.

11. The wind carries the white catkins floating in the clear sky, as if they are traveling freely.

12. Huh-huh-the strong wind roared like a mad lion, making bursts of deafening sounds.

13. The big tree was blown by the wind and shook its head in pain, whining.

14. The grass was rolled up and buried its head sadly, squeaking and crying.

15. The big poplar trees on the roadside were blown to and fro by the wind, making a swishing sound, as if to say: "Wind, don't walk so fast."

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