It is impossible to determine which wind ETF fund is best.
Personalized advice:
Before investing in a fund, you should learn to understand the relevant basic knowledge. Although the fund itself has certain risk resistance capabilities, you need to learn to understand. overall systemic risk. Whether it's political risk or business cycle risk, interest rate risk and inflation risk, you have to take it into account. Only in this way can you better protect the security of your property and your investment in the fund. learn to seek accurate returns at all times. Generally speaking, the fund's investment returns come from the future. You need to have a long-term perspective. You should have your own opinion on whether future stock market developments will be a good thing. bull market or bear market. Although thehe funds The risk is relatively low, but some problems may arise during the conversion process. To better protect their assets against losses, they must learn to diversify their investments.
Detailed information:
Fund operating skills:
All of First, observe the market outlook before operating
The fund's investment income comes from the future. For example, if you want to redeem a stock fund, you can first determine whether the future movement of the stock market will be bullish or bearish. walk. Then decide whether or not you want to repurchase and make a choice about when. If it is a bull market, you can hold it for a while to maximize returns. If it's a bear market, buy back early and be careful.
Second, convert to other products
The conversion ofhe high-risk fund products into low-risk fund products is also a kind of redemption, such as: converting stock funds into foreign exchange funds. This can reduce costs. Conversion fees are generally lower than redemption fees, while the risk of money market funds is low, equivalent to that of cash, and the income is higher than current interest. Conversion is therefore also an idea of redemption.
Third, regular fixed amount redemptions
Similar to regular investments, regular fixed amount redemptions can be used for daily cash management and can also ease fluctuations in the walk. Regular fixed amount redemption is a redemption method that corresponds to a regular fixed amount investment.