Retro Hong Kong style copywriting

Introduction Retro Hong Kong Style Copywriting Retro Hong Kong Style Copywriting (Selected 74 Sentences) 1. But seeing that she is delicate and graceful, with a radiant appearance, she is really a beautiful beauty. She is only sixteen or seventeen years old and has a

Retro Hong Kong style copywriting

Retro Hong Kong Style Copywriting (Selected 74 Sentences) 1. But seeing her delicate and graceful appearance, she is really a beautiful woman. She is only sixteen or seventeen years old and has a graceful figure. 2. Come over here. I want to chat with you one day. 3. It’s not a game. Why is there always a thread pulling my heart, making me feel a faint pain? That was not an encounter. Why do the shadows floating on the bridge always get entangled in dreams? That was not a dream. Why do your gentle whispers always sound inadvertently? There is a word that I have never said, not because it is heavy, but because I am afraid of its turbulence... There is a period of time that I have never forgotten, not because I am reluctant to part with it, but because it is engraved too deeply... There is a name, I only call in my heart, not because I am afraid of being heard, but because I am afraid of being blown away by the wind... 4. Thank you for having your name engraved in every frame of my memory at that cleanest age[]. 5. Although you are frail and petite and speak softly, you are very powerful. This is a true spiritual beauty! 6. The past is like smoke, like a dream, and all that remains is the last tenderness you gave me. Today, the sky, which has not been seen for a long time, cuts across the dark night of meteor showers, vaguely carrying the beginning of vague memories that have been buried for thousands of years, but they are still not abandoned. 7. Only when you have little stars hidden in your heart can your life be bright. 8. The girl put the freshly cut flower to her nose, took a deep breath, and an intoxicated expression appeared on her face, with a breathtaking beauty. And the flowers seemed to be even more brilliant in front of her beautiful face. 9. A lonely person will appear even more lonely if he is given thoughts of you. 10. I sprinkled some salt into the universe. If you can’t fall asleep before three o’clock, I will eat a small salt-baked planet tonight. 11. I am under your umbrella and you are in my heart. 12. One day, you will also be the surprise that others are waiting for. 13. You are a girl who is soft and loving. 14. Lu Xiaopao stays awake, always kind and knowledgeable. 15. This summer, the sunshine is very good, the sorbet is very sweet, and you are very beautiful. 16. I saw that the woman was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a slender figure, big eyes, skin like snow, and dark cloud-like hair hanging from the back of her head. 17. The best love is companionship and the best scenery is watching it with you. 18. I thought about it later, if I don’t delay you, someone else will delay you, so I’m not willing to do it, so let me delay you. 19. Love is like a small plane, whoever hits it will be stunned. 20. Always try all the roads and be full of expectations for life. 21. Summer is so long, you must find someone who can pick watermelons to be with you. 22. I will go to the universe and come back to pick the stars for you. 23. I just wanted to be a piece of trash that lives in peace with the world, but I didn’t expect to be classified. 24. Death, take away his pain gently. "The Shining" 25. There are two me, one is awake in the dark, and the other is asleep in the light. 26. Life has no meaning. As long as you can give it meaning, it will have meaning. Instead of meditating on the meaning of life all day long, it is better to try doing something meaningful with this life. 27. If love is life, then I was born on the day I met you and livedDuring the years of falling in love with you, I died the moment I broke up with you. 28. Many times we wantonly hurt those who love us the most, but when we wake up, we find that time does not give us a chance to say sorry. 29. Life is such that people have no choice. If possible, I hope that the warmth that once gave me never existed. 30. The world is too far away, life is too long, and even the flowering period is too long to withstand the passage of time. Memories change, whose waiting turns pale, and whose persistence has no regrets. 31. If there is an afterlife, I want to be a tree and stand for eternity without any postures of joy or sorrow. Half of it is peaceful in the soil, half of it is flying in the wind, half of it is covered with shade, and half of it is bathed in sunshine. It is very silent and very proud, never relying on and never looking for it. 32. Youth is meeting seven selves. One is bright, one is sad, one is gorgeous, one is adventurous, one is stubborn, one is soft, and the last one is growing. 33. Always in inadvertent years, I look back to the other side, even though I find that the situation lasted for a long time. 34. Everyone is born with a different mission given by God. I don’t indulge in feasting and having fun, and I don’t cling to luxurious and noble material desires. I don’t have any lofty dreams worth chasing for my whole life. My heart is still so calm. I know that those years when I was working so hard are gone. But my former self was already dead when I crossed the intersection of three traffic lights[]. That person who acts recklessly. 35. Most importantly, the gentleness of the lowered head is like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot withstand the cool breeze. 36. When a relationship doesn't belong to you, it has no value to you at all, so you don't have to think of it as a loss. 37. Keep a peaceful mind, light ink in the world of mortals, love each other silently, like each other silently. 38. Listening to sad songs reminds me of people I shouldn’t think about; watching happy plays makes me forget people I shouldn’t forget. 39. For you, thousands of times. 40. Your name is on my mind. 41. I can forget you quietly. I hate your last sentence, I love you. 42. At four o'clock in the morning, I saw Begonia flowers still awake. 43. Cherish the people around you and try not to hurt them with your words. Even if you meet someone you don't like, try to be roundabout and find a reason to leave. Don't hurt them wantonly. This will not only make you feel bad, but also make the situation more embarrassing. Cherish everything around you now. 44. For the future, you must have the greatest hope; for the goal, you must do your best; for the results, you must prepare for the worst; and for success or failure, you must have the best attitude. Don’t be impatient, don’t be arrogant, don’t be discouraged, I wish you seize every minute and let happiness embrace you! 45. The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a glass of ice-cold water and then turning into hot tears drop by drop. 46. ​​Disappear quietly into the sea of ​​people, don’t let anyone see you! Missing you is the pain of breathing, evaporating in an instant, letting the impossible disappear with it! 47. A bird that only stands on a tree is never afraid of the branches breaking, because it trusts not the branches, but its own wings. Instead of worrying about the future every day, work on the present. On the road to success, only struggle can give you the greatest sense of security. 48. It doesn’t matter, I can’t take it even if you have it.Old memories gone. 49. All girls in the age of love are always divided into two groups: one group says that only if the other person loves me more is happiness; the other group says that the other person loves me more, only then is happiness. Maybe we are all wrong. The form and weight of love are never set in our hearts. The kind of man you meet will determine the kind of love you will have. 50. The flowers on the other side bloom without leaves, and the leaves grow without flowers. We miss each other but cannot see each other. 51. You have a cleverness that I can’t see clearly, and a bad temper that I can’t even describe. 52. It’s not that I’m really used to rejection, but I’m afraid that once I hold hands, I won’t be able to bear the loneliness and sadness when I’m alone again. If I don’t have it, I won’t be afraid of losing it. 53. Flowers bloom half the time, and fall half the time. This is a long road, and you have to walk it yourself after all. 54. Wild animals need dens, pilgrims need roads, and dead people need coffins. Everyone has what they need. Women need to lie, czars need to rule, I need to glorify - your name. 55. Since you have lost your love, you must give up. It is impossible to catch up the kite that has broken off. 56. If your heart is too close, you will forget to cherish it; if you care too much, you will forget to touch it. 57. At that moment, you finally realize that the person you once loved deeply has disappeared from this world as early as the day you said goodbye. The love and longing in my heart are just memories of what I once had. I think some things can be forgotten, some things can be remembered, some things can be done willingly, and some things have always been powerless. Loving you is my disaster. 58. Life is only about regrets for what you have missed, not for what you have done. Not doing something when you want to do it most is a regret in life. Life requires careful consideration and occasional impulse. When you really want to do something, it's best to act immediately and don't always miss out on the beauty of life. Impulsiveness may make you regret it, but missing it will definitely make you regret it. Don't worry too much. Being indecisive will only make you miss opportunities. 59. I am just an actor, shedding my own tears in other people’s stories. 60. The years are long, and if you are kind-hearted, there will eventually be someone who can ride with you, drink and travel with you. 61. If you can’t say goodbye with a smile, it’s better to leave quietly. 62. An individual has only one heart but two atria. One lives in happiness; the other lives in sadness. Don't laugh too loud or you'll wake up the sad people next to you. 63. I hope the wind blowing over me can go around a few times to hug you[]. 64. After you leave, don’t ask others how they are doing. You can't help if it's not good, and it's not your fault if it's good. 65. If one day we are no longer together, we should act as if we were together. 66. You look at me for a while and the clouds for a while. I feel that you are far away when you look at me and very close when you look at the clouds. 67. It’s good to relax with poems and books on the pillow, and the scenery in front of the door is beautiful when the rain comes. 68. At that moment, I seemed to see the whole world collapse in front of me. Every piece of brick in the ruins is engraved with vivid memories. Now I stick to the earth quietly, no matter how careful I am to keep walking quietly. In the end, you will find that you are just a person exiled by memorypeople. 69. There are people who like loneliness, but they don’t like disappointment. 70. Some things may be better if you hide them in your heart. As time goes by, they will become stories. 71. Remember everyone who treats you well. 72. I have passed through the era of longing for you, and my fingers are pale. Sentimental and sad sentences are the passage of time, flowing through the four seasons like water. You are still like a ship that has never returned home. 73. I am the last passer-by on your road, the last spring, the last snow, and the last battle for survival. 74. Salt. Destined to melt, perhaps with tears.

Hong Kong style retro copywriting (selected 69 sentences) 1. At that moment, you finally find that the person you once loved deeply has disappeared from this world as early as the day you said goodbye. The love and longing in my heart are just memories of what I once had. I think some things can be forgotten, some things can be remembered, some things can be done willingly, and some things have always been powerless. Loving you is my disaster. 2. Life is only for regrets that you have missed, not for things you have done. Not doing something when you want to do it most is a regret in life. Life requires careful consideration and occasional impulse. When you really want to do something, it's best to act immediately and don't always miss out on the beauty of life. Impulsiveness may make you regret it, but missing it will definitely make you regret it. Don't worry too much. Being indecisive will only make you miss opportunities. 3. I am just an actor, shedding my own tears in other people’s stories. 4. The years are long, and if you are kind-hearted, there will eventually be someone who can ride with you, drink and travel with you. 5. If you can’t say goodbye with a smile, it’s better to leave quietly. 6. An individual has only one heart but two atria. One lives in happiness; the other lives in sadness. Don't laugh too loud or you'll wake up the sad people next to you. 7. I hope the wind blowing over me can go around a few times to hug you. 8. After you leave, don’t ask others how they are doing. You can't help if it's not good, and it's not your fault if it's good. 9. If one day we are no longer together, we should act as if we were together. 10. You look at me for a while and look at the clouds for a while. I feel that you are far away when you look at me and very close when you look at the clouds. 11. It is good to relax with poems and books on the pillow, and the scenery in front of the door is beautiful when the rain comes. 12. At that moment, I seemed to see the whole world collapse in front of me. Every piece of brick in the ruins is engraved with vivid memories. Now I stick to the earth quietly, no matter how careful I am to keep walking quietly. In the end, you will find that you are just a person exiled by memory. 13. There are people who like loneliness, but they don’t like disappointment. 14. Some things may be better if you hide them in your heart. As time goes by, they will become stories. 15. Remember everyone who treats you well. 16. I have passed through the era of longing for you, and my fingers are pale. Sentimental and sad sentences are the passage of time, flowing through the four seasons like water. You are still like a ship that has not returned home. 17. I am the last passer-by on your road, the last spring, the last snow, the last beggingliving war. 18. Salt. Destined to melt, perhaps with tears. 19. You have to believe that one day you will meet better people and have a better life. From then on, your smiles will come from your heart and your tears will be tears of joy. 20. There are two individuals, one is awake in the dark and the other is asleep in the light. 21. Life has no meaning. As long as you can give it meaning, it will have meaning. Instead of meditating on the meaning of life all day long, it is better to try doing something meaningful with this life. 22. If love is life, then I was born on the day I met you, lived in the years of falling in love with you, and died on the moment I broke up with you. 23. Many times we wantonly hurt those who love us the most, but when we wake up, we find that time does not give us a chance to say sorry. 24. Life is such that people have no choice. If possible, I hope that the warmth that once gave me never existed. 25. The world is too far away, life is too long, and even the flowering period is too long to withstand the passage of time. Memories change, whose waiting turns pale, and whose persistence has no regrets. 26. If there is an afterlife, I want to be a tree and stand there for eternity without any gestures of joy or sorrow. Half of it is peaceful in the soil, half of it is flying in the wind, half of it is covered with shade, and half of it is bathed in sunshine. It is very silent and very proud, never relying on and never looking for it. 27. Youth is meeting seven selves. One is bright, one is sad, one is gorgeous, one is adventurous, one is stubborn, one is soft, and the last one is growing. 28. Always in inadvertent years, I look back to the other side, even though I find that the situation lasted for a long time. 29. Everyone is born with a different mission given by God. I don’t indulge in feasting and having fun, and I don’t cling to luxurious and noble material desires. I don’t have any lofty dreams worth chasing for my whole life. My heart is still so calm. I know that those years when I was working so hard are gone. But my former self died when I crossed three traffic lights. That person who acts recklessly. 30. Most importantly, the tenderness of the lowered head is like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot withstand the cool breeze. 31. When a relationship doesn't belong to you, it has no value to you at all, so you don't have to think of it as a loss. 32. Keep a peaceful mind, light ink in the world of mortals, love each other silently, like each other silently. 33. Listening to sad songs makes you think of people you shouldn’t think about; watching happy plays makes you forget people you shouldn’t forget. 34. For you, thousands of times. 35. Your name is on my mind. 36. I can forget you quietly. I hate your last sentence, I love you. 37. At four o'clock in the morning, I saw Begonia flowers still awake. 38. Cherish the people around you and try not to hurt them with your words. Even if you meet someone you don't like, try to be roundabout and find reasons to leave. Don't hurt them wantonly. This will not only make you feel bad, but also make the situation more embarrassing. Cherish everything around you now. 39. Have the greatest hope for the future; do your best for the goal; prepare for the worst for the result; have the best attitude for success or failure. Not impatient, not arrogantDon’t be discouraged, I wish you seize every minute and let happiness embrace you! 40. The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a glass of ice-cold water and then turning into hot tears drop by drop. 41. Disappear quietly into the sea of ​​people, don’t let anyone see you! Missing you is the pain of breathing, evaporating in an instant, letting the impossible disappear with it! 42. A bird that only stands on a tree is never afraid of the branches breaking, because it trusts not the branches, but its own wings. Instead of worrying about the future every day, work on the present. On the road to success, only struggle can give you the greatest sense of security. 43. It doesn’t matter, you have old memories that I can’t take away. 44. All girls at the age of love are always divided into two groups: one group says that happiness is only if the other person loves me more; the other group says that happiness is only if the other person loves me more. Maybe we are all wrong. The form and weight of love are never set in our hearts. The kind of man you meet will determine the kind of love you will have. 45. The flowers on the other side bloom without leaves, and the leaves grow without flowers. We miss each other but cannot see each other. 46. ​​The mountains, seas, lakes, sunsets and stars that I wanted to see were all found the day I met you. 47. The fireworks in the world that I covet are all yours without any bias. 48. The stars in the sky fall in your eyes, and there are traces of my love for you. 49. The chuckle at the corner of the boy's mouth was like taking a bite of ice cream, and the sweetness spread in my heart. 50. The gentle and warm water with thousands of stars is not even half as good as your facial features. 51. I want to become a small planet. All the wind that blows over you, the water that is sweeter than you, and the flowers that have been gentle to you are all my gifts to you. 52. After experiencing all the sufferings in the world, you still try your best to retain tenderness. 53. You are the wandering spirit in the world, and I am the god who protects you from generation to generation. 54. The stars fall into your eyes and you fall into my heart. 55. Why are there so many tears to shed? Are you a little faucet? 56. All things are ups and downs. Yi Yang Qian Xi is the way back to the world. 57. All tenderness and attachment are my love for you, which is as bright as a star. 58. There are countless stars in the universe. You are not the stars. You are close to me. 59. Everyone in the world is like a sky full of stars, but you are as bright as the moon. Among all the stars holding the moon, you are the most dazzling. 60. There will be sunset on the horizon, just like you coming late with your eyes full of smiles. 61. Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifetime of romance. 62. Many things will not last forever. I want to be happy now. 63. I want to be you, see what you see, and love what you love. 64. I like the wind in March, the rain in June, the sun that never sets, and the best of you. 65. You are the light nearby and the stars far away. 66. Summer has a late glow, just like you who come late are all smiles. 67. I want to be a quiet flowing cloud that can be blown by the wind into the shape you like. 68. We will meet each other on a narrow road in our lifetime, but we will never be spared. 69. If an individual knows why he lives, he can endure any kind of life.

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