The flatness standards for wind turbine foundation pads include flatness requirements, flatness measurement methods and standardized certification.
1. Flatness Requirements: The flatness of the foundation pad is the key to ensuring tightness and stability between the tower and the foundation during the installation process. The flatness error of foundations should generally be between a few millimeters and more than ten millimeters.
2. Flatness Measuring Method: Instruments such as theodolite, level or laser level are generally used to measure the flatness of the foundation pad. Placement of measurement points generally follows specific code requirements to ensure complete and accurate measurement of the entire pad surface.
3. Standardized certification: In some regions, such as the European Union and China, there may be standards and certification requirements.specific cation to guarantee the quality and safety of wind turbine foundation cushions. These standards may include ISO9001 quality management system certification and associated industry standards.