Poems about wind, rain, thunder and lightning

Introduction Poems about wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Wind: The wind is blowing and the red flag is frozen. Rain: Fish come out in the drizzle and swallows sway in the breeze. Thunder: There are no hills in the mountains, and the swallows sway in the breeze. the

Poems about wind, rain, thunder and lightning

Wind: The wind is blowing and the red flag is frozen.

Rain: The fish are coming out in drizzle, the swallows are bowing in the breeze.

Thunder: The mountains are without mausoleums, rivers are exhausted, winter thunder trembles, summer rain and snow tremble, and heaven and earth are united, so I dare to be with you.

< p>Electricity: Lightning fails, hills collapse, and stone fans in the sky of the cave open in the middle. The vastness of the blue sky is bottomless, and the sun and moon shine on gold.

1: The wind and rain fall. one after another in autumn, and the clouds are the same all over the world.

2: There are four hundred and eighty temples in the Southern Dynasty, and many towers are in the mist. ——Du Mu's "Jiangnan Spring Quatrains"

Under peaches and plums, the Spring Festival Gala is not a success. outsidelaughing from the wall, I see flowers looking for their way, horses passing in the shadows of the willows and orioles singing. Everywhere is miserable.

3: Scattered in the bead curtain and wet the curtain, the fox fur is not warm and the brocade quilt is thin.

4: Drizzle is not visible on wet clothes, and flowers falling to the ground are silent. ——"Bie Yan Shi Yuan"

5: The willow branches have been rained heavily, and the color of the pine is dark with smoke. ——Tang Zhang Wei's "Junnan Pavilion Banquet"

6: Three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo are a prophet of the warmth of the spring river. Two orioles sang in the green willows and a row of egrets rose into the sky.

7: The frozen surface of the river has been unlocked;

8: Lying at night listening to the wind and rain, the iron horse and the glacier man dreamed of comingr.

9: Wuran is in the world, Haoran feels guilty. It lasted four years and one thousand three hundred nights.


11: When the leaves fall and the west wind blows, all the green hills are thin. ——Xin Qiji, Song Dynasty, "Zhaojun's Resentment"

12: When the middle of winter comes, all the flowers will die.

13: It's not raining on the mountain road, the sky is green, and people's clothes are wet. ——Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty. “In the mountains”

14: Homesickness is unbearable and sad, who is ready to respect the king and his traveling grandson?

15: After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather arrives late in autumn. ——Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty. “Dwelling in the Mountains in Autumn Darkness”

16: A goose raises its head to the sky and thousands of mountains float in the air. ——Qing? “Dengbao Wulou” by Zha Shenxing

17: “Strongrains in Youmeitang" Author: Su Shi

18: I feel that the autumn window will never end. and the rain can help the desolation.

19: Water of the peach blossom pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as the gift Wang Lun gave me

20: "Chuzhou West Stream" Author: Wei Yingwu

60 poems about wind, rain, thunder and lightning 60 poems about wind, rain, thunder and lightning

< p>21: Like smoke that flies It's deserted , like dew, humidity and desolation

22: There are little fluffy spots on the hair

23: Walking in the spring drizzle


24: The good rain knows it's time for spring to come ―――― "Spring Night Joyful Rain" by Du Fu

25: I forget the love for love, I'm tortured for love, it doesn't matter, forget love or torture

26: The horse is tired and wanders on the steep road, so he takes refuge in the Recruitment Hotel. ThereThe rain is heavy, the mountain streams are swollen, and the trees on the Yunmi Ridge are low.

27: Open the hidden heart.

28: I go to the river from time to time to pick bean sprouts and accompany my daughter to compete with the River God. The crowd did not dare to speak openly, and secretly threw money to predict who was far away. After a desolate farewell, the two echoed each other, the most unbearable resentment in the moonlight."Yu Meiren" by Nalan Xingde

29: After many years of love in Beijing, I suddenly remembered the south of the Yangtze River when I heard the spring rain. ——"Listening to the rain"

Reminder of Jiangnan by Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty

30: The rain stopped early and the autumn air in the mountains empty is clear.

31: Perilla is solitary red, with several clumps growing. The dew condenses and the rain falls, and the graceful girl inand in the wind. Yinan can't bear to correspond, how can immortals communicate with each other. The explanations accompany you day and night, and you forget your worries for the rest of your life.

What is the name of the song at the end of FM Ye Wen's Storytelling? There are words like "turn on the radio" in the lyrics, but I haven't found it yet! Thank you

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Content overview:

< p>Time: August 17, 2007 AD, 8:17:32 AM

Location: Shanghai High-Tech Development Zone, China [formerly Pudong Mudflat Area]< /p>

No. 333 Qingfeng Street [an ancient three-story building of the Republic of China]

The third floor attic [a place where debris is stored in a narrow space]

An old long round table is placed diagonally acrossin the corner of the attic. An old clock sat haphazardly, ticking harshly. Next to the round table was a small single bed, and in front of the bed was the attic skylight. The wind blades were open and the wind was blowing the branches. There was a loud noise, and the blue wood paint on the windows was also fading, and it seemed that it was almost broken. The light in the attic was relatively dark. and the lights were still on. There was a broken light bulb hanging from the top, flickering and emitting a faint grayish light, but it didn't do much to change the light in the room. lying on the bed, and a slightly thin face flickered under the flashing light. The attic was very dirty, and had obviously not been cleaned in a long time. The legs and corners of the wall were covered with cobwebs.

The ancient clock finally rang loudly, making a dull noise,as if rusty iron was being torn to pieces, which was particularly hard in the quiet attic. It was already 9 o'clock sharp, and suddenly the black shadow. jumped out of bed, muttering to himself: "What is supposed to happen has finally happened..." It is clearly seen that a handsome man jumps quickly and nimbly onto the attic floor, the other end is dark and dense ...

What are the benefits of drinking mint leaves soaked in water, and how to drink them most effectively?

Is that it?

I still love you Jing Tian

When I turn on the radio and hear your news, the distance between my thoughts and my thoughts are getting closer

I still don't believe it The strange faces that have become the past hide the silence

The lover turned enemy, hating each other, which has changed us

Is it your cruelty or do I want to escape? Maybe it never happened It's reasonable

I love youAlways and I still love you is a secret you don't understand

I promised you to forget but I can't forget

It's too late to remember and it hurts

I still love you, I still love you, I watch love go away

I can't do anything anymoreCome and get you


Even if the whole world cries

I still love you

Snuggle yourself in your arms under the afternoon sun and listen to yourself say that we never will be. separated

The warm breath, gentleness and gentleness of lovers dissolve bad tempers

The departure of love leaves no trace, all happiness is just a dream

Today, I no longer speak of happiness. The soul that does not have the strength to be excited does not come back

I still love you and I love you love always is a secret you don't understand

I promised to forget but I can't forget

I have no choice but to remember It's too late to do anythingl

I still love you, I still have you I loved you and I watch love go away

There's nothing I can do to take you back< /p>

Even if the whole world cries

Always I love you

Always loving you, loving you all the time is a secret you don't know

I promised to forget but there is no way to forget

It's too late to remember the pain

I still love you, I still love you, I'm watching love go away

There's nothing I can do to take you back

Even if the whole world cries


Still Still Love You

Song title: Loneliness Singer: Jiang Yuheng

Open the phone book

< p>There is person who suits me now

Friends around me

Everyone has their own problems

I have to be alone

Taste the solitude Taste solitude

Turn on the radio

Not a single song can move you

Is your moodIs she so bad?< /p>

I'm not sure of anything

Just let solitude

organize me, organize me Mm...


This is the first time I've felt alone

Who's going to teach me

Teach me to enjoy solitude< /p>

Have a cigarette?

Or just be in a daze and you can get through it

Be honest, say

It' is the first time I feel alone

Who will teach me

Teach me to get used to loneliness

Have a drink

It's better to endure it

I can get through it if I endure it


Lyrics: Wang Yingzhou Music : Wu Xuwen


From the album "Map"


This is the first time I feel alone

< p>Who will teach me

Teach me to enjoy solitude

Smoke well?

You can get away with being dazed


This is the first time I've ever felt alone

Who will teach me

Teach me to get used to loneliness

Have a drink

Or Put up with it.

I can cope if I can stand it



It's my first time I ever felt alone

< p>Who will teach me

Teach me to get used to solitude

Have a drink

To endure it better


I can get through it if I endure it

I can get through it if I endure it

I can get through it if I can stand it

I can stand it


Open the phone book

No one suits me now

Friends around me

Everyone has their own problems

I had no choice but to be alone

Taste solitude, taste solitude


Chen Nairong-No More

Lyricist: Chen Nairong Composer: Chen Nairong

< p>After hanging up

It felt like the whole world was silent with me

Turn on the radio and listen

Your song preferred This song makes me insomniac

What are you hiding from me

Actually, we all know in our hearts

Who and what 'didn't work

Eyes closed tightly

Why can I still see your happy face

Fingertips slightly trembling

Tear you into pieces I once loved A wonderful memory

What have you hidden from me

Actually, we all know in our hearts

Who and what went wrong

Maybe you have changed

You don't love me anymore and you don't miss me

< p>Cruelty and indifference are like never knowing yourself

No matter how much I apologize, nothing can be saved

Not even the last goodbye

You don't love me anymore, you don't miss me anymore

Cruelty and indifference is like never knowing yourself

Your beautiful smile doesn't bother me 'belongs from now on

Say I love you quietly and let's break up

After we hang up

He sSeems the whole world has been silent with me

< STRONG class=tx_hit>Turn on the radio and listen to it

Your favorite song is keeping me from sleeping

< p >What are you hiding from me

In fact, we all know in our hearts

Who and what went wrong

Maybe you've changed

You don't love me anymore, you don't miss me anymore

Cruelty and indifference are like never knowing yourself


No excuses can save anything

No need to say the last goodbye

You don't love me anymore, you don't miss me anymore


Cruelty and indifference is like never knowing you

The beautiful smile no longer belongs to me from now on

Say gently, I love you, and we'll break up

Say softly, I love you, and we'll break up

Fang Datong - Dragging the Man with the Woman

Lyrics : Fang Datong

Composer: Fang Datong

Come on everyoneturn on the radio

All over the world, train men and women to talk about love

Come on, everyone, open your hearts

All over the world The doctrine of training men and women to talk about love


Let me sing every day

< p>Where the sun walks, the spring breeze awakens the frost on the ground

In June, the field seeks where summer is

The breath of love between heart and soul crosses the distance of the ocean

Every minute, every second, every day goes on all the time

How much money, fame and fortune

What we get in return is emptiness , let's give up our embrace

Let our love lead the world

Come on everyone< STRONG class=tx_hit>Turn on the radio

All over the world Train people men and women to talk about the doctrine of love

Come on everyone, open your hearts

All over the world The doctrine thatis to get men and women talking about love

Let me sing every day

love in fact, love in fact

< p>like the sun in my eyes'

like the showers of the sky

just like flowers bloom for every girl on Valentine's Day

every breath of love we breathe'

crossing the ocean abroad

nothing can hold back the magic

that was made for us


I know that money doesn't make the world go round

power doesn't make the world go round

hate doesn't make the world go round world

< p>pPeople make the world go round with love

come on everyone, it's time to give

create a better place for all to live in love in fact

come on everyone in the world

sir and your madam, all boys and girls for love in fact

everything It's about this thing called love

love, love in fact. En fact, I really love

all my friends around the world

turn on your radio, go and listen to my song

How much money, fame and fortune

What comes back is emptiness, let's give up our embrace

Let our love lead the world

Come on everyone turn on the radio

all over the world, the doctrine of getting men and women talking about love

come on everyone, open your hearts

all over the world, the doctrine of getting men and girls to talk about love< /p>

Let me sing every day

love in fact, love in fact, love in fact

Girl Friend - M (Lee Min -woo)

Volume 2< 2nd winds>

Lying in my bed, I found that I missed you even more

Looking at the time, it was already past 2 p.m. in the middle of the night, but I still couldn't fall asleep

Even though I cried twice, I stille blurted out thinking maybe it was my phone call

Actually, there wasn't even a phone call at all

Living with a fragile heart

A man like me

I believe in you.` That's all I think about you (Will you go)

Even if it's as painful as death,

Although we are in the same pain, I hated you

How, how can I forget you and live (Never let go)

Without you, I don't have the confidence to live even one day

(Baby listen to me)

For me, separating is too difficult

The photo of you smiling on the table I see you

I tore it up, repeated it several times, then put it back together

I'm like a fool,

Turn on the radio and listen to familiar songs

Tears flowed,

The days we cried and laughed together,

just appeared in our eyes

I believe in you, that's all Ithink about you (Do you want to go)

Even if it's as painful as dying,

Even if we suffer the same, I hate you, you know

How, how can I forget you and live (Never let you go)

Without you, I don't have the confidence to survive even one day

(Baby, listen to me)

For me, breaking up is too difficult

Have you ever suffered as much as me?

Have you ever cried bitterly?

Have you ever thought of me like that? You know

How, how can I forget you and live (Never let you go)

You also said You can't live without me

< p>(Baby come back to me)

For you, love is so simple

New Pants Band - You are my star

I miss you desperately

I follow you no matter what

I love you desperately

Even if my idol is dead

Even if you can't sing anymore

I can't forget the past

By chanceTurn on the radio

Find lost memories


You're my star

Feelings irreplaceable

You are my star


New pants group - You are my star

Rhythm simple

My heart trembles

Sonic melody

The new wave destroys fashion

Even if you can't sing anymore

I can't forget the past

By chanceTurn on the radio

Find the lost memories


p>You are my star

Immovable destiny

You are my star


New Pants Group - You Are My Star


Singer: Hou Xu Lyrics: Liang Mang Music: Si Mao

Where is the love

Will there be another hundred and eight thousand kilometers

I'm sneezing

Will there be a light rain tonight

Where is NEW YORK

Is it in my mirrorreflective

The torch of the goddess

Hurry up and light me a Cuban CIGAR

The night is speechless, I want to open it Where to go

Don't let the cold air affect my breathing

Run to you in your beautiful arms

Be fascinated by your sparkling body

When you turn on the radio, it's boring R£B dance music

The latest news is that the boxing champion met a new love rival

Flip a coin hard Press the accelerator all the way down

I want to ask God to help me put my thoughts in order

I'm speechless at night and I want to drive there

Don't let the cold air affect my breathing

Letting you find new excitements

< p>I don't have any games to play in town< /p>

Run to you in your beautiful arms

Infatuated with your sparkling body

Let you find newhe excitements

There are no games for me in town

Gigi Leung<< Rainy Day >>

Lyrics: Xie Ming Music: HINKEL /FREUDNTHALER

I don't have any change and I don't want to go out and stand by the window

I locked myself in this room


I've forgotten you for several days and I feel a little wronged

Now punish me by being dazed for a whole day a dozen times

What a RAINY DAY RAINY DAY I have no objection

IT'S A RAINY DAY It's okay to be a little sad

I drew a circle in front of the window and it rained for several days

Seeing that I felt wet and happy at the same time A little less

I have been spoiled by you for several days and I should calm down

Turn on the radio and listen to all the bad music

What a RAINY DAY RAINY DAY I have no objection

IT'S A RAINY DAY It's okay to be un little sad< /p>

What a RAINY DAY RAINY DAY I don't hate


The phone just rang for a long time, pretending not to hear him

Bet a hundred dollars The money must be because you want to meet in the afternoon

I guess you've been waiting for several days and you need comfort

I miss you it's like a glass of juice, which is delicious and cheap

What a RAINY DAY DAY OF RAIN which I don't object to

IT'S A RAINY DAY It's okay to be a little sad< /p>

What a good RAINY DAY RAINY DAY I don't hate not

IT'S A RAINY DAY This feeling is inseparable and hard to let go

There is no right or wrong, sour and sweet

< p>Don't dare look back, only the rear window of the car can be looked back

Lyrics Lyricist: Wang Lei Composer: Zhang Yi

Sitting in the carureturning on the radio, what was playing was a love song,

Sad melody, dark thoughts, I'm locked in this little world.

When I rolled down the transparent glass of the car window, I was still thinking about that memory.

The hot key and the tear marks opened another lonely door .

Accelerate and go, drive away from this sad place,

Even if you escape, you will escape like a drunk driver.

Don't you dare look back. Looking back is just the rear window of the car.

Don't you dare look back, I can't see clearly. who always pursues you. Oh

Don't you dare look back, only the rear window of the car is visible when you look back.

Don't you dare look back, I will cry like you when I will look back.

Don't you dare look back, look at me, I will cry just like you.

See if there is this que you want.

Hello! It's Brother Qian talking about cars. I am happy to meet you here. I hope my answer helps you. After seeing your question: “What are the benefits of drinking mint leaves soaked in water and how to drink them most effectively?” I would like to say that mint leaves are the leaves of the mint plant and are also a Chinese medicinal plant. excellent healing effects. It has a unique scent and minty skin effect and can be used to refresh and refresh the mind. In fact, mint leaves can also be used directly to soak in water. People drink water infused with mint leaves, which has many benefits for the body. I will give it nextLet's talk specifically about the effects of drinking water and mint leaves, and also explain the benefits of drinking water and mint leaves.

All of abord, let's learn more about mint, also known as silver herb and night breath. It is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Mint genus of the Lamiaceae family. The leaves are opposite, the flowers are small lavender, lip-shaped, and small dark purple-brown fruits form after the flowers. It likes warm, humid and sunny places and grows mainly in humid mountain areas. The whole plant is green and fragrant, and it is an aromatic crop with particular economic value. Mint is one of the most used traditional Chinese medicines in China. It is a pungent and cool diaphoretic and antipyretic medicine that can treat flu, headache, red eyes, body heat, swelling and pain of the throat and gums. External use can treat neuralgia, itchy skin, rashes and eczema. Usually, the mEnthe is used instead of tea to clear the mind and improve eyesight.

Secondly, the benefits of drinking mint leaves in water: Mint leaves soaked in water can eliminate bad breath, which is very annoying. Usually, drinking mint leaves in water can eliminate people's bad breath, because mint leaves can eliminate oral inflammation and oral bacteria, and its aroma can stay in the mouth for a long time. Human mouth, so soaking in water can freshen breath and eliminate bad breath.

Third, mint leaves soaked in water can regulate emotions, making people feel refreshed and clear-headed. Mint leaves soaked in water can regulate people's emotions. The peppermint oil it contains can relieve tension and relax the body and mind. Drink mint leaves soaked inwater generally has many harmful effects on insomnia, depression and anxiety. The symptoms were much relieved.

Finally, soaking mint leaves in water can treat and prevent colds. Drinking mint leaves soaked in water is also very beneficial for colds in the human body. It can not only dispel wind and cold, but also clear heat and detoxify. Influence. Additionally, during this season, drinking more mint leaves soaked in water can also improve the body's antiviral ability and prevent colds.

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