How to make curly hair natural and curly? You need to learn these tips

Introduction How to make curly hair natural and curly? You need to learn these tips. Curly hair is a very common hairstyle. Curly hair is very playful and cute. It is one of the favorite hairstyles of many girls. Many girls

How to make curly hair natural and curly? You need to learn these tips

Curly hair is a very common hairstyle. Curly hair is very cute and cute. It is one of the favorite hairstyles of many girls. Many girls like to perm their hair. Curly hair is troublesome to take care of every day. So curly hair How to take care of natural and curly hair? You have to learn these little tricks.

How to make curly hair natural and curly

Use water and blow dryer

Every morning, first wet your hair with warm water, preferably with a spray head. It is relatively uniform. It is not recommended to use cold water as it is easy to catch a cold. Wipe the excess water with a towel. Use the towel to dry your hair little by little. Do not rub it hard. The hair cuticles of wet hair are open, and the hair is most vulnerable to damage at this time. Know how to wipe your hair until it stops dripping.

Make a bow and throw your hair to the front. It is best not to stand up straight. The posture at this time should be the same as when we turn our hair upside down to wipe water. Pour the hair cream into your hands. (Don’t use too much, otherwise it will easily cause too much area to be wiped out the first time, and too few areas to be wiped out evenly the second time. It needs to be applied in 3-4 times.) Apply the palms of both hands to each other so that both hands are covered. There is hair cream. Then use your hands to "press" the hair cream into the hair instead of stroking it along the hair.

After standing up, use five fingers to comb from the hairline in the middle of the forehead to the back of the head. This action can not only allow the hairline to form naturally, but also make the hair on the top of the head fluffy and not limp. This action Can be repeated slowly and multiple times. Use your index finger as the axis to make a spiral winding motion. If you have a hair dryer, blow it over and over again until it's dry. Remember not to pull the curls down too hard, as this will destroy the durability of the curls.

Set the hair dryer to strong wind speed to quickly dry the top of your head and keep it fluffy.

Use electric curlers and elastin

Use electric curlers to curl the outermost layer of hair, then use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to fluff your hair, and then spray some styling spray Mousse or apply curling elastin. Spray wet hair until it is about 70% dry, apply some thin hair wax or styling mousse directly on the comb, and then use it to organize unruly hair. If the curls become less obvious, use a spray or watering can to wet your hair. First, use a hair dryer to blow your hair until it is eighty dry. Then dip your fingers in a little styling liquid, divide your hair into sections, and then lift each section from the root of your hair. Apply evenly to the ends of the hair, twist the hair around your fingers into a curl, and then arrange it into the original curl.

A fine-tooth comb will loosen the curls, so use a wide-tooth comb or a special comb for curly hair. If time is limited, you can use your hands to organize the curly hair. If you want simple and casual curls that can have many variations, use small steel clips on the top of your hair to create a fluffy look, which will make it very cute. The most important thing is: throw away your comb, whether it is a fine-tooth comb or a wide-tooth comb! The stylist said that using your hands is enough! He said that on the one hand, it is to prevent the fragile hair from being pulled again, and on the other hand, On the one hand, it is also considered from the perspective of maintaining the durability of the curls.

Tips: You can use an electric wand to create big waves. It is best to apply some conditioner before using an electric wand to avoid heat damage.Harmful to hair quality. Spray styling fluid before curling your hair. After curling, comb your hair to loosen it to allow natural curls, and then spray styling fluid to maintain curls.

How to take care of messy curly medium-long hair

Step 1: First, blow your hair slightly to about six layers of dryness, and divide your hair into two strands on the left and right.

Step 2: Use your hands to curl the hair on both sides in one direction. Be careful not to use too much force.

Step 3: The curled hair should look like this, just like twisting a towel, but remember not to use too much force.

Step 4: Spread the curled hair. The curl comes out, and then you adjust the hair slightly with your hands to make the hair curl more natural. Enhances loft.

Step 5: After completion, the last thing is to apply hair care essential oil or moisturizing lotion. It is a very simple step, and you can DIY it yourself.

What kind of curly hair do girls look good with?

Pure style long curly hair

When it comes to the word "pure", what everyone thinks of is long straight black hair. , in fact, curly hair can also be very pure. Straight bangs are the best tool for reducing age, but if you want a pure style, don't curl them, let them hang down naturally, and just trim the ends of your hair into small pieces. Perm the ends of your hair into a natural big C shape, and then loosen it a little so that it doesn't pile up together. It will be elastic and fluffy, giving you a girly look.

Sexy long curly hair

If you want to feel sexy, then the curl should be more obvious, like the one above, double S shape, paired with chocolate-colored hair, sexy No, no, no. The bangs should not be too long, try to trim them as close as possible to the cheekbones, and then let them roll naturally to both sides.

Sweet and long curly hair

Spring and summer are suitable for forehead-baring hairstyles. In autumn and winter, you can let down the bangs. Changing the bangs will give you a different temperament. The air bangs are super sweet, and when buttoned inward, the face looks smaller. The curl of the hair below should not be too exaggerated. A slight curl is OK.

Handsome long curly hair

You can have both handsomeness and sexiness, and the hairstyle above is the best example. The bangs are parted on one side for a handsome look, and the hair underneath is casually fluffy, giving it a lazy and sexy look. This hairstyle must be matched with hair dye to look good. Black hair color cannot highlight its specialness.

How to maintain curly hair

When washing your hair after a perm, be careful to use a shampoo with a low alkalinity. This can protect your hair and prevent it from being damaged and causing Dry or broken hair.

After washing your hair with shampoo, you should use conditioner to take care of your hair. Using conditioner can add nutrients to your hair and make your hair shiny and smooth.

After we wash our hair, we should use a towel to dry the water on the hair. After wiping the hair, it must be air-dried naturally. Do not use a hair dryer to dry the hair, because blowing the hair with a hair dryer will damage the hair and cause it to become damaged. Hair is dry and prone to breakage.

FinishedAfter that, you should go to the barber shop regularly to have your hair treated with nutritious oil, preferably once a month. This can help repair the permed hair and make your hair more shiny.

In addition to the maintenance methods mentioned above, you should also pay attention not to perm and dye your hair too frequently. After perming your hair, you should wait six months before perming and dyeing your hair. This can give your hair a repair period. Frequent dyeing can damage your hair.

What kind of curly hair is popular with black hair this year?

Short BOB, S-shaped bangs, and slanted bangs look better on round faces.

A round face is characterized by a rounded chin, smooth facial contours, and the distance between the cheekbones is similar to the length of the face. This type of girl is very suitable for short BOB hair. The curl that wraps around the face can modify the bones and create a small V face. Regardless of whether you have long or short hair, it is recommended that the bangs be parted to the side or leave an S-shaped arc to increase the lines on both sides of the cheeks. Whether the hair is tied or worn, it can modify the face shape. The taboo hairstyle for round faces is straight bangs, which will only highlight the shortcomings of the round face, and it is not recommended to try wool curls.

The fresh-style short haircut with inner buttons is the most slimming one. The tail of the hair is designed with inner buttons. Such a discreet design not only looks fashionable, but also can perfectly modify the face. , makes you look beautiful, and when paired with side-parted bangs, the effect will be even better.

This cute style of short hair with an inner button is very good. It not only makes you look much younger, but also has a great effect on shaping your face. The ends of the hair are permed with an inner button, which matches well. Side-parted bangs and short hair designed in this way can perfectly shape the face and make the face look smaller. It is a perfect hairstyle for girls with round faces.

Intellectual style with short hair. Girls with round faces will give people the illusion that they are cute. Many girls just want to look more mature. You can use this intellectual style short hair style with an inner button. Its beauty effect is absolutely great. Yes, it perfectly covers the contours of your round face. When paired with a middle-parted bangs design, the effect is even better. It is definitely the most flattering one for your face, so if girls with round faces need to change their hairstyle, this one is great.

Now the charming curls are shining on the stage with a new image. Whether you have long or short hair, have trouble with hair texture that is too hard or with little hair volume, etc., you can find one among them. A model's curly hair that suits you COPY.

Slightly curly big waves, full of feminine romantic temperament

HOT 1 Gentle feminine style

The slightly curly big wave effect can create a soft and full hairstyle. The natural curls are as invisible as natural curls, fully demonstrating the romantic and gentle qualities of women. The most important thing about this kind of curls is that they are natural and will not make others feel too artificial.

How to create:

STEP1: If you have curly hair, you can use a hair dryer to make your hair fluffy. No need to comb your hair, retaining natural curls. If your hair is tooIf the hair is curly, you can use a small round comb to slightly arrange it when blow-drying;

STEP2: When the hair is almost dry, spray styling water, and then use half-inch curlers to curl the hair one by one. to create elastic, tight curls;

STEP3: If your hair is frizzy and dry, you can use styling wax to style it along the direction of the curls to make the curls look full and shiny. And easy to maintain curly hair style. If the curls become straight after a period of time, you only need to organize them from the inside of the hair with your hands and spray styling water.

Indispensable styling tools: hair dryer, large curling iron, glossy styling water, moisturizing hair wax.

HOT 2 The obvious wavy lines are super curly and big, showing the design sense of a classic look

This season’s most IN curly hair style, in addition to the gentle feminine style of slight curls, there is also a The first type is super curly, with the purpose of changing the structure of straight hair. The traces of artificial curls can be seen at a glance, creating a soft and elegant feeling. Turn the original straight hair into vivid and dynamic curls, revealing the carefully designed Hollywood classic style, creating a noble and elegant style that is different from the past.

How to create:

STEP1: Use a curling tube to roll your hair from the root outward. Divide the remaining hair into two parts: left and right. Spray the hair with moisturizing care spray. ;

STEP2: Then start processing the hair on the left and right sides, and use a curling iron to curl the lower part of the hair bundle;

STEP3: Use a curling iron to curl the hair at the back as well. However, it should be noted that the hair bundles at the back should be permed from the middle;

STEP4: Remove the curling barrel fixed in SETP1, gently loosen the hair curls, and use a hair dryer to shape it.

Indispensable styling tools: hair dryer, large sponge-shaped curlers (if your hair is not easy to curl, you need to choose small curlers), and hair moisturizing spray.

HOT 3 Messy and unruly curly hair, "wake up curls", pillow style to create a star style

With a lazy and unruly little sexy, slightly curly hair scattered casually on the shoulders, Create a sexy and cool image. It looked disorganized, as if it had just woken up, and there were no obvious traces of styling. Whether it hangs loosely on the shoulders or is easily tied into a bun, it looks like a star. The key to creating this curly hair style is to never comb your hair brightly and neatly, as careless style is best.

How to create:

STEP1: If your hair is naturally very fluffy and a little curly, you can spray some styling water on your hair when it is semi-dry;

STEP2: Try to use two (or three) curling irons of different sizes, starting from the middle and lower part of the hair, to create curls at will;

STEP3: Blow dry the hair with hot air and wait for the hair to dry. After returning to the natural temperature, break up the hair curls and spray some styling water;

STEP4: Do not use a comb. Scratching with your fingers will make the hair layers blurred and inject laziness into your curly hair style. emotions.

Indispensable styling tool: different types of hair curlers.

HOT 5 Fluffy and frizzy hair, big and fluffy curls, increase the volume and enhance the fashionable feel

Another kind of dazzling curly hair is the hair that seems to be a little tangled into bunches, which is a little fluffy A hairstyle that exaggerates or adds unlimited volume. The key to creating this kind of curls lies in the softness of the hair and the volume it creates. The small curly hair is full of fluffiness, and paired with brown-based makeup, it is full of wild beauty. Appropriate use of a small wavy hair iron and a sharp-tooth comb that can backcomb can help you increase the volume of your hair and make it look fluffy.

How to create:

STEP1: Based on the original permed curls, apply no-wash conditioner when the hair is 80% dry, and use your fingers to lift the hair up as much as possible. Let the hair roots stand upright, and blow dry with a hair dryer while holding it;

STEP2: Then mix the curly hair wax and hair lotion in the palm of your hand at a ratio of 2:1, and knead it evenly with both hands to create a stranded look. , hold the hair with your hands, rub it while blowing it;

STEP3: Spray styling fluid, apply a little more to areas with many curls, and rub it with your fingers;

STEP4: At the same time, insert your hands into the hair, grasp the hair from the roots outwards, let the roots stand up, and then shake the hair as much as you want, and finally let it hang down naturally to create a more exaggerated fluffy feeling.

Indispensable styling tools: hair dryer, setting liquid, curling wax, curling hair conditioner.

HOT 6 Pretty short curly TOMBOY style boy curly hair, sexy and simple

Say goodbye to the neutral sexiness of the little boy in the past, this season’s short curly hair is the perfect fusion of sensibility and elegance - lines Smooth short waves, slightly messy hair, and elastic hair hanging in the middle of the neck exude a woman's unique beauty, fashion, simplicity and sexiness!

How to create:

STEP1: The key to creating airy short hair is to create the roots. When blow-drying, you should hold the roots of your hair tightly with your hands to make it as straight as possible, and then blow it until it is semi-dry, and then spray some curly hair care water to enhance the gloss and toughness of short curly hair;

STEP2: From Open on the leftHajime, take the hair around the rest of your face and pull out a bunch of hair with your fingers. Hold the hair bundle in your left hand, and use the curling wand in your right hand to start from the middle of the hair bundle and start curling it inwards;

STEP3: Hold the top of the curling wand with your fingers while curling, and follow the curling wand. Slide and move the position of the hair. If you want to increase the curl of the hair, you can count silently for 3 seconds while heating;

STEP4: Process the hair strands on the surface of the hair. After curling, spray styling Spray, then use your hands to slightly part the hair.

Indispensable styling tools: hair dryer, curling iron, styling spray, hair mask (to repair hair damage caused by blow drying).

When choosing a color, it is best to consult your own hairstylist to choose one that suits your skin tone~

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