How far is it from Binyang County, Nanning, Guangxi to Xuzhou?

Introduction How many kilometers are there between Binyang County, Nanning, Guangxi and Xuzhou? 1. Driving directions: Driving directions: The total distance is about 1,811.3 kilometers Starting point: Binyang County Government 1. Driving directions in Nanning City 1)

How far is it from Binyang County, Nanning, Guangxi to Xuzhou?

1. Highway route:

Route: About 1,811.3 kilometers in total

Starting point: Binyang County Government

1 To Nanning. City driving plan

1) Start from the starting point due north, follow Yongwu Road for 170 meters, turn right into Finance Road

2) Continue along Finance Road for 220 meters, turn left into Linpu Road

3) Continue along Linpu Road for 3.3 kilometers, cross Chengbei Bridge, direction Mingjing/Litang/Guigang Market and enter Scenic Road

2. Travel 3.4 kilometers, go straight and enter Fukun Line

3. Continue along the Fukun Line for 22.0 kilometers, direction Nanning/Liuzhou/G72, turn left and go back

4. , towards Liuzhou, turn slightly right and take ramp

5. Travel 360 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Quannan Highway

6. kilometers alongg from Quannan Expressway and continue straight on Guilin Ring Road

7. Travel 26.8 kilometers along Guilin Ring Road, towards Lingui/Longsheng/Xing'an/Quanzhou New District, turn slightly right and onto Quannan Expressway. ramp

8. Continue along the ramp for 950 meters, go straight and enter Quannan Highway

9. Continue along Quannan Expressway for 322.5 kilometers, direction Beijing/Changsha, turn slightly right. and take the ramp

10. Continue along the ramp for 930 meters. Go straight onto Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway

11. Highway for 457.5 km, direction Zhengdian/Wuhan South/Huangshi/Shanghai, turn slightly right onto ramp

12. Continue for 1.1 km on the ramp and go straight on Wuhan Ring Expressway

< p>13. Travel 36.4 kilometers along Wuh Highwayan Ring direction Yangluo Yangtze/Hefei River Bridge and turn slightly left onto the ramp

14. Travel 890 meters along the ramp and go straight into Fuyin Expressway

15. Travel 54.8 kilometers along Fuyin Expressway towards Macheng/Hefei, turn slightly right and enter Xinji Interchange

16. Continue along Xinji Interchange for 810 meters and continue straight onto Hurong Expressway. p>

17. Continue along Hurong Expressway for 210.5 kilometers and turn slightly left to enter Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway

18. Travel 102.5 kilometers along the Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway towards Huainan/Tongling. /Fuzhou/Fuyang, turn slightly right into Hefei West Hub

19. Continue along Hefei West Hub for 2.3 kilometers and go straight into Benghe Expressway


20. Travel 58.6 kilometers along the Benghe Highway, in ddirection Huainan East/Bengbu/Xuzhou, turn slightly right onto Cao'an Viaduct

21. Travel 760 meters along the Cao'an Viaduct and continue straight. Benghuai Expressway

22. Continue along Benghuai Expressway for 33.5 kilometers, cross the Shuibeng Railway Separation Viaduct, turn slightly right, and enter the Xiquan Street

23 intersection. Hub 1.9 kilometers, turn right to enter Beijing-Taiwan Expressway

24. Travel 170.5 km on Beijing-Taiwan Expressway towards Xuzhou/Zhengzhou, turn slightly left and enter Zhuweizi Hub

25. Travel 1.3 km along Zhuweizi Hub and continue straight to Beijing-Taiwan Expressway< p>26. Driving plan in Xuzhou

1) Drive 6.2 kilometers along the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway and continue straight on Lianhuo Expressway

2) Drive 17.4 kilometers along the Lianhuo Highway. Highwayand enter Xuzhou/Pantang/G104 exit, turn slightly right and enter Liuji overpass

3) Continue along Liuji overpass for 670 meters, pass Liuji overpass for about 920 meters and go straight to Jingfu Line 4) Continue along Jingfu Line for 420 meters, towards Xuzhou Xincheng/Jinan District, turn right into the Hanyuan Avenue

5) Continue along Hanyuan Avenue for 750 meters, turn left onto Hanfeng Road

6) Continue along Hanfeng Road for 3.1 kilometers, turn right into Kunlun Avenue

7) Continue along Kunlun Avenue for 290 meters, turn right

8) Drive, arrive at the end point

End point: Xuzhou Municipal Government

2 Non-high-speed route:

Route: the total distance. is approximately 1889.6 kilometers

Exceeded: Hengyou Line, Beijing-Shenz Linehen

Starting point: Binyang County Government

Enter Zhenghe Road and travel 210 meters

Turn left and enter Linpu Road. Drive 3.5 kilometers.

Drive right, from Linpu Road to South Street, drive 2.7 kilometers

Go straight, enter South Street. and travel 27.9 kilometers

Please go straight, enter the Hengyou Line and travel 130.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter the South Ring Road and travel 5.0 kilometers

Go right, enter G322 and travel 2.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Hengyou Line and travel 6.6 kilometers

Turn left, enter Xinliu Avenue and travel 21.5 kilometers.

Please go straight, enter Hengyou Line and travel 9.6 kilometers.

Turn right from Hengyou Line to Hengyou Line, and travel 3.5 kilometers

Please go straight. , enter the Heng lineyou and travel 4.7 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Feilu Avenue and travel 2.6 kilometers

Turn right, enter Hengyou Line and travel 9, 2 kilometers

Turn left, enter G322 and travel 89.5 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Jingui North Road and travel 1.9 kilometers

Turn right, enter Shuijing West Road and travel 70 meters

Please go straight, enter Shuijing Middle Road and travel 710 meters


Turn left, enter Mulan Street and travel 7.6 kilometers

>Turn right, enter Linsu Road and travel 11.3 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Xicheng Avenue and travel 7, 2 kilometers

Turn right, enter Airport Road and travel 4.7 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Cuizhu Road and travel 4.9 kilometers

LeftTurn, enter Hongling Road and travel 760 meters

Turn right,enter Dong'an Road and travel 920 meters

Turn left, enter Huancheng West 2nd Road and travel 2.1 kilometers.


Please go straight, enter Huancheng North 1st Road and travel 2.6 kilometers

Turn left, enter Zhongshan North Road and travel 2.2 kilometers

p>Please go straight, enter Beichen Interchange and travel 410 meters

Please go straight, enter Beichen Road and travel 920 meters

Please go straight, enter Hengyou Line and continue 54.8 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Yingbin Road, travel 940 meters

Turn left and enter Xinggui Road, travel 1 .2 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Hengyou Line, travel 115.7 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Xihai Line, travel 8.5 kilometers

Keep right and go straight, from Xihai Line to Xihai Line, and travel 1.1 kilometers< /p>

Tournose right, enter Xihai Line and travel 1.6 kilometers

Please go straight, enter G207 and travel 3.0 kilometers

Turn right, from G207 to Risheng Road and travel 6.7 km

Go straight ahead, enter Risheng Road. Go up to the road and travel 470 meters

Turn left, enter the Hengyou line and travel 41.8 km

Turn right, go from the Hengyou line to the Hengyou line and travel 1.2 kilometers

Turn left, enter Hengyou line and travel 2.2 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Wuxi Middle Road, and travel 3 .2 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Hengyou Line and travel 44.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Qifeng Road and travel 2.5 kilometers

Turn right, enter Hengyou Line and travel 54.6 kilometers

Keep right and continue from Hengyou Line. Take the friendly line to theCome to Cai Lun and go 180 meters

Keep left and continue. Go forward, enter Cai Lun Avenue and travel 840 meters

Stay to the far left of the three-lane road, enter G322 and travel 6.6 kilometers

Turn right, enter Cai Lun Avenue and continue 1.5 kilometers

Turn left, enter Beijing-Shenzhen Line and travel 111.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter into Haitang South Road and travel 1.9 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Haitang Middle Road and travel 1.8 kilometers

Keep far left onto Sancha Road, enter into Haitang North Road and travel 1.8 kilometers

Keep left Go straight, enter Ji'an Road and travel 2.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Furong Avenue and go 4.2 kilometers

Turn right, enter Changtan Road and continue 4.0 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Furong South Road and travel 11.0 kilometers

Keep left, enter Furong Avenue and travel 6.9 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Furong South Road and travel 4.6 kilometers


Turn right and enter Wanjiali South Road and travel 6.8 kilometers

Go straight and enter Wanjiali Middle Road. .Drive 1.9 kilometers

Keep left and move forward, enter Wanjiali Road Elevated Road and drive 15.4 kilometers

Keep left and move forward, enter Wanjiali North Road and travel 7.6 kilometers

Turn right, from Wanjiali North Road to X041, drive 500 meters

Turn left, enter X041, drive 1.5 kilometers

Turn right behind, enter G107 and drive 1.7 kilometers.

Please go straight, enter Beijing-Shenzhen Line and travel 4.4 kilometers

Keep left, enter Fuqiang Road and travel 14.8 kilometers

< p>Please go allstraight, enter the Beijing-Shenzhen line, go 4.4 kilometers

Keep right, enter G107 and go 1.8 kilometers

Please go straight, enter the Beijing line -Shenzhen and continue 87.7 kilometers

Turn right, from Beijing-Shenzhen line to S306, and travel 640 meters

Turn left, enter S306 and travel 6.3 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Xueyuan Road and travel 7.5 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Dongting Avenue and travel 1, 6 kilometers

Keep right, enter Lengshui Paving Road and drive 5.7 kilometers

Turn left, enter Liangang South Road and drive 60 meters

Turn right, enter Xiangbei East Road and drive 7.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enterin the Beijing-Shenzhen line and travel 22.8 kilometers< /p>

Please go straight, enter Cha'an Avenue and travel 12.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Beijing Shenzhen Line, travel 8.7 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Chibi Avenue, travel 2.9 kilometers

Enter the roundabout, enter the Beijing-Shenzhen line, travel 22.9 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Ye Ting Avenue and travel 11.1 kilometers< /p>

Please go straight, enter the Beijing line -Shenzhen and travel 8.7 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Xian'an Avenue and travel 17.1 kilometers

Please go straight, enter into Hezhan Street and travel 11.9 kilometers

Turn left, enter Yaopeng South Road and travel 5.0 kilometers

Go straight, enter Yaopeng North Road and travel 510 meters.

Please go straight, enter Wuchang Street and browse28.9 kilometers

Keep the front left, enter Baishazhou Avenue and travel 15.9 kilometers

Keep the front right, enter the third ring road, travel 34 , 7 kilometers

Keep right, enter the upper Panlong passage and travel 1.4 kilometers

please straight, enter Hongtu Road and travel 1.4 kilometers

Keep straight left, enter Panlong Avenue and travel 7.8 kilometers

Keep straight, enter Chuanlong Avenue and travel 9.8 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Qianheng Road and go 8.3 kilometers


Turn left and enter Jingjiu Street, continue 750 meters

Turn right, enter into Diaotai Road, travel 2.4 kilometers

Turn left, enter Loess Highway, travel 30.7 kilometers

Go straight and enter S108, travel 5.4 km< /p>

Keep left and go straight, enter Shuanglong Road, pago 2.1 km

Keep straight, enter S108, go 10.2 km

Continue left and go straight, enter S219, go 103.9 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Luowu Road and continue for 3.1 kilometers

Please go straight, enter S337 and continue for 23.1 kilometers

Go right Continue straight, enter Xizhou Avenue and travel 2.7 kilometers

Enter the roundabout, enter Xifufu Avenue and travel 990 meters

Turn right, enter Xiangmigong Avenue and travel 1.6 kilometers


Enter the roundabout, enter S336 and travel 30.0 kilometers

Keep right and travel 430 meters from S336 to Beijing-Guangzhou Line

Turn left and enter Beijing-Guangzhou Line, travel 21.0 kilometers

Turn left , from Beijing-Guangzhou line to S335, travel 4.4 kilometers

>Turn right, enter S335, paRun 1.4 kilometers

Turn left, enter Caizhou Avenue, travel 1.3 kilometers

Turn right, enter S335, travel 18.4 kilometers< /p>

Turn left, enter S204, travel 25.1 kilometers

Turn right, from S204 to S102, travel 5.8 kilometers

Please go straight, enter S102 and travel 45.7 kilometers

< p>Turn left, go from S102 to Linquan Road and continue 30 meters

< p>Turn right, enter Linquan Road and continue 3.1 kilometers

Turn left, enter Nanjing Road and continue 2.8 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Linyi Road and travel 3.9 kilometers

p >

Please go straight, enter Guquan Road and travel 480 meters

Please go straight, enter S305 and travel 78.6 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Baota West Road and travel 900 meters


Please go straight, enter Baota Middle Road andtravel 760 meters.

Turn left, enter Jikang North Road and travel 550 meters.

Turn right, enter Zhouyuan West Road and travel 1.1 km

Turn left, enter Zhuangzi. Avenue and continue 210 meters

Please go straight, enter S305 and travel 55.3 kilometers

Turn right, go from S305 to Waihuan South Road, travel 470 meters

p>< p>Please go straight, enter Waihuan South Road and drive 490 meters

Turn left from Waihuan South Road to Yingbin Avenue and drive 580 meters

Turn right, enter Yingbin Avenue, and continue for 910 meters

Turn left, enter Renmin Road, and travel 7.3 km

Turn right, enter Bianyang 3rd Road and travel 1.2 kilometers


Turn left, enter Huiyuan Avenue and travel 4.6 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Yanshan Line and travel 56.0 kilometers

Please go straight,enter Beijing South Road and travel 2.8 kilometers

Turn right, enter Zhujiang East Road and travel 3.0 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Hanyuan Avenue and travel 7.5 kilometers

Turn left, enter Hanfeng Road, and travel 3.1 kilometers


Turn right, enter Kunlun Avenue, and travel 290 meters

End point: Xuzhou Municipal Government

How many people are there in Binyang, Guangxi

1 The Boat Festival- dragons is a traditional festival in China. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The festival customs of expelling poison and avoiding evil have led to a variety of folk activities such as sacrifices, entertainment and health care. The main ones include the cult of Qu. Yuan, commemorating Wu Zixu, planting mugwort, hanging calamus, drinking wineof realgar and eating Zongzi, dragon boat racing, eliminating five poisons, etc.

2. In May 2006, the State Council included it in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists; In September 2009, UNESCO officially reviewed and approved the inclusion of the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival into the world list of intangible cultural heritage. cultural heritage list, becoming the first Chinese festival selected as world intangible cultural heritage.

3. The Dragon Boat Festival literally also has names such as “Duanwu”, “Chongwu” and “Chongwu”. “Duan” in ancient Chinese has the meaning of beginning and beginning. Calling "Duan Wu" is like calling "Chu Wu". "Feng Tu Ji" says: "The Midsummer Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is the beginning." There are three five-day days in a month, and the first five-day period is the "Dragon Boat Festival".

Detailed information:

Folk activities:

1. To this day, the Dragon Boat Festival is still a very popular and grand festival among Chinese people. Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival has been a traditional habit of Chinese people for more than 2,000 years. Due to the vast territory, the many ethnic groups and the many stories and legends, there are not only many different festival names, but also different customs. in different places.

2. The main content includes: "When the girl returns to her parents, she hangs a statue of Zhong Kui to welcome the ghost ship and hides in the afternoon, installs a leaf talisman for the afternoon, hangs the calamus and mugwort, treats all illnesses, carries a sachet and prepares sacrificial wine, dragon boat races, kite flying, comartial arts competitions, sticks, swinging, bathing children with bitter grass and wheat medicines, applying realgar, drinking realgar wine, calamus wine, eating five-poison cakes, salted eggs, rice balls and fresh seasonal fruits, etc. "

Reference materials:

Baidu Encyclopedia - Dragon Boat Festival (four major festivals traditions in China 1)

To date, the total population of the county is approximately 1.02 million. Binyang is a multi-ethnic county inhabited mainly by Han people. , including the Zhuang, Yao, Miao, Dong, Mulao and Maonan The Zhuang population accounts for about 20% of the total population of the county. Binyang County governs 18 towns and 5 townships. 1.02 million inhabitants, including residents of various towns and villages.Population (perpeople): Binzhou town 120,000 inhabitants, Litang town 95,000 inhabitants, Gantang town 50,000 inhabitants, Silong town 30,000 inhabitants, Xinqiao town 75,000 inhabitants, Luwei town 60,000 inhabitants, Xinbin town 43,000 inhabitants, Xinwei town 37,000 inhabitants, Zowei town 40,000 inhabitants, Daqiao town 60,000 inhabitants, Wuling town 50 inhabitants. 000, Zhonghua Town 30,000, Gula Town 40,000, Luwei Town 30,000, Wangling Town 20,000, Liming Town 40,000 and Heji Town 40,000, 30,000 in Yangqiao Township, 82,000 in the township of Chenping, 8,000 in Gaotian Township, 20,000 in Taishou Township, 0 in Hetian Township, and 10,000 in Shuangqiao Township, all figures ranging from 10,000 to 10,000

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