How to make a cake?

Introduction How to make a cake? Red velvet double-layered cheesecake Ingredients for red velvet double-layered cheesecake Red velvet chiffon cake base: 3 eggs 45g low-gluten flour 45g powdered sugar

How to make a cake?

Red velvet double-layered cheesecake

Ingredients for red velvet double-layered cheesecake

Red velvet chiffon cake base: 3 eggs

< p>45g low-gluten flour 45g powdered sugar

35g vegetable oil 45g pure milk

10g red yeast rice powder 5g cocoa powder

Appropriate amount of lemon juice Red velvet cheese layer:

150g cream cheese 30g powdered sugar

1 egg 40g light cream

5g cake flour 5g red yeast rice powder

Cocoa powder 2g mascarpone mousse layer:

70g mascarpone mousse, 30g caster sugar

30ml water, 1 egg yolk

5g gelatin tablets, light 140g cream

How to make red velvet double-layer cheesecake

Step 1

Red velvet chiffon cake: 1. Separate egg yolk and protein

Step 2

2. Add vegetable oil to the egg yolk first and then add pure milk, stirring evenly each time

Step 3

3. Sift in the egg yolk paste Mix the low-gluten flour, red yeast powder, and cocoa powder evenly, and stir until smooth and smooth, with no particles or dry powder

Step 4

4. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites. Use an electric egg beater to whisk. Add the powdered sugar in three batches. Beat until hard peaks form. Lift the whisk head and short peaks will appear.

Step 5

5. First add three points Add the beaten egg whites to the egg yolk paste and mix gently with a spatula. Pay attention to the technique and do not make circles. You can use the cross-turning method. After mixing, pour it all into the egg whites

Step 6

6. Stir the mixed batter evenly

Step 7

7. Pour the batter into a six-inch loose-bottomed round film with greased paper and shake it several times. Mold, shake out the bubbles, the mold does not need to be affixed with oil paper, you can be lazy and do not need to wash the mold after affixing it, haha

Step 8

8. Preheat the oven and place the mold in the middle and lower layers of the oven , bake at 135 degrees and then at 140 degrees for 50 minutes. It depends on the temperament of each oven

Step 9

9. Take the cake out with heat-resistant gloves immediately after baking , shake a few times, then turn upside down on a cooling rack to cool, let cool and release from the mold

Step 10

10. Use a cake slicer to separate 1cm and 2cm cake slices. Place a 2cm cake slice in the refrigerator to freeze

Step 11

Red velvet cheese layer: 1. Beat the cream cheese with warm water until smooth

Step 12< /p>

2. Add powdered sugar and mix well

Step 13

3. Add an egg and mix well


Step 14

4. Add light cream and mix well

Step 15

5. Sift in low-gluten flour, red yeast rice powder, Cocoa powder

Step 16

6. Beat until smooth

Step 17

7. Line a baking sheet with greased paper and put it on the school Cook a six-inch mousse circle, line the inner wall with oiled paper, and then add a 1cm cake slice

Step 18

8. Pour in the red velvet cheese paste and preheat the oven to 150 degrees Bake for 20 minutes. Be sure not to bake it completely. Take it out and cool it in the refrigerator for later use.

Step 19

Mascarpone mousse layer: 1. Egg yolk, water, fine flour Mix sugar and hot water and stir well

Step 20

2. Add mascarpone cheese and stir evenly, do not over stir

Step 21

3. Add the gelatine slices that have been soaked in cold water in advance and beat until completely melted

Step 22

4. Add the whipped cream to 60%, that is The light cream has just appeared with delicate lines

Step 23

5. Whip the smooth mascarpone mousse paste

Step 24

6. Pour the mascarpone mousse paste onto the refrigerated red velvet cheese layer, smooth it slightly with a spatula, and leave some for the final crumbs to spread on the cake. Refrigerate for 2 hours, or refrigerate overnight< /p>

Step 25

7. Take out the frozen 2cm red velvet cake piece, cut it into small pieces with a knife, and smash it with a food processor or blender. If it is difficult to beat, you can divide it into pieces. In short, it is much easier than sifting directly

Step 26

8. Take out the frozen cheesecake, spread it with mascarpone mousse, and finally spread it with red velvet cake crumbs. Cut it into pieces and taste it, it’s perfect

Cooking tips for red velvet double-layered cheesecake

This recipe uses about half of a six-inch taller mousse ring from School Chef

What is the reason for the bubbling chiffon cake?

The pizza pan can make chiffon cake, but the cake will be thinner.

The recipe for chiffon cake is as follows:

Main ingredients: low-gluten flour, egg white, egg yolk...

Accessories: colored pepper, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, pepper, green onion Salad oil, vegetable oil, salt and sugar.

1. First, separate the egg yolks and egg whites and set aside. Mix vegetable oil, milk and 30 grams of caster sugar with a hand-held egg beater until evenly mixed.

2. Add sifted low-gluten flour and mix until the flour disappears.

3. Add the egg yolk and mix well. The egg yolk part is ready. Cover with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out.

4. Next, beat the meringue. Add lemon juice to the egg white liquid and beat with an electric egg beater until it looks like fish-eye bubbles. Add salt and fine sugar for 1/3 of the egg white and continue beating.

5. Beat until the rough bubbles disappear and the meringue appears.When it becomes thick and frothy, add 1/3 of the fine sugar used for the egg whites and continue beating.

6. Beat the egg whites until lines appear, add the remaining sugar and continue beating.

7. Beat the meringue until it reaches the state shown in the picture. When the egg beater is pulled up, it can pull out short and upright corners.

8. Take one-third of the beaten egg whites and add it to the egg yolk paste. Use the stirring method, that is, stir from the bottom up as much as possible (do not stir in circles, as it will easily defoaming the egg whites), and mix the egg whites and egg yolk paste evenly.

9. Pour the mixed egg yolk paste into the remaining egg whites, continue to stir, and mix the egg yolk paste and egg whites thoroughly.

10. Pour the mixed batter into the mold and shake it twice to release the big bubbles in the batter. Place in the middle and lower racks of the preheated oven and bake at 160° for 60 minutes. After coming out of the oven, put on heat-resistant gloves before picking up the mold, shake it hard, and then turn the mold upside down. After the cake has completely cooled, you can unmold it.

After a few days, the cake cannot be eaten. How long should the cake be kept for?

We all know that the chiffon cake tastes sweet and delicious, and tastes soft and smooth. It's super awesome and relatively simple to make. It's very popular among people. Many people make chiffon cake at home. Some people will find a lot of bubbles in the chiffon cake when they make it. So what’s the matter with the bubbles in the chiffon cake? Let’s take a closer look below!

Why is the chiffon cake bubbling?

It is a common phenomenon to have large bubbles inside a baked cake. There are several reasons that may cause this problem:

1. The meringue and egg yolk paste are not fully mixed, resulting in a relatively large group of meringue inside. After heating, there is no batter to help stabilize the state. After the delicate meringue bubbles are broken, large bubble holes are formed.

2. The meringue is not whipped enough, or the cake batter has been left for too long and has begun to defoam and return to a liquid state.

3. The oven is heated too high, causing the top surface to be sealed quickly during baking, and part of the gas does not escape in time, forming large bubble holes inside.

How to make chiffon cake

Cake batter

Egg yolks: 3, milk: 35g, corn oil: 30g, fine sugar: 10g, low-gluten flour: 50g;


Egg whites: 3, lemon juice: a few drops, fine sugar: 30g.

Baking: middle and lower layers, heat up and down at 160 degrees for about 45 minutes. (The baking time and temperature are for reference only and will depend on your personal oven).

Brief steps:

1. Mix egg yolk + milk + corn oil + fine sugar evenly, and fully emulsify until there is no oil.

2. Add the sifted low-gluten flour and mix well with egg beater in a z-shape.

3. Egg white + lemon juice, add sugar in three times, beatIt is sent into a 9-distribution state with a small hook.

4. Mix 1/3 of the egg whites with the egg yolk batter evenly, then pour into the remaining egg whites and mix evenly to form a fine and smooth cake batter.

5. Pour the batter into the mold (put extra paper cups in it) and shake the mold several times, put it into the middle and lower layers of the preheated oven, and bake at 160 degrees for about 45 minutes.

6. Shake the mold several times after taking it out of the oven, turn it upside down immediately, let it cool completely, remove it from the mold and cut it into pieces for consumption.

Techniques for making chiffon cake

1. The egg-beating bowl and egg-beating head for beating egg whites, including the scraper used for subsequent mixing with egg yolk paste, must be oil-free and water-free, otherwise it will affect the beating of egg whites. , and it is easy to cause defoaming. The consequences of defoaming have been explained clearly before and will not be repeated again.

2. Egg white + lemon juice can remove the fishy smell and stabilize the whipped meringue.

3. Add sugar to the egg whites in three times. First, because the ability of the egg whites to absorb sugar is limited, they must be added separately. Adding sugar can stabilize the meringue. The internal holes of the meringue without adding sugar are rough and easy to break. Although sugar substitutes such as xylitol can replace the sweetness of sugar, they cannot replace the property of sugar to help stabilize the meringue. Therefore, it is not recommended to significantly reduce the sugar used in meringue.

4. Don’t wait when the batter is ready, put it into the mold and bake immediately.

5. The time for inverting the chiffon cake is still its maturation process. It must be completely cooled before demoulding, otherwise it will easily cause collapse, dents, etc.

We all know that cake is a popular dessert. It has a rich taste and tastes sweet and delicious. It is soft when you eat it. It is super delicious and deep. Popular with people, especially children and girls. Cakes are usually made fresh, so how long can they be kept? Let’s take a closer look below!

How long can cakes be kept?

1. Cake with cream and fresh fruit should be kept refrigerated and best eaten on the same day.

2. If you want to extend the shelf life of naked embryos, you can freeze them and seal them with plastic wrap.

3. Mousse cakes can be frozen and stored, but they cannot be frozen and thawed repeatedly.

Cake containing cream can be refrigerated for 3 days. If it is just a cake embryo, you can wrap it in plastic wrap and freeze it for two weeks. When eating, take it out and let it warm up naturally, or bite it in a microwave. If you want to shape it, you can use it directly. After shaping, it will basically warm up.

The shelf life of various types of finished cakes 1. Birthday cake

The most common one is the birthday cake that we are familiar with. The birthday cake is based on the cake embryo, plus whipping cream (or cream frosting) , stuffed with fresh fruit (or jam, canned fruit).

The shelf life of whipped cream is quite short, and it is extremely easy to deteriorate and taste worse at refrigerated temperatures (0-4 degrees). Birthday cakes cannot be stored in the freezer as they will melt if the temperature is high., so it can only be stored in the refrigerator. Due to the taste, it is recommended to finish eating it on the same day, up to two days. Even if it does not spoil on the third day, it is really not delicious.

Some friends may say that the birthday cake they bought did not deform despite its high temperature. What is the reason? If the price is particularly cheap, it is possible that vegetable butter is used. Vegetable butter has much better plasticity than animal butter and is not easy to melt at high temperatures. For the sake of everyone's health, it is better to eat less vegetable butter.

Of course, in addition to birthday cakes, some cake cuts, box cakes, cream cake roll cuts, etc. are also stored in the same way and need to be used as soon as possible, preferably no more than one day.

2. Some shaped cakes based on pound cake, with buttercream or fondant shapes on the surface

The most common ones are wedding dessert table cakes, because there are requirements for the stability of the cake, and The cake needs to be made into a more complex shape, so whipped cream is not up to the task. At this time, you will use buttercream or fondant that is more stable and has stronger styling capabilities.

This type of cake can be stored for a longer period of time. The filling generally does not use fresh fruit, but uses various jams, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, etc., and refrigeration will affect the quality of the cake. There is no particular big impact on the taste. When eating, the buttercream and cake body are still soft after being thawed at room temperature. Although it may take longer, it is still recommended that you consume it within 3 days. Fondant dolls, flowers, etc. are generally not edible. As long as the fondant is dried, these dolls can be stored for a long time.

3. Mousse cake

French sweet mousse is usually frozen after being made. It can be stored frozen for about 1 week to 10 days. However, it cannot be frozen and thawed repeatedly, as this will easily deteriorate, the taste will deteriorate, and the mousse body will produce a lot of ice residue. Merchants will decorate the surface before placing an order, such as sandblasting, glazing, etc. When customers get it, it will basically be in a thawed state, so we should not freeze it ourselves. If it is too soft, we can put it in the freezer. The taste will be better if it is refrigerated for a while. It is recommended to consume within 2 days.

Storage methods and time of various cake embryos

As we all know, finished cakes are made from cake embryos plus cream or fillings. The storage methods and shelf life of cake embryos and finished cakes are Completely different!

There are several common naked cake embryos: chiffon cake embryo, sponge cake embryo, and pound cake embryo.

Because chiffon cakes and sponge cakes have relatively high moisture content, they need to be cooled at room temperature after baking. After the hot water vapor is exposed inside and completely cooled to room temperature, they should be wrapped tightly in plastic wrap for storage. It can be refrigerated, and the storage time is three days. If you want it to last longer, you can freeze it. When thawing, it will still maintain a soft and moist taste, and it can be kept for one week.

Of course there are other formsStyles, such as naked cup cakes, naked cake rolls, etc., are just in different forms.

Since the moisture content of pound cake is not as high as the previous two, it is necessary to brush a layer of sugar and wine liquid while the cake is still warm to moisturize it and make the cake richer in flavor. Pound cake needs to be refrigerated and has the best taste after being refrigerated for three days. Since pound cake contains a lot of oil, it will last longer than the first two. It can be stored frozen for 2 weeks or even longer.

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