What kind of story is Fengwawa telling?

Introduction What kind of story is Fengwawa telling? "Wind Baby" is a fairy tale. "Wind Baby" is a lesson in Lesson 24 of Unit 8 of the second-grade Chinese language textbook published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Education.

What kind of story is Fengwawa telling?

"Wind Doll" is a fairy tale.

"Feng Wawa" is a text in the 24th lesson of the eighth unit of the second-grade Chinese language textbook compiled by the Ministry of Human Resources and Education. This text tells the story of Feng Wawa who is very enthusiastic and helps people do things. Things, it brings benefits and disadvantages to people, and is thanked and blamed by people. This article tells us: Helping others cannot just rely on motivation and enthusiasm. Only by knowing how to understand the needs of others can we truly help others.

The main idea of ​​the text paragraph

"Wind Baby" is an easy-to-understand and interesting fairy tale. There are 7 natural paragraphs in the full text. The first natural paragraph describes Feng Wawa’s beautiful wish and her mother’s guidance and encouragement.

The second and third paragraphs talk about two good things Feng Dowa did. He "took a deep breath" and "blowed hard", turning the windmill and blowing the ship. He was loved by everyone and enjoyed the happiness brought by doing good deeds.

In the fourth natural paragraph, through Feng Wawa’s thoughts, we can see that it is overwhelmed with joy and a bit self-righteous. In the fifth and sixth paragraphs, Fengwa was criticized by everyone for being unhelpful because of improper methods.

The seventh natural paragraph writes about Feng Wawa’s grievances and her mother’s reminders and encouragements. This story tells students that "it's not enough to just have good intentions when doing something, it also depends on whether it is really useful to others."

1. Three people went to stay for 30 yuan a night. Each of the three people paid 10 yuan to collect the 30 yuan and gave it to the boss. Later, the boss said that today’s discount is only 25 yuan. When they had enough, they took out 5 yuan and ordered the waiter to return it to them. The waiter secretly hid 2 yuan, and then distributed the remaining 3 yuan to the three people, each of whom received 1 yuan. In this way, at the beginning Each person paid 10 yuan, and now they get 1 yuan back, which is 10-1=9. Each person only spent 9 yuan, 3 people paid 9 yuan each, 3 X 9 = 27 yuan + the 2 hidden by the waiter. Yuan = 29 Yuan, where did the other one Yuan go? This question caused a huge response during the interview in New Zealand. Does anyone know the answer?

Answer: The 9 yuan spent per person already includes the 2 yuan hidden by the waiter (that is, the preferential price of 25 Yuan + 2 Yuan hidden by the waiter = 27 Yuan = 3*9 Yuan) Therefore, when calculating the composition of the 30 Yuan, the 2 Yuan hidden by the waiter should not be included, but the 1 Yuan returned to each person should be added. Yuan money. That is: 3*9+3*1=30 yuan is just right! You can also think about it from another angle...the three people paid a total of 30 yuan, spending 25 yuan, and the waiter hid 2 yuan, so each person spent 9 yuan, plus the 1 yuan they received, it is exactly 30 yuan. So this dollar was found. Summary: This question confuses people mainly because it changes the 2 yuan from 27 yuan was separated from the 27 yuan. The algorithm of the original question mistakenly believed that the 2 yuan left privately by the waiter was not included in the 27 yuan, so there was an erroneous result of 1 yuan less; in fact, the 2 yuan left privately was not included in the 27 yuan. The yuan is included in the 27 yuan, plus the 3 yuan returned, the result is exactly 30 yuan.

2. Someone went to buy green onions and asked how much a pound of green onions cost. The seller said 1 yuan per pound, which is 100 pounds, and it cost 100 yuan. The person buying green onions also asked how much white and green green onions are sold separately. People who don’t sell onions say they sell 7 white scallions and 3 green scallions. People who buy onions all weigh them and weigh 50 jins of scallions white and 50 jins of green scallions. The last calculation is 50*7 scallions white, which is equal to 35 yuan, and 50*3 green scallions, which is equal to 15 yuan 35+15. It’s equal to 50 yuan. The onion buyer gave the onion seller 50 yuan and left. But the onion seller was wondering why the onions were obviously being sold for 100 yuan, but why did the onion buyer buy them for 50 yuan? Why do you think this is?

Answer: 1 yuan per catty means that whether it is white or green scallions, it costs one yuan per catty. When he buys white scallions and green scallions separately, the white scallions 7 hairs, the green scallions 3 hairs, the actual weight is There was no change, but the unit prices did change. The green onion white was charged 3 cents less per catty, and the green green was charged 7 cents per catty less, so I finally bought it for 50 yuan.

3.. There is a well 7 meters deep. A snail climbs up from the bottom of the well. It climbs 3 meters during the day and falls 2 meters at night. How many days does it take for the snail to climb out of the well? Answer: 5 days. Many people say this question is seven days without even thinking about it. In fact, there is a very simple method. You just take a piece of paper and draw it. This question is very simple...

4 ..One peach for one cent, three peach husks for one peach, how many peaches can you eat for 1 yuan? Answer: Buy 10 for 1 yuan, and there will be 10 cores left after eating. Replace with 3 more peaches, leaving 4 pits after eating. Replace with 1 peach, leaving 2 stones after eating. I gave the peach seller 1 peach on credit, and after eating, I had 3 pits left. Give all the stones to the peach seller, the one who gives you the best credit. So, you ate a total of 10+3+1+1=15 peaches. This is a method that everyone knows... There is another method... Don't buy ten at a time... buy them separately... three for the first time... two for the second time... two for the third time... like this... ..very simple..also 15.

5. There are twelve table tennis balls of the same shape and size. Only one weight is different from the other eleven. Now we are asked to weigh the ball three times with a scale without weights and weigh the ball with the abnormal weight. Find it and know whether it is heavier or lighter than the other eleven balls. Answer: Divide into 3 groups A B C, 4 pills in each group. The first weighing may have 3 results.. A>B or A=B or A

6. A businessman rides a donkey to cross a 1,000-kilometer-long desert to sell 3,000 carrots. It is known that a donkey can carry 1,000 carrots at a time, but it eats one carrot for every kilometer it travels. Question: How many carrots can a merchant sell at most? Answer: 534 roots. First, hump 1000 radishes forward x1 km, put down 1000-2*x1 radishes, and then take the remaining x1 radishes and return; then hump 1000 radishes forward, get x1 radish at x1 km, and let the donkey hump exactly 1000 radishes; continue Go forward to x2 kilometers from the starting point, put down 1000-2* (x2-x1) radishes, and then return. When you reach x1 kilometers, you have finished eating the radishes, and then take x1 radishes and return to the starting point; finally, you have to walk away a thousand radishes. Go to x1 and x2 and take all the radishes in turn, and then go to the end. The remaining radishes at x1 and x2 are less than or equal to x1 and (x2-x1) respectively. Under this inequality constraint, just find the maximum value of the remaining radishes at the two places, because in fact the number of remaining radishes at the two places is The number of radishes reaching the end point. The final result is x1=200, x2=1600/3. The total distance traveled by the donkey is 2*x1+2*x2+1000=2466+2/3. According to the question, it eats one radish after walking one kilometer. That is, the total number of radishes eaten is the mileage, rounded down. The whole number is 2466, so in the end there are 3000-2466=534 radishes left to sell.

7. It is said that one day a pirate ship was hit by a cow falling from the sky, and the five unlucky guys had to flee to an isolated island. They found that the island was alone. Fortunately, there was a coconut tree. , and a monkey! Everyone picked all the coconuts and put them together, but it was already very late, so they went to bed first. At night, someone quietly got up and divided the coconuts into 5 parts, and found that there was one more coconut. He gave it to the lucky monkey, then secretly hid another portion, then mixed the remaining coconuts together and put them back, and finally quietly went back to sleep. After a while, the other guy also quietly got up. , quietly divided the remaining coconut into 5 parts, and found that there was an extra coconut, so he gave it to the lucky monkey, and then secretly hid another part, mixed the remaining coconuts together and put them back together, and finally still I quietly went back to sleep. After a while... After a while... Anyway, all 5 guys got up.Yes, they all did the same thing. Everyone got up in the morning and divided the coconuts with their own ulterior motives. This monkey was really not so lucky, because after dividing the coconut into 5 points, there was still one extra coconut, so I had to give it another one. The problem came, this pile of coconuts How many are at least?

Answer: There are at least 15621 in this pile of coconuts. The first person gave the monkey 1 and hid 3124, leaving 12496; the second person gave the monkey 1 and hid The third person gave 1 monkey and hid 1999, leaving 7996. The fourth person gave the monkey 1 and hid 1599, leaving 6396. The fifth person gave the monkey 1 and hid 1599, leaving 6396. 1 was given to the monkey, 1279 were hidden, and 5116 were left; finally everyone divided it into 5 parts, each with 1023, and 1 more was given to the monkey.

8. There is a treasure on an island. You see three islanders, big, medium and small. You know that the big islander knows whether the treasure is on the mountain or at the bottom of the mountain, but sometimes he tells the truth and sometimes he tells lies. Only the middle islanders know whether the big islanders are telling the truth or lies, but the middle islanders themselves tell the truth when the previous person tells the truth, and they tell lies when the previous person tells a lie. Each islander raises his left or right hand to express yes, but you don't know which hand means yes and which hand means no. Only the small islander knows whether what the middle islander said is true or false. He uses language to express whether. I also know what the left and right hands mean. But he always tells the truth or he always tells lies, and you don’t know which of these two types he is. Can you use the fewest questions to ask whether the treasure is on the mountain or under the mountain? (Hint: If you ask a small islander where the treasure is, he will ask you how you can know where the treasure is? It is like asking in vain) Answer: For convenience, we record the large, medium and small islanders as ABC (in fact, they are not used) C) The first question asks A: Is the treasure in the mountain? The second question asks B:A, is the answer correct? The third question asks B: 1+1=2, right? Okay, now for the first question, we don’t know whether A answered “yes” or “no”, and we don’t know whether A’s answer is true or false. We just know whether A’s raised hand is his left hand or his right hand, so we don’t care about him for now. Looking at the second question, regardless of whether A's answer means "yes" or "no", as long as A's answer is correct, B also answered the second question correctly, so he should answer "yes" (if he can speak Chinese) ). Still the same, regardless of whether A's answer means "yes" or "no", as long as A's answer is wrong, B also answered wrong in the second question, so he should still answer "yes". So no matter what the situation, the hand raised by B means "yes"; Third question: Now that we know what the left and right hands mean, we can determine whether A is true or false as long as we know whether B's answer just now is true or false. Fake, becauseBecause the truth and falsehood of both of them must be the same. So just find any question and ask it, such as 1+1=2, right? There is another way: first ask a random person: Are you telling the truth? That person will definitely raise the hand that means yes, because if he is telling the truth, he will raise the hand that means yes. What he said is If he is lying, he will also raise the hand that represents yes, so it can be concluded from this, which hand represents yes, and then ask the middle islanders: Did the big islanders say the treasure is on the mountain? The answer given by the Nakajima people must be the correct answer. In other words, the treasure is where the Nakajima people say it is.

Because if the Nakajima people say it is and the big island people tell the truth, then Nakajima people If what the people on the big island said is a lie, then what the people on the middle island said is also a lie, then in fact the people on the big island said that the treasure must be under the mountain, but because this is It’s fake, so the treasure is still on the mountain.

9. How many tables and people are there in a room? If there are 3 people at a table, 2 more people. If there are 5 people at a table, 4 more people. If there are 7 people at a table, 6 more people. If there are 9 people at a table, there are 8 more people. If there are 11 people at a table, it's just right. How many people are in this room? Answer: 2519 people. As long as it is 315 × (11 Calculate the period of multiples of 315 divided by 11. The period is: 7 3 10 6 2 9 5 1 8 4 0, a total of 11, because it is divided by 11. There is a simple algorithm, so you don’t need to try them one by one because 315-1 It is divisible by 11..so take the period with remainder 1.

10. Someone wanted to buy a few sets of tableware. After going to the tableware store, he found that the money he brought could buy 21 forks and 21 spoons, or 28 knives. If the forks, spoons, and knives he buys are not of the same quantity, they cannot be matched as a set, so he must buy the same number of forks, spoons, and knives, and just use up all the money he has. What would you do if you were this person? Answer: You can buy 12 sets of cutlery. The cost of a spoon and fork is 1/21, and the cost of a knife is 1/28.. The total price of a set is 1/21+1/28=1/12..

So it’s OK Bought 12 sets..all the money was used up.

11. A thief was discovered by the police and the police chased the thief. The thief ran and ran. A river appeared in front of him. The river was 12 meters wide. There was a star between the thief and the police. The tree is 12 meters high, and the leaves on the tree are all gone. The thief wears a scarf that is 6 meters long. I asked the thief how to cross the river. The answer: tie the scarf to the top of the tree, and the thief hangs on the scarf.If you let go of the swing, snood and tree trunk at an angle of 45 degrees, the thief will be thrown across the river. In addition, I also referred to other people's answers. Some people said that according to the question, it can be concluded that it was winter... so... the water surface was frozen... and I ran over...

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