How to write "Seagull"

Introduction How to write Xiao Lianbi of Seagull The method of writing Xiao Lianbi of Seagull is as follows: 1. In the distance, where the water and the sky meet, there are several sailing ships, with silver-white sails spread like wings seagulls. at dusk

How to write "Seagull"

The writing method of Xiao Lianbi of Seagull is as follows:

1 In the distance, where the water and the sky meet, he there are several sailboats with it. silver-white sails that lift like seagull wings. Under the light of dusk, the sea surface shone with golden light. Many seagulls are gathered on the beach, they are large and small, and their feathers shine in the sun.

Some folded their wings slightly and hovered in the air, some vibrated their wings and straightened their feet, flying in the air, and some flew quickly in the sky, as if they had drawn long stripes in the sky. , their bodies combined with blue sea water, blue sky and white clouds make people feel like they are in a painting.

2. When I arrived at the seaside, I looked around me. The sea and the sky were the same color, vast and limitlesss, and the sea and the sky were close to each other. On the sea, spots of white sails swayed in the sea, and a seagull hovered in the air for a while and then flew to the sea to fish and play. The waves on the sea were rippling, and the hill-shaped waves were like angry lions, hitting the beach violently, and then quietly retreating into the sea like a timid little girl.

3. Several seagulls flew freely through the magnificent red clouds, sometimes spreading their wings and flying away, sometimes emitting joyful cries, giving the dawn ocean a new look. There were layers of waves on the sea, and the turbulent water hit the rocks and made loud bursts. The white foam splashed, as if playing a majestic song.

We walked on the golden beach, and the waves caught me from time to time, tickling my soles, hitting my legs and m'sprinkling the face from time to time, like a group of naughty dolls. , It's so good!

4. As I approached the seaside, I saw that the sky was connected to the water in the distance, and the water was connected to the sky. Suddenly, they dove and scooped up a calf. fish, then stopped on a rock, rest; the white sailboat is neatly moored at the dock, gently swaying with the sea breeze from time to time, tickling me to laugh; the sea breeze mixes with the scent of nature blowing on your face, making you feel relaxed and happy.

5. The sun shines slowly, love songs are melodious at sea level, I stretch my hands, wanting to be close to your gentle shoulders, your smile makes me smile, seagulls dance happily, I love you always. It brings me happiness.

6. The seagull flew out from the distant sea, like a group of black dots floating in the air, moving slowly on the sea,his piercing eyes seemed to be searching for something. After a while, I saw him use his thin mouth to dip the hook into the water. After a while, the fish became the object in his stomach.

7. Look at the sea in the distance, it is blue. It's so dark, but I can see the dark green mixed in with it, which must be the color of algae. Looking up, the seagulls are flying freely. Eh? Why is everything blue in the distance? It turns out that water and sky are related, and it is difficult to tell which is the sea and which is the sky. It is surrounded by green trees and is full of green, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

8. In the blue sea, the seagulls are like bows. It flew into the sky like an arrow, then turned around and folded its wings directly into the sea water to capture the fish that could not escape .

9. In the distance is the wavy sea and a group of seagulls are flying on the blue sea. THESeagulls' wings shine golden under the sunlight, which is so beautiful.

10. The seagull swooped down like lightning, making people really worried that it would fall into the vast river. However, the moment he approached the water, he suddenly became surprisingly light and fell like a feather.

11. A seagull flies in the blue sky. She spreads her wings from time to time and flaps her wings several times. She looks very relaxed and comfortable, along with her posture and slow movement. the wings close to the water are. Her body resembles that of a graceful dancer.

12. Looking far away, the boundless sea seems to be connected with the sky. On the sea, flocks of seagulls fly. Some of them spread their wings and flew high on the sea, some flew on the sea, some whispered on the sea, and some fished happily on the sea... Every seagull became a happy note on the sea.

13. There are a few small waves breaking on the sea, and occasionally a few seagulls are playing and playing on the sea. In the clear sky, the clouds quietly took their final call on their stage, and the sun shone happily directly on the ocean surface, bringing the long-awaited sunbathing to small sea creatures.

14. There are a few small waves on the surface of the sea, and occasionally a few seagulls play and play on the surface of the sea. In the clear sky, the clouds have quietly taken their final call on their stage, and the sun has shone happily directly on the ocean surface, bringing the long-awaited sunbathing to the little sea creatures.

15. There are groups of fish swimming happily in the water at the bottom of the sea, and there are three to five seagulls flying and circling in the sky. The small waves on the sea are like white lotuses, and the clouds quietly in thesky float aimlessly in the sky. Everything in the sea, everything in the sky, everything on earth creates this peaceful and beautiful world.

1. How to imitate a tilted umbrella in lesson 19 of the third grade of primary school

In the spring, it rained continuously.

Every time I hold the same umbrella with my mother and go home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is tilted towards me. In summer, the sun burns the earth.

Every time I hold the same umbrella with my mother and go home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is always tilted towards me. In autumn, the rain is gentle.

Every time I hold the same umbrella with my mother and go home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is always tilted towards me. In winter, the biting wind, mixed with rain and snow, makes people feel cold everywhere.

Every timehen I hold the same umbrella with my mother and come home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is tilted towards me, as always. Four seasons, rolling wheelBack.

Every time it rains, when my mother and I come home, the umbrella always tilts towards me, and it has never changed. In the spring, my mother's thin clothes were wet; in summer, my mother's arms exposed to the sun were tanned; in autumn, my mother's clothes were always stained with withered yellow leaves; in winter, snowflakes always remained on my mother's arms; the shoulders.

The umbrella that always tilts towards the child, the love that will always only increase but will never diminish, everything is in the unsaid...

2. How to imitate a tilted umbrella in lesson 19 of the third grade of primary school

In the spring, it rained continuously.

Every time I hold the sameumbrella with my mother and I return home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is tilted towards me. In summer, the sun burns the earth.

Every time I hold the same umbrella with my mother and go home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is always tilted towards me. In autumn, the rain is gentle.

Every time I hold the same umbrella with my mother and go home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is always tilted towards me. In winter, the biting wind, mixed with rain and snow, makes people feel cold everywhere.

Whenever I hold the same umbrella with my mother and return home, I always find that the umbrella in my mother's hand is tilted towards me, as always. The four seasons come and go.

Every time it rains, when my mother and I come home, the umbrella always tilts vers me, and it has never changed. In the spring, my mother's thin clothes were wet; in summer, my mother's arms exposed to the sun were tanned; in autumn, my mother's clothes were always stained with withered yellow leaves; in winter, snowflakes always remained on my mother's arms; the shoulders.

The umbrella that always tilts towards the child, the love that will always only increase but never diminish, everything is in the unsaid...

3. How to write "Tilted Umbrella" practice in pen after school

When I was very young, I remember one day it started to rain and there were a lot of parents coming to pick up their children. on the way to school, and I stood alone in the teaching building. Then I was thinking about how to get home today. A familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of me. Ah, it turned out to be my body. covered in mud and waterat that time. I love you, mom. During another exam, I came to class with confidence to prepare for the exam. It had been 15 minutes since I opened the book. There wasn't a question I couldn't ask yet. the big question. I was stunned when I saw it. Suddenly I remembered what my mother told me: "If you encounter a question that you don't know, put it aside and do the following first, and then do it whenever you want . come back." But when I looked down, I was stunned that I couldn't understand any questions, and I felt anxious and more and more worried. The more anxious I was, the more I didn't know. When I looked up, Teacher XX looked at me I really wanted to tell me, don't worry, look again and everything will be fine and it was similar to that of the student. assistant, I can figure it out one step at a time, and it seems a lot more simplistic.ple when I watch it thanks to Professor XX.

4. How to write a tilted umbrella after class writing

"Only mothers are good in the world, and a mother's child is like a treasure..." Every time I sing this childhood song, I feel very warm. She praises the mother's altruism and greatness.

And I also want to sing like this: "Actually, Dad is also very good..." because it reminds me of the umbrella leaning in the rain. It was a rainy evening. I was waiting for my parents to pick me up after finishing my English class at the Youth Palace. It was raining a lot outside, it was like a long whip lashing the earth hard, as if it was going to fall. create a crack in the ground. Similar.

I was sitting in the empty classroom, looking at the heavy rain outside the window and feeling sad. Suddenly I found a familiar figure, it was Dad! I rushed out of theclass.

We went down together and walked under umbrellas. Because it was raining a lot and the road was not easy to travel, my father wanted to wait for a taxi to take me home, but we waited and waited but. still hasn't arrived. In desperation, my father and I came home with an umbrella. Since my father had only brought one umbrella, we just walked home.

At first, my shoulders were wet. After walking for a while, suddenly I no longer felt the water droplets. I looked up and saw that the umbrella in my father's hand was almost tilted towards my head. . So I said to my father: “The umbrella is tilted!” » He smiled and said, “No!” » Then he immediately straightened the umbrella, he asked me with concern: “Son, are you cold? "I shook my head and said it wasn't cold.

He repeated: "Don't freezenot!" and wrapped me in his big coat. As I walked, I felt the umbrella tilt towards me again.

When I got home, I discovered that half of my father's body was almost completely wet. Suddenly, a warm current invaded my heart.

Daddy's love is always silent and deep. and silent encouragement when I need help the most, he helps me analyze and gives me advice on how to solve them "Not only is my mother good in the world, but my father is. also very good..." This is the song of my heart and my favorite song.

I love my father.

5. Write an essay titled "Tilted Flower Umbrella" < p> Tilted flower umbrella

"Tick-tick-tick...tick-tock..." The drizzle outside pattered the ground, a

The drops. rain are tiny and crystal clear, and the sound of falling to the ground is crisp and soft, butIt brings back endless memories

. ..

From a very young age, I loved the rain.

Every time a crackling sound came from the window, my mother would come to the door, hold up the lavender umbrella and wave at me with a sweet smile. I happily ran

to my mother, stood under the umbrella and hugged my mother's arm. When I looked up, I was surprised to find that the sky above my head had turned a lavender color ------- it was the color of an umbrella, so purple that it was so exciting.. Look mom, the lavender sky above her head has been shattered.

Half is lavender and the other half is gray sky. “Mom, the umbrella is crooked!” I often remind my mother like that. But my mother would always look up and say kindly

“It’s not crooked.” I was confused: "What's going on? This is obviously twisted for me

Here mom was smiling but!" n / Anothing said.

When I got home, I found that half of my mother's shoulders were soaked. "Mom, your shoulders are wet. Dry them quickly!" "No, such a big umbrella covers my whole body." I laughed again, but I became more and more confused. This way, every time we come back from the rain,

Mom's body is always half dry and half wet.

I don't know since when, the person holding the umbrella is no longer my mother, but me. It's still the world of rain

It's still the world where my mother and I walk in the rain. "Yingying, the umbrella is crooked." My mother's voice whispered in my ear

. I looked up and realized half of my shoulders were wet. My

heart suddenly warmed up. Without knowing it, I was doing the same thing as my mother, always

this tilted umbrella. When I took the handkerchief given by my mother, the larmy eyes rose to my eyes

Inexplicably turning...

It was an umbrella tilted, it was an umbrella full of heat.

6. The fourth-grade Chinese language unit 5 composition "Mom's Tilt Umbrella" should describe the appearance and psychological life of the mother.

There are a few small pimples dotted around his face. This doesn't add fuel to the fire. . It's the icing on the cake.

Her smile is very beautiful, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing two deep dimples. It's a beautiful smile too, very elegant, with big eyes. her eyes and fluttering eyelashes. She looks scary. She looks like a doll. His eyes are the symbol of beautiful eyes.

He is very serious in class, with one hand under his chin, listening to the teacher's lecture. carefully. His eyes are clear. She was serious and had a serious look on her face, when she encountered a problem, she always frowned.raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes were filled with confusion. eyes flashed again, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

Looking up and down, his hair still sticks to his head, there is a pair of very big eyes, a bit. little red and phoenix, with pure and clear eyes that make people look at them all the way. There is a delicate nose sandwiched between a pair of eyes, the lips are slightly tilted, always making you think he is smiling.

7. The composition of the tilted umbrella

I have loved rain since that I am a child, because I saw these drops of rain, my son, I am very happy.

Once again it was a rainy day. Grandpa was going for a walk and I went with him.

We held umbrellas and walked farther and farther away, and the rain became heavier and heavier. Suddenly, grandfather asked me: "Were you caught in the rain?" "

I repliedwaved, and my grandfather suddenly smiled. However, I saw that the umbrella my grandfather was holding was tilted, leaving only a gray sky.

I asked my grandfather strangely: "The umbrella is tilted, you're not going to get caught in the rain? "No," Grandfather replied. "But the umbrella is clearly tilted towards me." When I got home, my grandfather wiped the rain off his shoulders with a handkerchief.

I said angrily: "Grandpa, you obviously got caught in the rain . Why? Lying to me? "Grandfather looked at me with a smile and didn't answer. After a few years, I grew up and it was my turn to hold an umbrella for my grandfather.

It was another rainy day. I took the umbrella and talked to my grandfather. Let's go for a walk together.

After walking for a while, I realized that the umbrella I was holding was tilted towards my grandfathere. was the same one my grandfather held a few years ago. Isn't it the same for the umbrella? The difference is that the umbrella came at me from an angle.

"Xiao Zhang, the umbrella is leaning towards me. "Grandpa said to me.

I looked at my grandfather with a smile and I felt extremely happy. The same umbrella has different love.

This tilted umbrella, expressing the love that cannot be expressed in words. Waiting for the rain

8. Write an essay with the title “Umbrella with slanted flowers” ​​

“Umbrella with slanted flowers”. The drizzle outside hits the ground. Each drop of rain is like a tiny, crystalline drop. The sound of falling to the ground is sharp and soft, but it brings back endless memories... When I was very young, I like rain.

Every time a crackle comes from the window, my mother comes to the door, holds up the lavender umbrella and waves at me witha sweet smile. I ran to my mother happily, stood under the umbrella and hugged my mother's arm.

When I looked up, I was surprised to find that the sky above my head had turned a lavender color ------- that. It's the color of an umbrella, and it's so exciting. Look at mom, the lavender sky above her head has been shattered, half is lavender and the other half is gray sky.

“Mom, the umbrella is crooked!” I often remind my mother. But every time, my mother looks up and happily says: "It's not crooked."

I was confused: "What's going on? It's obviously tilted towards me! » “My mother smiled but said nothing. When I got home, I found that half of my mother's shoulders were soaked.

"Mom, your shoulders are wet, dry them quickly! "No, such a big umbrella covered my whole body." "My mother laughed again, but I becamemore and more confused.

This way, every time we come back from the rain, my mother's body is always half dry and half wet. I don't know when, the umbrella person is no longer a mother, but It's me.

It's still the rainy world, it's still my mother and I walking in the rain. "Yingying, the umbrella is crooked."

My mother's voice came softly to my ears. I looked up and realized half of my shoulders were wet.

My heart suddenly warmed. Without knowing it, I was doing the same thing as my mother, always tilting the umbrella. When I took the handkerchief that my mother had given me, tears came to my eyes... It was a tilted umbrella, and it was an umbrella full of tenderness.

9. Composition: The umbrella tilted in the rain

When you hear the song "Only the mother is good in the world...", will you think of your mother's love for yous?

“Ding-a-Ling-Ling” at the end of class is over. I cleaned up the classroom and got ready to go home. But this June sky really looks like a child's face. at any time. Earlier it was clear and clear, but now it is clear. Suddenly, lightning pierced the sky, thunder roared one after another, and lightning crossed the sky like a sharp strike. sword. Then, heavy rains fell.< /p>

I was worried and thought, “My father is on a business trip, my mother is bedridden, and my grandmother's house is far away. Who can send me an umbrella? ? What should I do?" Seeing classmates one after another, my parents came to pick me up, and I became more and more anxious.

The wind and rain were blowing violently, and the magnolia trees on the campus were swayed by the wind. Rainwater flowed along low-lying areas, and some places all merged into a small river.D. Looking at the dark sky and the water splashing on the ground, I became even more anxious. >

At this time, the rain curtain A familiar figure appeared in the room, staggering towards the teaching building. "Is that mom? Yes, it's mom like I saw hope in the darkness I ran out of the classroom!" and I ran towards my mother throwing myself into her arms. My mother was all wet and she touched my face with her cold hands, but I felt hot all over my body.

I looked at my mother. up and down, and I saw that his face was pale, without a trace of blood, I couldn't help it anymore, a flood of tears came to my eyes, and I didn't know if it was rain or if tears flowed. freely on my face.

On the way home, my mother continued to hold the umbrella. He pushed towards me, but most of his body was exposed. I pushed the umbrella and said, “Mom, youlook. like you're wet. Can you hold the umbrella over there?" "It's okay." , It's okay. It's okay, Mom, we'll all be home in a while. As long as you don't get wet. wet!” After hearing this, tears came to my eyes again...

What a great mother, what a great mother of deep motherly love. May all mothers in the world live! safe!

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