I have never participated, but I heard that my cousin is in charge of sales at the Guangzhou Green Wind Turbine Factory, which is pretty good! They also sell products for export, but the prices are relatively low, the profit is not as high as the domestic market, but the volume is pretty good.
Despite the economic slowdown in the United States in 2009, the cumulative installed capacity of small wind turbines reached the milestone of 100 MW. This year, the U.S. small wind market added 20.3 MW of installed capacity and sales. of 82.4 million USD, achieving a growth of 15%. This is equivalent to the addition of 10,000 new generators, bringing the total installed capacity of small wind turbines in the United States to 100 MW.
Turbine makers attributed the growth to improved and new federal and state stimulus packages, investor optimismprivate equity weavers and sustained customer demand.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 expanded the scope of the federal investment tax credit for small wind turbines, allowing customers to deduct 30 percent of the total cost of small wind turbine systems. wind turbines as a tax credit. In 2009, as the economic recession reached its peak, $80 million of private capital was still invested in small wind turbine manufacturing companies, attracting a lot of external capital. Over the past five years, at least $252.7 million in outside capital. capital was invested in 20 manufacturers (most of which are located in the United States). This investment has provided many companies with the funds to increase production, reduce costs, meet market demand, and even acquire competitors.
Some other important statisticsntes
95% of total sales of small wind turbine systems in the United States last year were produced by American manufacturers;
2/ Over the past year , three of the world's small wind turbine systems were made by U.S. manufacturers;
About 250 companies worldwide produce or plan to produce small wind turbines
95 of between them, more than a third located in the United States;
Since 1980, approximately 100,000 small wind turbines have been sold in the United States.
Survey data and analysis
According to a survey of global wind turbine manufacturers by the American Wind Energy Association, the reason why the US market has continued to grow in 2009 was primarily due to the following reasons: U.S. federal investment enhanced tax credits, continued customer demand, outside private equity investments in the manufacturing sector and capability of manufacturers to identify and exploit specific market niches.
The growth of the US small wind turbine market
Among them, the investment tax credit policy may be the most important factor in the growth of small wind turbines. wind turbine market last year. This policy opens up historically inaccessible markets, sends a strong signal to investors about the technology's promise, and helps consumers purchase small wind systems during recessions, when other financing mechanisms are difficult to access.
Creating the investment tax credit, a top priority for the industry, allows industry members and advocates to shift their policy efforts to other important issues such as approval of wind turbines, network metering and standardized integration rules, the federation. Allocation and distributionion of R&D funds. Additionally, manufacturers are focusing more on improving the performance of wind turbines, ensuring their equipment meets new safety performance standards, reducing costs, strengthening distribution networks, identifying new market niches and increasing production.
Global sales of off-grid and grid-connected wind turbines in 2009
Last year, the number of new capacities installed in the United States increased increased by 15%, but wind power sold The number of units decreased by 6%. This trend indicates that the market will continue to move toward larger, grid-connected wind systems. Since 2007, the residential and commercial/light industrial sectors have emerged and dominated, and off-grid fan sales have remained stable.
Manufacturers report that although consumer interest in small windnes increased during the recession, they are still reluctant to invest until financing becomes more feasible and affordable. As a result, many manufacturers expect sales to rise sharply as the economy recovers.
Growth of the US small wind turbine market
Factors driving consumer demand:
Although the economy and environment remain the main factors for consumers However, the growth in consumer demand is also driven by the following factors:
Economic factors:
The payback period, or internal rate of return;
Financial measures to avoid increases in traditional electricity prices;