Excellent descriptive essay

Introduction Compositions with excellent descriptive style. In daily study, work and life, everyone has dealt with compositions, it is to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory.

Excellent descriptive essay

In daily study, at work and in life, everyone has encountered composition. Writing compositions is an important way to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. Have no idea when it comes to writing an essay? The following is a composition with excellent descriptive style that I have compiled for reference purposes only. I hope it can help everyone.

Essay on Excellent Style 1

On Sunday afternoon, my sister and I went to Linghu Park to play.

A cool breeze blew in my face. The colorful flags fluttered in the wind, like guards lined up to welcome us; we arrived at the lake, and the calm surface of the lake was blown by the wind into layers of waves.

We walked along the tree-lined path, and the wind carried away the peach petals dancing in the air; the wind drove the dandelions to fly awaygo far away to live alone. The wind blew the golden leaves, and the leaves fluttered in the air from the trees, like a group of golden butterflies dancing in the wind, and fell to the ground, as if spreading a golden carpet on the earth.

We moved forward and came to the end of the lake, and saw a field of weeds. The wind caressed the weeds, bending them for a moment, as if bowing down to us, and lifting them for a moment. . Like a salvation for us.

I raised my head and looked up at the sky, ah! The wind sometimes turned Sister Baiyun into a squirrel and sometimes into a puppy.

Ah! Beautiful wind! Wicked wind!

Second Year of Middle School: Fang Jiaxin

Essay Describing Excellent Wind 2

Look, Feng is so capable!

The spring breeze gently caressed the little bamboo shoots with its hands, and the little bamboo shoots thought: Wow! So many peoplelove me! As a result, the happy little shoots grew bigger and bigger! The spring breeze combs the hair of the willow, and the little tips of the willow turn green. The willows shook their long green tresses and played hide and seek with the spring swallows, hiding and hiding, and the little kittens flew away. The spring breeze makes the face of the peach blossom red, attracting bees to collect nectar. The spring breeze blew through the grass, as if to say, “Little grass, wake up!” » The grass stuck its head out of the ground.

The autumn wind is like the magical Sun Wukong. With just one breath, it can make late autumn leaves fall to the ground like airplanes, dance like butterflies, and blow those beautiful petals all over the ground. . Yes, as they blew the seeds of the plants onto the earth, they thought: Finally back in the arms of mother earth!

The strong windcame, rolling huge waves down the wide river, as if they were going to swallow up boats of all sizes. The people on the boat were rocking, and some people began to get seasick and vomit profusely; some people were very scared, as if the end of the world was approaching. Shouting loudly: “Oh my God, what is happening, please save us”; the boat's boss said calmly: "Don't be afraid, lower the sails, the wind will stop after a while." "

A storm is coming. The boundless bamboo forest, in an instant, the bamboos were bent by the wind and struggled desperately. The bamboo forest was like a stormy sea. the bamboo forest had her skirt blown by the wind. I was swollen and my hair was flying. The wind turbine in the bamboo forest began to spin quickly, and the wind turbine in the bamboo forest was spinning. p>

Ah, the wind is so strong!

Excellent composition describing the wind 3

Autumn arrives and the wind blows. He is gentle for a while, fierce for a while, and comes to us with joyful steps.

Listen, the autumn wind blows playfully on the body of the mother sycamore. He is about to take away those sycamore seeds that are reluctant to leave the mother sycamore. He held on to the branches and refused. go down, looking fearfully at the autumn wind. At this time, Qiufeng said to Wutongzi: "Brother Wutongzi, if you don't leave your mother, you won't have better development in the future and you won't have your own baby. When you grow old, you I will regret it for the rest of your life!" Wutongzi was I was moved by Qiu Feng's words and was ready to leave my mother. The sycamore mother kissed the sycamore: "Come on, my children!" The sycamore let go of its branches and left its mother in the autumn wind.

I don't know how long it took, buts the sycamore eventually grew into a large sycamore. Birds can make nests in the tree, people can go and enjoy the shade under the tree and children can. can play under the tree. This sycamore is going to be a dad, and he's so happy he doesn't know how to describe it. However, he never forgot his brother Qiufeng back then. It was her advice that made him more stubborn. It was he who transformed a small sycamore into the imposing tree it is today. So how could this sycamore forget this kindness?

This year, the sycamore asked the swallow to find the autumn wind and let it come and visit it in the shade of the tree. After a while, a gust of autumn wind blew past the sycamore tree. Now the autumn wind had an invisible beard. Goodbye my brothers, they were happy from ear to ear.

Essay on the excellent wind 4

On a calm summer night, the cool wind always makes you thinkand indulge in it. The wind is beautiful, it captures people's imagination and leads to songs of homesickness.

Traveling to Hangzhou, spending the night by the West Lake, surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is truly a wonderful natural beauty. Although it is extremely hot in Hangzhou in August and the song of flying insects is endless, if you open the windows, the cool night breeze will hit your face. The wind is as gentle as a mother's hand caressing you, allowing you to sleep peacefully. The gentleness of Jiangnan Water Town is indeed contained in the wind; the sadness of the Jiangnan water town is also mixed with the gentleness of the carried wind. me in my heart, awakening my lingering homesickness.

The north wind is not as gentle as the southern summer wind of the Yangtze River, but it has a boldness that the southern summer wind of the Yangtze River does not have. a hint of warmth in the boldness, just like the columnhe broad and strong spine of your father, who carries you Walking through thousands of mountains and crossing thousands of rivers, carrying so much hope and fantasy...

The rustling of leaves brought me back from fantasy to reality. Xia Feng's tenderness seemed tainted by Xizi's feelings and became soft and distant. Listening to the distant sounds of nature, watching the beautiful shadows of swirling leaves, and hearing the heroic wind of my northern hometown, I transformed into a picture of the northern landscape.

The wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, but what can't be stopped is my endless heartache.The tranquility behind the wind and all refreshingly sang of the longing and homesickness of leaving family all over the world.

The music of nature still plays in my heart and the sound of the wind in my hometown still lingers in my ears. The darkness ofhe night enveloped the entire earth and the feelings of my hometown were closely tied to my heartstrings. Each tremor brought out my infinite sadness!

Essay 5 on the Excellent Wind

The winter wind is like a mighty giant, hitting our cheeks hard, making our cheeks red, like ripe red apples. Pedestrians also put on thick down jackets one after another, and I was no exception.

On the way to my father's company, there were many children shivering from the cold. Their hands were retracted into their sleeves, like little mice crawling in their nest. The wind became stronger and stronger, like a fierce tiger, roaring and rushing towards my neck, I could only tuck my neck into my clothes like a turtle.

The wind blew through the park again, dyeing the leaves of the sycamores gold and the leaves of the maples fiery red like a painter. CIt wasn't enough, it blew up all the leaves again, and the leaves fell to the ground like dead butterflies. Looking at the tree trunk again, it suddenly became dry.

The wind gave the sparrow a letter of challenge, asking it to prepare for the challenge of the winter cold. The shy sparrow panicked. He looked around and searched for branches and feathers. He also found a hole in the corner and put all these things in it. It also stores food and is ready to be baptized by the cold wind.

Although the winter wind is very cold, that does not stop my love for him. Winter wind, I love you!

Excellent composition describing the wind 6

There is wind all year round.

People often call the spring wind a gentle breeze, the summer wind called fumigong wind, the autumn wind called golden wind, and the winter wind called shuofeng. Although they are both winds,their temperaments are completely different.

In the spring, the farmer uncle took off his cotton-padded clothes and sowed seeds. A spring breeze blew, waking all things. Many seeds slowly showed their heads to visit the luminous world. The flowers are blooming, the grass is green and the fields are full of life. The warm spring breeze brings joy to people.

In summer it is very hot and large beads of sweat are constantly running down people's faces. How people need wind! However, the wind played hide and seek with us and hid somewhere. Even if there is a little wind, it is still hot and cannot dissipate heat. No wonder it’s called “wind of smoke.”

In autumn, a cool breeze blew on people's bodies. The beautiful leaves chase each other and fall from the trees like snowflakes. The reeds at the edge of the river are balaunched gently. The sorghum is red, the rice is ripe, and the people are harvesting the crops with joy. The golden wind brings people the joy of the harvest.

In the middle of winter, the bitter cold wind blows, raising dust and making it difficult to open your eyes. There are fewer pedestrians on the road. auntThe mother put on a headscarf, and a few naughty little boys simply came back to avoid the limelight. Some pedestrians clutched their necks, put their hands in their sleeves, and ran forward quickly. We ran against the cold wind. Even though the wind was like a knife, it could not frighten us because our hearts were on fire.

Wind, wind! People welcome you and need you, but sometimes they hate you and are afraid of you. When I grow up, I want you to listen to people's words and benefit humanity. Would you like?

Excellent composition describing the wind 7

The vAutumn ent is a key, with freshness and gentleness, it gently and gently opens the door of autumn.

The autumn wind is like a box of colorful paints. She arrived at the orchard, and you see, she gave her flesh to the pears. The yellow pears were like a big baby with a bulging belly, shaking and shaking, and the autumn harvest came. This gave the red color to the apples, and the red apples were like red lanterns, flashing everywhere, bringing joy to the fruit growers. The orange-red color is that of oranges and khakis. They squeeze and touch each other, competing for people to pick them! The Grape Fairy has more colors, red, green, purple, dark red, light green, colorful and beautiful!

The autumn wind casts magic on the fields, the rice smiled and bent down, the sorghum was like a drunken man, red from head to neck, and the cotton spat out cotton balls , like a littlegirl gauze skirt.

The autumn wind brings a song of harvest to the land and a joyful song to the people.

Essay 8 on Excellent Wind

Zhu Wenjuan The days passed by the wind as if overnight, the leaves fell; the swallows were flying... Someone told me it was the wind A tragedy has happened; by a child! And me?


The smoke from the kitchen has erased the last trace of red blood from the sun, and the night returns... How will the lonely heart end?

Who will listen to Daiyu’s “diary full of complaints”; Who will ask Zhaojun when he chooses to go out? It's a masterpiece for the ages, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes there were? red with tears. Sympathy, love... but who comes back to my life?

Looking back over the past eighteen years, I have grown from an ignorant child to the person I am today over countless days and nights. Laughter and tearsmy were drowned in childhood, and the past is too painful to remember... “When you grow up, you will have a tomorrow,” my mother told me. Yes, I have a schoolbag and a pencil, and I use pencils to weave the dreams of my youth; as I grow, friendship stays with me, like a cup of hot coffee with a lovely scent. But the teacher told me that I wasn't allowed to make friends with the boys, not even friendship. Oh my God ! He blackened the white paper of my soul with his round words. A good child is obedient, so I started swimming in the sea of ​​books, enjoying and unrestrained, I cried for Sister Lin, I sighed for Zhaojun, and I applauded the heroes of Liangshan!

Excellent composition describing the wind 9

The winds of spring, summer, autumn and winter are different from each other, of all kinds, soft, cold, fresh.. .

The wind in the spring is gentle, blowingIt is verycomfortable on a human face, as if my mother was caressing my little face very gently.

Hot summer is coming. Everyone is so hot that they are sweating profusely. Everyone hopes that a gust of cool wind can blow to dissipate the heat. No, if there is a gust of wind it will be a little cooler, and if there are several gusts of wind. in succession, it will be even better!

The end of autumn is here, and the wind that tells people that autumn is coming blows the withered yellow leaves from the trees, and the leaves fall like butterflies. Not only that, this wind also blows over the ripening fields. The harvests have ripened many different fruits in the orchard, for the autumn wind is the unique wind of the harvest season.

During the cold winter season, the wind became very violent. A gust of wind blew, making the pedestrians on the road shiver and couldn't help but shiver.wander their cotton jackets. violent wind The breath caused all the little heads of the flowers to shrink and bury themselves in the ground. However, the pine trees, bamboos and plums grew tenaciously, and the winter wind also attracted the blowing snow.

The winds of the four seasons are different and unique.

The wind, an object familiar to all of us, cannot be seen or touched. However, it is the wind that makes our world more wonderful and more magical.

Wind energy promotes the exchange of dry, cold, hot and humid air. A long time ago, humans learned to make wind turbines and use wind energy to pump water and water. process food. Today, people still use windmills to generate electricity.

The movement of a sailboat is also determined by the wind. Wind plays many roles in daily life, but it also often causes disasters inhumans. Storms, typhoons and hurricanes can flood farmland, collapse houses and cut off water and electricity. Tornadoes can wipe out cars, people, homes, and more. without leaving a trace.

The wind does a lot of work in nature. Wind can mix and balance a wide range of heat and water vapor, and regulate air temperature and humidity; it can send clouds and rain to distant locations, completing the water cycle on earth.

It can be seen that the wind is so wonderful. Only by studying hard can we better explore the mysteries of nature in the future.

Review it yourself! Come on! (*^__^*) Hey heh...! ! Give me some points, I'm very poor.

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