Sinovel Wind Power is currently ranked first nationally and third globally in the wind power industry, which is generally good.
Regarding the departments you have mentioned, the R&D II department is responsible for commissioning, production management, and coordination of workshop production. Quality management is responsible for supervising the plant and factory. If you want to work in wind energy in the future, it's best to do some research and customer service. However, these two departments require long-term business travel, which is very difficult, especially for customer service.
Sinovel Wind Power first started with 1.5 MW onshore wind turbines, but its onshore wind capabilities are not strong. . On the offshore side, Sinovel Wind Power was actually the first to begin deployment in China. CHowever, affected by national offshore wind policies and support bottlenecks, its development has been slow in recent years. attaches great importance to offshore wind power, Sinovel Wind Power. Its offshore strength will also be highlighted. For example, the recently launched 5.X offshore wind turbine set is superior to similar brand wind turbine sets in terms of stability and power generation rate.